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Here are some questions to help with paper 1

1. Does the introduction address the

question? What made it a strong/weak
2. Is there a range of arguments and are
these consistently developed/explained?
3. Which points were strong and what
made them good points?
4. Which points could have been improved
and how?
5. Was there analysis and evaluation? If
so, at which parts of the essay?
6. Was the conclusion strong or weak?
What made it good or if not, how could it
have been improved?
7. Did the essay have a structure? What
features contributed to its structure?
8. Was the vocabulary varied? Give
examples of successful/unsuccessful uses
of vocabulary/expression.
9. Was there consistent control of
grammar and expression? If not, what were
the weak spots?
10. How was the register?
11. What was the strongest element of this
12. What was the weakest element of this

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