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New Book
Read the passage below and answer the
questions on the next page.

Sara loves to read books. Her favorite

place to read is the big, cozy chair in the
living room. Today, she has a new book
about space. She opens the book and
starts to read about planets and stars.

“I wish I could visit the stars,” she says to

her cat, Whiskers. Whiskers meows and
jumps onto her lap.

Sara reads about the sun, the moon, and

the Earth. She learns that the Earth goes
around the sun. She sees pictures of
astronauts and space shuttles.

When she finishes the book, Sara looks out

the window at the night sky. She sees the
twinkling stars and the bright moon.

“One day, I will be an astronaut,” she tells

Whiskers. Whiskers purrs as if he agrees.
1) Where does Sara like to read her books?

2) What is the topic of Sara's new book?

3) What does Sara wish as she reads the book?

4) Name two things Sara learns about from her book.

5) What does Sara want to be one day?

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