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Precision Approach andLanding Operations Instrument approachesand landings usingpreci sion azimuth
and glide path guidance with minima as determined by the categoryofopera tion. Categories of Precision
Approach and Landing Operations are: (1 Category I (CAT I) operation Aprecision instrument
approachand landingwithadeci sion height not lower than 200 ft and a visibility not less than 800m, or
aRVRnot less than 550m. (2 Category II (CAT II) operation. Aprecision instrument approachand
landingwithadeci sion height lower than 200 ft but not lower than 100 ft, andarunwayvisual range not less
than 350m. (3 Category IIIA (CAT IIIA) operation Apreci sion instrument approachand landingwitha
decisionheight lower than 100 ft, or no deci sion height anda runway visual range not less than 200m. (4
Category IIIB (CAT IIIB) operation Apreci sion instrument approachand landingwitha decisionheight
lower than 50 ft, or no deci sion height anda runway visual range not less than 50m. (5 Category IIIC
(CAT IIIC) operation Apreci sion instrument approachand landingwith no decisionheight no runwayvisual
range limitations. INSTRUMENTAPPROACHPROCEDURE—A series of predetermined
manoeuvresbyreferenceto flight instruments with specified p rotection from obstacles from the initial
approach fix or, where applicable, from the beginning of adefined arrival route to a point from which a
landing can be completed and thereafter, i f a landing is not completed, to apositionatwhich holding or en
route obstacle clearancecriteriaapply.

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