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1. Attitudes are important in the study of human behavior.

This is so because they are linked

with perception, learning, emotions and motivation. Explain how attitudes become the
basis of job satisfaction in the workplace.
Attitude is evaluative statements or judgments concerning objects, people or events and
are often the result of experience or upbringing. The components of attitude that are
being influenced by different factors change the attitude of an employee wherein it affects
his job satisfaction in the workplace. A workplace where there are good leadership
practices, equitable rewards, supportive working condition and collegue, clear direction
and objectives, the employee will likely have positive job attitude which results to job
satisfaction for these factors give the employee the feeling of commitment to work or
working in his ideal workplace.

2. Discuss concretely the pros and cons of having people with individual differences
working together in an organization.
People differ within and across place. The pros of having people with individual differences are
it helps increase the productivity of company in different aspects as employees have their own
strength, continues growth and development between employees on personal and social aspects
as they learn from each other, and distinction of employees on attitudes, perception of things and
personalities approach differently. The cons are it may develop division between employees if
not appreciated in terms of skills and abilities, potential to develop the feeling of inferiority and
reduce self-esteem and if not understood, can reduce productivity.

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