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Republic of the Philippines



Surname, Given Name, MI:Vega, Rennyl Jan-Fi P. Date:02/13/2024

Course & Year:BSEDFL2-1



1. Based on the video of DepEd (, explain

the relevance of PPST to the teacher’s professional growth and development.

ThIS video from DepEd highlights the importance of the Philippine Professional
Standards for Teachers (PPST) in guiding teachers' professional growth and development. PPST
provides a framework that outlines the essential competencies and behaviors expected of
teachers at different career stages. By aligning their practices with PPST, teachers can identify
areas for improvement, set professional goals, and engage in continuous learning and
reflection. PPST serves as a roadmap for teachers to enhance their teaching effectiveness,
ultimately benefiting both educators and students.

2. Using the same video, how would the teachers assess his performance in bringing out
the quality of education.

Teachers can assess their performance in bringing out the quality of education by using
the indicators and descriptors outlined in PPST. They can reflect on their instructional practices,
classroom management techniques, assessment strategies, and professional relationships with
stakeholders in light of PPST's standards. Additionally, teachers can gather feedback from
students, colleagues, and supervisors to evaluate their strengths and areas for improvement. By
regularly monitoring their performance against PPST, teachers can make informed decisions to
enhance the quality of education they provide.

3. As a future teacher, write at least three (3) specific projects or proposals on how you
will implement the “education accessible to all.” Include the objectives, mechanics of
the projects/proposals, the type of participants (targets as to level of education); time
table (if possible); and other important details your project/s should have.
 Technology Integration for Inclusive Learning-
Objectives: To enhance access to education for students with diverse learning needs by
integrating technology into teaching and learning.
- Mechanics: Develop inclusive lesson plans and resources using digital tools and platforms.
Provide training for teachers on assistive technology and inclusive pedagogy. Collaborate with
special education professionals to design and implement differentiated instruction.
- Participants: Students with disabilities, mainstream teachers, special education teachers,
school administrators.
- Time Table: Phase 1: Training and resource development (3 months).
Phase 2: Implementation and monitoring (1 academic year).
 Community-Based Literacy Program -
Objectives: To improve literacy rates and promote lifelong learning in underserved
- Mechanics: Establish literacy centers in partnership with local organizations and community
leaders. Recruit and train volunteer tutors to provide literacy instruction for children and
adults. Organize literacy events and workshops to raise awareness and engage the community.
- Participants: Children and adults with limited access to formal education, volunteer tutors,
community stakeholders.
- Time Table: Phase 1: Needs assessment and planning (3 months). Phase 2: Recruitment and
training of volunteers (1 month). Phase 3: Implementation and evaluation (ongoing).

 School-Based Health and Nutrition Program-

-Objectives: To address health and nutrition barriers to learning and promote holistic
development among students.
-Mechanics: Implement health and nutrition education curriculum integrated into existing
subjects. Provide access to nutritious meals through school feeding programs. Collaborate with
health professionals to conduct regular health screenings and wellness activities.
- Participants: Students, teachers, school staff, health professionals, parents/guardians.
- Time Table: Phase 1: Program development and stakeholder coordination (3 months). Phase
2: Pilot implementation and evaluation (1 academic year). Phase 3: Scaling up and sustainability
planning (ongoing).

4. Write your own critiques or analysis of the CPD law in terms of its implementation and
impact to the teachers’ professional growth and development.

The implementation of the CPD Law has faced challenges in terms of accessibility,
relevance, and enforcement. While the intention of the law to promote continuous professional
development among teachers is commendable, there have been concerns regarding the
availability of relevant and affordable CPD programs, especially for teachers in remote areas or
with limited resources. Additionally, the rigid requirements and bureaucratic processes for
accreditation and compliance have been burdensome for many teachers, detracting from their
ability to focus on meaningful professional growth. The impact of the CPD Law on teachers'
professional development has been mixed, with some educators feeling pressured to
accumulate CPD units for compliance rather than engaging in genuine learning experiences that
enhance their teaching practice. Moving forward, there is a need to review and revise the CPD
system to ensure that it truly supports teachers' growth and fosters a culture of lifelong
learning in the education sector.

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