Gerund-and-Infinitive-Mixed-Exercise-Answer 1

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Grammar Exercise – Gerunds and Infinitives

Exercise 1 Answers
Fill in the blanks with infinitives or gerunds in the correct tenses:

It is too dangerous (1) to travel (travel) alone nowadays. I used to think it is good

(2) travelling (travel) alone, but after I (3) had tried (try) it once, I was converted.

When I was in Barcelona, I saw a strange man (4) approaching/approach (approach)

me, and I kept reminding myself (5) to watch out (watch out). However, by the time I

could (6) yell (yell) for help, he (7) had grabbed (grab) my handbag and (8) run (run)

away. I knew it was no use (9) chasing (chase) the robber because I saw him (10)

holding/hold (hold) knife. After I (11) had had (have) such an experience, I decided

(12) not to travel (not travel) on my own anymore. Above all, I advise everyone never

(13) to travel (travel) alone.

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Grammar Exercise – Gerund and Infinitive
Exercise 2 Answers
Fill in the blanks with infinitives or gerunds in the correct tenses:

I learned (1) to treasure (treasure) my family and friends after I (2) had survived

(survive) the Japanese Earthquake. My company arranged for me (3) to practise

(practise) in the branch in Japan. I (4) had looked (look) forward to (5) having (have)

such an experience and could not help (6) imagining (imagine) how life would be in

Japan before I set out. I turned out to be pleased (7) to stay (stay) in Japan. However,

one day I suddenly felt the earth (8) shake/shaking (shake) and heard people (9)

cry/crying (cry). My boss let everybody (10) escape (escape) immediately and we

survived. By the time we rushed out of the building, it (11) had collapsed (collapse).

I realized life is fragile and we should (12) cherish (cherish) the ones we love.

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Grammar Exercise – Gerund and Infinitive
Exercise 3 Answers
Fill in the blanks with infinitives or gerunds in the correct tenses:

After Tom (1) had completed (complete) his test, he couldn’t help (2) breathing

(breath) a sign of relief. He knew that it was no use (3) worrying (worry) as the test

(4) had finished (finish). His mother promised to let him (5) go (go) to Ocean Park at

Halloween if his results were good. His sister kept (6) asking (ask) him how his test

was when he came home. Then she suggested (7) going (go) to the park to play after

lunch. Tom made his sister (8) promise (promise) never to (9) tell (tell) their mum

his worries. He looked forward to (10) getting (get) his results on Friday.

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