Marketing Research Assignment

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Global Access School for Continuing Education (NGA-SCE)

Course: Marketing Research
Internal Assignment Applicable for June 2024 Examination

Question 1)
You are the marketing director of Alpha motors your organization
wants to launch a range of EV’s. Your company wants to conduct
market research to establish customer needs and expectations
prepare a research plan. Mention TG, Priority markets, research
hypotheses in the plan along with success benchmarks for your
Market Research Plan for Alpha Motors EV Range
1. Introduction:
As the Marketing Director of Alpha Motors, it is imperative to conduct
thorough market research to understand customer needs and
expectations regarding our upcoming range of electric vehicles (EVs).
This research plan aims to outline the target group, priority markets,
research hypotheses, and success benchmarks for our market
research endeavors.
2. Target Group (TG):
Our target group encompasses individuals and organizations with a
keen interest in electric vehicles. Specifically, we aim to target the
following segments:
1. Early Adopters: Enthusiasts who are quick to embrace new
technologies and are likely to be early adopters of EVs.
2. Environmentally Conscious Consumers: Individuals who prioritize
sustainability and environmental concerns in their purchasing
3. Urban Dwellers: Residents of urban areas where EV infrastructure
and regulations may be more conducive to electric vehicle adoption.
4. Fleet Operators: Commercial entities with fleets of vehicles, such as
delivery services, taxi companies, and corporate fleets, interested in
transitioning to electric vehicles for cost savings and sustainability
3. Priority Markets:
While our research will have a global scope, we will prioritize the
following markets for in-depth analysis:
1. North America: Including the United States and Canada, where
there is growing interest in EVs supported by government incentives
and a maturing EV infrastructure.
2. Europe: Particularly countries like Norway, the Netherlands, and
Germany, known for their strong EV adoption rates and supportive
3. China: The world's largest EV market with significant government
support and a burgeoning middle class interested in sustainable
transportation solutions.
4. India: With increasing urbanization and concerns about air quality,
India represents a promising market for electric vehicles.
4. Research Hypotheses:
Based on preliminary insights and industry trends, we formulate the
following research hypotheses to guide our investigation:
1. H1: There is a growing demand for electric vehicles among
environmentally conscious consumers.
Success Benchmark: A significant percentage (e.g., 70% or higher) of
surveyed respondents indicate a preference for electric vehicles due to
environmental concerns.
2. H2: Range anxiety remains a significant barrier to EV adoption.
Success Benchmark: Over 60% of respondents express concerns
about the driving range of electric vehicles, indicating the need for
improved battery technology or infrastructure.
3. H3: Cost remains a key consideration for potential EV buyers.
Success Benchmark: A majority of respondents (>50%) cite the initial
purchase price and ongoing maintenance costs as significant factors
influencing their decision to purchase an EV.
4. H4: Access to charging infrastructure significantly impacts EV
adoption rates.
Success Benchmark: A high percentage of respondents (>70%) express
the importance of easily accessible charging stations in their decision
to purchase an electric vehicle.
5. Research Methodology:
To achieve our research objectives and test our hypotheses, we
propose the following methodology:
1. Survey Research: Conduct online surveys targeting our identified
consumer segments to gather quantitative data on preferences,
attitudes, and purchase intentions regarding electric vehicles.
2. Focus Groups: Organize focus group discussions with selected
participants to delve deeper into consumer perceptions, concerns,
and unmet needs related to electric vehicles.
3. Market Analysis: Utilize secondary data sources to analyze market
trends, competitor offerings, government policies, and
technological advancements in the electric vehicle industry.
4. Interviews: Conduct interviews with industry experts, policymakers,
and key stakeholders to gain insights into the future direction of the
electric vehicle market and potential challenges and opportunities.
6. Success Benchmarks:
To evaluate the success of our research efforts, we will establish the
following benchmarks:
1. Survey Response Rate: Achieve a minimum response rate of 20% for
online surveys to ensure the representativeness of the sample.
2. Qualitative Insights: Obtain rich qualitative data from focus group
discussions and interviews, uncovering nuanced consumer
preferences and barriers to EV adoption.
3. Actionable Recommendations: Generate actionable
recommendations based on research findings to inform product
development, marketing strategies, and business decisions.
4. Alignment with Market Trends: Ensure that research findings align
with emerging market trends and consumer preferences, validating
our hypotheses and guiding future investments in the EV segment.
7. Timeline and Budget:
The research activities outlined above will be conducted over a
period of three months, with an allocated budget of $200,000. The
timeline will be as follows:
• Month 1: Survey development, recruitment of participants, and
initial data collection.
• Month 2: Focus group discussions, interviews, and in-depth analysis
of survey data.
• Month 3: Finalizing research reports, synthesizing insights, and
presenting findings to key stakeholders.
In conclusion, this market research plan outlines our strategy to
understand customer needs and expectations regarding Alpha Motors'
upcoming range of electric vehicles. By targeting specific consumer
segments, prioritizing key markets, and testing research hypotheses,
we aim to gather actionable insights that will drive the success of our
EV launch strategy. With a rigorous methodology, clear success
benchmarks, and a focus on delivering actionable recommendations,
we are confident in the value that this market research initiative will
bring to Alpha Motors.

Question 2 )
“Understanding TG is critical for marketing success” Prove or disprove
this hypothesis by applying the 4 P’s of marketing for the company
Alpha motors mentioned in question no 1.

The Role of Target Group in Marketing Success: A 4P Analysis for

Alpha Motors
The hypothesis that "Understanding Target Group (TG) is critical for
marketing success" is a foundational principle in marketing theory. In
this analysis, we will apply the 4Ps of marketing (Product, Price, Place,
and Promotion) to Alpha Motors, the company mentioned in the
question, to assess the significance of understanding the target group
in achieving marketing success.
1. Product:
The product aspect of marketing involves developing the right product
or service that meets the needs and desires of the target market. For
Alpha Motors, as they plan to launch a range of electric vehicles (EVs),
understanding their target group is paramount in product development.
Understanding TG's Influence on Product Development:
• Features and Specifications: By understanding the preferences and
priorities of the target group, Alpha Motors can tailor the features
and specifications of their EVs to meet the specific needs of their
customers. For example, if the target group consists primarily of
urban dwellers concerned about range anxiety, Alpha Motors may
prioritize developing EVs with longer battery range and fast-charging
• Design and Aesthetics: Different target groups may have varying
preferences regarding the design and aesthetics of electric vehicles.
For instance, environmentally conscious consumers may prefer
minimalist designs with sustainable materials, while urban dwellers
may prioritize compact size and maneuverability in congested city
2. Price:
Price refers to the amount customers are willing to pay for a product or
service. Pricing decisions are influenced by factors such as production
costs, competitor pricing, and perceived value. Understanding the
target group is crucial in setting the right pricing strategy for Alpha
Motors' EVs.
Understanding TG's Influence on Pricing Strategy:
• Perceived Value: By understanding the needs, preferences, and
purchasing power of the target group, Alpha Motors can determine
the perceived value of their EVs in the eyes of customers. For
example, environmentally conscious consumers may be willing to
pay a premium for EVs with advanced sustainability features, while
cost-conscious consumers may prioritize affordability.
• Price Sensitivity: Different target groups may exhibit varying levels
of price sensitivity. For instance, early adopters may be willing to pay
a higher price for cutting-edge technology and exclusive features,
while budget-conscious consumers may be more price-sensitive
and seek competitive pricing or financing options.
3. Place:
Place refers to the distribution channels and locations where
customers can access the product or service. Understanding the target
group is essential in selecting the right distribution channels and
locations to reach and engage potential customers effectively.
Understanding TG's Influence on Distribution Channels:
• Accessibility: Alpha Motors must understand the geographical
location and distribution preferences of their target group to ensure
that their EVs are accessible to potential customers. For example, if
the target group consists of urban dwellers, Alpha Motors may
prioritize establishing dealership networks in urban centers and
partnering with ride-sharing companies for test drives and
promotional events.
• Online Presence: In today's digital age, understanding the online
behavior and preferences of the target group is crucial. Alpha Motors
can leverage online channels such as their website, social media
platforms, and online marketplaces to reach and engage with
potential customers, provide information about their EVs, and
facilitate online sales transactions.
4. Promotion:
Promotion involves communicating the value proposition of the
product or service to the target market through various marketing
channels and tactics. Understanding the target group is fundamental in
developing effective promotional strategies that resonate with
customers and drive engagement and sales.
Understanding TG's Influence on Promotional Strategies:
• Messaging and Tone: By understanding the demographics,
psychographics, and communication preferences of the target
group, Alpha Motors can tailor their messaging and tone to resonate
with customers effectively. For example, if the target group consists
of environmentally conscious consumers, Alpha Motors may
emphasize the environmental benefits of EVs in their promotional
campaigns and adopt a tone that aligns with sustainability values.
• Marketing Channels: Different target groups may prefer different
marketing channels and media platforms. Alpha Motors can
leverage market research to identify the most effective channels for
reaching their target group, whether it be digital channels such as
social media and email marketing or traditional channels such as
print ads and television commercials.
In conclusion, the hypothesis that "Understanding Target Group (TG) is
critical for marketing success" is supported by the application of the
4Ps of marketing to Alpha Motors, particularly in the context of
launching a range of electric vehicles (EVs). From product development
and pricing strategy to distribution channels and promotional tactics,
understanding the needs, preferences, and behaviors of the target
group is fundamental in achieving marketing success. By aligning their
marketing efforts with the characteristics and preferences of their
target group, Alpha Motors can effectively differentiate their EVs in the
market, drive customer engagement and loyalty, and ultimately achieve
their business objectives.

Question 3)
Your company is planning to launch a new range of soaps targeted to
the Indian family. The category is cluttered with many similar
products in such a scenario:
a. Define the TG and markets you shall target give justifications for
your selection, why do you think target grouping is so important in
market research. How will you target consumers differentiate your
product with competition?
b. Create a 10 question questionnaire to conduct primary research
in the target consumers, which sampling techniques would you use?
Justify your reasons.

Launching a New Range of Soaps in the Indian Market: Strategy and
Market Research Plan
a. Target Group Definition and Market Selection:
Target Group (TG) Definition: For the new range of soaps targeted to
the Indian family, the TG should be carefully defined to ensure effective
marketing strategies. The identified TG is:
• Indian Families: This includes households across various
demographics and socio-economic backgrounds in India,
emphasizing on family-oriented values and preferences.
Justifications for TG Selection:
1. Broad Appeal: Targeting Indian families allows for a broad appeal, as
the concept of family is deeply ingrained in Indian culture and
transcends geographical and demographic boundaries.
2. Market Size: Indian families represent a large and diverse consumer
base, providing ample opportunities for market penetration and
3. Consumer Behavior: Household purchasing decisions in India are
often influenced by family dynamics, cultural traditions, and
collective preferences, making targeting families a strategic
Target Markets:
Considering the cluttered nature of the soap category in India, it is
essential to identify specific markets within the country where the new
range of soaps can gain traction. The selected target markets are:
1. Urban Metropolitan Areas: Major cities such as Mumbai, Delhi,
Kolkata, and Bengaluru offer high population density, diverse
consumer segments, and greater access to distribution channels,
making them key target markets for the new soap range.
2. Tier II and Tier III Cities: Emerging urban centers and smaller cities
present untapped opportunities for market expansion, as they often
exhibit rapid urbanization, rising disposable incomes, and increasing
consumer awareness and demand for personal care products.
Justifications for Market Selection:
1. Market Potential: Urban metropolitan areas and tier II/III cities
collectively represent a significant portion of India's population and
consumer market, offering substantial growth potential for the new
soap range.
2. Competitive Landscape: While the soap category is cluttered with
many similar products, targeting specific urban markets allows for
focused marketing efforts and differentiation strategies to stand out
amidst competition.
Importance of Target Grouping in Market Research:
Target grouping is critical in market research for several reasons:
1. Precision in Marketing Efforts: Understanding the characteristics,
preferences, and behaviors of the target group enables marketers to
tailor their marketing strategies and messages effectively,
maximizing relevance and engagement.
2. Resource Optimization: By focusing on specific target groups,
companies can allocate their resources more efficiently, optimizing
marketing budgets and efforts to reach the most receptive audience
3. Differentiation and Positioning: Target grouping facilitates
differentiation and positioning strategies by identifying unique
needs, gaps, or preferences within the target market, allowing
companies to develop distinct value propositions and competitive
4. Market Segmentation: Target grouping serves as the foundation for
market segmentation, enabling companies to divide the overall
market into distinct segments based on shared characteristics or
needs, which can then be targeted with tailored marketing
Differentiation and Positioning Strategies:
To differentiate the new range of soaps from the competition and
position it effectively in the Indian market, the following strategies can
be adopted:
1. Unique Formulations and Ingredients: Emphasize unique
formulations and natural ingredients that offer specific benefits
such as moisturizing, skin nourishment, or aroma therapy, catering
to the diverse needs of Indian families.
2. Cultural Relevance: Incorporate elements of Indian culture,
traditions, and rituals into the branding and marketing of the soap
range to resonate with the target group's cultural identity and values.
3. Value-added Features: Introduce value-added features such as
eco-friendly packaging, recyclability, or charitable initiatives that
align with the sustainability and social responsibility priorities of
Indian families.
4. Segment-Specific Variants: Develop variant products tailored to
specific consumer segments within the target group, such as
sensitive skin variants for children or herbal formulations for older
adults, to address varying needs and preferences.
5. Emotional Branding: Create emotional connections with
consumers by telling compelling stories, leveraging nostalgia, or
highlighting moments of family bonding and care in marketing
campaigns, fostering brand loyalty and affinity.
b. Questionnaire for Primary Research:
Sampling Techniques Justification:
For conducting primary research with the target consumers, a
combination of probability and non-probability sampling techniques
can be employed:
1. Probability Sampling (Stratified Sampling): Stratified sampling
involves dividing the target population into homogeneous subgroups
(strata) based on relevant characteristics such as age, income, and
geographic location, and then randomly selecting samples from
each stratum. This ensures representation from various segments of
the target population, leading to more accurate and reliable
research results.
2. Non-Probability Sampling (Convenience Sampling): Convenience
sampling involves selecting samples based on their accessibility
and convenience, such as recruiting participants from easily
reachable locations or online platforms. While convenience
sampling may not be as representative as probability sampling, it
can be cost-effective and efficient for gathering initial insights and
qualitative feedback from the target audience.
Questionnaire for Primary Research:
1. Demographic Information:
• Age
• Gender
• Household Income
• Education Level
• Geographic Location
2. Soap Usage Behavior:
• How frequently do you purchase soap for your household?
• What factors influence your choice of soap brand?
• Which types of soaps do you typically use (e.g., bar soap,
liquid soap, herbal soap)?
• Are you open to trying new soap brands/products?
3. Preferences and Needs:
• What specific features or benefits do you look for in a soap?
• How important are factors such as fragrance, moisturizing
properties, and skin sensitivity in your soap purchase
• Would you prefer soap products that are environmentally
friendly or sustainable?
4. Brand Perception and Loyalty:
• Which soap brands do you currently use or have used in the
• How satisfied are you with your current soap brand(s)?
• Would you be willing to switch to a new soap brand if it offered
better benefits or value?
5. Purchase Intentions:
• Would you be interested in trying a new range of soaps
specifically designed for Indian families?
• What factors would motivate you to try a new soap brand?
• How likely are you to purchase a soap product from a new
brand based on word-of-mouth recommendations or online
6. Feedback and Suggestions:
• Do you have any additional feedback or suggestions for
improving soap products for Indian families?
• Are there any specific concerns or challenges you face when
purchasing soap for your household?
7. Media and Information Sources:
• Where do you typically seek information or reviews about soap
• Which media channels (e.g., television, social media, online
forums) do you use most frequently for product research and
8. Brand Awareness:
• Have you heard of the new soap range being launched for
Indian families by [Company Name]?
• What are your initial impressions or expectations of this new
soap range?
9. Price Sensitivity:
• How important is price in your soap purchase decision?
• Would you be willing to pay a premium for a soap product that
offers unique benefits or features?
10. Overall Satisfaction and Recommendations:
• On a scale of 1 to 10, how satisfied are you with the current
soap products available in the market?
• Would you recommend the new soap range for Indian families
to your friends or family members?
In summary, understanding the target group and market dynamics is
essential for the successful launch and positioning of a new range of
soaps in the cluttered Indian market. By defining the target group,
selecting relevant target markets, and implementing differentiation and
positioning strategies, companies can effectively address consumer
needs and preferences, gain competitive advantage, and drive market
success. Additionally, conducting primary research using a well-
designed questionnaire and appropriate sampling techniques enables
companies to gather valuable insights, validate hypotheses, and make
informed decisions throughout the product development and
marketing process.

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