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Shell Refresher - Petrel 2004

Day 4 – Reservoir Engineering

Petrel 2004 Refresher Course
Course Content

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4

„ Introduction „ Fault Modeling „ New Seismic Functionality „ Upscaling to SimGrid

„ Synthetics „ Completion design
„ Data Import „ Pillar Gridding
„ Ant Tracking „ Simulation Setup
„ Open Spirit „ Make Horizons
„ Other seismic features
„ Edit input data „ Zones & Layers „ Initializing
„ Domain Conversion
„ Geometrical Modeling „ Sim Results View
„ Well Correlation
„ Upscaling Well Logs „ LGR’s
„ Neural Net
„ Property Modeling „ (Process Manager)
„ Well design
„ Make Contacts „ (Well Design)
„ Plotting

„ API Plugins „ Volume Calculation

„ Process Manager

1 © 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

Petrel 2004 Refresher Course

Petrel Modules for Shell
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2 © 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

Some new modules – Short Description:

Reservoir Engineering Core
The Petrel Core module has been renamed Geoscience Core, and a new Reservoir Engineering Core
module has been added. From the Reservoir Engineering Core module, you can build ECLIPSE simulation
models directly from your geological models; add fluid properties, well completions, production history and
event scheduling. Organize your geological realizations and development scenarios into cases and select
and launch the appropriate ECLIPSE simulator and analyze your results.

A Combined Core module is available that includes the functionality of both the Geoscience Core
and Reservoir Engineering Core

History Match Analysis

Assists in the analysis of history matching studies by computing and visualizing statistics comparing
simulated with actual history of e.g. water cut, allowing quality of history match to be assessed, and
compared between realizations.

Advanced Gridding and Upscaling

This module contains several advanced features for improving grids, mainly for use in simulation studies.
Local gridding allows creation of small cells around features such as wells for improved resolution during
dynamic simulation. Upscaling techniques for resampling fine-scaled geological models to coarser-scale
simulation models are extended to include a flexible tensor upscaling function for determining effective
permeability in each simulation cell. Stair Step gridding allows creation of orthogonal grids for simulation
even when faults are highly inclined. This module includes the functionality from the old Advanced
Upscaling module, which is now in maintenance mode. An upgrade path is available for

The Production and Simulation Data Analysis module has been placed on maintenance mode.
Enhanced production and simulation data analysis functionality is now available in the Reservoir
Engineering Core module. An upgrade from Production and Simulation Data Analysis and
Geoscience Core to the Combined Core module is available.

Data and Results Viewer

The Data and Results Viewer provides easy access for viewing well and seismic data, reservoir
interpretations and simulation results. An ideal tool for simulation engineers, managers, stakeholders and
even shareholders, the viewer provides viewing access to all Petrel data items found in a project, without
the overhead of learning individual Petrel modules.

Petrel 2004 Refresher Course
Petrel Module Dependency Overview Fault Analysis

Utility Systems
Any Core
Well Design

Data Analysis

Domain Conversion Surface Imaging (Satellite Images)

Classification and Estimation

Seismic Sampling
Seismic Interpretation

OpenSpirit Plug-in

Seismic Volume Rendering and Extraction

Multitrace Attributes

Automated Structural Interpretation

Ocean-Petrel API Developers Kit

Geoscience Core

Bricked Seismic Rendering

Data and Resutls Viewer

Well Correlation
Combined Core


Facies Modeling

Petrophysical Modeling

Advanced Gridding & Upscaling


FrontSim Locked

History Match Analysis

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Petrel 2004 Refresher Course

Petrel License Dependency Overview
Module Dependency
Geoscience Core

Reservoir Engineering Core (NEW)

Data & Results Viewer (NEW) No other modules allowed with this module
Combined Core (NEW) Includes Geoscience AND Reservoir Engineering Core
Seismic Interpretation Geoscience Core

Domain Conversion Geoscience Core

Seismic Sampling Geoscience Core AND Seismic Interpretation
Multitrace Attributes Geoscience Core AND Seismic Interpretation
Automated Structural Interp (NEW) Geoscience Core AND Seismic Interpretation
Seismic Vol. Rend. & Extract Geoscience Core AND Seismic Interpretation
Well Correlation Geoscience Core

Facies Modeling Geoscience Core

Petrophysical Modeling Geoscience Core
Fault Analysis Geoscience Core OR Reservoir Engineering Core

History Match Analysis (NEW) Reservoir Engineering Core

FrontSim Locked Reservoir Engineering Core

Adv Gridding & Upscaling (NEW) Geoscience Core

Data Analysis Geoscience Core OR Reservoir Engineering Core
Surface Imaging Geoscience Core OR Reservoir Engineering Core

Classification & Estimation (NEW) Geoscience Core OR Reservoir Engineering Core

Well Design Geoscience Core OR Reservoir Engineering Core
Ocean API Developers Kit (NEW)
Bricked Seismic Rendering (NEW)

Geoscience Core AND Seismic Interpretation AND/OR Seismic Vol. Rend. & Extract

OpenSpirit Plug-in for Petrel Geoscience Core OR Reservoir Engineering Core

4 © 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

Petrel 2004 Refresher Course
Module Notes
‰ One Geoscience Core or one Reservoir Engineering Core or one Combined Core is required
‰ An upgrade to the Combined Core can be made from either Geoscience Core or Reservoir
Engineering Core
‰ The Data and Results Viewer is an independent module and requires no core module
‰ The Petrel Ocean API Developers Kit is an independent module and requires no core module
‰ Classification and Estimation requires Well Correlation to estimate log curves, Facies Modeling to
classify 3D facies, Petrophysical Modeling to estimate 3D petrophysical properties, Seismic
Interpretation to estimate seismic volumes
‰ Synthetic Seismograms requires the Seismic Interpretation module to load seismic data and Well
Correlation to view the synthetic seismograms.
‰ Most clients will require Multitrace Attributes for Automated Structural Interpretation
‰ Advanced Gridding & Upscaling replaces previous module Advanced upscaling and Structured
Simulation Gridding and includes a copy of ECLIPSE FloGrid
‰ Reservoir Engineering Core replaces Simulation and Production Data Analysis and includes a copy
of ECLPSE Office, Schedule and FloViz
‰ Bricked Seismic Rendering is a visualization performance enhancement tool. It will enhance inline,
crossline, time-slices and random lines created in the seismic interpretation module. If a client owns
the Volume Rendering and Extraction module they will also see dramatic volume rendering

5 © 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

Petrel 2004 Refresher Course

Available Upgrades for Obsolete Modules

Obsolete Modules - Maintenance Only Upgrades

Advanced Upscaling Upgrade G-Core or RE- Core to Combined Core
Structured Simulation Gridding (SSG) Adv Upscaling to Adv Gridding and Upscaling
Production and Simulation Data Analysis Production and Simulation Data Analysis and G-
Core to Combined Core

6 © 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

Simulation Pre-Processes

Make Fluid Model process

– Generate the fluid properties (PVT – Pressure Volume Temperature) from
reservoir fluid study or from correlations.
Make Saturation Function
– Generate the relative permeability and capillary pressure versus saturation
Well Completion Design
– Placing the required well completion components at the correct places in the
well schematic (casing, tubing, perforations, etc).
Make Flow Controls
– Specify observed and/or future production performance data for History
Match Analysis, or for Prediction runs with targets, constraints and actions.

© 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

Simulation Pre-Processes
Make Fluid Model

Make Fluid Model

Generate fluid properties required for black-oil reservoir
simulations, including oil, water and gas viscosity,
density, reservoir volume factors, compressibility, etc.

The Make Fluid Model process gives you acces to a

wide range of correlations and automatically selects the
best correlation given the input parameters.

Also specify the rock compressibility and the initial

reservoir conditions.

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Simulation Pre-Processes
Make Fluid Model: PVT – Pressure Volume Temperature

Why is PVT needed?

Describe the phase behaviour of reservoir
fluids at all pressures
Mass balance is a key equation in
– Produced volumes must be translated into
reservoir conditions
– Reservoir volumes must be converted to
Where does PVT come from?
– Laboratory experiments > Equation of State
– Correlations > Available in Petrel
– Processed in PVTi
Fluid information required
– Fluid PVT as a function of pressure
– Density or Gravity at surface conditions

© 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

Fluid models built in PVTi can be imported into the fluid folder on the Petrel Explorer Input tree.
Select Import (on Selection) on a Fluids folder.
This allows models fitted to laboratory data to be imported.

Simulation Pre-Processes
Make Fluid Model: Black oil vs Compositional

Black Oil
– Oil and Gas phases are represented by one ’component’ for the oil
and one ’component’ for the gas
– Assumes composition of oil and gas are constant with pressure and
– Oil and Gas phases are represented by multi-component mixtures
– Assumes the reservoir fluids at all temperatures, pressures,
compositions and time can be represented by Equations of State

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Simulation Pre-Processes
Make Fluid Model: Workflow

This process allows the engineer to create Black Oil

Fluid Models using correlations within Petrel

Default values are available for Dead oil, Heavy oil +

gas, Light oil + gas, and Dry gas

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Correlations tested against massive interal Schlumberger experimental database.
Feel free to use, but no responsibility.

Simulation Pre-Processes
Make Fluid Model: Create new fluid model - General

Create new or edit existing fluid model

Create own or select Use default fluid model

Select Phases or choose from the defaults available

Define Gas/Oil and Water Properties

Define the Reservoir Conditions

Add Known separator conditions if required

Consider the Bubble point pressure!

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Bubble point pressure: Specify above Reservoir Pressure to keep black dead oil conditions. Below
Reservoir Pressure to allow for 2 phases (release of gas from oil)

Simulation Pre-Processes
Make Fluid Model: Create a new fluid model - Composition

If you have a detailed compositional analysis of the

reservoir fluid, this can be used to improve the

This data only affects effects the gas correlations

This data is optional

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This does not create compositional analysis.

Simulation Pre-Processes
Make Fluid Model: Create a new fluid model - Correlations

Correlations are defaulted according to the details set

in the first 2 tabs

Tick the report correlations in log window for a list of the

correlations used. This includes reference to the
published paper

Change the default correlation by choosing from the

drop-down menu

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Simulation Pre-Processes
Make Fluid Model: Create a new fluid model – Rock Properties

Required since the rock pore volume varies under


Assumption: rock compressibility is reversible and the

same everywhere

If a more complicated model is required for rock

compressibility then keywords must be used.

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Simulation Pre-Processes
Make Fluid Model: Rock Properties

Rock Compressibility
 ∂V 
C =  pore  V pore
 ∂P 
Cell Bulk Volume is constant and equal to
Pore Volume + Rock Volume

ECLIPSE adjusts the pore volume using: 2

V pore (P ) = V pore (Pref )1 + C ( P − Pref ) +
(C ( P − Pref )) 
  2
 

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Simulation Pre-Processes
Make Fluid Model: Create a new fluid model – Initial Conditions

Use to define the initial contact depths and pressures

for the reservoir.

Either drop in a contact set or define the contacts in the


Default pressure are calculated to be in hydrostatic


Each column represents a region of the reservoir with

different contact depths

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Last version of Petrel had hack that has now got revised. It took the region averages and used
hydrostatic pressure.
This version you will need to specify the inital reservoir conditions for each region

If not defined > Datum depth = Gas-Oil contact

Last version of Petrel had hack that has now got revised. It took the region averages and used
hydrostatic pressure.
This version you will need to specify the inital reservoir conditions for each region

If not defined > Datum depth = Gas-Oil contact

Simulation Pre-Processes
Equilibration in the Simulator

GOC 1. Given: Contacts, Datum and

2. Using Black oil PVT

calculate phase
pressures throughout
TZ the model, for example:
OWC = FWL Po( h 2 ) = Po( h1) + ∫ ρogdh
(Pcow = 0) h1


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Step 1: Knowing pressure at datum, use BO EOS to calculate oil phase pressure (100 calculated
throughout the model), similarly, calculate gas & water.

Simulation Pre-Processes
Equilibration Pressure
G-O Rel Perm

Sg = 0.77 GAS ZONE:

Sg = SGU
Sw = SWL
Sw = 0.23 So = 1 – SWL - SGU Krog Krg

So = 0.77 OIL ZONE:
Sg = SGL, usually zero
Sw = SWL
Sw = 0.23 So = 1 – SWL – SGL O-W Rel Perm



(Pcow = 0)
Sw = 1.00 Sg = SGL, usually zero
Sw = SWU
So = 1 – SWU – SGL

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Step 2: From Saturation Functions (PROPS), assign saturations in the Gas, Oil and Water Zones
(NOT transition zones)

Simulation Pre-Processes
Equilibration Pressure

Sg = 0.77 Calculate Pcog and Pcow in the

transition zones of the model
Sw = 0.23 Pcow = Po − Pw
Pcog = Pg − Po
So = 0.77 Reverse-lookup Sw from Pc
tables section & assign to cell
Sw = 0.23


(Pcow = 0) Swi = 0.25
Sw = 1.00 So = 0.75

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Step 3: Given the oil,water and gas phase pressures, calculate capillary pressure (Pcow and
Pcog). Look up the values in the Pc tables & assign the cell with the associated Sw (So). Solve 1-
Sw to get So in the oil-water transition, etc for gas oil.

Simulation Pre-Processes
Default Equilibration i=1


Effective Tilted or level block

OWC integration OWC

i = 2N-1
i = 2N

FrontSim Default ECLIPSE Default

Fluid saturations at the center Level Block Equilibrium
of each cell Not Steady-State
Steady State (use EQLOPTS ‘QUIESC’)
Potential errors in FIP errors Better FIP estimate

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Simulation Pre-Processes
Make Fluid Model: Spatial Variations with Depth
Right-click on Initial Condition and select Spreadsheet

Composition of oil is frequently a function of depth

• Dissolved gas concentration (Rs) or Bubble Point
• Vaporized oil concentration (Rv) or Dew Point (Pd).
(No correlations available to create vaporized oil PVT
– input manually or by import).

Capture this effect as inputs of variation in a table

The user can specify the Bubble Point or the Dissolved

gas concentration at each depth. If you specify Pb, then
Rs will be automatically calculated and vice-versa.

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If not filled out then ECLIPSE will default this table.

Simulation Pre-Processes
Make Fluid Model: Tables

You can view/edit a fluid model in spreadsheet format

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This basically corresponds to keywords as exported to ECLIPSE

Simulation Pre-Processes
Fluid Model: Spatial Variations (Areal)

You may wish to assign

different fluid models functions
to isolated regions of the

Any discrete property (such as

segments) can be used as a
region index property.

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Simulation Pre-Processes
Make Fluid Model: Plots

Fluid Model data can be

plotted in a Function

You may wish to use

such displays for quality

Graphical Editing is
possible using the
Function toolbar

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Fluid Model: From Keywords

Fluid models built in PVTi can be

imported into the fluid folder on the
Input Tree

Use Import (on Selection)

Select File containing keywords

Allows models fitted to laboratory

data to be imported

© 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

Make Fluid Model

© 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

Exercise: Make Fluid Model

Note: There are two ways of creating a Fluid Model in Petrel. You can either use the Make Flow Model
process to generate a fluid model from correlations or you can import data. Both these workflows will be
covered in this exercise. We will also go through visualizing the data and making manual edits.

Exercise Steps
1. In the Petrel Explorer Process tab, open Simulation and select Make Fluid Model. This will open the
Make Fluid Model dialog.
2. Select Create new fluid model and enter the name for the new fluid model into the adjacent field.
3. Most of the necessary fields on the dialog can be filled in with default values by selecting an option from
the Use defaults list. Click on Use defaults and select Heavy oil + gas from the drop-down menu.
4. You will see that all the values on the General tab are now filled out.
5. Go on to the Composition tab. This tab allows you to enter gas composition details to produce a more
accurate fluid model. For this exercise we do not have any such information so we move on to the
Correlation tab.
6. In the Correlation tab you can specify the correlations that will be used to generate the fluid model. By
default, Petrel will try to select the best correlation for each function, based on the input data you have
supplied. Leave the correlation as default and enable Report correlations in log window option.
When applying the process dialog a report will be sent to the Petrel log window detailing exactly which
correlations that were used.

7. The Rock Properties tab has already been filled out with default values. Check that the values look OK
and then move on to the Initial Conditions tab.
8. To specify the initial reservoir conditions for the model, you can either drop in a contact set or you can
enter a table of contact depths and pressures. Find your contact set called Contact Set in the Models
tab and drop this in using the blue arrow. An initial condition region with default datum depth and
pressure will be calculated for each contact region

9. Click Ok in the Make Fluid Model process dialog. You can now see all the correlation used in the
Message log.
10. In the Petrel Explorer Input tab you can now find a Fluids folder was created. Under this folder you
will find your fluid model.

11. Expand your fluid model, right-click on Water and select Settings. In the Fluid tab you can find the fluid
properties generated for water.
12. Close the Settings dialog, right-click on Oil and select Spreadsheet. This will give you a spreadsheet
view of the Oil properties that vary with pressure. A similar spreadsheet is also available for Gas.

13. Open the Settings dialog for the Contact Set in the Petrel Explorer Models tab. Here you can find the
data that was entered in the Initial Conditions tab in the Make Fluid Model process.
14. Close the dialog. Open the Spreadsheet for the Contact Set located under the Fluids node in the
Petrel Explorer Input tab. Here you can enter a solution gas-oil ratio versus depth table that will be
used to initialize the reservoir.

15. Go to the Petrel Explorer Models tab and look at the Properties for your simulation grid (3D Grid (U)).
You should find a property called Contact Set Regions. The Make Fluid Model process generated
this property and it represents the regions in the contact set you used to generate the initial conditions.
Visualize this property in a 3D window to check that it corresponds to your contact set.
16. You have now seen how you can generate a fluid model from correlations. If you already have this data
available, you can import this into Petrel. Right-click on the Fluid folder and select Import (on
Selection). Select and complete the import.
17. During import you will get a message about some keywords that were not imported. You can find these
keywords in the Message log.
18. After import you should see a new fluid model in the Petrel Explorer Input tab. This fluid model
consists of the data that has been imported. Check the data that has been imported by using the
Settings dialog and Spreadsheet available for the new fluid model.

19. You can also visualize the fluid data in a function window. Open a New Function Window from the
Window menu and tick the box next to Oil under the imported fluid in the Petrel Explorer Input tab.
You will now see Oil formation volume factor, Oil viscosity and Solution gas-oil ratio plotted
against Pressure in the function window.
20. Click anywhere on any of the curves and you will see the property name and value appear in the
Status Bar

21. Deselect Oil and select Initial Condition 1 instead. You can now see all the initial condition properties
in the function window. Deselect Vapourized oil-gas ratio as your fluid model only contains dry gas
22. Any changes made in the Settings dialog and Spreadsheet will be reflected in what you are seeing in
the Function window. The best way to make manual edits to your fluid data would be to make the
changes while viewing the data in the function window. To try this out you can make a copy of your fluid
by using the Edit – Copy and Edit – Paste options. Open up the Spreadsheet on Oil and extend the
table to higher pressure values to avoid the simulator having to make extrapolations. It is always useful
to make a copy in case some of your edits goes wrong and you need to revert to the original fluid.
23. Your fluid is now ready to use in a simulation model.

Simulation Pre-Processes
Make Saturation Functions

Make Saturation Functions

Saturation functions are tables showing
relative permeability and capillary pressure
versus saturation.

This process allows the engineer to create

relative permeability curves using Corey

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Permeability of porous media is reduced when more than one fluid is present in the pore space.

Purpose of Saturation Functions

Used to calculate
Used to calculate
the initial saturation
fluid mobility to solve
for each phase in
the flow equations
each cell
between cells and
from cell to well

Permeability of
porous media is
Used to calculate the reduced when
initial transition zone more than one fluid
saturation of each phase
is present in the
pore space

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Simulation Pre-Processes
Make Saturation Functions

Default values are available for sand and

shaly sand

The number of table entries controls the size

of the tables passed to the simulator

The user needs to enter the critical

saturation endpoints and other data which
will control the relative permeability curves.

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This process allows the engineer to create relative permeability curves using Corey correlations.

Oil-Water Relative Permeability





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Gas-Oil Relative Permeability


Sgcr 1-Sorg-Swmin

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Simulation Pre-Processes
Make Saturation Functions: Create new region data

Create new or edit existing saturation


Default Cory correlation values are

available for sand and shaly sand

Specify the phases present

Specify the number of points for the

saturation function

Edit default values if needed

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Simulation Pre-Processes
Make Saturation Function: Plots

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Simulation Pre-Processes
Make Saturation Function: Tables – Relative Permeabilities

You can view/edit saturation functions in

spreadsheet format

Right-click on the Saturation Folder and

select Spreadsheet

Select the appropriate relative permeability

and then edit in the table

Also possible to assign different saturation

functions to different rock types (i.e Spatial
Variation). Any discrete property can be
used as a region index property.
This can be setup in the Define Simulation
Case process

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Simulation Pre-Processes
Make Saturation Function: Tables – Capillary Pressure

Need to enter capillary pressure in table


No correlations available

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Simulation Pre-Processes
Make Saturation Function: Keywords

Relative permeability and capillary pressure curves built

in SCAL can be imported into the saturation function
folder on the Input tree.

1. Use Import (on Selection)

2. Select file containing keywords

Allows models fitted to laboratory data to be imported

© 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

Simulation Pre-Processes
Make Saturation Function: Settings Panel

Double-click to open the Settings panel for

any Relative Permeability or Capillary
Pressure curve

On the Function Tab drag any point to edit

Click Apply or Ok and Petrel will save the

updated curves

Note: Use spline should be switched off.

The simulator uses linear interpolation

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Simulation Pre-Processes
Make Saturation Function

Relative Permeability
curves and Capillary
Pressure data can be
plotted in a Function

You may wish to use

such displays for quality

Graphical Editing is
possible using the
Function toolbar

© 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

Make Saturation Function

© 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

Exercise: Saturation Function

Note: There are two ways of creating a Saturation Function in Petrel. You can either use the Make
Saturation Function process to generate a saturation function from correlations or you can import data.
Both these workflows will be covered in this exercise. We will also go through visualizing the data and
making manual edits.

Exercise Steps
1. In the Petrel Explorer Process tab, open Simulation and select Make Saturation Function. This will
open the Make Saturation Function dialog.
2. Select Create new region data and enter the name for the new saturation function into the adjacent
3. All the necessary fields on the dialog can be filled in with default values by selecting an option from the
Use defaults list. Click on Use defaults and select Sand from the drop-down menu.
4. Click OK

5. In the Petrel Explorer Input tab you can now see that a Saturation Functions folder has been
created. Under this folder you will find your saturation function.
6. Right-click on the saturation function and select Spreadsheet. This will give you a spreadsheet view of
the oil-water relative permeability table.
7. You can change the view by using the drop-down menu at the top of the window. Change these to view
the gas-oil relative permeability table.

8. Open up a New Function Window from the Window menu and select to view the saturation functions.
You will now see capillary pressure and relative permeability curves for both oil-water and gas-oil.
9. There are two ways of doing edits on saturation functions. You can either make edits in the
Spreadsheet view or directly on the curves in the Function window. First click on the Set Select/Pick

Mode icon in the Function toolbar and then click on a point on one of the curves. You will then see
the information on this point in the Status Bar

10. Click on Select and Edit/Add Points icon in the Function bar. Click on one of the curve points and
drag this to another position. This will then update the saturation function with a new point.
11. Next click on a line. You will then get a new point. This point you can then move around and the tables
will be updated.

12. Click on the Selected and Edit Line icon . Click on one of the points and you will now be allowed
to move this up or down, but not in the horizontal direction.

13. To import a saturation function, right-click on the Saturation Function folder in the Petrel Explorer
Input tab and select Import (on Selection). Then select RELPERM.INC and click OK to complete the
import. If there are any keywords that are not imported these will be listed in the Message Log.
14. Have a look at the data by using both the Spreadsheet and the Function window. Your saturation
functions are now ready to be used in Simulation.

Simulation Pre-Processes
Make Flow Controls: Overview

Flow Controls are used to specify:

Well operations to be simulated
Times to be simulated

Flow Controls are used in two modes:

History matching – specify actual wells, facilities and
Prediction – specify control mechanisms, new wells,
economic limits

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When performing history matching, observed production and injection volumes; together with
measured bottom hole pressures and wellhead pressures may be available for some or all wells.
Additional information such as well completion(s?) and work-over dates are known historical input
data for the simulator. The aim of the history matching flow control is to average this data onto a
timescale suitable for the chosen reservoir simulator, so that you can begin to tune the model to
match the observed field behavior.

In cases where a simulation model has already been history matched or only limited production
data is available, the reservoir engineer uses flow controls to predict future performance of the
reservoir and optimize reservoir performance in some way. In such cases you can take advantage
of constraints (such as economic limits), and actions (such as a well work-over) to ensure that the
simulation model behaves in a realistic manner. You can apply such constraints and actions to
wells, groups of wells, or the entire field.

History Matching vs. Prediction

Interpreted geology,
Sensitivity Runs
geophysics, petrophysics
Produce results for risk
Tuning Runs evaluation economics
Reservoir Modify properties until
Description model & actual rates match

Prediction Runs
Production &
y Existing wells continue
Sensitivity Runs to produce & are worked-
ECLIPSE Pressure Identify uncertain over logically
OK? properties
y New well drilling may be
Production & y EOR options may be
Pressure tested

Predictions depend on quality of reservoir description!

© 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

Simulation Pre-Processes
Make Flow Controls: Wells: Input Tree

The simulator requires:

Well location (deviations)

Well historical data (history

Completion intervals
Workover events
Production/injection data

© 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

Data import
Import Wells – Well path (deviation survey)

The path of the well is needed. From this Petrel

can calculate intersection with simulation grid.

Right click on the Wells folder and select

“Import (on selection)”

Select either “Multiple well

paths/deviations” or “Well path/deviation”
and the correct file(s)

Select correct Input data and units (if

different from project units)

Make the correct selection in Columns and

File format

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Data import
Import Wells – Well path (deviation survey)
1. Import (on selection) into Wells folder 4. Select correct Input data…
data and Units

2. Select correct format

3. Match file name to existing well name

© 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

Well Path / Deviation file
If the well is not vertical it is necessary to import the corresponding deviation file. The deviation file
will be attached to the well heads file already imported.

Select a Well Path file by

right clicking on the Wells folder and selecting Import (on Selection). In the window that pops up
select the files defining the well paths for one, some, or all of the wells and select the appropriate
format (e.g., Multiple well paths/deviations (ASCII)(*.*)).

Associate each Well Path with a Well

The window above shows a window that will pop-up while importing, and it tries to match the well
names in the well deviation file with the wells already imported into Petrel with the Well heads file.

Link the field types with the file’s columns

As for the Well heads file, a Import well deviation window will pop-up, where you will have to
specify which column in the file that corresponds to each of the attribute, such as MD, Inclination
and Azimuth; X, Y and TVD, ++++

Data import
Import Wells – Well path (deviation survey)

Once a well is imported

it has the Deviation
survey available

To access the Deviation

survey, right-click on the
well name and select

© 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

Simulation Pre-Processes
Make Flow Controls: Import Wells Events
Well completion and associated
data are handled as events
Right click on Global completions and select
“Import (on selection)” and select file

Confirm that the correct Petrel Well trace is

chosen. If not select from drop down list

Confirm that the Import Settings are correct

Repeat for all event files

BHP and VFP events are not


© 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

Simulation Pre-Processes
Make Flow Controls: Well Events

Characteristics of Well Events

Event name (perforation, plug)
Depth(s) - length
PI parameters – rw, Kh, S

© 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

Simulation Pre-Processes
Make Flow Controls: Well events

Imported events are given

unique names
The dates and physical
properties are stored in the
Input tree in the Completions
folder under the corresponding
View/edit using the Settings

© 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

Simulation Pre-Processes
Make Flow Controls: Events - Perforation

Right mouse click on any well

event to open the Settings panel

You can define Depths using

values or relative to a surface

You can shift individual events

using the “Happens at”

You can enter a single value for

well skin factor

You can enter a single value for

well bore radius or drop in a
caliper log or well bore radius log

© 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

Simulation Pre-Processes
Make Flow Controls: Events - Squeeze

Right mouse click on any well

event to open the Settings panel

You can define Depths using

values or relative to a surface

© 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

Data import
Import Well Observed Data

Right click on Global observed data and

select “Import (on selection)”

Create a New Observed data set, or

modify an existing set (append)

Confirm that the correct Petrel Well trace

is chosen or choose from drop-down

Check the Data tab to confirm that the

property identifier, etc. is correct

Select “OK” to complete the data import

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Data Input – Observed data

Import Free and Fixed Formatted Keyword ASCII Files

• Oil Field Manager
• Finder

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Production Data Sources

Allocated data
Periodic (daily, monthly, quarterly,….)
Calendar or Stream Rates and uptimes
Volumes and uptimes
Cumulatives and uptimes
Test data
Stream rate, test period
Volumes and test period

© 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

Simulation Pre-Processes
Make Flow Controls: Well Observed Data in Petrel

Data is stored as observations for each well

Data can be viewed/edited in a spreadsheet

Data can be plotted in a function window

Data is recorded by DATE

© 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

Well Observed Data

Once observed data

has been imported it
can be viewed/edited

To access the
Observed data, right-
click on Observed
under that well and
select Spreadsheet

© 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

Well Observed Data

Once observed data

has been imported it
can be plotted in a
function window

In the Results tab

make the appropriate
selections. Make
sure you select the
Observed data set

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Production / Injection Controls

Sets the History or the Target Rates
Defines the “Time Framework”

Time Frame “Monthly Target”
Time Frame

Time Frame

Prod 1 Prod 2

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Simulation Pre-Processes
Make Flow Controls: Time

Many objects/values have start/stop times

Perforations, squeezes, LGR, Permeability Multipliers, etc.
Start/stop times vary between cases, and can be triggered by
Don’t want multiple copies of objects just for time variance
Therefore any date can be:
– Absolute value => constant over all cases
– Symbol, with value defined in time framework
Time Framework is part of production/injection controls; can vary between

© 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

Time Framework: Symbolic Time Sets

Insert a Time Symbols folder in the

input tree

Right Click on this folder to add a

new symbolic time set

Right Click on this folder and select

Spreadsheet in order to define the
symbols and associated date

Select Ok or Apply

These time symbols will later be

used when defining flow

© 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

Simulation Pre-Processes
Make Flow Controls: Event Shifts

Events can be shifted from the date they

actually occurred to:
– Previous report date
– Next report date
Use specified date to insert a separate
date for the chosen event
By Default:
– Any event that increases production is
shifted to previous report date (perf,
stimulation, etc.)
– Any event that cuts back production is
shifted to the next report date
(squeeze, plug, etc.)

© 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

Simulation Pre-Processes
Make Flow Controls: History
Create new flow control set for History

Start and end date are defaulted

according to the observed data set
selected. Enter either calendar dates or
use time symbols

Set the Report time and whether or not

to insert additional report times for all
events. Otherwise events will be shifted

© 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

Simulation Pre-Processes
Make Flow Controls: History

In the wells tab, blue arrow drop in the

wells for the history matching period.
These wells can be separated into
groups if necessary

For all (or each) well select the

completion type (open hole or

Insert a row in the top portion of the

panel to control the production/injection
in the field, group, and wells

© 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

Simulation Pre-Processes
Make Flow Controls: History

To override settings for any well, select

that well and untick the “Use default”

You can then edit any data for this well:

start date, group, production mode,
injection mode, and completion type

In order to use Completion type= Perf or

Completion, appropriate data must exist
in the input tree

© 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

Flow Controls: History

Once you have imported well

events and observed
production data, you can
create a flow control set.

The observed production and

injection data will be averaged
onto a time framework set up
in the flow control set

The well event data can be

shifted in time to honor this
time framework

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Flow Controls
Plotting observed data versus flow control

It is important to compare the flow control

data with the original observations

Open a Function window to plot line data

In the results tree under the Source data

type folder, select both the flow control
set and the observed data

Select the vector (oil production rate)

and identifier (well). The plot will allow
you to make sure you are not over
averaging the data

© 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

Make Flow Controls

© 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

Exercise – History Flow Controls

Note: To manipulate the historical data into a format that is accepted by the simulator can be a
very time consuming job. To have a pre-processor is then a very effective tool to avoid spending
too much time. In this exercise we will look at how to import the historical data into Petrel and then
how to send this data to the simulator.

Exercise Steps
1. First Import the well deviation survey for well A12 by right-clicking on the Wells folder and
select Import (on Selection)… In the Import File dialog, select the file with the
file type Well path/deviation (ASCII) (*.*). Click OK in the dialog to create new well. See
image below for further details.

2. Once it is in the Wells tree then move A12 into the folder named Producers. Go into the
Settings for the well to change it so it corresponds to the other producing wells.

3. The first thing that needs to be done when creating history flow controls is to get all the
necessary data in place. In the Input tree you can see a well folder. In the well folder you
will store all the data needed. The wells are already in place so the next thing to bring in
will be the completion data. Under the Wells folder you will see a Global Completions
folder. Right-click on this folder and then select Import (on Selection).

4. In the browser that comes up select Training.ev. This is your event file and this file
contains all the completion data for your wells.
5. In the Import Event Data panel you first check that all the “Flow Name in File” maps on to
a Petrel Well Trace. You can find this mapping under the Wells tab.
6. Go to the Import Settings tab and make sure that the Add to existing event” option is
selected and then also select Add casing to all wells with events. This will make sure
that all your wells with completion items first are fully cased.
7. If your current regional setting of your computer is set to American date format please
change to Custom Date Format and then specify the date format used in the event file. If
you are uncertain about which date format is being used in the event file you can find this
information by looking at the Header info at the bottom of the panel.

8. In the Unknown Data tab you will find VFP data and all the data in the event file that
Petrel does not recognized. This is the data that will not be imported into Petrel. You might
want to have a look here since any mistake in the event file can also cause your data to be
listed here. It is then important to fix this before you again try to import the file. If everything
looks in order click on OK to complete the import of event data.
9. Press OK to import.

10. The next thing to import is observed data. As with the completions data you can find a folder called
Global observed data. Right-click on this folder and select to Import (on Selection). In the
browser that comes up select Training.vol.
11. In the Import Observed Data dialog, make sure that the Flow Name in File maps correctly onto
Petrel Well Trace. Note: WELL1 must be matched with well A12.
12. Then go to the Data tab and check that all the Data Name in File has been assigned a
Property Identifie”. If everything looks in order click on OK to complete the import of
observed data.

13. You will now visualize the data that you have imported. First open a New Well Section
14. Expand the Producer folder in the Input tree to find your producer wells. Tick the box next
to well A10. This will add the well to the Well Section Window.
15. Tick the Completions folder under A10 to add all completions for this well to the Well
Section Window. You can now see your casing and two perforations. Do the same for well
A12 and A15.

16. You should now see the Time Player at the bottom of the screen. If not you can activate it
by selecting the toolbar in the View menu.

17. Use the Time Player Toolbar to go to the first Time Step. You can then see there were no
events for these wells at initial time. Go through time to see when the different completion
items happen.

18. Activate the Well Completion Design process in the Petrel Explorer Process tab.
19. To the right of the Well Section Window you can see a new toolbar. Select the Perforation
20. With the Perforation icon activated you can now place the mouse cursor over a
perforation and see information displayed in the Status bar.

21. Right-click on a Perforation to bring up a menu that allows you to change to a different
completion type or access the Settings. Select Settings and view the data available for
this Perforation.

22. In the Input tab your can now find a Completions folder under your new production well.
Right-click on the folder and select Place completions relative to nearest top. You can
now see that the color of the completion items in the well section window have changed.
This is to show that they are now set relative to well tops.
23. Open the Setting panel for the Casing item in the Completions folder. Make sure that
Bottom depth relative to well bottom is selected and Bottom depth is set to 0. This will
make sure that the casing covers the whole of the well.

24. You can copy a Completions folder or a single completion item to another well or well
folder. Since we want all the wells to have a casing use the Edit | Copy and Edit | Paste
options to copy the Casing onto the Production folder.
25. Check the wells in the Production folder and see that the Casing is now in place for all
wells. Since it was set relative to bottom of the well all the wells will now be fully cased.
26. Open the Settings panel for the Perforation and see that the top and bottom depth is set
relative to well tops. This means that should you want to copy these onto other producers
the perforation will keep the relative position to the well tops.
27. Add perforations to the rest of the wells and when you are finished with the well design use
the synchronized well scrolling and synchronized well scaling options to view the
your design in the well section window. The wells should now be ready for use in your
prediction flow control.

28. You will now view the observed data. Open a Function Window and then go to the Petrel
Explorer Results tab. Under the Dynamic Data folder you can find a Source data type
29. Find the Observed data folder, right-click on it and select Filter Results Tree. This will
filter away everything but the observed data and make it easier to add to the Function
30. Now tick Observed data, Water cut, Bottom hole pressure and well A12 (WELL1 if you
have not changed the name). Browse through your observed data using the Results Tree.
When you are finished right-click on the Dynamic Data and select Cancel Tree Filter.

31. You can also see your observed data by right clicking on the observed data under each
well in the Input tree and selecting Spreadsheet.

32. Open up the Make Flow Controls process. Select to create a new history flow control set.
The start and end date is taken from the observed data. Leave the report frequency to
every 1 month.

33. Go to the Wells tab, select the Producers and Injectors folder in the Input tree and drop
them into the Make Flow Controls process. Close the message log dialog if it appears.
Highlight the Wells and change Completions type to Completions. Then append an item
in the table and change the Prod. Mode to Oil rate. Leave the Inje. Mode as Surface
Flow Rate and click OK.

34. You should now see you’re a Flow Controls folder in your Input tree. Expand the Flow
Control you just created and right-click on Oil production rate and select Spreadsheet.
You should then see the rates that will be used in the simulator.

35. You can also visualize the averaged data in the Function window. Activate the Function
window you used for the observed data. Select well A12, Oil production rate, your flow
control set and type and your observed data from the Petrel Explorer Results tab. You
will then see your averaged flow control data against your observed data. Since both are at
the moment monthly there should be no difference.

36. Go back to Flow Control process, make sure it says Edit existing flow control set and
select the one you created earlier. Change to have reports every 3 months and click
Apply. You can now see the difference between your averaged data and your observed
37. You are now ready to include the Flow Controls for the Simulation Run.

Petrel 2004
Well Completion Design

Well Completion Design

Interactively add completion items

such as casing, tubing, and perforation
intervals interactively to the well
section window.
Sensible default data values for the
completion items.
Advanced measured depth
specification (absolute, relative).
Advanced time specification (absolute,
Time varying display of well
completion items.

2 © 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

Well Completion Design

Open a Well Section Window if one does

not already exist in your project

Double Click on the Well Completion

Design Process in the Process manager

The Well Completion Design panel and

Well Section window will appear

The user can now begin to place well

completions in the Well Section Window

3 © 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

Well Completion Design

Info Tab

This process allows you to create

or edit well completion objects for
the wells in the Input Tree.

Each completion type has its own

settings panel which contains
physical properties of the
completion as well as the date

Not all completion types result in

output to the simulator

4 © 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

Well Completion Design
Caliper Tab

In order to create any well

completions the well must have a
caliper log in the Input Tree:
To assign a constant value for
the well use the Caliper Value
on the Well Completion Design
This value can be assigned to
the current well or to all wells
The Petrel Calculator can be
used to create Caliper Logs

5 © 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

Well Completion Design

Default Dates Tab

All well completions have a date

associated with them

A global default date for all completions can

be set in the Well Completion Design Panel.

This date can be overridden for individual

well, completions, folders of wells, etc.

This date can be changed in the Global

Completions Settings Panel

6 © 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

Well Completions
Choosing completion type

There are 3 ways to select a

completion type:
Click on the completion type in the Info
tab of the Well Completion Design
Process panel.

Click on the completion type in the Well

Completion Design toolbar

Right mouse click on the well in the Well

Completion Design Well Section Window
and select from the list

7 © 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

Well Completion Design

Perforation Example

Right mouse click on the well in the Well

Completion Design Well Section Window
and select Perforation in the list

Move the cursor to the position in the

well schematic where you wish to place
the perforation and click the mouse

The perforation will appear and can be

dragged and resized as required.

Select Settings to edit the perforation in

more detail. The depth can be set as an
absolute value or relative well tops

8 © 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

Well Completion Design
Creating Well Tops

It is quite useful to specify the

depth of completions relative to a
well tops.
Open the Settings for “Wells” panel

Drop in a grid from the Model Tree

Select Iconize points as and select

“Horizon” in order to create Well Tops

These can now be used in the

Perforation Settings Panel to set the
relative depth of perforations

9 © 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

Well Completions in the Input Tree

Completions appear on the input tree in a
folder for each well.

You can edit the completion data

interactively in the Well Section or by right
mouse clicking on the item to edit and
opening its Settings panel

You can copy completions from one well to

another using the input tree.

If you copy a completions folder to a well

folder all the wells inside that folder will be
given that completion design. Can be very
useful for quickly creating well

10 © 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

Well Completions
Global Settings

In the Input tree, right mouse click on Global

Completions and open Settings panel

Use the Default Dates tab to change the date

at which all completions take place. This can
be used to change existing completions

Use the Completion Threshold to determine

the minimum length for which a completion
will be calculated. If a well only intersects a
small portion of a grid cell….

11 © 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

Well Completions
Global Perforation/Squeeze/Casing Settings

In the Input tree, double click on Perforations

under the Global Completions folder to open
Settings panel

Here you can change two things:

Date for Perforations (can apply to existing
wells) and the direction of Event Shifts

The Squeeze and Casing Global settings

panel have the same functionality

12 © 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

Well Completions
Perforation Settings

The Perforation (or other completion

items) settings override global settings

In the Depth/Date tab, drop in well

tops, change date of completion, or
change the shift direction of this
completion event

Set the wells Skin factor and/or blue

arrow drop in Caliper log

13 © 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

Well Completions
Perforation Settings

Use the right mouse to access this quick

method to assign completions relative to tops

Completions that are relative to the nearest

top are shown in color in the Well Section.

14 © 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

Completion time player

Perforation 1
Use the standard time
Squeeze 1 control buttons to see how
completions change
Plug 1 through time

Perforation 2

Stimulation 1

15 © 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

Exercise – Completion Design

Note: In completion design you can either import completion items and then
visualize/edit them or you can create your completion design from scratch. In this
exercise we create a completion design for the new wells that we will include in our
prediction run.

Exercise Steps

1. Open up a New Well Section Window and add all the wells in the Pred Wells folder to
2. In the Process Diagram, open Simulation and select Well Completion Design. This will
activate the process and enable you to use the Well Completions Actions toolbar.
3. Since these are new wells there are no well tops available. Open the Settings panel for
the Pred Wells folder and go to the Report tab.
4. Deselect Make well report, select Iconize points into active well tops as Other and
then drop in your surfaces. If you did not have surfaces you could either drop in your
simulation grid from the Models tab or right-click on the Horizons folder and select Convert
to Structured Surface to generate surfaces.

5. Click on Execute to generate the well tops and then close the Settings panel.
6. Select the Well Tops folder in the Input tab to add them to view.
7. Select Add new casing and then click just below the bottom most well top for your
new producer. Since this well does not have a Caliper log the Well Completion Design
dialog will pop up and ask you to generate one.

8. Enter a value of 0.125 m as the Caliper Value and select to Apply to all wells. This way
you will avoid having to set the Caliper Value for the other new wells.
9. Go to the Default Dates tab and open up the spreadsheet for time symbols. Create a
symbol called SOP (Start Of Prediction) and set the time to 1.1.2005.

10. Apply and close the spreadsheet.

11. Select to use Symbol and you will then have SOP selected.

12. Apply and close the Well Completion Design dialog. In the well section window you can
now see your casing.
13. Hover the cursor over the casing and see that it changes shape. You can now click and
drag the casing up or down.
14. Select the oil saturation at the end of history from your case in the Models tab to add it to
15. Right-click on the Casing and select Perforation.
16. Look at the oil saturation and click where you want to add you perforation. Click on the
upper and lower part of the perforation to stretch it into place.
17. In the Input tab your can now find a Completions folder under your new production well.
Right-click on the folder and select Place completions relative to nearest top. You can now
see that the color of the completion items in the well section window have changed. This is
to show that they are now set relative to well tops.
18. Open the Setting panel for the Casing item in the Completions folder. Make sure that
Bottom depth relative to well bottom is selected and Bottom depth is set to 0. This will
make sure that the casing covers the whole of the well.

19. You can copy a Completions folder or a single completion item to another well or well
folder. Since we want all the new wells to have a casing use the Edit | Copy and Edit |
Paste options to copy the Casing onto the Pred Wells folder.
20. Check the wells in the Pred Wells folder and see that the Casing is now in place for all
wells. Since it was set relative to bottom of the well all the wells will now be fully cased.
21. Open the Settings panel for the Perforation and see that the top and bottom depth is set
relative to well tops. This means that should you want to copy these onto other producers
the perforation will keep the relative position to the well tops.
22. Add perforations to the rest of the new wells and when you are finished with the well
design use the synchronized well scrolling and synchronized well scaling options
to view the your design in the well section window. The wells should now be ready for use
in your prediction flow control.

Petrel 2004
Initializing the Reservoir Model

© 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

How to set up a simulation run

Data Preparation

3D grid with poro, perm, N/G, (region index properties)

Fluid contacts/ saturation model
Wells & completion data
PVT Table
Rel. perm. curves

© 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

The data that you need. Note that some is optional

Data Preparation
3D Grid properties

In most cases created by the geoscientist

In case of missing data; use the 3D calculator or

stochastic property modelling to create a simple model.

© 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

Data Preparation
Phases and Saturation

Choose between using Contacts, 3D property or neither

Use Make Contacts to define your Contact Set.

Saturation models can be created as a 3D property using

e.g. a J-function in the 3D property calculator

© 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

Data Preparation
Wells & completion data

Wells are created using Well Design

Completion data is represented as a log and can be

edited interactively in 3D, in well correlation panel or
spreadsheet view.

In case of no completion Petrel FrontSim will ”auto

complete” the entire well.

© 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

Initializing the Reservoir Simulation Model

The initial state of every cell must

be defined:
Initial pressure and phase
Initial solution ratios
Depth dependence of reservoir
fluid properties
Oil and gas re-solution rates

© 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

Initialization Options

1. Equilibration - initial pressures and

saturations are computed by ECLIPSE
using data entered in the Make Fluid
Model Process

2. Enumeration- initial solution is specified

by the user explicitly for every grid block.
Set up in the Define Case Process

3. Restart - initial solution may be read

from a Restart file created by an earlier
run of ECLIPSE. Set up in the Define
Case Process

© 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

Petrel 2004 - Define Simulation Case

© 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

The list will pick up the first items it finds. You will have to qc this
If you have done this already in your project, you will automatically get the Edit existing case.

Define Simulation Case Process

The Define Case Process allows the

engineer to pull together grid, fluid model,
saturation functions, and flow controls to
create a simulation model.

The selection of which reservoir simulator

to run and which version is also done in
this process

Access to advanced keyword based

editing is provided in the process.

© 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

Define Simulation Case

General / Grid
Select which simulator to run

Select which grid to use for the case

Create a new case or edit an existing one

By default the minimum set of properties

will be included in the input table. Add
additional properties if required

Note: Petrel will use the first properties

it finds for the grid from the Properties

© 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

Note: LGR - For LGR you will need to have the ECLIPSE LGR license! Just because you can do it
in Petrel does not mean that you can do LGR in ECLIPSE

Be aware that if you have done this process once before, the dialog will automatically be set to
”Edit existing case” !!

Define Simulation Case

Fluids (PVT)
Select whether initialization will be done
by equilibration. If not initial pressures
and saturations should be entered in the
Grid tab of case definition.

Use the blue arrow to drop in an initial

condition for each equilibration region

If multiple fluids exist in the field, tick the

Region index property and set up PVT

© 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

1. In the Define Case Process, first untick
the “Initialize by equilibration” option in
the Fluids tab

2. In the Define Case Process, use the

blue arrow to drop in the saturations and
pressures required for your case.

You must make sure that the

appropriate data is provided. For
this two phase case only water
saturation and pressure need to
be defined.

© 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

Define Simulation Case

Rock (SCAL)

Use the blue arrow to drop in a

saturation functions for each rock type
in the reservoir

If multiple rock types exist in the field,

tick the Region index property and set
up saturation function regions

© 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

Saturation Functions: Spatial Variations (Regions)

You may wish to assign different

saturation functions to different
rock types.

Any discrete property (such as

Facies) can ve used as a region
index property.

This allows you to assign different

saturation functions to each facies
type in the reservoir

© 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

Define Simulation Case


The Flow tab can be left blank when

initializing the model

Use the blue arrow to drop in a Flow

controls set for the case.

Multiple Flow controls sets can be

inserted (e.g. history + predictions).
Overlapping dates will honour the
second flow control set

© 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

Define Simulation Case
Results- 3D properties

Set up the frequency of 3D property data

(e.g. saturations and pressures)

For FrontSim cases, make selections for

streamline and time of flight reporting

Non standard 3D properties can be

added (e.g. bubble point for each cell)

© 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

Additional properties are a field where the user can specify ECLIPSE keywords (separated by
The selection given under ”Line Graphs (SUMMARY)” here corresponds to the ”ALL” keyword in
ECLIPSE (which is far from all possible results)

Define Simulation Case
Results- Line Graphs

Select which line graph data the

simulator should report.

By default the simulator will write out

data with high frequency. To produce
one point per report step tick “Single
point per step”

Additional line graph quantities can be

added using the Advanced interface

© 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

FrontSim particularly: To produce one point per TIME STEP tick ”Single point per step”
3D Properties (RESTART) are written out only at report steps.

Define Simulation Case
Results- Reports/Miscellaneous

Select which data to write to report file

Currently only Well Flows and Fluid in

place reports can be requested.
Additional reports can be requested
using the keyword interface

Allocation Files can be requested from

FrontSim cases.

Various miscellaneous items can be

chosen to control viewing the
simulation runs and loading of results

© 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

If the ”Always show message file” is ticked, Petrel will display the XML generated message file
from ECLIPSE nicely formatted.

Initial Fluids in Place
FIP Report

You will want to compare FIP

calculated by the simulator with
earlier volumetric calculations:
– Differences due to how the
saturations are distributed in the
two calculations
– Differences due to solution gas

You may need to use the keyword

editor to request an initial fluid in
place report. (RPTSOL)

© 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

Define Simulation Case


Select which version of the simulator to

run. The default is the latest version

The Keyword Editor provides users with

access to all simulator keywords, and
allow them add or edit keywords.

© 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

This will be empty when doing ECLIPSE runs. No tuning should be necessary.

Define Simulation Case

Advanced: FrontSim

Pressure updates:
– Every report date by default
– Can reduce frequency
• But when well rates change (user
specified or due to automatic control)
pressure is always updated

Max Newton iterations can be increased

Convergence criteria:
– Can be adjusted
– Experts only

© 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

Tuning required: These settings are the recommended settings.

Define Simulation Case
Advanced: FrontSim

CPU in saturation solver:

Usually >~60% of total run CPU
Directly proportional to number of
9 Less streamlines => faster run
Solution Accuracy
Too few streamlines
8 fails to represent flow
8 can introduce material balance errors
9 More streamlines => better solution

Get the balance right!

© 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

For models running more than once you are advised to spend some time tuning these settings.

Streamline density multiplier: Controls the number of streamlines

Suggested to start off doing a bit of a run, then half it and see if numbers change. If not, then half it

Define Simulation Case
Advanced: FrontSim

Each streamline represented by cells in a

1D model

User can control:

# Cells – impacts numerical dispersion
Bundling – impacts memory & CPU
Solution controls – impacts

Experts only!!

© 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

This is ignored if case is for 2-phase or black oil, but Petrel does not gray this out
If 3-phase, each streamline is represented as a finite volume.

Define Simulation Case
Advanced: FrontSim

Time steps are selected based on

some user defined limits/targets on
maximum changes in phase fluid
volume, pore volume throughput,
average pressure and flux variation

MINSTEP can be used to limit the

minimum time steps

© 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

For the top 4 options look in the FrontSim manual for further details.
The last option is the second suggested option that one could change for a FrontSim run. This will
divide up similiary to ECLIPSE.

If using automatic methods to limit time steps, MINSTEP will override the top 4.

Define Simulation Case

© 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

Exercise – Initialization

Note: With a simulation grid, grid properties, fluid model and saturation function you have
enough data to initialize your model. In this exercise we will see how this is done by using
the simulator and then compare the results to the calculations already done in the Volume
Calculation process.

Exercise Steps

1. In the Petrel Explorer Process tab, open Simulation and select Define Simulation
Case. This will open the Define Simulation Case dialog.
2. Select Create new case and enter the name for the new case into the adjacent field.
3. Make sure that Simulator is set to FrontSim, Grid is set to 3D Grid(U) .
4. In the Grid tab the properties of the grid you selected you then be automatically selected.
Any additional properties can be dropped into an empty row.

5. Go on to the Fluids (PVT) tab, make sure that the Initialize by equilibration option is
toggled on and then drop in the initial condition of your fluid. Since you only have one
region no reason to use a Region index property.
6. Go on to the Rock (SCAL) tab and drop in your saturation function.
7. In the Flow tab, drop in the Flow Controls that you created earlier.
8. In the Results tab make sure that under Reports (PRT) the Fluids in Place is set to
Field. This will output the field fluid in place to the print file. (at the moment this does not
work as it does not write FIP in RPTSOL only RPTSCHED)

9. Leave the other settings as they are.
10. Click on Run in the dialog window and then wait for the initialization of the case finish.
11. Once the run is finished close the dialog window by pressing OK. Close all message log
windows if opened.
12. Go to the Petrel Explorer Cases tab, right-click on the simulation case (FrontSim) and
select Show Print file. This will bring up you’re the print file in your specified text editor.

13. Towards the bottom of this file you will find the initial fluid in place report.
14. You can at this point also view your initial properties that are stored in the Models tab in a
folder named after the case. Open a New 3D Window and have a look at your initial
saturations and pressure.

There will more on the Results Viewing process in the next section.

Petrel 2004
Results Viewing

1 © 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

Visualization – 3D Display window

Maneuvering from Function bar Visualization from Tool bar

Move – Left mouse button

Zoom – Left mouse button +

Ctrl + Shift
View all displayed data
Pan – Left mouse View from specified position
button + Ctrl
Target zoom
Magnify (only active
Orthogonal view
when Orthogonal
(no perspective)
view is activated)

Select/Pick mode – Allows

for selecting objects and
getting information about
them (in Status bar)

2 © 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

3D Viewing:
Simulation Results

When you load the

simulation results a
folder automatically is
added under the
appropriate 3D grid

Initial properties are

put in the Init folder

Time dependent grid

properties (saturations
and pressures) are put
in individual folders
with timesteps

3 © 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

3D Viewing:
Simulation Results

Time step animation can be done

on the property displayed in the
3D viewer
Alternatively you can drop in a user
Selection as shown below, or
define a user interval

4 © 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

Time Player hint:
Use Time Player settings in the Project settings menu to change the speed.

3D Viewing

Streamlines are stored according

to case in a folder beneath the 3D
grid they are associated with.

Streamlines can be coloured by

properties and filtered by start or
end well or by properties
5 © 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

Filtering 3D grid
Open the “Settings for
Properties” panel
The 3D grid can be filtered by
The final tab in this index (ijk) or value or
panel is for filtering

A value filter can be

used to limit the range
of cells displayed for
the any property

An index filter can be

used to select the ijk
slices to display

6 © 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

Operations on 3D grid

7 © 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.


The calculator can be used to

create new 3D properties
Difference between 2 simulation
Difference between 2 properties

Very flexible!

8 © 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

General Intersection
Right mouse click on
the Intersections
folder and create a
“General Intersection”

When the General

Intersection is
displayed in the 3D
view, the Intersection
toolbar appears

Intersection toolbar/slice player

9 © 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

Intersection Window A 2D view of the intersection of an
arbitrary plane and the grid

Time Step player or slice player available

10 © 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

Plot Window
Plot Window can be used to combine
together several viewports

Settings for Plot Window controls the

number and layout of viewports

11 © 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

Results Tree:
Line plots

When the simulation finishes the summary

vectors will either automatically be loaded
and sorted into the results tree, or you will
be prompted about whether to load them

The default configuration of the results

tree is shown here.

12 © 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

Results Tree
Default Configuration

The default configuration of the results tree:

Dynamic Data
– Vectors (oil/gas/water rates, etc.)
– Idenitifiers
• Field
• Wells
– Well 1, 2, … The Results tree can change in appearance
• Aquifers
• Groups, etc.
– Source Data The user can apply filters to the tree, sort the
• Observed data tree, and re-categorize the tree
– Observed set 1
• Flow Controls
– History
– Prediction

History Match Statistics


13 © 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

Results Tree:
Categorize tree

Right Mouse Click on “Dynamic Data”

and select Categorize Results

The tree will update to a new configuration,

Use the “Reset Categorize” to get
selecting Categorize Results again will lead
back to the default configuration
to another configuration

14 © 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

Results Tree:
Filters Identifier filter (well)

Applying filters can reduce the size

of the results tree.
Vector filter Source data filter (obs)

Use the Right Mouse Button “Filter Results

Tree” on any vector, identifier, or source data

15 © 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

Results Tree: The default arrangement of the results
Sorting vectors can be changed

Selecting “Sort by names” produces an

alphabetical list of summary vectors

Selecting “Sort by property templates”

groups together summary vectors
according to there property type

16 © 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

Line Plots
Open a Function Window

Make a selection of vectors

to plot in the results tree.

To change the line colour

use the “Settings” panel for
each vector

17 © 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

Simulation Results
Well Section Window

Open a Well Section Window

You can display a simulated

property (such as water
saturation) through time for a
selected well

If you hold your mouse over

a the well section the value
of that property will appear

18 © 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

Exercise – Results Viewing

Results viewing is an important part of simulation. Fast and effective results viewing will save you
time and also help you improve the quality of your simulation model. In this exercise you will learn
how to view simulation results in line plots, 2D window and 3D window.

Exercise Steps: Time Player:

1. Your first simulation run should now be finished. The first thing to do is to check what type
of results the simulation run gave. In the Models tab you will see both initial and recurrent
properties under Properties for your simulation grid. These data are stored in a folder with
the name of the simulation case.

2. First you will need to clear the filter that you set in the previous exercise. Right-click on
Properties and select Settings. In the Filters tab, select the Reset all filters and toggle
off Use Index Filter and Use Value Filter.
3. Open up a new 3D window from Window – New 3D Window menu. Select SOIL[0][Jan
01, 2000] for your case.
4. Click on the Show/Hide Auto Legend icon to add the legend to the 3D window.
(You might have to click on, off then on again to make this work the first time in a new 3D
5. Then click on the PRESSURE folder and select PRESSURE[0]Jan 01, 2000] making it
bold before clicking on the Adjust Color Table on Selected icon . This will adjust the
legend to fit all the values in the PRESSURE folder. Click No to the question that appears.
6. Below the Second Petrel Explorer tab you should find the Time Player Toolbar. If you
cannot activate it by using the View – Time Player Toolbar menu option.
7. Make sure that Step By is set to Displayed and then click on Play Time Forwards You
will now see in the 3D window that PRESSURE is played through all the report steps from
your simulation run for any property that is displayed in any window. If you are only
interested in playing time in one window at a time this is not the preferred option.

8. Click on First Time Step and then change Step By to User Interval and leave it at 1
Years. Click on Play Time Forwards and see that PRESSURE is shown every 1 year.

9. Click on Stop Time Player, change Step By to Selection and drop in

PRESSURE[01][Jan 01, 2000]. Click on Play Time Forwards and see that PRESSURE is
played through all the report steps where PRESSURE is available.

10. Change to view SOIL instead of PRESSURE and then use the Time Player Toolbar to
view SOIL through time.
11. Highlight first your simulation grid and then the Define Simulation Case process under
Simulation. This will activate the Property toolbar.
12. Use the Property toolbar to slice through your grid in I, J, and K direction. Make sure that
all active cells are showing after you are finished with the slicing.
13. Right-click on the Intersections folder under your simulation grid and select Insert
General Intersection from the drop-down menu.

14. When the General Intersection is in bold you will see a General Intersection Player
toolbar below the Time Player toolbar.
15. Enable the Toggle visualization on plane and then go to the Models tab and
select SOIL to be displayed.
16. Select to Clip in front of plane and then select to Plane play forwards . You can
now see the oil saturation on the General Intersection as you slice through the reservoir.
17. Deselect the Clip in front of plane action, select Snap intersection point to plane
and then click on a point in the 3D viewer. The intersection plane will then snap to this
point. Also try selecting two points for the intersection point .
18. Make sure that all the align options are deselected and then try the Snap
intersection plane to 3 points
19. If you want to manually drag the intersection try the options available in the
Function toolbar on the right hand side of the 3D window.

Exercise Steps: Intersection Window

20. Open up a New Intersection Window from Window – New Intersection Window menu,
select the General Intersection and then select SWAT as the property to visualize.
21. Select Plane play forwards .
22. Change the Set By in the Time Player Toolbar to Selection and then drop in SWAT.

23. Select Play time forwards to see how the water saturation changes in the

Exercise Steps: Line plots:

24. Go to the Petrel Explorer Results tab and find the Dynamic Data folder. Expand this
folder and see what data you have available for line plots.

25. Open up a New Function Window from Window – New Function Window.
26. Go to the Petrel Explorer Cases tab, right-click on your case and select Filter Results
Tree from the drop-down menu. You will now see only the data available for this simulation
case in the Petrel Explorer Results tab.
27. Select your case in the Petrel Explorer Cases tab, go to the Petrel Explorer Results tab,
expand the Identifier folder and select Field. Then select Oil Production Rate and Water
Cut in the Dynamic Data list above. You can now see the field oil production rate and field
water cut in the Function window.
28. The order of dynamic data might seem a bit random. Right-click on the Dynamic Data
folder and select Sort by names in the drop-down menu. This will sort the list
29. Right-click again on the Dynamic Data folder and select Sort by property templates this
time. This will give you a list where data with the same property template are grouped

30. You can also split the dynamic data into categories to make it easier to use the data for
plotting. Right-click on the Dynamic Data folder and select Categorize Results from the
drop-down menu. You will now see the data split into folders.

31. By selecting the Categorize Results again you will see a different split into folders. There
are 4 different categorizing structures available in addition to the default view. If you want
to get back to the default view just continue selecting Categorize Results from the drop-
down menu until you have gone through the different options.

32. Change the Identifier to well A12 Right-click on the well and select Filter Results Tree
from the drop-down menu. You will now only see data available for well #A12# in the
Dynamic Data folder. Plot some of the dynamic data for this well.
33. Right-click on Dynamic Data folder and select Cancel Tree Filter from the drop-down
menu. This will bring back all the data that was filtered away.

Exercise Steps: Well Section

34. Open up a New Well Section Window from Window – New Well Section Window and
then select the well A12 from the Petrel Explorer Input tab.
35. Open the Petrel Explorer Models tab and select SOIL at initial time and then every year
until JAN 01, 2005.
36. Select the Show log value icon. This will allow you to hold the cursor over any part of
the well section window and the value will show for all logs at that depth.
37. Activate the Time Player Toolbar if it is not already showing. Select Play time forwards
and see how the oil saturation changes over time.

38. Right-click on well A12 in the Petrel Explorer Input tab and select Import (on Selection)
from the drop-down menu. Select the file type Well logs (ASCII) format and import
Pressure_RFT_A12.txt. Select Specify logs to be loaded in the Input Data tab, and

enter the log name as PRESS_JAN01,2005; column to 2, the property template to
Pressure and complete the import process.

39. Go to the Petrel Explorer Models tab, deselect SOIL and select pressure at Jan 01,
2005. In the Petrel Explorer Input tab, select the newly imported pressure log to display
alongside the simulated pressure in the Well Section Window.
40. Use the Show log value option to compare the measured pressures with the
simulated pressure at the same time.

Exercise Steps: Empty Plot Window

41. Open up a New Empty Plot Window from Window – New Empty Plot Window.

42. Select the New object in Window icon and select New Function Viewport from the
drop-down menu that appears.
43. Click and drag to create the new object in the empty plot window.
44. Select the well A12 and the vectors Oil production rate and Water cut in the Petrel
Explorer Results tab for the function viewport.
45. Select the New object in Window action as in step 41 but this time select New Well
Section Viewport from the drop-down menu. Click and drag to create the new object in
the plot window.
46. In the well section viewport add the well with log PRESS_JAN01, 2005 and the simulated
pressure at the same time from the Petrel Explorer Models tab.
47. Select the New object in Window action as in step 41, but this time select New Map
Viewport from the drop-down menu. Click and drag to create the new object in the plot
48. In the map viewport add the horizon Tarbert1 and the well.

49. If you want to remove any objects from the plot window go to the Petrel Explorer
Windows tab and delete the unwanted objects.

Exercise Steps: FrontSim

50. In the Petrel Explorer Models tab you can also find the Streamline data available for
your FrontSim run. Go to the Petrel Explorer Models tab and expand the Streamlines
51. Open a 3D window and tick on your case under the Streamlines Folder. You should now
see your streamlines in the 3D window. Also make sure to add the wells in the Producer
and Injector folder from the Petrel Explorer Input tab to the viewer.

52. Expand the Attributes folder and make sure that Water Saturation is selected.
53. Expand the Startwell Filter and deselect all wells except C2. You should now see that all
streamlines are gone from the 3D window. This is since well C2 does not open until May
54. Expand the Time Folder and change the time to Jun 01, 2001. You should now see all
streamlines that start from a well Try the same for other injectors and also see how the
streamlines change over time.
55. Select everything in the Startwell Filter folder and Endwell Filter folder. Change time to
Jan 01, 2001 and see the streamlines available in the 3D window. You will see all
streamlines available at this time.
56. Right-click on the Time of Flight (Begin) and select Create Filter. In the panel that comes
up set Max value to 3650 (days). You will find the filter you just created under the Value
Filter folder. Open the Settings dialog on this filter to make any edits.

57. Change the view Time of Flight (Begin).You will see that the legend now is not very
useful. Open the Settings dialog for Time of Flight (Begin) and go to the Colors tab.
Change the Max value on the legend to 3650. You will now see that the legend range
match the values of the streamlines you are viewing.
58. Create a new filter on Water Saturation that sets Min to 0.9. Both this and the previous
filter are now used.
59. View Water Saturation and then deselect the Time of Flight (Begin) filter. You will now
see all streamlines that match your Water Saturation filter. If you want to remove
unwanted filters you can right-click on the filter and select Delete from the drop-down

Process Manager
• Introduction
– Workflow concept
– Interface Tools (Utility, Operations, Processes)
• Predefined workflows
– repeat all calculations on the active 3D grid
– Make a scaled plot of each horizon in the active 3D grid
• Operations
– Referring to objects (using predefined variables)
– Define Variables
• Logical functions and tests
• Looping

1 © 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

Process Manager

• Provides a record of how a model was
created, extracting the details of which
input data and settings were used.
• Is used to automatically update the
model after the input data has been
• Automate repetitive mapping\editing
• The engine for Petrels Uncertainty
workflows – allowing for looping through
everything from depth conversion errors,
facies and property realizations and run

2 © 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

Process Manager
Workflow concept

• List of sequential process steps
• Can be built interactively or 2
automatically from the active 3D grid

1. Insert a New Workflow under the
insert tab in the menu bar or activate
an already excisting workflow. 3
2. Workflows are stored under the
Workflows tab
3. The Workflow dialog should be

3 © 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

Process Manager
At it’s simplest the Process Manager provides a record of how a model was created, extracting the
details of which input data and settings were used. However the Process Manager can also be
used to automatically update the model after the input data has been changed, create a number of
different versions of the model using different settings, or automatic repetitive mapping tasks. A list
of sequential process steps is referred to and stored as a Workflow.
Workflows can be generated automatically from the active grid or built interactively. Workflows are
stored under the Workflows tab in the project explorer and can be accessed through this tab by
double clicking on a workflow or by pressing Ctrl + W.
Pressing Test will test the workflow (errors will be reported).
Pressing Run will run the workflow.
Pressing OK or Apply will save the workflow.
Tip; Make a copy of your data in case the workflow doesn’t work as you expect.

A workflow representing the current Petrel Grid: A list of icons will appear, each one representing a
Petrel process which has been performed during the building of the model. Double click on an icon
to see the settings used during each process. The dialog box for the process will appear with the
settings used.

Process Manager
Top Section - Workflow name and purpose /comments.
Also author name and date

Left Section – Right Section –

Lists available Lists the inserted
utilities /auto-selected
(Conditions, steps of the
expressions, loops current workflow.
etc.), Operations The grey tips
and Processes section above
gives info about
the active function

Bottom Section – Options for executing and saving

workflows as well as holding the selection of predefined

4 © 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

Process Manager
General tools
-Selects where inserted functions will come in the
-Insert the selected function.
-Shift the active function up.
-Shift the active function down.

-Cut the active function.

-Copy the active function.
-Paste the function from the clipboard
-Delete the active function.
-Select all functions in the Workflow.
-Deactivate the selected function (s). (The
settings will be retained but the function will not be

5 © 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

Process Manager
General tools
Instructs Process Manager what to do if
errors occur during execution

Test will test the syntax of the workflow. If
failed logic – a Failed warning occur, if not
a green Test Ok will appear as Status.
Once tested, press Run and Running will
be the status until workflow is completed
with a green OK. The workflow is now
Visualization done, but NOT saved
The clock writes the elapsed
time of the execution
Sets fullscreen mode while Apply will save the settings of the
running the workflow workflow, but NOT run it. Ok will save and
Close. Remember to save before hitting
Hides the dialog when running Close
the workflow

6 © 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

Process Manager
Left section tools – Utility

Contains simple actions such as set active and
display. Set Reference allows the use of a
variable to define an object.
Also Logic or typical programming functions
such as loops and if statements, definition of
variables and feedback.

7 © 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

Process Manager
Left section tools – Operations and Processes

Lists all the operations available from the
Operations tab of settings off objects in the
Input tab

List all available processes in Petrel that can
be used in the Process manager

8 © 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

Process Manager
A simple start – Predefined workflows

Auto generate workflow…

Gives 5 options of predefined workflows already
programmed in Petrel

We will look at 2 of them:

1) Repeat all calculations on the active 3D grid
Creates a workflow which rebuilds the active
Petrel Grid and properties from the input data
using the settings last used for each object.
2) Make a scaled plot of each horizon in the
active 3D grid
The workflow automatically sets the header,
legend, scale bar, info box, etc. visible and ready
for output to the printer.The header and all
information will update with each new horizon that
is displayed.

9 © 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

Running predefined workflows with the Process Manager

Choosing one of the predefined processes in the lower section of the Process Manager will create
a workflow for the active grid.
The auto generate workflows available are:
Repeat all calculations on the active 3D grid – will create a workflow which rebuilds the current
Petrel Grid and properties from the input data using the settings last used for each object. A list of
icons will appear, each one representing a Petrel process which has been performed during the
building of the model. Double clicking on an icon will display the dialog box for that process with the
settings that were used. These settings may be changed before running the workflow.
Run uncertainty volume calculation on the active 3D grid - will create a workflow which
rebuilds the current Petrel properties from the input data using the settings last used for each
property and each zone. By checking the Generate new seeds option, new random seeds will be
created (for stochastic property modeling), these will be reported in the volume calculation results.
Make a scaled plot of each horizon in the active 3D grid – will create a workflow that creates a
scaled plot of all horizons in the current Petrel Grid. Settings such as print scale, info box, symbol
legend, axis etc. are set visible. The settings for these icons can be changed under the Windows
tab in Petrel Explorer. The Header icon uses the autotext option which changes the text depending
on which icon is displayed in the viewport. For each horizon the color table is adjusted and the
viewport is panned to the center of the horizon.
Turn on visualization of each object in a selected folder – will set the icons in a selected folder
visible. The workflow is similar to the workflow described above.

Run the calculator on each of the zones in the active 3D grid – will create a workflow for
running calculations on every zone in the active Petrel grid. The user must specify the calculator
expressions manually.

Process Manager
Predefined workflows – Repeat all calculations…
Normal Run (just repeat)

1) Make sure the 3D grid of interest is

active in Models tab

2) Go to Auto generate workflow (A)

and select Repeat all calculations on
the active grid (B)
3) Most of the processes will be listed.

4) Click Apply (A) to save workflow, and

Run (B) to perform it

2B 2A

4B 4A

10 © 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

Repeat all calculations on the active 3D grid – will create a workflow which rebuilds the current
Petrel Grid and properties from the input data using the settings last used for each object. A list of
icons will appear, each one representing a Petrel process which has been performed during the
building of the model. Double clicking on an icon will display the dialog box for that process with the
settings that were used. These settings may be changed before running the workflow.
It is not mandatory to re-run all of the processes which were performed on that grid. It is the user’s
discretion to delete any processes they are not interested in. Any process settings can be adjusted
NOTE: If you do not want to overwrite the active grid, ensure that you place a check in the ‘with
copy’ option.

Process Manager
Predefined workflows – Repeat all calculations…

Run with adjustments

1) View the processes listed
2) Double-click on the processes
that need adjustment or new
input data

3) Make sure to tick “with copy” to

generate a copy of the grid (for
comparison and in case of
wrong editing…)

4) Click Apply (A) to save the 4B 4A

workflow, and Run (B) to
perform it

11 © 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

Process Manager
Predefined workflows – Repeat all calculations…
Run both Time and Depth grids
including Depth Conversion

1) Copy the Time grid and highlight 1

the copied grid; select Repeat all
calculations… 2

2) Insert Make Velocity Model 4B 3

process and Depth Convert 3D
grid process below
3) Make sure to select overwrite:
“Depth grid”

4) Highlight Depth grid, select Repeat

all… (A) and tick With Copy (B)

12 © 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

Process Manager
Predefined workflows – Make scaled plots
Make a scaled plot of each horizon
in the active 3D Grid

1) Open a Map window and activate the 2

3D grid to do the process on

2) Go to Auto generate workflow and

Select Make a scaled map…

3) De-Select Print (A)

(becomes grey) and press Run (B) 4

4) The header and all information

will update with each new 3B
horizon that is displayed. Note: The process is run,
displayed (and printed if
desired), but the plots are
not stored

13 © 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

The process manager can be used for batch plotting of data in Petrel.
The plotting functionality in Petrel allows the user to print any of the different Plot windows to any
plotter/printer with Windows drivers.The data is output as an Enhanced Windows Metafile and can
be fitted to any paper size supported by the printer/plotter.
Make a scaled plot of each horizon in the active 3D grid – will create a workflow that creates a
scaled plot of all horizons in the current Petrel Grid. Settings such as print scale, info box, symbol
legend, axis etc. are automatically set visible. The settings for these icons can be changed under
the Windows tab in Petrel Explorer. The Header icon uses the autotext option which changes the
text depending on which icon is displayed in the viewport. For each horizon the color table is
adjusted and the viewport is panned to the center of the horizon.

Process Manager
Predefined workflows – Make scaled plots
Adjust Map settings

1) Go to Windows tab and double

click on a setting (e.g. Header)

2) Go to Insert Autotext drop-down

menu and select what label should
be in the header

3) E.g. Horizon name as label - this

will automatically detect the
Horizon name for each mapped
horizon 2

14 © 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

Process Manager
Operations – Referring to objects 1B & 2B

Definition: Using a ‘variable’ or ‘child reference’ to represent an

object or folder of objects. Objects can be referred to directly, as a
‘collection within a folder’ or using ‘child references’.

1. Use Set Reference (A) to set a

‘child reference’ (a) to represent an
object. The child reference must be
selected from the variable list in the
Workflow tab (B) 1A

2. Use For all icons in to perform the

same action on ALL the objects in a
folder. This function requires the name 2A
of a folder (A) and a child reference
(B) which can be used to represent the
objects in the workflow

15 © 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

Process Manager
Operations – Referring to objects (Example)
1. Set Reference; var.a
points to the topmost object in
Example: Cut imported Fault Sticks against a surface the folder first, then picks the
next for each loop

2. Make copy so as not to edit

the original fault sticks.

3. Set the objects visible in the

active window

4. Eliminate fault sticks above

specified surface.

5. An “End Loop” command is

necessary after using the “for
all icons in” command to
terminate the loop

16 © 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

Process Manager
Operations – Defining Variables

Definition: Variables are used in a workflow to have a

simple word or string represent a function or command.

Usability: Useful in Petrel when you want to perform

similar operations or processes on more than one object. It
gives the user the option to perform multiple operations
without having to rewrite a new workflow for each object

All variables will begin with a $ sign, differentiating them from normal text and
allowing them to be used in messages.

All variables must be defined before they are used in the workflow, even if they
have a value of 0.

17 © 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

Process Manager
Operations – Defining Variables (Example)
1. Define Variable
Example: Assign a variable and use it in a redefinition
2. Make a copy of surface,
of itself
represented by (var.a) so as
not to alter the original

3. Assign variable equal to

variable $elevation

4. Set selected data objects

visible in active window

5. Redefine the variable

elevation using itself

6. Make another copy of

variable surface

7. Assign the new variable

elevation to the surface

18 © 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

Process Manager
Logical functions and tests

The same standard functions and syntax as the

Calculator are also available for use in the process
manager – use Online manual for details

The value of a variable can be tested and used to control

the workflow using If statements.

The value of a variable can be tested and used to control

the workflow using If statements.

Insert the function and write a logic expression to test a variable. Immediately
beneath this line enter the functions of the workflow to be performed if the test is true.

If a separate set of functions should be followed if the test is FALSE (and be ignored if it is
true), the function can be added before the End If statement.

Nested loops can also be created using the function.

19 © 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

Process Manager
Logical functions and tests (Example)

Example: Use of nested IF statements to meet several 1. Define Variable; picks a random
conditions number between 1 and 30

2. If the number is higher than 10

then it will output the two
messages below

3. If the above condition is not met

it will look again to see if the next
condition is met; if yes it will output
the messages below, if not it will
look further down

4. Finally if none of the above

conditions are met, then it will
output the final condition

20 © 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

Process Manager
Looping (with example)

The command will add a loop that will run a 1. Define a variable to assign an
specified number of times. A variable will be used to count elevation to a surface.
through the loops and the user is asked for two integers to
tell Petrel where to begin and where to stop counting. 2. Insert a ‘Loop’ function and
specify number of times to run
through the loop
An end loop command must be entered to
specify where the loop ends. 3. Assign the the variable
elevation to the surface.

4. Set the surface and intersecting

surface visible

5. Create a contour line where the

two surfaces intersect

6. Adjust the intersection by

increments of 50 m

21 © 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

Process Manager
Final notes and suggestions

The Process Manager is indisputably the most powerful

tool in Petrel, particularly when it comes to updating
large existing models fast

The Living Model concept uses Process Manager as

the basis for updating a model with new data
continuously (e.g. while drilling/logging wells)

The Process Manager is the Petrel “Uncertainty

Engine” with the ability to generate loops and scenarios
of key modeling process steps in Petrel.

Note: The Process Manager saved Workflows can be

used as Corporate company templates as they can
be dragged and dropped into any project from a
“Template Project” using the Open secondary project
option. The setup will be there, but the data will be
removed (red and black X)

22 © 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

Process Manager

23 © 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

Exercise – Process Manager

The Process Manager can be used in two ways:
1. “As a macro” to do operations
2. “As a batch job” using the processes

There is one important difference. In the batch job you must have done the workflow once before.
You cannot set up a workflow to do processes that have not been done. Hence, the batch job is
great for updating your models when you get new data or want to create multiple scenarios.

For example, if you want to do the same operation to many similar objects it’s possible to set up a
workflow to do this as a macro.

Please see the online help manual in Petrel (shortcut key: F1) for more information and examples
on how to use the Process Manager. Spend 15 minutes on learning it now and it can save days of
work later!

Note: The exercises in this section are quite advanced and therefore not described in detail, e.g.
how to create a surface and how to run volume calculations etc. If you run the exercises on the
upscaled grid, calculations will be faster.

Exercise Steps: Sensitivities (optional)

You often want to do sensitivities on properties, structure, fluid contacts and so on. In this exercise
we will do sensitivities on the fluid contact.

1. Before you can start on the workflow, you will need to create a surface with constant Z=-
2024 m. Go to the Make/Edit Surface process under Utilities. If there is a name already
in the Result Surface field then select it and press delete. Answer Yes to the question if
you want to reset the settings in the dialog. Go to the Algorithms tab in the Make/Edit
surface process and select Artificial Algorithms as Method. Select the algorithm
Constant and in the field on the dialog enter Z = -1950. Enter the name of
OWC_sensitivity in the name field. Highlight this new surface in the Petrel Explorer
Input tab and make a copy by using the Edit – Copy and Edit – Paste commands.
Rename the copy to OWC_2024
2. In addition to the Make/Edit Surface process, you must also have run a Volume
Calculation process on your grid. If you have not done this, then do so now. It is located in
the Utilities section.
3. Start a new workflow by selecting New Workflow from the Insert – New Workflow menu.
You can also use the shortcut key Ctrl-W to start a new workflow.
4. Set up the workflow as indicated in the image below (the names and values can be
different though!). Click on the Auto generate workflow… button and select Repeat all
calculations on the active 3D grid from the drop-down menu. Delete processes not
needed for this workflow.
5. Double-click on the Make Contacts process and change the settings. Use the surface
OWC_sensitivity instead of a constant value (tick the box before the contact to get a
drop-in arrow so you may drop the surface in).
6. Set up the Volume Calculation to use the Volume Calculation Case that you created
7. Click on the Test button to verify the workflow. If any errors or warnings then correct the
appropriate process.
8. Click Run

Notice that you will get a copy of the 3D grid in your Petrel Explorer Models tab, and also new
Cases in the Petrel Explorer Cases tab.

Exercise Steps: Create high & low case (optional)

In order to use a data object in the Process Manager, the object must exists before you set up the
workflow. You cannot set up a workflow with a non-existing object.

In the next exercise we would like to create new properties and use them in a Volume
Calculation. We have solved this by using two workflows. First we run the workflow called Pre-
sensitivity. This workflow basically creates a great deal of copies of the existing properties in your
model. See the figure below for details:

Before starting on the next workflow, press Apply in this workflow, and press Run.

In the workflow sensitivity we calculate the correct values for the copies created in the Pre-
sensitivity workflow. We can now use them in the Volume Calculation process. See image below
for details on the next workflow.

Remember to have the correct 3D grid selected. Also notice the two surfaces GWC-2919 (sens)
and GWC-2919 which must be created before starting this workflow. This workflow will calculate
the NetGross high value using slightly changed settings in the Petrophysical Modeling process.
This workflow also moves the contacts.

Try setting up a similar workflow for your project.

Well design
• Digitize a Well Path
– On a cross section and / or a filtered property
– On a 2D Grid with a draped attribute
– Check dog leg severity (DLS)
– Display the error propagation (error cone)
• Edit the well path
– How does the Widget work
• QC the well path
– Generation and display of synthetic logs
– Using Vertical Well Intersections (along the well)
– Reporting horizon entry and exit points
• Extra – Well Optimizer
– Cost model and reservoir Targets

1 © 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

Well Design

Digitize and Edit the Well Path

QC: Create Vertical intersection,

create synthetic logs

Create Reports; Deviation survey

and Intersections

2 © 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

Well Design Process

First step is to digitize the Well path. This can be done in several way, and will be described on
the next slides. Edit the well path into position.
Second, do a quality control by creating a vertical well intersection and displaying different types
of data on it. Also, it is possible to create synthetic logs along the well path, based on inputs from
the 3D grid. This could be synthetic property logs (Phi, Perm, Sw, etc) or zone logs. The synthetic
logs can be displayed in the well section window just as any other type of log.
The final step, is usually to create a Report to be exported to the driller. You can either create a
report that tells you all the exits and entries of every zone or you could enter the Wells Editor and
get a listing of the well points, with different types of attribute, as shown in the table on the slide.

Well Design

Standard Spline algorithm – is a Cubic spline

method that uses minimum curvature to design
the well path

Advanced algorithm – is an advanced well

trajectory planning algorithm; The algorithm will
attempt to design a well that passes through all
the design points at the user prescribed angle (if
set) by using a series of straight sections and
curves of the requested DLS (dog leg severity)

=> Approximates how wells are drilled in the

real world!

Note: The ADT (Advanced Design Trajectory ) algorithm from CPS-3 is used in the advanced method
and it is compatible with the Drilling Office application

3 © 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

ADT algorithm and settings

The well path algorithm has three user-defined settings (not for spline well paths):
Requested this is the dog leg severity that will be used on the curved sections of the well path if
Maximum the maximum dog leg severity that can be used in the well path if required.
Increment the step increase in dog leg severity that will be used if the requested value must be
How does the algorithm work?
The algorithm will attempt to design a well that passes through all the design points at the user
prescribed angle (if set) by using a series of straight sections and curves of the requested DLS
(dog leg severity).
If no azimuth and inclination is defined, the algorithm will use a ‘J’ curve between points 1 and 2
(straight section then curve), a straight section between points 2 and 3 then ‘r’ curves between
subsequent points (curve then straight section). Subsequent points added to the start of the well
path will be connected by ‘J’ curves, the position of the straight section will not be moved. If the
requested DLS can not be achieved because of the positioning of the design points (points are too
close together and at a too severe angle), then the algorithm will use as high a DLS as is required.

Spline curve algorithm

The basic principle is that azimuth and Inclination change linearly from one point to the next.

Step 1. Trace points are calculated from MD, Inclination and Azimuth or X, Y, Z etc.
Step 2 Calculate Inclination and Azimuth from trace points

Well Design
Digitize well path – Data needed
A) Digitize on a General Intersection

Display all the data of interest:

• Property
• Horizons
• Faults
• Seismic etc.

B) Digitize on a filtered property

4 © 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

Well Design Process

A new well path is digitized while in the Well Design process, and by using the Add New Points
icon. The digitized points can later be edited and deleted, and additional points can be added.
There are several ways of digitizing the well path, depending on the data available.
A) Digitize on a General Intersection (GI). You can create a GI and position it at the place
where you want to digitize the new path. Any type of data can be displayed on the GI,
some examples are listed on the slide. Later on, you can do a more detailed editing, for
instance if you did not wanted your well along a straight line. Note, that it is also possible to
first create a polygon (that can consist of several straight line segments joined together),
create a vertical section along the polygon, display data on the section and then digitize.
B) Digitize on a filtered property. Use the value filter in the Property filter to filter on e.g.
High porosity values, and use the Zone filter to only view the wanted zone(s). Digitize in
3D view and attach the digitized points on the cells that are left after filtering.
C) Another nice tool is to create a STOIIP map from the Volume Calculation process. This
map shows the density for each cell. The STOIIP map can be draped across the surface
representing the top reservoir. Shift the surface down just a few meters (to ensure that the

well path is digitized below the top reservoir). Start digitizing on the areas where you have
the highest concentration of oil.

Well Design
Digitize well path – Process
1) Activate Well design in Process Diagram

2) Continue digitizing on an existing (active; bold) well…

3) ... Or Start New Well (Deactivate old) 2

4) The new well trajectory is stored in the Proposed

wells folder under the main Wells folder

Note: Use these two

options to increase or
decrease point size

5 © 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

Well Design
Well type – where to start the well
Wells can be simple, stand alone (have well header) or
be sidetracked from another well:

Stand alone

Side track

6 © 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

Well Design
Dog Leg Severity (DLS)
DLS is an indication of deviation in degrees per 100 ft (30 m). DLS will indicate the max
bend limit of drill pipe and is crucial for drillers when planning wells

1. DLS color table can be edited (max DLS); go to Style settings for Proposed Wells folder

2. To view the DLS, press the cute Dog-icon; the colors will be displayed on the well path itself

7 © 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

Digitizing the Well Path – Useful tools
When digitizing the well path there are some tools that can be used. Some of them are
shown on the slide.

Show DLS (Dog Leg Severity ) – Toggle on ’Mark DLS’ in the Settings -> Style for the Well folder
containing the designed well. The DLS will be displayed as a colored well path, where red colors
define the areas where the curvature is higher than specified, and the greenish-blue colors show
the areas with curvature lower than this limit. The limit and the colors can be changed by pressing
the color-icon to the right of ’Mark DLS’. The limit in the figure is 5 (if you can’t see it, make sure
you have clicked on the arrow that represents this level, see yellowish arrow in the middle of the
color scale bar). If it is increased, you allow the path to be more curved.

Well Design
Dog Leg Severity (DLS)
The ADT algorithm has some special settings for Requested and Maximum DLS:

Requested – Default DLS value for new trajectory

Maximum – Used when not possible to design trajectory using requested DLS

Note: Changing Max DLS will set the

DLS color table for this well trace

8 © 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

Well Design
Error Cone
Error cone – is a display of the uncertainty that may arise during the drilling of a new well
Error propagation – is error in distance units per 1000 distance units drilled

1. Go to Style – Settings for Proposed Wells folder

2. In the Error cone tab, set horizontal (and

vertical) error propagation from a specified depth

3. Press the Icon to view the Error cone

9 © 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

Well Design
Edit well path (moving nodes)

1. Activate the Select/pick mode from Function bar 1

2. Pick a node (yellow) and move by holding down left mouse-button

3. Depending on the Move options in Function bar ((A) you can move along
the Line tangent only (B), in Vertical plane only (C) or Free movement

3B 3C


10 © 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

Well Design
Edit well path (moving tangent and vector arrow)
1. Move tangent – select the cylinder part of the widget (becomes yellow)
and move up or down tangent for smaller adjustments. Ctrl shifts direction
2. You may also activate the Z-value selector icon and specify a depth for
the node (assign Z=value and press =); moves along tangent vertically

3. Move vector arrow (becomes yellow). This will not move the node but
have a great effect on the curve of the entire well path (A) … so be careful

1 3 3A

11 © 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

Well Design
QC – Vertical Well Intersection
After digitizing and editing the well (using e.g. zones on
intersection plane and filtered porosity in 3D) it is time for QC:

1. Right-click on the Proposed well and select Create Vertical Well

Intersection (A). An intersection is created (B), following the well path

2. Use the “Blue” button (A) to display e.g. properties or seismic

on the plane (B). Check, and do final edits if necessary




12 © 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

QC the digitized well path

After the well path has been digitized, you should do a QC. The QC can be done by displaying the
well path together with all the available data in 3D. There are also some tools to help you visualize
the well path:
Vertical Well Intersection – by right-clicking on the created well you can select this option. The
blue button (just as for General Intersection) allows you to display data on the section. Any type of
data that gets a blue checkbox next to them after the blue button associated with the well section
can be displayed on the well section plane. Examples are seismic, properties, horizons, faults,
Note that you can update the well path while the well section is being displayed, and the well
section will also be updated automatically.

Well Design 1
QC – Synthetic logs
Another way to QC along the well path is to create Synthetic logs:

1. Go to Settings for the Proposed well, Make Logs tab, and toggle
on a property to create a log from. Hit Make Logs button

2. Toggle on the new log (Synthetic) under Well logs folder

3. Go to settings for the Proposed well, Style tab and toggle on “In
3D” to view the synthetic log as a cylinder (thickness rel. to value)

13 © 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

Synthetic log curves - can be created from the properties in the active 3D grid or from the zones
in the 3D grid. Synthetic logs can be displayed in 2D (as you are used to see a log displayed) or
they can be displayed ’in 3D’ meaning that they will be displayed as a cylinder along the well path
where the thickness of the cylinder represents the value of the log.

Well Design
Reports – Deviation Survey
1. Right-click on Proposed well and select 2


2. Toggle Designed Points to view/edit the


3. Toggle All points in the Well Trace to

see and approximated deviation survey (not

14 © 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

Create Report
A report can be created from the Report tab in the Settings window for the current well. You can
create a Well Intersection Report for the 3D grid, that will give you the X, Y, and Z coordinates for
all the entries and exits of the zones in the active 3D grid. Or you could create a Well Intersection
Report relative to other surfaces. The other surfaces must exist in the Petrel Explorer Input tab and
must be entered into the list.
It is also possible to go into the Wells Editor, found by right-clicking on the Well itself. The Editor
shows the parameter as displayed in the table to the lower right on the slide. You can either display
the data for only the digitized points or for all the points along the well path.

Well Design
Reports – Intersection with Grid Zones
1. Right-click on Proposed well and go to Report tab under

2. Highlight a 3D Grid and input using append option

3. Click Execute and view the Output sheet. See the

intersection points for Zones etc.


15 © 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

Well Design
Reports – Intersection with Surfaces
1. Go to Settings for Horizons (A) of the Grid to convert them
to depth Surfaces first : In Operations tab, click Make 2
Surfaces (B). New surfaces are stored in the Input tab (C)
1C 4B

2. Append the Surfaces in the Report tab of the proposed Well

3. Additional: Toggle Iconize points as: Into active well

tops as: Horizon to generate well tops that you do NOT
have from before.

4. Click Execute (A) -> Generates and Output sheet (B) and a
new well top (C) 4C

16 © 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

Well Design
Extra – Well Optimizer
Given a set of reservoir targets the Well Optimizer will
calculate well trajectories and platform locations that minimize
the total cost of a drilling project.

The user specifies targets and a Cost function as minimum input

17 © 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

Well Optimizer
Given a set of reservoir targets the Well Optimizer will calculate well trajectories and platform
locations that minimize the total cost of a drilling project. The user specifies targets and a cost
function as minimum input. The output is a set of optimized trajectories based on geometrical
drilling constraints extending from the reservoir back to the surface location. These trajectories are
automatically sorted in to special folders to distinguish the optimized wells.
Cost Model: The purpose of the optimizer is to generate wells at a minimum cost given the input
conditions. The cost model is designed up front before the optimizer can be executed. Cost is
based on the Rate of Penetration (ROP) principle. That is, predicting the cost of drilling a unit
length of vertical well section, normally measured in $/ft. Accelerators can be applied to increase
the cost per unit length based on well inclination and curvature. In addition to the ROP costs the
user can add platform and well costs.

Well Design

18 © 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

Exercise – Well Design

Note: After the end of history you will add 1water injector and 1 producer to you
model. The water injector will be a very simple vertical well and the producer will be
designed by using the well design process.

Exercise Steps

1. Open up a New 3D Window and select to view SOIL at end of history.

2. Activate the Set Select/Pick Mode option and then click the location where you would
like to insert a vertical water injector.

3. After clicking on the location where you want to insert a vertical well you can see the
location of this point in the Status Bar. The x and y coordinates will be used to create the

4. Go to the Input tab, right-click on the Wells folder and select to Create New Well.
5. Name the well C8, set the Well symbol to Injection water and then type in the Well Head X
and Y location using the values in the Status Bar.
6. Select Specify vertical trace and change Bottom MD to 2500. This will make sure that the
well goes through the grid.

7. Click on OK and then see that the well appears in the Wells folder.
8. View the well in the 3D window to check that you are satisfied with the well location. If
everything looks ok you will use this well in the prediction part.
9. In the Process Diagram, open Utilities and select Well Design. This will open the Well
Design dialog. You will use this process to design your new production well. There are two
ways of creating a well using the Well Design. the user can create and edit a trajectory
using the tools provided (demo will be given).
10. Another option you can use in designing a well is the Well Optimizer. You create some
input targets and then let the well optimizer generate well paths for these targets. The first
thing you will need to do is to create some targets and this will be done using the
Make/Edit Polygons process. Activate the Make/Edit Polygons process.
11. Open a New 3D Window and select to view SOIL at the end of history.
12. Open the Settings panel for the Properties folder under your simulation grid go to the Filter
tab and select to filter out all cells with oil saturation below 0.9 at the end of history.
13. Look at the cells in the 3D window and find an area where you would like to add a new
production well.
14. In the Process Diagram, open Utilities and select Make/Edit Polygons. The only way to
create your input targets to the well optimizer is to first create a polygon and then convert
this to points.
15. Use the Add New Points option to create some points where you think there is
potential for a new production well. A good tool here is to use the index filtering available in
the settings panel for the Properties folder. You can then slice through the grid and select
points in several layers.

16. After you are happy with your polygon points go to the Input tab and see that at the bottom
you have a new polygon available. Right-click on this polygon and select Convert to
Points. This will create a set of points that can be used in the Well Optimizer.

17. In the Process Diagram, open Utilities and open the Well Design process.
18. Go to the Well Optimizer tab, select Create new run and give it a name.
19. Click on Edit/Create Cost Model and select to create a model with all the default values.
20. Highlight the points you just created and Click on Add new input target .
21. Leave the rest of the dialog as it is and click on Run. You might get a message about two
points being identical. In this case you will need to go back to the Make/Edit Polygon
process and delete one of these.
22. When the run is finished a folder named Optimized wells can be found in the Input tab.
Add all wells from your optimization run to the 3D window to see the well paths that have
been created.
23. If you were unable to create suitable input targets and the optimized wells did not end up
as expected you can find some input targets available in the Input tab. Drop these points
called InputTargets into the Well Design process and run the optimizer again.
24. Select one well that you will use as a new production well in the prediction model.
25. Create a new folder called Pred wells under Wells in the Input tab. Move the wells you
intend to use in prediction into this new folder.

Exercise - Loading, editing and running an ECLIPSE deck in Petrel

Exercise Steps

1. Open Petrel, or start a new project if Petrel is already open.

2. Go to the Cases tab in the lower Explorer window
3. Right click and select Import (on tree)…
4. Ensure ‘Files of type:’ is set to ECLIPSE/FrontSim data and results (*.*)
5. Navigate to the directory containing BRILLIG.DATA.

Note: the next steps assume that the simulation has not been run and therefore there are no
results to load.

6. Click on BRILLIG.DATA then click on Open.

7. This opens the Import ECLIPSE/FrontSim run dialog.
8. As there are no results, the only file to load is the .DATA file. Ensure the Simulator is set to
9. Click on OK

10. If the units of the . DATA file do not match the Project units, you will get a warning
message. Generally, click on Change. The ECLIPSE file gets loaded to Petrel
11. Right click on ECLIPSE 100 under BRILLIG in the Cases tab.
12. Click on Keyword Editor to receive the Keyword Editor for the .DATA file.

13. Expand the Grid section. The list of keywords on the right is sensitive to the section
highlighted on the left, so click on GRID to receive the relevant keywords in the right hand
14. Near the bottom of the GRID section, on the left, you will notice the NOGGF keyword.
Right click on this and select Documentation to get an explanation of the keyword and
any associated parameters.
15. Close the Documentation and remove the keyword by highlighting it and clicking on
16. Scroll down the list of available keyword for the GRID section on the right and select
GRIDFILE, then click on Insert. An Editor automatically opens to type in keyword
parameters. On the second line, type in 0 1. Consult the documentation to understand the
parameters. Save and close the editor.
17. Click on OK to save the changes and close the Keyword Editor.
18. Insert the following AQUIFER keywords. Consult the manual for the appropriate location


-- Fetkovich Aquifer
1 8000 1* 10000000000 5e-006 100 1 1* /
2 8000 1* 5000000000 5e-006 50 1 1* /
3 8000 1* 5000000000 5e-006 30 2 1* /

-- Aquifer Connections
1 1 12 1 15 1 8 'I-' 1* 1* 'NO' /
1 1 12 1 15 1 8 'J+' 1* 1* 'NO' /
1 1 12 1 15 1 8 'J-' 1* 1* 'NO' /
2 13 20 1 9 1 8 'I+' 1* 1* 'NO' /
2 13 20 1 9 1 8 'J-' 1* 1* 'NO' /
3 13 20 10 15 1 8 'I+' 1* 1* 'NO' /
3 13 20 10 15 1 8 'J+' 1* 1* 'NO' /

19. Insert the VFPI.TXT include file at the top of the Schedule Section. This contains VFP
tables for your wells.
20. Right click on ECLIPSE 100 again and select Simulation run only to launch and the
simulator. When it is finished, load the results.
21. Browse the Input, Models and Results tabs.
22. Expand the model and display the properties in the 3D viewer.
23. Open a Function window from the Window menu, expand the Dynamic Data in the
Results tab, ensure ECLIPSE 100 is toggled on in the Cases tab.
24. Review some of the Summay data vectors. You may need to use the View all in viewport
icon to see the entire data range

Note: If the simulation has already been run outside Petrel then the results (3D properties, Restart
properties, summary data, streamlines) will be available for loading through the Import
ECLIPSE/FrontSim run dialog.


© 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

Local Grids
Local Grid Refinements allow enhanced grid definition near wells to better model fluid flow behaviour. At
present Petrel 2004 supports Cartesian refinement. Radial refinements are not available. Transmissibilities
between the local grids and the global model are computed automatically by ECLIPSE. The properties of
the cells in the local grids can be inherited from the global grid or specified explicitly for the refined cells.
This is achieved using a combination of the toggles in the Local Grids node within the 3D model and the
property filter in the Property Calculator.

Local grid refinements are included in the simulation run in the Define Simulation Case process.

The Make Local Grids process is available from the Structural Modeling node in the Process tree. Local
grids are defined using either wells or polygons as input or both.

Local Grids dialog

Create/Modify Local Grid sets

Specify parameters

Summary information
on current set

© 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

The dialog may be divided into 3 parts, explained in more detail in subsequent slides, but briefly here:
•Create an existing Local Grid set or modify an existing set.
•Specify parameters – refinement, creating zones in individual zones, and extending local grids in IJK to
create a more cuboid local grid set for the simulator
•View source data and current refinement settings

Create/Edit Local Grids

Select to Create new local grid set

Update existing set
New LGRs have default names,
change later
Refinement method:
Only Cartesian Proportional at

© 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

Create/Edit local grids

Here the user may create a new local grid set. The set is named automatically but may subsequently be
changed in the Models window under the 3D grid|Local Grids.
Existing local grid sets may be selected for editing

Local Grid parameter selection

Select host cell refinement

Toggle on Grid separate zones

to specify LGR parameters
on a zone by zone basis

Select Extend along IJK to

create a more cuboid host cell set
If creating LGRs around
wells, set Well influence radius

Use blue arrow to insert wells or polygons into source list, to remove items from host list
Toggle on Display host cells to review parameters prior to Apply/OK

© 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

Parameter selection.
The source data should be inserted into the dialog by selecting a well or a folder of wells in the Input tree
and clicking on the blue arrow.
The user selects the Nx, Ny, Nz refinements then may click on Display host cells to view the cells which will
make up the local grid set when Apply or OK is clicked. The process is iterative in that the refinements may
be changed, Grid separate zones may be activated and the host cells redisplayed by clicking on the tick
box. Only when the user is satisfied with the resultant display will the local grids be created by clicking on
Apply or OK


Displays source data (wells, polygons)

and level of refinement

© 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

Display source data and level of refinement

This display details the input data to the Local Grids process and the parameters
selected (refinement, separate zones).

Exporting LGRs

Only export format supporting local grids is

ECLIPSE Grid keywords (grdecl) (ASCII)

The local grid set to be exported to the simulator

must be highlighted (bold).

By default properties do not get exported on LGRs.

ECLIPSE will apply host cell properties to LGRs

C5_3 12 12 34 34 1 30 2 2 60 1* GLOBAL /

© 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

The only format that supports local grids export is the ECLIPSE Grid keywords (grdecl) ASCII format.

The local grid to be exported to the simulator must be highlighted (bold). It is not necessary nor sufficient to
have the local grid set toggled on (displayed)

Local grid properties do not get exported explicitly, ECLIPSE will read the local grid keywords and apply the
host cell properties automatically.
The CARFIN/ENDFIN example illustrates what the .grdecl file looks like.

Upscaling of properties onto local grids

In general: Local grids inherit the properties (where appropriate)

of the host cells. So all local grid cells in a host cell will exhibit
the same property value.

© 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

The two images above illustrate that local grids within a host cell all exhibit the same property value.

Upscaling of properties onto local grids
Alternative workflows:
To upscale explicitly onto local grids so that each local grid cell
displays a different property value:
Toggle on both the Global Grid and the Local Grid
Set (filter applied- yellow background)

Rerun the Scale Up Properties process.

Overwrite or Create a new property.
Toggle on Use property filter

Petrel will upscale onto the Global Grid

then onto each of the items in the
Local Grid Set

© 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

The local grids node has a yellow background which indicates that it has a filter funtion which can be used in
conjunction (in this case) with the Scale Up Properties process. Each local grid cell will be populated with a
different value.

Upscaling of properties onto local grids
Export results:

LGR properties inherited from host cell Properties explicitly sampled onto LGRs

C5_3 12 12 34 34 1 30 2 2 60 1* GLOBAL / C5_3 12 12 34 34 1 30 2 2 60 1* GLOBAL /
-- Property name in Petrel : Poro_lgr
1.502814E-001 1.494037E-001
1.503940E-001 1.494156E-001
1.502814E-001 1.494037E-001

© 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

The PORO values on the local grid in the example to the right demonstrates unique property values for each
local grid cell.

Copying properties to local grids

So that properties may be displayed on local grids
in external applications (FloGrid/FloViz etc…)

Toggle on both the Global Grid and the Local Grid

Set (applies a filter- yellow background)
Create new property in Property Calculator
toggle on Use Filter

FloGrid view FloGrid view

no properties on properties on

© 2004 Schlumberger Information Solutions. All rights reserved.

There is sometimes the requirement to load a grid and its properties to a 3rd party application. If the default
.grdecl is used the property display may resemble the display on the left. (ECLIPSE will use the global
property values on the local grids in the simulator). The workflow to achieve this is to copy the properties
using the Property Calculator. Ensure both the global and local grids are toggled on, as in the earlier slide,
the filter is toggled on the Property Calculator and create the new property.


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