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The Frequency Effects of the Grand Solfeggio ...

A Starting
The Earthly or Archetypal Solfeggio Frequencies

Difference from
Frequencies in Hertz Effect
previous freq. (base-9 skein)

174 hz Completion/Karma
285 hz 111 hz Remembering
396 hz 111 hz Freedom
417 hz 111 hz Change
528 hz 111 hz DNA Repair
639 hz 111 hz Connection
741 hz 111 hz Awakening
852 hz 111 hz Spiritual Order
963 hz 111 hz Communion/Togeth
The Divine or Heavenly Solfeggio Frequencies
Difference from
Frequencies in Hertz Effect
previous freq. (base-9 skein)

186 hz Purpose/Karmic So
297 hz 111 hz Remembering Mast
318 hz 111 hz Release from belief
429 hz 111 hz Change in Awarene
531 hz 111 hz DNA Healing
642 hz 111 hz Connection to Onen
753 hz 111 hz Awakening to One’s
864 hz 111 hz Spiritual Embrace
975 hz 111 hz Communion/Onene

The Universal or Cosmic Solfeggio Frequencies

Notice that all the Universal frequencies are 36 (12x3) hz in
difference from the Divine in base-9 skein.
Difference from
Frequencies in Hertz Effect
previous freq. (base-9 skein)

159 hz Initiation into the Fa

261 hz 111 hz Remembering the S
372 hz 111 hz Dimensional Openn
483 hz 111 hz Change in Consciou
594 hz 111 hz DNA as a Window t
615 hz 111 hz Connection to Crea
726 hz 111 hz Full Awareness of O
837 hz 111 hz Spiritual Enlightenm
948 hz 111 hz Cosmic/Universal O
528 396 639 936 174 258 285 417 741 1074 111 1122 147 471 693 789 825 852 963

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