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 an ideal hotbed for

 atypical/asymptomatic
 contract a disease/malady/plague
 physical faculty/vigour/ stamina/ robustness
 kill st on contact: giết cái gì thông qua tiếp xúc
 asphyxiate: make sb unable to breath, usually resulting in their death
 sobriety: the state of being sober (trạng thái tỉnh táo)
 tone up = get lean
 make st through: to not die because of an illness
 Taper off the medication: giảm lượng thuốc
 recuperative: to help you to become well after illness
 seek solace: find st to make you better
 the great boon to: sự phát triển của (Cosmetic surgery)
 convalescence: the process of resting in order to get better after an illness or
 the outbreak: sự bùng phát

 a cataclysm: an event causes a lot of destruction and violent changes
 restore ecological (im) balance = remedy the environment
 deplete=exploit=abuse=degrade the environment
 pall: st heavy or dark which covers st else like dust or smoke
 incipient: something is just beginning
 the winds are battering Florida: tới tấp
 global temperature anomalies: những dị thường về mặt nhiệt độ toàn cầu
 the brittle ecosystem (n) hệ sinh thái mong manh dễ vỡ
 irrigation: the practice of supplying land with water so that crops and plants will
 sewage disposal: loại bỏ nước thải
 sewage disinfection: sự khử trùng nước thải
 remission: a period of time when an illness is less severe or is not affecting
 a decarbonized future
 petrol-guzzling


 quiver with (emotion) ~ reverberate with = be tremulous (run rẩy) with ! be carried
away with= box ourselves in = be consumed with ~ well up with (pride)
 be tinged with + emotion: have a slight pang (a sudden sharp feeling, often
painful) of feelings
 Writh/incur + (negative emotion): experience negative feelings
 lamentable = heartwrenching
 face melancholy = be anguished = be melancholic = be down in the dumps = tug
at sb’s heartstrings
 dejected = depressed = dispirited ~ in the depth of despair = morose = downcast
= disconsolate = dismal (sad and without hope)
 Miserabilism: gloomy pessimism or negativity
 Poignant: painfully affecting the feelings
 neuroticism: sự bất ổn về mặt cảm xúc
 ecstasy = euphoria= elation= afterglow = perk/crease up (v)= exhilarated = alight
= bliss out on something = jubilant/jaunty (a) => radiant: obviously very happy/
very excited => fire of fierce elation
 rolling in the aisles: cười lăn cười bò
 A cloud hanging over me: a feeling of irritation, disturbance or misfortunes
 get mad = see red = fly off the handle = be sullen (be angry and unwilling to smile
or be pleasant to people) = rant and rave = show your teeth = go benverk =
get/have your dander up = blow a fuse
 With bated breath: háo hức, hồi hộp
 To be a nice day’s wonder: to be a course of great excitement
 air a genuine grievance => an air of optimism (C2)
 Take heart from: be proud of
 a flicker/trace of emotion
 enamour = infatuate: say đắm (+with)

 uphold women’s rights = emancipate
 upend/ditch/jettison the residue of mindsets: cập nhật/ xóa đi sự tồn tại của
 perpetuate their beliefs
 rescind rights: từ bỏ
 transient gender movements/ online hashtags/ cyber watchwords: những cuộc
vận động tạm thời

 impart/disseminate/teach/educate/ instruct +sb
 peruse /delve into/ plough through st= hammer away at >< get a muddle about
(C2): in a confused state
 copious information (n) những nguồn thông tin dồi dào
 consummate skills (n) kĩ năng điêu luyện
 a mine of information: b who knows a lot and shares their knowledge
 tertiary education = university = third - level educationget many irons in the fire
(I): có nhiều việc cùng một lúc
 get the gist of = get the thrust of
 slow-witted: not clever and therefore slow to understand st >< wit: (C1)
intelligence and ability to think quickly (2) scintillating
 diligent: cẩn thận, put a lot of efforts
 amass st: get a lot of st over a long period
 With a fine-tooth comb: carefully and in detail
 finesse (C2) (n/v) great skill and ability => finesse st: make a clean sweep of st
 unsung profession: not noticed or praised for their hard work or great
 sage (a/n) wise, especially as a result of great experience
 exposure (C1) = experience
 furnish us with many useful insights into
 puritanical: believe in the notion that you need to work hard to control yourself,
and pleasure is unnecessary => a puritanic upbringing: một sự giáo dục khắt
 heuristics: a way of solving problems by yourself and learning from your

 manoeuvre = thumb through the Internet
 security protocols (n) giao thức bảo mật
 intermediaries = go-betweens
 tech-savvy (a) am hiểu công nghệ cao = geek
 encode (V): mã hóa
 a synergy between physical and digital elements : sự kết hợp giữa sức người và
sức máy
 silver surfer: người cao tuổi sử dụng Internet
 to do st on the move: vừa di chuyển vừa làm gì đó
 Tiktok’s frictionless personalization: sự cá nhân hóa nhanh chóng
 Give chapter and verse on st: get full information of
 contraption: an awkward or old-fashioned looking device or machine
 the vanguard: a group of people who lead the development of new ideas or
 conceive: to invent a plan or idea
 fine-tune: to make small changes to something
 algorithm: thuật toán
 bleeding-edge technology: tech could have a high risk of being unreliable
 nanscent (a) còn non trẻ (field)
 to lead to a spike = dẫn đến sự tăng đột biến
 to be upended many times = được nâng cấp lên nhiều lần
 to monetize content = kiếm tiền từ nội dung
 to boost media consumption = nâng cao việc tiêu thụ phương tiện truyền thông
 the free movement of people to produce and consume content = sự lưu thông
tự do của mọi người để sản xuất và tiêu thụ nội dung
 information inequalities = sự bất bình đẳng về thông tin
 to offset the cost of producing content with advertising = bù đắp chi phí sx nội
dung bằng quảng cáo
 digital enhancement/retouching = photoshop
 personage = public figures = celebrities
 jetset celebrity: who are rich, successful and luxurious
 cyber espionage: gián điệp qua mạng
 cast stones: ném đá qua mạng
 face the axe: hứng chịu búa rìu dư luận
 blandishments: pleasant words to persuade sb
 impugn other’s reputation = challenge =dig up dirt on sb
 unsubstantiated/unjustifiable information = media confection
 Lend topicality to: trở thành chủ đề cho
 Infomercial: advert
 snark: critical comments made to hurt others
 Fourth Estate: the public press/ the mass media
 Fifth State: non-traditional media
 apposite: suitable and right for the occasion
 a circulation of newspaper: mật độ phát hành báo
 box-office success: a very successful film (blockbuster) or play
 soap opera (B1): a series of TV or radio programmes about the lives and problems of a
particular group of characters
 the murmurings of discontent
 confer information: exchange information
 ephemeral (fame): lasting for a very short time


 culture clash
 chauvinistic (a) tin những điều gì unreasonable
 pigeonhole (v) support st unreasonable
 inculcate: fix beliefs or ideas into mind, especially by repeating them often =>
expose deeper prejudices
 precept: a rule for action or behavior, especially obtained from moral thought
 st endemic throughout the country: cái gì là đặc thù của một vùng
 martyr: người bị giết vì cultural beliefs
 the shocking tableau of what you have been in the society: một hoạt cảnh đáng
sợ bạn phải trải qua
 be hard-wired into: được lập trình, ăn sâu, đóng khung vào = be bred in the
bone = be embedded in = be entrenched in (st crystallizes your thought)
 fixe idee= prejudices (hold sway): still have a very strong influence
 a foreboding/presentiment of danger:a feeling that something very bad will
 decorum: sự đúng mực
 otherworldly: more closely connected to spiritual than ordinary things antiquated
relics of a bygone era: những thứ cũ kĩ của một thế hệ lỗi thời xa xưa
 omnipotent: have unlimited power and able to do anything


 convicted felons (n) phạm trọng tội => felony (n) Trọng tội/treason
 misdemeanor (n) những hành vi sai trái mức độ nhẹ
 pandemonium=anarchy=turbulence = tumult =maelstrom=brawl
 exodus = phalanx
 political foes (n) kẻ thù chính trị = nemeses (Np)
 political ploy: mưu đồ
 caucus: a small group of political people who have strong influence=
juggernauts= colossus
 Inveigh against: strongly disagree = take issue with = shelf /table (an opinion)
 the stench of impeachment will cling to him: tiếng xấu của cuộc luận tội vẫn sẽ
bám lấy ông ấy
 political move/footwork: những bước tiến chính trị
 beat the rap: escape without punishment
 commit a crime = perpetrate a crime = carry out a crime = violate the law/rules
= breach the law/rules = not conform/comply with the law/rules = not uphold the
law/rules : phá luật/phạm tội = in contravention of
 strike an upbeat tone about st: thể hiện sự lạc quan về 1 vấn đề
 renege on st: fail to complete a promise
 ratify a deal: phê chuẩn một định ước
 incite sb to N: encourage sb to do st unpleasant
 They denied inciting the crowd to violence.
 Trumped-up charges: buộc tội vô căn cứ
 A self-confessed criminal = avowed criminal (openly acknowledged by oneself)
 strings attached (C2): if something (an agreement) has strings attached, it
involves special demands or limits
 rescind: to make a law no longer have a legal power
 usurpation: take control of st that you don’t have the right to
 stratagem: a carefully planned way of achieving st
 assail/criticize: to attack sb violently
 Injurious Falsehood: a lie that damages reputation of a product or service
 duress: external pressure to commit crime
 stern critique (C2): strong critical reports/ideas
 cook the books: gian lận sổ sách
 denigrate: to say that sb or st is not good or important
 political wrangle: cuộc tranh cãi chính trị
 political wimp: a person who is weak, or not confident

 industry mogul/giant/tycoon/ behemoth/ big guns (n) ông trùm
 economic/financial/monetary burden, constraints,woes = austerity, destitution
 can ill afford: cannot afford
 keep your head above water (C2): strive to weather economic quagmires
 economic coercion: đòn cưỡng chế về kinh tế
 financial outlay: an amount of money spent for a particular purpose
 sagacious/shrewd utilization of personal budget
 improvident spendthrift: spend money in a careless way
 compulsive consumption (C2): do something a lot and unable to stop doing it
 trickle-down economics: Những người càng giàu có có thể giúp người nghèo
(hiệu ứng nhỏ giọt)
 cottage industry: family-run company (manufacturing)
 newly-vacant: available to be used
 whizz-kid: a young person who is very clever and successful
 modus operandi: a particular way of doing something
 speculator/market player: nhà đầu tư mạo hiểm
 windfall/bonanza/prosperity: sự thịnh vượng => avarice: an extremely strong
desire to maintain windfall
 bells and whistles: special features added to products to attract more buyers
 upmarket: being/using goods produced to meet the demand of higher class
 climb the corporate ladder = make a steady progression up
 keep oneself above the dreaded poverty threshold
 Underling: người ở địa vị thấp hơn
 upfront: paid or obtained in advance => require an upfront budget
 drain the swamp: root out corruption
 flexitime: a system of working that people can set to work in a fixed period of time
but can change the time they start of finish work
 upwardly mobile big-shot + (job): sb is progressing up ranks through their careers
 refinement: a small change that improves something

 engender= create, yield, concoct
 have a penchant for = have a strong desire for = hankering ~ coveting (‘have sb’s
belongings) = pine for = cry out for = driving ambition for
 be enmeshed in = be involved in
 the blistering/accelerating pace of something
 be receptive to (C2): be willing to listen to and accept new ideas and suggestions
 ripple effect: the continuing and spreading results of an event or action
 gain the upper hand in (n): có được lợi thế
 (n)-monger: a person who encourages a particular activity, usually causing
troubles (ex: war-monger/care-monger
 malign/adverse/ineluctable/disquieting impacts = drawbacks
 (V) en masse: do st in a group/ together
 unwittingly = unintentionally= inadvertently= fancy-fee = footloose = under protest
= involuntarily
 forsooth = indeed
 in with a chance of Ving: have a good chance to V
 Smokescreen: st hides the truth about sb’s intention
 be an allegory for: tượng trưng cho
 leave malignant heirlooms to our descendants: truyền lại/ để lại những thứ
tồn đọng xấu xa cho hậu duệ
 emasculate = weaken = debilitate, incapacitate, abate, exasperate, crumble
 Be charismatic on: have the effect on
 innocuous(a) vô thưởng vô phạt, vô hại
 down-and-out (C2): have no luck, money or opportunities (+N) => elusive
 admonish: advise sb to do something
 insofar as: to the extent that

 extraordinaire (lit): used to say that someone is extremely good at the activity
 emanate ( aura, glow emanates/illuminates) (v) tỏa sáng, phát sáng, phát ra
 be in utter incomprehension of this woman’s gall: không thể hiểu nổi sự đau đớn
 st is the caricature of : bức tranh biếm họa của
 usher sb into another new world: dẫn ai đến một thế giới mới
 neologism: a new word or expression, or a new meaning for an existing word
 All the more reason to V: emphasize another reason why something should
 In accordance with his wont: như là tính khí hàng ngày của anh ta
 With all due respect (adv) to disagree with sb in a very polite way
 thenceforth: after that, from that time forward
 yoke: the connection of something that unfairly limits freedom
 insofar as: to the extent that

 unlooked-for: unpredictable problems
 With all due respect (adv) to disagree with sb in a very polite way
 down-and-out (C2): have no luck, money or opportunities (+N) => elusive
 admonish: advise sb to do something
 dispositional factor: nguyên nhân chủ quan = internal >< situational factors =
 serve as a death-knell for: a warning of the end of something
 betide sb: happen to sb
 (st bad) befalls sb: st bad happens to you
 st turns up trumps: st ends up well
 in your element = in a situation that you know well and enjoy
 kick me in the teeth = disappoint me
 bring the curtain down on st = mark the end of
 hedge your bets about something = protect yourself against loss created by st
 laden with: carrying or holding a lot of something
 st at issue is ….: something is most important in what is being discussed
 to be through thick and thin: trải qua những thăng trầm
 a dime a dozen = all the rage = become popular
 carry weight: có tầm quan trọng
 put my head down= let my hair down= blow your steam = unwind
 hold water: (lí thuyết/ ý tưởng) vẫn còn vững vàng, chưa bị đạp đổ
 take the rough with the smooth: kiên nhẫn chịu đựng
 Sb steps into the breaches: help sb to fulfill the tasks
 scrape the bottom of the barrel: have the last resort: use the least desirable
 A blessing in disguise: trong cái rủi có cái may (*)
 close ranks: stay united (to defense against criticism)
 wait out the storm: đợi hết bão
 in over my head: to be involved in a difficult situation that you cannot get out of
 Do st flat out: as fast or hard as you can
 be neck and neck: have an equal chance of winning
 pick up the slack: improve a situation by working or by using people more
 have a field day: take advantage of an opportunity
 with a fine-tooth comb: carefully and in detail
 strike gold: to find something that brings you a lot of success or money
 be on the wall: be aware of any changes
 the cream of smt: the best of a particular group of people or things
 be no mean feat (C2): to be a great achievement
 be worth your while (C2): things that will benefit you
 know your stuff/ know your onions (C2): to have good practical skills and
knowledge in a particular subject
 call the tune: be in charge, be responsible for
 to play to your strengths: to do something that you know you are good at
 keep your nose to your stone: push sb to work hard
 wear your heart on the sleeve: honesty
 rough and ready: simple but good enough
 keep nothing amiss: keep something useful and might help to improve a situation
 click into place: diễn ra thuận lợi
 failing that: nếu that fails thì

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