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Material management involves planning, sourcing, procuring, transporting, and storing

materials used in production processes .Explain the importance of material management in
businesses .Effective material management helps businesses operate efficiently, maintain
quality, and reduce costs. Provide an overview of the presentation's contents .Briefly outline
what topics will be covered, including objectives, functions, strategies, technologies,
challenges, and best practices
Material management is a critical aspect of supply chain management that focuses on the
efficient planning, procurement, storage, and utilization of materials needed for production or
service delivery. It encompasses various activities such as inventory management, logistics,
procurement, and warehouse management to ensure that the right materials are available at
the right time, in the right quantity, and at the right cost.

Effective material management is essential for businesses to optimize their operations, reduce
costs, improve productivity, and meet customer demands efficiently. It involves strategic
decision-making processes to streamline the flow of materials throughout the supply chain,
from suppliers to end-users. Key elements of material management include: Predicting future
demand for materials based on historical data, market trends, and customer behavior to
ensure adequate inventory levels
Sourcing materials from suppliers through negotiations, contracts, and vendor management
to obtain the best quality materialist competitive prices. Monitoring and controlling the levels
of raw materials, work-in-progress, and finished goods to minimize holding costs, and
prevent obsolescence.
Efficiently storing and organizing materials in warehouses or distribution centers to facilitate
quick retrieval and minimize handling costs. Managing the transportation and distribution o
from suppliers to production facilities and ultimately to customers, optimizing routes and
modes of transportation to reduce lead times and costs.

Ensuring that materials meet specified quality standards through inspections, testing, and
quality assurance processes to prevent defects and rework By effectively managing materials
across these key areas, organizations can enhance their competitiveness.
1) Ensure availability of materials when needed
2) Ensuring the right materials are available at the right time to avoid production delays.
3) Minimize material costs and waste
4) Reducing material costs and waste contributes to cost savings and sustainability.
5) Maintain quality and consistency in materials.
6) Consistent quality ensures smooth production and customer satisfaction.
7) Optimize procurement, storage, and distribution processes.
8) Material management aims to strike a balance between ensuring adequate inventory levels
to meet demand and minimizing excess stock that ties up capital and incurs holding costs .
9) Material management seeks to streamline processes and eliminate bottlenecks in the flow
of materials throughout the supply chain.
10) Building strong relationships with suppliers is vital for securing reliable sources of materials,
obtaining favourable pricing and terms, and fostering collaboration and innovation.


 Outline the procurement process.
 Involves sourcing materials, evaluating suppliers, and negotiating contracts.
 Discuss supplier selection and negotiation.
 Choose suppliers based on quality, cost, and reliability; negotiate favorable terms.
 Mention contract management and sourcing strategies.
 Effective contract management and strategic sourcing lead to better supplier relationships
 Supplier Management.
 Importance of building strong supplier relationships
 Strong relationships lead to more reliable supply chains and better deals.
 Supplier performance monitoring and feedback

  Regularly assessing suppliers’ performance to maintain high standards and address

 Risk management and diversification of sources.
 Mitigating risks by having multiple suppliers and contingency plans
 Transportation and Logistics
 Explain different transportation modes and their advantages.
 Consider various transportation options for efficiency and cost-effectiveness.
 Discuss route optimization and scheduling.
 Efficient routing and scheduling saves time and reduces transportation costs.
 Cover warehousing and distribution strategies warehouse management ensures materials
are stored securely and accessed efficiently.
 Quality Control and Inspection
 Define quality control and its significance.

Strategies and best practices


Define JIT and its impact on reducing inventory costs.

JIT aims to keep inventory levels low by receiving materials just as they are needed.
Benefits of minimizing excess inventory
Reduces storage costs, waste, and obsolescence, freeing up capital.
Vendor-Managed Inventory
Explain the VMI model and its benefits.
In VMI, suppliers manage inventory levels based on agreed parameters, allowing
businesses to focus on core activities.
Discuss how VMI enhances collaboration with suppliers.
Shared goals and real-time data enable closer coordination and mutual benefits.

Strategic Sourcing
Importance of strategic sourcing in material management
• Involves analyzing purchasing patterns and market conditions to make informed
sourcing decisions.
• Discuss cost reduction and efficiency improvements.
• Strategic sourcing leads to cost savings and better use of resources
• Lean and Agile Practices
• Overview of lean principles and waste reduction
• Lean practices aim to eliminate waste and streamline processes for greater efficiency.
• Discuss agile material management for flexible operations.
• Agile approaches enable businesses to respond quickly to changing market conditions
and customer demands.
Technologies and Tools
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems are comprehensive software solutions designed
to integrate and streamline core business processes and functions across an organization.
These systems provide a centralized platform for managing various aspects of business
operations, including finance, human resources, supply chain management, manufacturing,
sales, and customer relationship management. Here are some key technologies and tools
associated with ERP System.
ERP software suites are the primary technology used for implementing ERP systems. These
suites consist of integrated modules that cover different functional areas of the organization,
such as accounting, procurement, inventory management, production planning, and
distribution. Examples of popular ERP software vendors include SAP ERP, Oracle ERP
Cloud, Microsoft Dynamics 365, and In for ERP.
Integration middleware technologies facilitate seamless communication and data exchange
between disparate systems and applications within the organization's IT landscape.
Middleware solutions such as enterprise service buses (ESBs), application programming
interfaces (APIs), and integration platforms as a service (iPaaS) enable ERP systems to
integrate with external systems, third-party applications, and cloud services.

1) Describe the role of ERP systems in material management.
2) Enterprise resource planning systems integrate all aspects of
3) material management and provide centralized data.
4) Benefits of centralized data and process automation
5) Improves decision-making, coordination, and efficiency across departments.
6) Inventory Tracking Software
7) Explain how inventory tracking software works.
8) Software tracks inventory levels in real-time, helping managers make informed decisions.
9) Real-time monitoring and data collection capabilities
10) Provides up-to-date information on inventory status and movement.

A 24x7 medical agency is a healthcare service provider that operates continuously, 24 hours a
day and 7 days a week, offering medical assistance and support to patients at any time of day
or night. These agencies play a critical role in delivering healthcare services and support in
emergency and non-emergency situations.

They often provide a variety of services such as emergency medical care, telemedicine
consultations, home healthcare, medical transportation, and healthcare staffing. Here’s an
outline and suggested content for a PowerPoint presentation on a 24x7 medical
agency highlighting its operations, services, and benefits.

A 24x7 medical agency is a healthcare service provider that operates around the clock,
offering medical assistance, consultation, and support to individuals in need, regardless of the
time of day or night.

These agencies play a crucial role in providing continuous access to healthcare services
outside of regular business hours, ensuring that people can receive medical attention

promptly, especially in emergencies.

Background: It is reported that more than 128 million patients are seen in emergency
departments (EDs) annually. Patient overcrowding had been associated with an increased
occurrence of medication errors.

Purpose: Due to increased patient volume and the need for improved patient safety, a 24-
hour pharmacy service was established for our institution’s ED. The purpose of the study is to
quantify and demonstrate the impact of a 24-hour pharmacy service in an urban ED.


This was a retrospective descriptive study conducted at a regional level 1 trauma center. The
study period occurred between December 2012 and July 2013. The following variables were
quantified and analyzed: number of medication orders reviewed, number of intravenous
medications compounded, and number of clinical interventions that were recommended by
the ED pharmacy team (EDPT) and accepted by ED clinicians.


A total of 3,779 medication orders were reviewed by the EDPT. Of these orders, 3,482 (92%)
were prospectively reviewed. A total of 3,068 (81.2%) and 711 (18.8%) orders were
reviewed for the adult and pediatric ED, respectively. During the study period, the EDPT
procured 549 intravenous admixtures and conducted 642 clinical interventions. Most of the
interventions involved providing drug information for physicians and nurses (45.9%),
adjusting drug dosages (21.1%), and recommending antimicrobial therapy (15.1%).


The implementation of a 24-hour pharmacy service at our institution was an innovative

practice that increased the role of pharmacists in the ED. The EDPT conducted prospective
medication review, procured intravenous admixtures from a sterile environment, and
provided therapeutic recommendations for the ED interdisciplinary team.

Goal 1: Provide Continuous Healthcare Services

Objective: Ensure that medical services are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to meet
patients' needs, including emergency medical care.
Explanation: Patients can receive prompt medical attention and support regardless of the time
of day.
Goal 2: Enhance Patient Experience and Outcomes
Objective: Offer high-quality care and compassionate service to improve patient satisfaction
and health outcomes.
Explanation: By focusing on patient-centered care, the agency can build trust and improve
recovery rates.
Goal 3: Optimize Resource Management
Objective: Efficiently manage medical supplies, equipment, and staff to minimize costs and
maximize productivity.
Goal 4: Leverage Technology for Improved Efficiency
Objective: Use advanced technologies such as telemedicine, electronic health records
(EHRs), and data analytics to streamline operations.
Explanation: Technology can enhance patient care, improve communication, and support
Goal 5: Maintain High Standards of Safety and Quality Objective: Implement rigorous
quality assurance practices and safety protocols to protect patients and staff.
Goal 6: Foster Strong Relationships with Stakeholders
Objective: Collaborate with hospitals, clinics, and other healthcare providers to ensure
seamless patient care and mutual support.
Goal 7: Expand Access to Healthcare
Objective: Reach underserved populations and improves access to healthcare services
through innovative solutions such as telemedicine.
Explanation: By increasing access to care, the agency can make a positive impact on public
Goal 8: Adapt to Changing Healthcare Needs
Objective: Continuously assess and adjust services to meet evolving healthcare needs and
regulatory requirements.
Explanation: Being adaptable allows the agency to stay relevant and effective in a changing
healthcare landscape.

Literature Review

(1992), defines materials management organizational concept as having a single manager
responsible for organizing, encouraging and managing all those activities that primarily
concern the flow of a material into an organization. The above concepts are emphasized
differently, but they all concern the management of materials and all begin with the supplier.
Purchasing, receiving goods, quality control, handling of materials and internal transport are
also included in the definition.

(1996), defines material management as a confederacy conventional material activity found
by a common idea, an integrated approach to preparation, procurement, transfer, flow and
delivery of production materials from the raw materials level to the finished product stage.
He further clarified that, this approach looks at the whole flow of materials and components
from supplies to the manufacturing establishment which it stores, and production lines, and
even after manufacturing, at the flow of parts and goods through hub and distribution centre
and to customer

. (1999), considers material management as, a concept involving an organizational framework
that unifies into one functional obligation the systematic organizing and control of all
materials from the identification of the need through distribution to customers.

Kasim N. B., Anumba C. J. and Dainty A. R. J. (2005),

described a key factor adversely affecting project performance is the improper handling and
management of materials on firms. This paper reports on the early stages of research that is
renewing a new ICT-based approach to fast-track material handling. They concluded that, it is
clearly important to manage all materials from the design stage to the production stage. Poor
handling of materials affects the overall performance of projects in terms of time, budget
(cost), quality and productivity. The wastage of materials should also be minimised during
production in order to avoid loss of profit for companies. There is a need to develop new
approaches to materials management in fast-track projects in order to improve the efficacy of
the production process.

Hemsworth David, Martinez-Lorente Angel R., Clavel Jose´ G. (2006),

reported that one important purchasing department decision was to standardize products. The
primary aim of this research is to empirically examine the effect on purchasing and business
efficiency of the standardization of materials and purchasing procedures. The findings of this
study suggest that purchasing standardization has a substantial positive impact on both
purchasing and business efficiency. They gave some points for a better understanding of how
standardization in purchasing, standardization of materials and purchasing procedures, would
affect the purchasing and business performance of a company. Thus, standardizing materials
and purchasing procedures is important and help companies to meet their goals for material
spending and improve the quality of materials, suppliers' on-time delivery, and inventory

KasimNarimah. (2007),
reported that the materials management is particularly affected by shortages of materials,
delivery delays, volatility in costs, damage and wastage, and lack of storage space. Thus, they
reported on the early stages of research which is developing a new ICT-based approach to
managing materials on projects. This was followed by exploring the ICT tools and techniques
currently being employ on projects. In terms of time, budget (cost), efficiency, and
productivity, poor handling of construction materials affects the overall performance of
projects. The wastage of materials should also be minimised during projects in order to avoid
loss of profit for companies. In order to increase the efficacy of the production process, there
is a need to incorporate new approaches to materials management in projects.

Linton, J.D. Klassen, R., & Jayaraman, V. (2007)

, developed the areas to include forecasting criteria for demand and quantity of materials,
good supplier and consumer relationship, indigenous source of supply for foreign materials,
improving skills of staff in material management, improved departmental performance, and
research and development (R&D) in material management. The material management
department oversees these operations. The materials management department will also be
able to see the selection of employees for promotion, ordering, inventory control, store
management and material handling and their training and placement.

Chary. (2008),
noticed that inventory management allows the company to enhance the inventory by
economic order quantity (EOQ) and by monitoring the system level by two bin methods and
red line methods. Management of inventory saves the organization from unwanted losses by
other departments. For three purposes, material inventory is maintained; precaution,
speculation and transactions.

DonyaviSohrab, Flanagan Roger. (2009),

reported that a large part of the construction sector is represented by small and medium sized
enterprises (SMEs). Large firms have the opportunity and capacity to use advanced
information systems and management technology to monitor job and project materials.
Materials can account for up to 70% of the construction cost of the project, hence any ways to
minimize waste and improve productivity will have substantial cost and time advantages. A
technology also helps in control the movement of products and support contractors with
decreased costs and lower prices for consumers. They concluded that SMEs will increase
their efficiency in the material management, and reduce their costs to improve the delivery of

Elijah E. Ogbadu (2009)

, carried out a study to improve benefit through better materials management. To that end,
ninetyfour (94) copies of questionnaires were issued, eighty-six (86) of which were rounded
out and used for the report. All eightysix respondents decided that a hitch in materials
management is the delivery of low quality raw materials. He concluded that profitability was
diminished by the inefficiencies, failure and shutdown of the factory. Profitability increased
by maintaining good relationships with suppliers of spare parts to reduce losses resulting
from frequent breakdowns. It focuses on how, through successful materials management,
business organizations can achieve profitability.

Khyomesh V. Patel and Chetna M. Vyas. (2011),

stated that a void created by the absence of proper materials management on companies.
Research has shown that materials and equipment may constitute more than 70% of the total
cost for a typical project. One of the major problems in delaying projects is poor materials
and equipment management. They concluded that there should be a centralised material
management team co-ordination between the site and the organization, Proper control,
tracking and monitoring of the system is required, Awareness and accountability should be
created within the organization.

Meghani Mahesh D., VyasChetna M., HinguRakesh J., J. J. Bhavsar.

stated that, 4-M (Material, Manpower, Money, and Machine) play crucial role. This paper
describes the key findings of research undertaken in Anand (Gujatrat) India to examine the
incidence of material waste at five construction sites located in Anand, India, at different
locations. Any of this waste can be avoided by strict material oversight and monitoring. This
cap extended beyond the permitted limit, even after any degree of wastage allowable in each
project, which eventually affects project benefit or return on investment (ROI).To compare
the waste of materials on various projects at Anand and give the appropriate recommendation
for site waste reduction.

James Monday Unam. (2012),

the purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between the management of
materials and success of manufacturing companies. The findings provided the proof of a
positive significant relationship between efficient material management and performance in
the business. The study also found inter-departmental cooperation, successful inventory
management, good relationship with suppliers were significant success factors of material

Georgekutty C. K., Dr. Georgemathew. (2012),

had undergone literature review to identify the causes of production failure. In Kerala, a
questionnaire survey was conducted. The major delay or in-completion of the project could
be overcome by proper organizing and scrutinizing the procurement of material periodically
to cut off unnecessary production costs.

T. PhaniMadhavi, Steve Varghese Mathe and Roy Sasidharan. (2013),

carried out case study in material management. The goal of the research was to understand all
the problems that arise in the organization due to inappropriate application of material
management. On-site research was done on management, inventory, purchasing practices,
procurement and cost estimation. Stocks were evaluated by FIFO (First in First Out
method).Cost estimation was evaluated by ABC analysis. Data were driven from the study
and new technological implications such as RFID (Radio Frequency Identification), PDA
(Personal Digital Assistant) were implemented which helps in proper scheduling and
financial management

SitiRadziahLiwan, NarimahKasim, RozlinZainal. (2013),

concluded that inventory is necessary because the correct quantity of inventory would ensure
that all tasks can be carried out according to the organized schedules. Excessive paper-based
documentation, lack of up-to-date information on the status of items, theft and labour
intensive procedures are the key concerns within projects about material tracking practices.
Therefore, advanced technologies such as RFID need to be used to strengthen material
monitoring procedures for inventory management purposes in projects. They concluded that
organizations should start introducing new technologies to simplify material monitoring
activities, such as bar-coding, RFID, and wireless technology. Shifting from manual to
automated monitoring of materials using technology is essential as it can enable material
tracking for inventory management processes.

Lenin P., Krishnaraj L., Prasad D.Narendra, Kumar V.R Prasath. (2014),
argued that the lack of proper management of materials on sites created a gap. Research has
shown that in projects, construction materials account for 60-70% of the overall cost.
Material mismanagement decreases the revenue of the contractor, contributing to enormous
losses, and leaving the project in great difficulty, so careful management of this single largest
component will increase a project's competitiveness and cost efficiency and help ensure its
timely completion. The findings obtained from the evaluation factors shows that design
problems, market conditions, store problems, contractor difficulties and external problems are
the top five key causes of cost overruns. The results obtained are given: the identification of
variables influencing time and cost overruns indicates that the cost overrun of projects is
responsible for design problems, customer problems, contractor problems, site problems,
labor and equipment problems, store problems, external problems, and market condition


 To Identify the essentials of material management in medical agency

 To Measure the barriers in the big material agencies
 To Measure the level satisfaction of employees in the medical agency on material
 To measure the steps to expand medical agencies

Certainly! Let's expand on the hypothesis:

"Hypothesis: Implementing an automated inventory management system in a 24x7 medical

agency will lead to a reduction in stockouts, minimized wastage of medical supplies, and
improved operational efficiency.

This hypothesis posits that the introduction of an automated inventory management system
tailored to the unique demands of a 24x7 medical agency will yield several beneficial
outcomes. Firstly, by continuously monitoring stock levels and consumption patterns, the
system can anticipate and prevent stockouts of critical medical supplies, ensuring that
healthcare providers have access to the necessary resources at all times. This proactive
approach can significantly enhance patient care by eliminating delays or interruptions in
treatment due to supply shortages.

Secondly, the automated system will enable more accurate tracking of inventory turnover
rates and expiration dates, allowing for timely rotation and utilization of medical supplies to
minimize wastage. By precisely managing inventory levels and reducing the likelihood of
surplus or obsolete stock, the agency can optimize its resource allocation and mitigate
unnecessary expenditure on replenishing expired or unused supplies.

Furthermore, the implementation of such a system can streamline logistical processes and
enhance operational efficiency within the medical agency. By automating routine tasks such
as inventory monitoring, ordering, and reconciliation, staff members can allocate their time
and expertise more effectively towards patient care activities. Additionally, real-time data
analytics provided by the system can offer valuable insights into consumption patterns,
demand forecasting, and cost optimization strategies, empowering decision-makers to make
informed choices that drive efficiency and savings.

Overall, this hypothesis suggests that the adoption of an automated inventory management
system tailored to the unique needs of a 24x7 medical agency has the potential to
revolutionize material management practices, leading to enhanced patient care outcomes,
reduced costs, and improved operational effectiveness."
The scope of material management in a 24x7 medical agency is broad and multifaceted,
encompassing various aspects of inventory control, procurement, distribution, and
utilization of medical supplies and equipment. Here are some key areas within the scope
of material management in such an agency:

1. Inventory Management: Maintaining adequate levels of medical supplies and

equipment to meet the demands of continuous healthcare provision is essential. Material
managers must ensure optimal inventory levels to prevent stockouts while minimizing
excess inventory and obsolescence.

2. Procurement and Purchasing: Efficient procurement practices are vital for sourcing
high-quality medical supplies at competitive prices. Material managers need to establish
relationships with reliable suppliers, negotiate contracts, and implement procurement
strategies that balance cost considerations with quality and reliability.

3. Supply Chain Optimization: Managing the flow of medical supplies from suppliers to
end-users involves optimizing the supply chain for efficiency and responsiveness. This
includes logistics management, transportation, warehousing, and distribution strategies
to ensure timely delivery of critical supplies to various healthcare facilities within the

4. Quality Control and Compliance: Material managers are responsible for ensuring that
all medical supplies meet regulatory standards and quality requirements. This involves
rigorous quality control measures, supplier audits, and adherence to regulatory
guidelines to safeguard patient safety and regulatory compliance.

5. Technology Integration: Leveraging technology such as automated inventory

management systems, RFID tracking, and data analytics can enhance the efficiency and
accuracy of material management processes. Integrating technology solutions tailored to
the needs of a 24x7 medical agency can streamline operations, improve decision-
making, and facilitate real-time monitoring of inventory levels and usage patterns.

6. Risk Management: Identifying and mitigating risks associated with material

management, such as supply chain disruptions, product recalls, and shortages, is crucial
for maintaining continuity of care. Material managers need to develop robust
contingency plans, diversify supply sources, and implement risk mitigation strategies to
minimize disruptions to healthcare services.
While material management in a 24x7 medical agency is crucial for ensuring the
continuous availability of essential supplies and equipment, it also faces several
limitations and challenges. Here are some key limitations:

1. Complexity of Operations: Operating round-the-clock increases the complexity of

material management processes. Managing inventory, procurement, and distribution
across multiple healthcare facilities with varying demands and usage patterns requires
sophisticated systems and logistical coordination.

2. Demand Variability: Healthcare demand in a 24x7 setting can be highly unpredictable,

leading to fluctuations in the consumption of medical supplies. Material managers must
contend with sudden spikes or dips in demand, which can strain inventory levels and
pose challenges for maintaining optimal stock levels without overstocking or stockouts.

3. Supply Chain Vulnerabilities: The reliance on a global supply chain for medical
supplies exposes 24x7 medical agencies to various supply chain vulnerabilities, such as
disruptions due to natural disasters, geopolitical events, or pandemics. Material
managers must proactively identify and mitigate supply chain risks to ensure continuity
of care.

4. Storage and Space Constraint: Limited storage space within healthcare facilities can
pose challenges for inventory management, especially for bulky or perishable items.
Material managers must optimize storage capacity, prioritize inventory rotation, and
implement efficient warehouse management practices to maximize space utilization.

5. Regulatory Compliance: Compliance with regulatory requirements and quality

standards adds another layer of complexity to material management in healthcare
settings. Ensuring that all medical supplies meet regulatory guidelines for safety,
efficacy, and quality necessitates stringent quality control measures, documentation, and
supplier oversight.

6. Technology Integration Challenges: While technology solutions such as automated

inventory management systems offer potential benefits, integrating and implementing
these systems can be challenging. Material managers may encounter issues such as
system compatibility, data security concerns, staff training needs, and resistance to
change during the adoption of new technologies.

Data collection methods vary depending on the nature of the data, the research objectives,
and the resources available. Here are some common data collection methods used across
different fields:

1. Surveys and Questionnaires: Surveys involve collecting data from a sample of

individuals through structured or semi-structured questionnaires. Surveys can be conducted
through various mediums such as paper forms, online platforms, telephone interviews, or
face-to-face interviews.

2. Interviews: Interviews involve direct interaction between a researcher and participants to

gather information. Interviews can be structured, semi-structured, or unstructured depending
on the level of formality and flexibility required.

3. Observation: Observation involves systematically watching and recording behavior,

events, or phenomena as they occur in real-time. Observational data can be collected through
participant observation (where the researcher participates in the activities being observed) or
non-participant observation.

4.Experiments: Experiments involve manipulating one or more variables to observe the

effect on another variable under controlled conditions. Experimental data collection typically
follows a structured protocol to ensure validity and reliability.

5. Document Analysis: Document analysis involves the systematic examination of existing

documents or records to extract relevant data. Documents can include written texts, reports,
archival materials, or digital content such as emails and social media posts.

6. Focus Groups: Focus groups involve bringing together a small group of participants to
discuss specific topics or issues in-depth. The group interaction facilitates the exploration of
diverse perspectives and insights.

7. Ethnography: Ethnography involves immersing oneself in a particular social or cultural

context to observe and understand behavior, beliefs, and practices within that context.
Ethnographic data collection methods include participant observation, interviews, and
document analysis.
8. Secondary Data Analysis: Secondary data analysis involves using existing datasets
collected by other researchers or organizations for a different purpose. Secondary data
sources can include government surveys, academic studies, industry reports, or administrative

9. Sensor Data Collection: In fields such as environmental science, engineering, and

healthcare, sensor data collection methods involve deploying sensors or monitoring devices
to collect data on various parameters such as temperature, humidity, pressure, or
physiological signals.

10. Web Scraping: Web scraping involves extracting data from websites or online sources
using automated tools or scripts. Web scraping can be used to collect data for research,
market analysis, or business intelligence purposes.

Each data collection method has its advantages and limitations, and researchers often employ
a combination of methods to triangulate findings and enhance the validity and reliability of
their results.

Do you get opportunities available to you for expressing your ideas to upper
Proper information to the employees for performing their task or
performing task employees are given proper instructions?
Do you get required information when you need it?
Are you well informed about 24x7 medical agency performance?

From the above representation of data we say that we are well

informed about 24x7 medical agency performance.
Is there absolute transparency in sharing information between various
department in 24x7 medical agency?

From the above representation of data we can conclude that there is

transparency in sharing information between the different department of
24x7 medical agency.
The group meetings are informative and worth the time spent?

At 24x7 medical agency on regular basis group meetings take place and all
the meetings are informative and worth time spent.

1)What factors should you consider when assisting a customer in

purchasing medical supplies?
2)What should you do if you’re unsure about the usage of medical

3)What type of support might customers require after purchasing medical

4) Which of the following is an example of post-sales support for medical

5) How should you handle a situation where a product you ordered arrives
6) Which of the following is not a common consideration when assisting a
customer in purchasing medical supplies?

7) How should you handle a customer who exceeds their budget but require
essential medical supplies?
8) What should you do if you’re uncertain about the suitability of a product
for your medical condition?

9)Which ordering method is commonly preferred by customers?

10) How can you ensure the accuracy of your order when purchasing
medical supplies online?

11) What is the importance of understanding regulatory requirement when

selling medical supplies?
12)How should you handle a customer who needs assistance but seems
hesitant to ask questions?

13)What should you do if you have concerns about privacy and security of
your personal information when purchasing medical supplies online?
 The study shows that they did not have many problems understanding the task and
duties which have been given to them in the medical agency. Although sometimes
they face issues while understanding the new medical-healthcare products due to
inconvenient background education.
 As it also shows that the management under the agency is well structured and
 The study shows that the employees agreed to work as a team in medical agency and
provide good transparency on information with each other.
 The study shows that the group meetings and discussions were significantly helpful to
learn new things and opportunities.
 Every organization has some barriers which they overcome. While conducting the
research it is seen that the barriers which this organization faces are cost control,
technology integration, big supply chains, improper communication.
 But these barriers can be removed if the head as well as bottom department try to co-
ordinate their best to fulfill the requirements and essential wants.
 In a 24/7 medical agency, efficient material management is crucial for ensuring the
smooth functioning of operations and the delivery of high-quality patient care around
the clock. Here are some key findings related to material management in such an

 Inventory Optimization: Maintaining optimal levels of medical supplies, equipment,

and pharmaceuticals is essential to meet the demands of patient care without
overstocking or running out of critical items

 Real-Time Tracking: Implementing systems for real-time tracking of inventory levels,

usage patterns, and expiration dates helps in preventing stockouts and reducing

 Supplier Relationships: Building strong relationships with reliable suppliers ensures

timely delivery of supplies and facilitates negotiation of favorable terms, which is
vital for uninterrupted service provision.

 Emergency Preparedness: Being prepared for emergencies, such as natural disasters or

sudden spikes in patient volume, requires having contingency plans in place and
stockpiling essential items.

 Technology Integration: Leveraging technology solutions like inventory management

software, RFID tracking, and automated reordering systems streamlines material
management processes, enhances accuracy, and reduces manual errors.

Improve Storage and Organization:

Implement Efficient Storage Solutions: Use appropriate shelving, labeling, and
categorization systems for efficient storage and retrieval.
Control Environmental Factors: Ensure proper temperature, humidity, and cleanliness in
storage areas
Strengthen Quality Control:
Regular Inspections: Conduct regular checks on supplies and equipment to ensure quality
and safety
Establish Recall Procedures: Have clear processes for handling recalls quickly and

Streamline Logistics and Distribution:

Optimize Transportation: Use route optimization and other logistics technologies to improve
delivery efficiency.

Leverage Technology:
Inventory Management Systems: Implement modern inventory management software
for real-time tracking, forecasting, and order management.
Data Analytics: Use data analytics tools to gain insights into usage patterns and optimize
ordering and stocking.

Enhance Procurement Processes:

Streamline Vendor Management: Consolidate and manage vendor relationships to improve
reliability and negotiate better terms.
Strategic Sourcing: Use strategic sourcing techniques to find cost-effective suppliers without
compromising quality.

Optimize Inventory Levels:

Set Reorder Points: Define and automate reorder points for supplies based on usage rates and
lead times.
Implement Just-in-Time (JIT) Principles: Reduce excess inventory by ordering materials only
when needed, where possible.
Cost Management:
Track Expenses: Monitor and track material expenses to identify areas for cost-saving
Waste Reduction: Implement practices to minimize waste and manage expired or obsolete

Employee Training and Development:

Regular Training: Provide ongoing training for staff involved in material management on best
practices and safety protocols.

Cross-Training: Train employees in multiple aspects of material management to improve

flexibility and coverage

Engage Staff:
Feedback Mechanisms: Create channels for staff to provide input on material management

Involvement in Decision-Making:
Include staff in discussions and decisions about material management practices.

in conclusion, effective material management is a critical component of the smooth operation

and success of any medical agency. It directly impacts the agency's ability to provide quality
patient care, manage costs, and maintain a safe and efficient work environment. The key
takeaways from focusing on material management include:
Enhanced Patient Care:
material management ensures that medical supplies and equipment are available and of high
quality when needed, supporting optimal patient outcomes.

Cost Control:
By streamlining procurement, inventory management, and logistics, medical agencies can
reduce waste and control costs while maintaining adequate stock levels.

Improved Efficiency:
Leveraging technology, optimizing processes, and fostering coordination across departments
leads to more efficient operations and better resource utilization.

Compliance and Safety:

Adhering to healthcare regulations and maintaining high standards for quality control help
ensure the safety of patients and staff.

Employee Satisfaction:
Empowering employees with proper training, clear communication, and involvement in
decision-making contributes to higher job satisfaction and better performance

Adaptability and Resilience:

Proactive risk management and continuous improvement enable medical agencies to adapt to
challenges and disruptions in the supply chain.

To achieve these outcomes, medical agencies must adopt a strategic approach to material
management, focusing on regular assessment and refinement of their processes. By staying
informed about industry to the trends and emerging technologies, agencies can further
enhance their material management practices and remain competitive. Overall, effective
material management is foundational successful functioning of a medical agency, ultimately
contributing to better patient care and organizational success.

1)What factors should you consider when assisting a customer in

purchasing medical supplies?

A. Brand popularity
B. Customer budget and requirement
C. Personal performance of retailer
D. None of them

2)What should you do if you’re unsure about the usage of medical

A. Use it without any guidance
B. Watch online toturials
C. Ask a friend
D. Consult a healthcare professional for advice

3)What type of support might customers require after purchasing medical

A. Technical assistance
B. Emotional counselling
C. Cooking lessson
D. Fashion advice

4) Which of the following is an example of post-sales support for medical

A. Offering emotional counselling service
B. Suggesting any hairstyle
C. Providing warranty for a product
D. Sending a thankyou note to customer
5) How should you handle a situation where a product you ordered arrives
A. Keep the damaged product and order a replacement
B. Ignore the damaged and continue using the product
C. Contact the retailer and report the issue
D. Throw the product and forget about it

6) Which of the following is not a common consideration when assisting a

customer in purchasing medical supplies?
A. Customer medical agency
B. Customer preferred brand
C. Customer favourite colour
D. Customers budget

7) How should you handle a customer who exceeds their budget but require
essential medical supplies
A. Encourage the customer the purchase more expensive items
B. Provide discounts on unrelated products
C. Explore alternative items and try to find the cost effective
D. Ignore the budge concern

8) What should you do if you’re uncertain about the suitability of a product

for your medical condition?
A. Purchase t anyway and hope for the best
B. Consult a healthcare professional for advice
C. Base your decision on online reviews
D. Choose the most expensive options available
9)Which ordering method is commonly preferred by customers?
A. Online
B. Phone
C. In person
D. all of the above

10) How can you ensure the accuracy of your order when purchasing
medical supplies online?
A. Close your eyes and click randomly
B. Double check your order before finalizing the purchase
C. Trust the retailer to choose the product for you
D. Trust the retailer will send the correct items

11) What is the importance of understanding regulatory requirement when

selling medical supplies?
A. It helps to increase the profit margin
B. It helps to ensure compliance with laws and regulations, avoiding legal issue
C. It allows retailers to offer discount
D. It make the product more appealing

12)How should you handle a customer who needs assistance but seems
hesitant to ask questions?
A. It ignores the customers reluctance
B. Respect the customer privacy and wait for them to inititate conversation
C. Proactively offer assistance in a friendly way
D. Assume the customer dosen’t need help

13)What should you do if you have concerns about privacy and security of
your personal information when purchasing medical supplies online?
A. Share your information without hesitation
B. Ignore the concerns and procced with purchase
C. Verify that the retailers have secured payment system
D. Refuse to provide any personal information

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