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“Just because things in the universe have causes doesn’t

mean that the universe itself has to have a cause.”(40


1. Hume- Fallacy of composition

2. Hume- Cause and effect

3. Russell- Argument from contingency and necessity

4. Ockham- originating and preserving cause


1. Aquinas- cause, motion , contingency and necessity

2. Copleston- Contingency arguments

3. A posterori probability ( Never will prove anything conclusively) - Big Bang

Critically assess the view that the Ontological Argument is

the most persuasive argument for the existence of God.
1. Deductive and a priori proofs---- a priori conclusively proofs

2. If the premises are correct it does conclusively prove because they logically
entail the conclusion

3. Anselms a fool says there is no God but even a fool can say that God is the
greatest concievable being. to say there is no God is to say to misunderstand him

Theres is no difference between something existing in the mind and reality. It

must exist in reality otherwise God is not the greatest concievable being

Guanilo says that God is beyond understanding, his nature is eternal, utilises the
example of a lost island

All Anselm is showing that if god exist and is a necesaary being he must have a
necesaary existence

Anselm says the island is contingent and God is necesssary

Years later Descarte says you can gain knowledge of truth a priori

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