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CC1X08: Effective Writing for the Workplace

Lesson 1 Student Worksheet: Context for Report

Instructions: Work with a classmate or classmates. Discuss and answer the questions 1 to 3 which will help you craft
the context (i.e. background) of your report.

Class: Name:

1. Identify the PAC of the CA2 report.

Purpose: state what the report aims to achieve
Audience: identify the reader(s) of the report
Context: state what information would help your reader(s) understand the report better (for example, if your
report aims to provide information on a new device that tackles air pollution, information on the current situation
would help)

2. How do you think the PAC will influence your choice of content, language and format/organisation for the

3. Taking into consideration the PAC of the CA2 report, what is some key information for the ‘background’ section of
the report to help your reader understand the report better? Provide reason(s).
Information Reason

4. The ‘Introduction’ (section 1) of the report should include ‘1.1 Purpose’ and ‘1.2 Background’.
Individually, write the ‘Introduction’ of your own CA2 report in a Word document.

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