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Procedia CIRP 61 (2017) 98 – 103

The 24th CIRP Conference on Life Cycle Engineering

Evaluation of design alternatives of sensor embedded end-of-life products

in multiple periods
Aditi D. Joshia, Surendra M. Guptaa*, Aya Ishigakib
Northeastern University, Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, 360 Huntington Avenue, Boston, Massachusetts 02115, U.S.A.
Tokyo University of ScienceDepartment of Industrial Administration, Tokyo University of Science,2641, Yamazaki, Noda-shi, Chiba, 278-8510, Japan

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +1-617-373-4846 ;. E-mail address:


This paper considers an Advanced-Remanufacturing-To-Order-Disassembly-To-Order system which receives End-Of-Life (EOL) Sensor
Embedded Products. Different design alternatives of a sensor-embedded EOL product are considered here. The objective of the proposed
model is to evaluate these design alternatives for the ease of disassembly of components and also to determine which of the EOL products
should be disassembled, remanufactured, recycled and left untouched to meet the components, products and materials demands. The model
provides an approach for evaluating the design alternatives for Design for Disassembly and Design for Remanufacturing. The model uses
mathematical programming to solve the problem.
2017TheTheAuthors. Published
Authors. by Elsevier
Published B.V. This
by Elsevier an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 24th CIRP Conference on Life Cycle Engineering.
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 24th CIRP Conference on Life Cycle Engineering
Keywords: End-of-life products; Sensor embedded products; Remanufacturing

1. Introduction conditions of the removed components: destructive (items

are allowed to be damaged) and non-destructive (items are
Technological advancements have energized the growth not allowed to be damaged). Non-destructive disassembly
in the production of products, providing customers with costs more than destructive disassembly and also requires
good quality and less expensive consumer goods. As the more processing time. Therefore components which are
number of products introduced in the market has increased, recycled or disposed of are disassembled destructively and
used products are routinely discarded even if they are in a components which are reused are disassembled non-
good working condition. Disposal of products is harmful to destructively. Disassembly can also be partial or complete.
the environment and thus, governments impose strict rules In partial disassembly, only the required components are
and regulations on Original Equipment Manufacturers disassembled while in complete disassembly all the
(OEMs). In order to comply with the rules and regulations components are disassembled.
and to earn profits, OEMs implement product recovery A product recovery facility receives EOL Sensor
techniques such as remanufacturing, recycling and disposal. Embedded Products (SEPs). A sensor is a device that
The advantages of product recovery include reduction in the detects the value or change in the value of various
use of virgin resources, decrease in the use of landfills and parameters such as temperature, and pressure and converts
cost savings coming from the reuse of End-of-Life (EOL) that in to a signal to have it recorded. Sensors embedded in
products, disassembled components and recycled materials. the products monitor the product during its life cycle and
All product recovery techniques involve disassembly record the life-cycle data. This enables the estimation of
operations up to a certain level. Disassembly is a systematic remaining useful life of components which helps to
separation of an assembly into its components, eliminate the uncertainties related to the quality and
subassemblies or other groupings. There are two types of quantity of EOL products. Once this data is obtained, the
disassembly processes depending upon the final use and

2212-8271 © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 24th CIRP Conference on Life Cycle Engineering
Aditi D. Joshi et al. / Procedia CIRP 61 (2017) 98 – 103 99

optimal recovery decisions can be made without actual stored in a database. The extra information such as
disassembly or inspection operations. remaining lives of components is determined by means of
EOL products do not show uniform qualities since they this life cycle data and data retrieval mechanisms. Based on
originate from various sources where they are subjected to the remaining lives of components, they are divided into
different working conditions. As a result, it is highly likely different bins known as life bins. For example, life bin 1
that each EOL product has its own quality condition may contain components of remaining lives of at least one
exhibiting unique remanufacturing needs. Hence, finding year, life bin 2 may contain components of remaining lives
the EOL products with minimal recovery costs becomes a between one and three years and life bin 3 may contain
crucial problem. components of remaining lives of at least three years. Based
on the remaining lives of components, the ARTODTO
system remanufactures the products to meet the products
2. Literature Review
demands, disassembles the components to meet the
components demands and recycles the materials to meet the
Environmental conscious manufacturing, product
materials demands. The ARTODTO system is illustrated in
recovery, and disassembly have been the areas of interests Figure 1.
of many researchers. Some of the relevant research related
to the area of interest of this paper are reviewed here.
Disassembly is one of the most widely studied research
area. Scholars have categorized the disassembly processes
as: scheduling [1, 2], sequencing [3], disassembly line
balancing [4], disassembly-to-order [5, 6], and automated
disassembly [7].
Another important process here is remanufacturing. It is
an industrial process which converts the worn-out products
into like-new conditions [8, 9]. Ilgin and Gupta [10]
explained the details of remanufacturing in their book
‘Remanufacturing modeling and analysis’. Andrew-Munot
et al. [11] examined the key motivating factors for
companies to engage in remanufacturing program, and the
major sources for acquiring used-products and subsequent
markets for selling remanufactured products.
The EOL products considered here have sensors Figure. 1. ARTODTO System
embedded in them. Many research papers, literature reviews
and books have been published on the use of sensors and Design alternatives are made available to customers to
RFID tags within the supply chain management area. For customize their demands according to their preferred
example, Blecker [12], Dolgui and Proth [13] and Sarac, manufacturer, model, version, use etc. All the design
Absi, and Dauzère-Pérès [14] Fang et al. [15] examined use alternatives have the same function, and they share the
of sensor embedded products to facilitate remanufacturing. same components but the specifications and arrangement of
These SEPs are available in different design alternatives. these components can be different in the alternatives. For
Evaluation of these alternatives in their design phase can example, split AC, packaged AC, windows AC and central
help OEMs estimate the cost of their recovery. Aguiar et al. AC are all design alternatives of an air conditioner.
[16] proposed a diagnostic tool to evaluate product Evaluation of these design alternatives becomes crucial for
recyclability to be applied during the product design phase selecting the optimum alternative. The various factors that
for designer decision making. The procedure allows to may differ depending on the design alternative are:
simulate the product redesign to improve its EOL 1. Size and shape of the product – The size and shape of
performance. Cheung et al. [17] proposed and developed a the alternatives can be different.
roadmap to facilitate the prediction of disposal costs and to 2. Location of use – An alternative can be specific to the
determine a solution of whether the EOL parts are viable to location or function of the use.
be remanufactured, refurbished, or recycled from an early 3. Ease of disassembly – The assembly or arrangement of
stage of a design concept. Kim and Moon [18] introduced a components in different alternatives can be different
design methodology to develop eco-modular product affecting the retrieval of components from the
architecture and access its modularity for product recovery. products.
They proposed a modularity assessment metrics to identify 4. Time for disassembly – The time for disassembly can
independent interactions between modules and the degrees differ depending on the design alternative.
of similarity within each module. 5. Labor skills and costs – The alternative which is
difficult to disassemble may require more skilled labor
3. Advanced-Remanufacturing-To-Order-Disassembly- than the alternative which is easy to disassemble, in
To-Order System (ARTODTO System) which case the labor cost will also be different.
To account for these factors, a disassembly factor is
This paper deals with an ARTODTO system which introduced which is defined as follows:
receives sensors embedded EOL products. Once the EOL number of assemblies to disassemble
f (1)
products are received, all the data captured by the sensors is total number of assemblies
100 Aditi D. Joshi et al. / Procedia CIRP 61 (2017) 98 – 103

An assembly will be disassembled if it contains one or more I Set of EOL products on hand;
target components or if it contains lower level assemblies B Set of remaining-life-bins (for components);
that contain target components [17]. J Set of components dealt with;
M Alias for B (for products);
Nomenclature K Set of material types dealt with;
MV Material value; b, i, j, k,m Running numbers;
Q Quality level; D Destructive disassembly cost factor;
QDIS Total number of components disposed of; aij 1 if component j of EOL product i is
TC Total cost; functional;
TDC Total disassembly cost; ȕij The highest life-bin that component j of EOL
TRMC Total remanufacturing cost; product i can be placed in;
TOPC Total outside procurement cost; fij 1 if component j of EOL product i is
TDIC Total disposal cost; nonfunctional;
TRC Total recycling cost; cjb Outside procurement cost of a component j
THC Total holding cost; for life-bin b;
cdisjb Number of components js in remaining-life- caj Assembly cost of a component j;
bin b that are disposed of; cdj Disassembly cost of a component j;
Positive/Negative deviation from the sth range cdsj Disposal cost of a component j;
d u,,s
limit of objective u; chj Holding cost of a component j;
defijb 1 if components j in EOL product i is crcj Recycling cost of component j;
disassembled because of remaining life dcjb Demand for component j in remaining-life-bin
deficiency and placed in remaining-life- b;
bin b during remanufacturing, zero dpm Demand for product in remaining-life-bin m;
otherwise; dmk Demand for material k;
ljb Number of components js purchased for dfcimj 1 if component j of EOL product i is
remaining-life-bin b; remaining-life-deficient for life bin m;
lrj Labor rate for disassembly of component j; h Unit EOL product holding cost;
repimjb 1 if a component j from life-bin b needs to be mhk Unit holding cost for material k;
used to remanufacture EOL product i in misij Binary parameter taking 1 if component j is
order to make a product for life-bin m, missing in EOL product i, zero otherwise;
zero otherwise; prck Unit sales price of material k
faij Disassembly factor of component j in product t u,,s Positive/Negative limit to the sth range of
i; objective u;
fdj Number of non-functional components js that Y u,,s Positive/Negative deviation weight of the sth
are disposed of; range of objective u;
frj Number of non-functional components js that
are recycled; 4. Problem Formulation
rjb Number of components js in remaining-life-
bin b that are recyled; 4.1 Linear Physical Programming
rpij 1 if component j in EOL product i is
disassembled during remanfuacturing, Messac, Gupta and Akbulut [19] proposed a new
zero otherwise; optimization technique known as Linear Physical
si 1 if EOL product i is stored, zero otherwise; Programming (LPP). It addresses issues related to multiple
scjb Number of components js in remaining-life- objective optimization such as problem formulation, nature
bin b that are stored; of the obtainable solutions and the algorithm. Many models
smk Amount of material k stored; have been developed using LPP (See, for example [20]).
tdj Disassembly time for component j; In LPP, there are four hard classes viz. “Must be
I The model objective to be minimized; smaller” (Class 1-H), “Must-be-larger” (Class 2-H), “Must
wi 1 if EOL product i is recycled, zero otherwise; be equal” (Class 3-H) and “Must be in the range” (Class 4-
xi 1 if EOL product i is disassembled for H) and four soft classes viz. “Smaller is better” (Class 1-S),
components, zero otherwise; “Larger is better” (Class 2-S), “value is better” (Class 3-S)
xijb 1 if component j in EOL product i is and ”Range is better” (Class 4-S). For more details about
disassembled and placed in remaining- LPP, please refer to [19].
life-bin b, zero otherwise;
yi 1 if EOL product i is remanufactured, zero 4.2 System Criteria
yim 1 if EOL product i is remanufactured to make Class 1-S: Smaller is better
a product for remaining-life-bin m , zero The first criterion of the system is related to the total
otherwise; cost (TC). The mathematical expression is written as
zi 1 if EOL product i is disposed of, zero follows:
otherwise; TC  d1,s d t1,s , s 2,...,5 (2)
Aditi D. Joshi et al. / Procedia CIRP 61 (2017) 98 – 103 101

TC d t1,5 (3) Q1 ¦ xijb ( E ij

iI , jJ ,bB
 b) (20)
The second criterion of the system is related to the
number of disposed items (QDIS). The mathematical
expression is written as follows:
Q2 ¦ rep
iI , jJ ,bB
imjb (b  m) 
QDIS  d 2, s d t 2, s , s 2,...,5 (4)
¦ (a ij yim  ¦ rep imjb )( E ij  m)
QDIS d t 2,5 (5) iI ,mM , jJ bB

Class 2-S: Larger is better

The third criterion is related to the material value (MV). 4.4 Assumptions
The mathematical expression is written as follows:
MV  d 3, s t t3, s , s 2,...,5 (6) 4.4.1 Once a product reached the product recovery
facility, it is either disassembled, remanfuactured,
MV t t3,5 (7) disposed of, recycled or stored.
The fourth criterion of the system is related to the 4.4.2 Complete disassembly is considered.
quality level. The mathematical expression is written as 4.4.3 A component can be placed in only one bin after
follows: disassembly.
Q  d 4, s t t 4, s , s 2,...,5 (8) 4.4.4 A product can be remanufactured to produce one
product for one life bin.
Q t t 4,5 (9) 4.4.5 Product demand is met only by using the
remanufactured products.
4.3 Cost Functions 4.4.6 Component demand is met only by using
disassembled components.
ARTODTO system involves disassembly,
remanufacturing, outside procurement, disposal, recycling, 4.5 Constraints
and storage. Therefore, Total Cost (TC) is the sum of total
disassembly cost (TDC), total remanufacturing cost All constraints of the system belong to hard classes.
(TRMC), total outside procurement cost (TOPC), total An EOL product is disassembled, remanufactured, disposed
disposal cost (TDIC), total recycling cost (TRC) and total of, recycled or left untouched (stored). Therefore,
holding cost (THC). Thus, the total cost function can be
written as follows: xi  yi  zi  wi  si 1, i (22)
Complete disassembly implies that all the components of a
TDC ¦ xi ( faij lr j td j )
iI , jJ
product are disassembled if that product is to be
(12) disassembled and a component can be placed in only one
TRMC ¦ [rp
iI , jJ
ij ( a ij (cd j  ca j )  f ij (D cd j  ca j )  mis ij ca j )
bin after disassembly.
jJ ,bB
jb l jb (13)
¦ xijb xi aij ,i, j (23)
TDIC ¦ cds (¦ cdis  ¦ z (a
j jb i ij  f ij )  fd j ) (14) EOL product is remanufactured to produce only one
jJ bB iI product for only one life-bin. Therefore,
crc j ( ¦
r jb  ¦iI
wi (aij  f ij )  fr j ) (15)
¦y im yi , i (24)
THC h ¦ s  ¦ ch ¦ sc  ¦ mh sm
k k (16)
Product demand is met by remanufacturing EOL products.
Number of disposed items (QDIS) is mathematically The number of products produced by remanufacturing EOL
expressed as follows: products in product life-bin m should at least be equal to the
QDIS g 2 ¦¦
( cdis jb  zi (aij  f ij )  fd j )
jJ bB
(17) product demand.

Material value (MV) is mathematically expressed as ¦y

im dp m , m (25)
MV g 3 ¦
prck (dmk  smk )
(18) Component demand is satisfied by recovered and procured
operable components. Recovered components are obtained
Quality level (Q) is defined as the difference between the from the disassembled and remanufactured EOL products.
highest life bin a component can be placed in, and the life For each life bin b and component j, the number of
bin it is actually placed in. It is divided into two terms, Q1 recovered and procured components must be at least equal
and Q2. They are mathematically expressed as follows: to the components demand after components used in
Q Q1  Q 2 (19) remanufacturing, recycling, storage, and disposal are taken
out. Therefore,
102 Aditi D. Joshi et al. / Procedia CIRP 61 (2017) 98 – 103

¦ (xiI
ijb  def ijb )  ¦ (rep
ii ,mM
imjb )
Table 3 Components demands for periods 1, 2 and 3

 l jb  r jb  sc jb  cdis jb dc jb , b, j Components Remaining Life Bins

(j) Bin1 Bin 2 Bin 3
Period 1/2/3 Period 1/2/3 Period 1/2/3
Non-functional, missing and remaining-life-time deficient Evaporator 15/20/10 12/9/12 15/10/8
components must be replaced with components having Control Box 10/10/15 11/9/10 13/8/8
Blower 14/10/12 0/5/9 10/10/10
remaining life time that is sufficient for producing a product
Air Guide 9/12/15 4/5/5 3/5/8
for product-life-bin m. Therefore, Motor 13/12/13 15/15/15 7/8/9
Condenser 15/10/10 8/9/11 16/12/15

{bB , mM |b t m}
yim ( f ij  misij  dfcimj ),

i, j , m Table 4: Material yields and demands for Periods 1, 2 and 3

5. Numerical Example Components (j) Plastic Steel

Evaporator - 15.00
Control Box 5.00 -
In order to illustrate the formulated model, an example is
Blower - -

Yield (lbs.)
presented in this section. The ARTODTO system receives Air Guide - -
200 EOL Air Conditioners (ACs) for each period. There are Motor - 12.00
four types of air conditioners with their own unique Condenser - 20.00
features, but they all have the same function of providing Fan - 4.00
cool air and they all share the following eight components: Compressor - 16.00
Compressor, Condenser, Evaporator, Control Box, Blower, Demand for period 1 (lbs) 100.00 300.00
Demand for period 2 (lbs) 150.00 200.00
Air Guide, Motor, and Fan. Demand for period 3 (lbs) 100.00 250.00
The different types of air conditioners are:
1. Window Air Conditioner The desirability ranges provided by the decision maker
2. Split Air Conditioner for Period 1 are in Table 5.
3. Packaged Air Conditioner
4. Central Air Conditioner Table 5: Desirability ranges for criteria for period 1
The input data is given in Tables 1 through 4. Total Cost Number of Material Quality
($) disposed Value Level
Table 1. Disassembly factors (f) for various ACs items ($)
Windows Split Packaged Central Ideal ” 10000 ”0 • 7000 •2500
Evaporator 0.17 0.2 0.17 0.17 Desirable (10000,11000] (0, 80] [5200,7000) [1500,2500)
Control Box 0.17 0.2 0.17 0.17 Tolerable (11000,12000] (80, 110] [4200,5200) [1000,1500)
Blower 0.5 0.6 0.5 0.5
Air Guide 0.5 0.8 0.5 0.5 Undesirable (12000,13000] (110, 150] [2700,4200) [500, 1000)
Motor 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
Condenser 0.17 0.5 0.17 0.17 Highly (13000,14000] (150, 200] [2100,2700) [0, 500)
Fan 0.5 1 0.5 0.5 Undesirable
Compressor 0.17 0.5 0.17 0.17 Unacceptable > 15000 > 200 < 2100 <0

Table 2: Recycling, holding, outside procurement, disposal costs

Component Recycling Holding Outside Disposal

Similar desirability ranges are provided for period 2 and 3.
Cost (crcj) Cost (chj) Procurement Cost
($) ($) Cost (copj) (cdsj) 6. Results
($) ($)
Evaporator 16 10 175 50
The model was solved using LINGO 13.0. Tables 6, 7 and 8
Control Box 10 2 50 10
Blower 8 3 100 22
display the values of the performance measures. In LPP, the
Air Guide 4 1 40 20 worst candidate will always be helped first, i.e., it will try
Motor 10 3 80 28 to improve a single criterion over the tolerable range than
Condenser 16 10 500 46 to improve others over the desirable range. As you can
Fan 8 2 230 11 see in Table 6, total cost fell under desirable range,
Compressor 16 10 370 42 number of disposed items fell under tolerable range,
material value fell under tolerable range and quality level
fell under undesirable range for period 1.
In period 1, 92 EOL products are disassembled (25
The labor rate is $15/hr. and disassembly time is 0.3
hr./component. The product demands for period 1 are 10, Window ACs, 40 Split ACs, 10 Packaged ACs, and 17
12, 10 for bin1, bin 2 and bin 3 respectively, for period 2 Central ACs), 50 EOL products are remanufactured (20
are 15, 10, 10 for bin1, bin 2 and bin 3 respectively, and for Window ACs, 12 Split ACs and 18 Packaged ACs), 35
period 3 are 15, 15, 12 for bin1, bin 2 and bin 3 EOL products are recycled (5 Window ACs, 18 Packaged
respectively. ACs, and 12 Central ACs) and 10 EOL products are
disposed of (7 Packaged ACs and 3 Central ACs) and 13
EOL products (7 Split ACs and 6 Central ACs) are stored.
Aditi D. Joshi et al. / Procedia CIRP 61 (2017) 98 – 103 103

Table 6: Values of performance measures in Period 1 here, the model preferred split air conditioner over
Description Aspiration Levels Value windows, packaged and central air conditioners.
Total cost ($) Desirable 10056.48
Number of disposed items Tolerable 104
This research was partially supported by the Japan Society
Material value ($) Tolerable 4538.65
for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), KAKENHI, Grant-in-
Quality level Undesirable 750 Aid for Scientific Research (C) & (B): JP16K01262 in 2016
& JP26282082, from 2014 to 2016.
Table 7: Values of performance measures in Period 2
Description Aspiration Levels Value
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