DM Mica Kidmedics Amay Varma

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Case Study - KidMedics

Enter Full Name: Amay Varma

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2 Identify different paid,
<Enter Your Response - Mention 2 channels for each>
owned and earned
1. Paid: a) google ads to be used - search ads to be used which link to the website
channels to meet the
b) Youtube display ads to be used - strategically placed on content which has keywords
objective (2 channels like(“newborn care”, “first-time parents”, “parenting-advice”,”new-parent support” and etc.)
2. Owned: a) The website of KidMedics is to be leveraged by uploading objectively
authored written articles, which aim at content buckets as per the aforementioned
keywords and more(Breastfeeding tips, baby-safe products, baby skincare, etc.)

b) The brand’s youtube channel is to be optimized and pushed to reach more and more
prospective customers - this can be done via and organic content marketing process and
a content collaboration process(influencer marketing campaigns) with “mommy
influencers” for instance.

3. Earned: a) Articles, reviews, or features about the app in online publications, parenting
blogs, magazines, or newspapers.
b) Influencer endorsements with relevant celebs and social media influencers to further
add trust to the communication mix.

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Mention any four <Enter Your Response>
Note: You can use two paid channels from the ones you mentioned in the previous question
paid channels and
identify ad formats Channel 1 Channel 2 Channel 3 Channel 4
and the campaign Google Search ads Instagram ads Display ads on Youtube ads
selected blogs
ideas on each.

Ad format for Ad format for Ad format for Ad format for

Channel 1 Channel 2 Channel 3 Channel 4

Display ad with brand Display Ads placed in Seamlessly Video ads centered
ambassador the feeds integrated with the around the offerings
content or in form of of the app placed as
display ads per a custom

Campaign for Campaign for Campaign for Campaign for

Channel 1 Channel 2 Channel 3 Channel 4

“Empowering “Parenting Made “Parenting Resource “Your partner in

Parenthood” Easy” Hub” parenthood”

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Allocate your budget <Enter Your Response>

(in %) between 1. Awareness: 40%

awareness, - Reason: Building awareness is crucial for achieving the goal of 1 Lakh app downloads. By allocating a
significant portion of the budget to awareness activities such as brand campaigns, influencer partnerships,
engagement & and content marketing, the brand can reach a broader audience and increase visibility in the market. This
conversions. Mention will help generate interest and drive consideration among potential users, ultimately leading to more app
your reason for the
2. Engagement: 35%
- Reason: Engaging with the audience is essential for retaining users and reducing app uninstalls, which is
a critical goal. Allocating budget towards engagement activities such as social media marketing, interactive
content, and community management allows the brand to foster relationships with users, encourage ongoing
interaction with the app, and build brand loyalty. This helps create a positive user experience, which in turn
contributes to lower uninstall rates and higher user retention.

3. Conversions: 25%
- Reason: While awareness and engagement are important, ultimately, it is also key to is to drive
conversions and achieve the desired outcome of app downloads. Allocating budget towards
conversion-focused activities such as targeted advertising, app store optimization (ASO), and conversion
rate optimization (CRO) ensures that efforts translate into tangible results. By optimizing conversion funnels
and removing barriers to download, the brand can effectively drive app installs and move closer to the target
of 1 Lakh downloads.

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<Enter Your Response - Min 2 for each stage>

Assign KPIs to (a) Awareness: a. Reach: Measure the total number of unique users (impressions)exposed to the campaign content.
This indicates the extent of brand awareness generated among the target audience.
measure the b. Engagement Rate: Track the percentage of users who interact with the campaign content (e.g., likes, comments,
shares). This reflects the level of interest and engagement generated by the awareness campaign.
performance of
(b) Consideration a. App downloads: Monitor the increase in app downloads visits originating from the campaign. This
your campaign. indicates the effectiveness of the campaign in driving users to explore the brand further.
b. Time Spent on app: Measure the average duration users spend on the website after clicking through from the
campaign. A higher time spent indicates deeper engagement and consideration of the brand offerings.

(c) Purchase a. Conversion Rate: Track the percentage of users who complete a desired action on the app, such as
making a purchase of the products or signing up for a newsletter within the app/subscribing to official brand YT channel.
This reflects the effectiveness of the campaign in driving direct conversions.
b. Return on Ad Spend (ROAS): Calculate the revenue generated from the campaign divided by the total advertising
costs. This indicates the return on investment (ROI) from the campaign in terms of actual sales generated.

(d) Delight a. Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) Score: Collect feedback from customers who have interacted with the brand
post-purchase to measure their satisfaction level. This reflects the brand's ability to meet and exceed customer
b. Net Promoter Score (NPS): Measure the likelihood of customers to recommend the brand to others based on their
overall experience. A higher NPS indicates greater customer satisfaction and loyalty, reflecting the success of the delight

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<Enter Your Response>
Create an Certainly! Here's a distilled version of the engagement strategy focusing on the pain points
engagement strategy of the target audience:
to reduce the
1. Personalized Onboarding and Content Recommendations:
uninstall rate. - Tailor the onboarding experience to each user's parenting stage, addressing common pain points such as sleep deprivation, feeding
challenges, and infant care basics.
- Deliver personalized content recommendations based on user behavior and preferences, offering solutions to specific parenting
concerns and interests.

2. Community Building and Peer Support:

- Foster a supportive community within the app where parents can connect with others facing similar challenges, share experiences,
and seek advice.
- Facilitate peer support networks and expert-led discussions to address key pain points such as isolation, uncertainty, and lack of

3. Proactive Engagement Through Push Notifications:

- Implement targeted push notifications to proactively engage users with timely tips, reminders, and relevant content tailored to their
parenting journey.
- Address pain points such as forgetfulness, information overload, and difficulty staying motivated by delivering personalized nudges
and encouragement.

4. Continuous Improvement and Feedback Loop:

- Continuously iterate and improve the app based on user feedback and data analytics, addressing pain points such as usability
issues, content relevance, and feature gaps.
- Prioritize user satisfaction and retention by actively seeking input, responding to concerns, and demonstrating a commitment to
enhancing the overall parenting experience.

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