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1.Investigation- an inquiry, judicial or otherwise for the discovery and collection of facts

2.Investigator - someone who carries out investigation

3.Opportunity- a chance or time given to the offender

4.Instrumentality/capability- involve the use of materials

5.Criminal investigator - public safety officer who is tasked to conduct investigation

6.Interviewer- person who conducts interview

7.Interviewee - person being interviewed

8.Interrogee- subject of interrogation whether a suspect or victim

9.Suspect- person associated to the commission of crime

10.Witness- person other than the suspect

11.Search- a form of government invasion to the person’s freedom to privacy

12.Warrant- means the permit given by the court for a particular purpose

13.Civil censorship- intended or coming from civilian populace

14.Informants- a person who gives information to the police

15.Target area- refers to the area of operation of surveillance activities

16.Subject of survelllance- the person, place or object being watched

17.Surveillant- person who does surveillance

18.Courier- refers to the person who carries information to another person

19.Contact - any person with whom the subject speaks

20. Surveillance plan- refers to the outline or blueprint as to how the surveillance is



1.Legal medicine - it is a branch of medicine which deals of application of medicine to

legal cases

2.Strip method/ line search method - start along one side of the crime scene and walk in

straight line across the area

3.Crime scene search- to collect associative evidence that links a suspect to the crime

4.Double strip search method - modification of the strip search method

5.Zone method - divides the scene into equal zone

6.Wheel method- gather at the center and move out

7.Spiral method- begins in outer and moving inward

8.Diaphanous test- reddish discoloration between the spread fingers but yellow in dead

9.Cessation of respiration- a continuous cessation of breaching

10.Post mortem caloricity- increase the body temperature after death

11.Cold stiffening - due to solidification of fat

12.Superficial- wound that only involves layer of the skin

13.Deep- involved the inner structures of the skin

14.Mortal wound - wound caused by infiction that can cause death

15.Non mortal wound - wound is not capable of producing death

16.Abrasion - injury cause by the removal of the superficial epithelial layer of the skin

17.Coup injury- injury which located at the site of application force

18.Linear - the opening is slit like and usually running vertically

19.Stellate - hymenal opening is like a star

20. Infantile - the opening is small, usually linear



1.Rip job- greatest number of safe breakers employ the rid technique

2. Punch job- the dial is first knocked off

3.Chopping method- chop job is crude but effective

4. Bigotry- religious or racial, tribal or ethical

5. Disinterested- uncooperative and indifferent

6. Refusal to talk witnesses - most difficult subject to deal with

7. Judicial confession - made by the accused in open court

8. Searching for the soft spot - every mans heart there's always the softest spot

9. Opportunity to lie- suspect is given all the opportunities to lie

10. Pnp- hpg- responsible for direct enforcement of traffic cases

11. Confession - direct acknowledgement of guilt arising from the commission of crime

12. Admission- acknowledgement of fact or circumstance without accepting the guilt

13. Custodial interrogation - conducted by the investigator on the suspect who is under


14. Statement analysis- all complaints and testimonies of witnesses are subjected to

crucible truth

15. Bias of the witness- witness may be an acquaintance

16. Simplicity of question -short simple question at time is required

17. Talkative type- a witnesses who are prone to exxage, rape, adding, irrelevant or

new matters

18. Deceitful witness- are liar types of witnesses

19. Suspicious type- suspicious about the motive and action of the investigator

20. Honest witness- are truthful and cooperative witnesses


1.Road test- will be undertaken under the auspices of "Driving skill raiter

2.Conductor license- conductor of рublic utility of vehicles that mandated to procure

3.Drivers license- document issued to qualified person of statutory qualification

4.Trailers - are yellow or green plates

5.Electric vehicles- orange plates are used

6.Tires of mvs- motor vehicle having metallic tires

7.Dirt- filaty material such as mud or dust

8. Changes in amount of light- Smoke from muffler or vehicles

9.Visual interference- refers to the impaired quality of the driver

10.Air pollution- refers to the release of contaminants into the air

11.Mandatory drug test - mandatory to all drivers to pass ding test

12.Right of way- refers to legal or customary reference which allows one vehicle to

cross or pass

13.Traffic sign - most expensively used form of traffic

14.Favement or parkings- separate or posing streams of traffic

15.Traffic signals- installed to permit safe movement of vehicles

16.Guide signs- rectangular in shape, color is white and blue background

17.Traffic islands- traffic devices that establish physical channels

18.Stop lines - refers to single white lines before the pedestrian lane

19.Debris- scattered broken parts of vehicles

20. Leaving the road- moving off the road and shoulders


1.Scientific method- analytical process necessary in successful conduct of investigation

2.Fire pattern- movement of fine from one place to another

3.Area of origin- the area where the fire began

4.Team security/ personnel - ensures the overall security of the investigation team

5.Fire scene sketch preparer- diagrams and illustrates the immediate area

6.Team leader- assumes the overall of the fire scene

7.Fuel removal - removing the fuel sources effectively

8.Trailer- preparation of flammable substances

9.Accelerants- highly flammable chemicals

10.Hot bolt- longer in duration capable of only igniting combustible materials

11.Point of fire origin- exact physical location where the fire began

12.Incident command post- designated area for planning

13.Fire scene photographer- who photography the fire scene

14.Plant - prepanation and gathering of combustible materials

15.Short circuit- accidental connection between the points at different potentials

16.Thermodynamics- relates concept of energy flows

17.Flash fire - particulal danger in enclosed places

18.Temperature reduction- most common methods of fire extinguishment

19.Methodical examination- systematic approach in all relevant details

20. Evidence spoliation- loss destruction or material alteration of document


1.Alcohol- the oldest intoxicants known to man

2.Methyl alcohol - very poisonous form of alcohol

3.Ethyl alcohol- used in alcoholic drinks

4.Frequent drinker- drinks at parties only

5.Alcohol- has lost control of this vie of alcohol

6.Craving- strong need to drink

7.Prostitution- act of practice of providing sexual service in return of payment

8.Philandering- having casual / illicit sex with a number of people

9.Philander- serial cheater who betrays an spouse or long term partner

10.Loss of control- frequent inability to stop drinking once a person has begin to drink

11.Capitalist- person who finances the operation of any illegal number game

12.Drug mules- individuals who transport dangerous drugs

13.Tobacco- plant grown for its leaves which are smoked

14.Nicotine- most common important active ingredient in controlled doses

15.Carbon monoxide- poisonous gas similar to gas

16.Tar- brownish viscous substances known to be the cancer

17.Cigars/ pipes- no less harmful to health than smoking cigarette

18.Physical dependence- occurrence of withdrawal symptoms such as shakings and


19.Euphoria- a feel of well being, increased confidence

20. Respiratory- more liquors is consumed the paralysis of the respiratory centers


1.Legal -conforming or permitted by law

2.Forms - printed or typed document

3.Special civil actions- action whereby one party sues another to enforce or protect

4.Special proceeding - a remedy by which a party seeks to establish a status

5.Criminal action- a person accused commiting a crime is charged

6.Affidavits- verified and sworn statements of fact signed by an author

7.Commencement -refers to the affiant

8.Individual overments- separates claims that are numbered as mandated by law

9.Statement of truth- refers to the statement verifying what is stated

10.Affidavit of the arrest- a statement given under oath and penalty under perjury

11.Deposition of witness- a witness sworn out of court testimony

12.Subject matter- the objective information that the writer wants to convey

13.Purpose - the gocks and the writers want to achieve

14.Subject- objective information of written material

15.Accuracy- refers to the exactness and correctness

16.Letterhead- normally used for first page

17.Heading- an materials above the first lane of the body comprise

18.Task segment- segment one must include to mention the steps for solving the


19.Opening segment- one can find the purpose of the memo

20. Nouns-naming words and used to identity people

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