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S3 Chemistry Practical

Experiment ( ) Date:4yM 4
Investigation of elements showing similar chemical properties

To find out which clements have similar chemical properties

Chemical Background
Some of them have similar chemical
There are more than 100 elements in the world.
reacting them
properties. We can find out elements with similar chemical properties by
so as to find out
with the same chemical. In this experiment, 10 elements are investigated
whether some of these elements behave similarly.

Hazard Warning
Wear safety goggles.
Reactions between potassium/sodium and water are very vigorous.
Use forceps to handle calcium, never with bare fingers.
readily liberate
Aqueous solutions of chlorine, bromine and iodine would
poisonous vapours.
Chlorine water and bromine water are corrosive.

A. Action of water on potassium, sodium and iron
1. Filla glass trough with water to one-third full.
2. Put a small piece of sodium metal into the trough of water.
3. Observe what happens. After the reaction is complete, test the resulting solution
apiece of red litmus paper.
4. Repeat Steps Ito 3,using a small piece of potassium in place of sodium.
5. Repeat Steps 1 to 3 using am iron nail in place of sodium.

B. Action of dilute hydrochloric acid on calcium, magnesium and copper

1. Label three test tubes in a rack 1', 2 and 3' respectively.
2. Fill each test tube with dilute hydrochloric acid to a depth of 3 cm.
3. Using forceps, transfer several granules of calcium to tube 1.
4. Add a short magnesium ribbon in tube 2".
5. Put 2 to 3copper turnings into tube '3'.
[Put the test tubes in the rack. Feel the test tube containing the reaction mixture to
tell if it becomes hot or not.]
C. Action of sodium sulphile solution on chlorine water, bromine water, iodine solution
and sulphur
1. Arrange four test tubes (labeled as I to 4 respectively) in a rack.
2. Fillthe test tubes as below:
Tube 1 - chlorine water to a depth of 2 cm
Tube 2 - bromine water to a depth of 2 cm
Tube 3 - iodine solution to a depth of 2 cm
Tube 4- 2 spatula measures of sulphur powder
Describe the appearance of each element.
3 To each test tube, add about 3 cm? of sodium sulphite solution. Swirl the tube gently
after each addition.
4. Observe what happens in each test tube.

Action ofwater on potassium, sodium and iron
Other Effect on red
Test Changes on the metal
observation litmus paper

Sodium in

Potassium u he sed
in water
SJbny sponteequsly

Iron nailin

Conclusion: State the elements behave similarly towards water.

B Action ofdilute hydrochloric acid on calcium, magnesium and copper
Test Test tube
tube Changes on the metal Other observation
becomes warm?


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Conclusion: State the elements behave similarly towards dilute hydrochloric acid.

C. Action of sodiun sulphite solution on chlorine water, bromine water, iodine solution
and sulphur
Test Observation
tube Original appearance After adding sodium sulphite solution

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Conclusion: State the elements behave similarly towards sodium sulphite solution.
1. From the action of water on different elements, state the
group number and group
name for the elements with similar behayior. Name TWO other elements in this

Group mumber:
Name of the group
Two other elemets:
LAhin eadrlii
2. From the action of dilute hydrochloric acid on different
elements, state the group
number and group name for the elements with similar behavior. Name TWO other
elements in this group.
Group number:
Name of the group
Twoother elements:

3. From the action of sodium sulphite solution on different elements, state the
number and group name for the elements with similar behavior. Name ANOTHER
element in this group.
Group number:

Name of the group

Another element:
4 Some elements are extremely inert. State the group number and group name for
these elements. Name THREE elements in this group.
Group number:
Name of the group Nolle

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