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Unisan, Quezon Campus

Academic Year 2023-2024

A Capstone Proposal Entitled

Loan and Credit Management System for Yakap at Halik Multi-Purpose Cooperative-

Padre Burgos 1


Tacuboy, Fortunato III

Trapago, Porfiria

Presented to the Panel of the Program Bachelor of Science in Information Technology

February 5, 2024

This chapter provides a clear and detailed description of the research methods to be
used in the capstone project and to demonstrate that the research will be conducted in a
rigorous and ethical manner.


The complexity of the project made the researchers decide to utilize various designs on
the proposed system/application which are the following.

Feasibility study as this involves assessing the technical, economic, operational, and
schedule feasibility of the proposed IT system or application.

This is also prototyping as it attempts to build a prototype or a proof-of-concept to

demonstrate key features and functionalities of the proposed system. The prototype to be made
includes the following features and functionalities.

Likewise, the project is User Centered Design (UCD) as is focuses on understanding the
needs and preferences of end-users. To know these deeper, the proponents will conduct
structured interviews to gather insights about daily experiences in PUP rooms, including usage
patterns and room conditions. The aim is to understand user viewpoints to shape the design
and functionality of a smart temperature and humidity sensing system.

Finally, the project will utilize pilot study as it targets to Implement a small-scale version
of the system in a controlled environment to assess its feasibility and identify any issues before
full-scale implementation. For the purpose of this project, the pilot testing will be conducted in
certain rooms at the Polytechnic University of the Philippines (PUP) in order to assess a small-
scale humidity and temperature control system. The testing will take place in common areas,
classrooms, and laboratory that are used by staff and students. This capstone project will place
a major emphasis on collaboration with professors, administrative personnel, and students.
Data Collection

Consolidation of the data and information is necessary for the success of any research
as this would serve as the point of reference for making the proposed system or application. For
this project, the proponents will use several data collection mechanisms.

The proponents will distribute structured surveys or questionnaires to a larger audience

to collect quantitative or qualitative data on preferences, requirements, and opinions related to
the proposed system. For this study, they will conduct this in

In addition, directly observing users or processes in their natural environment to

understand current workflows, identify pain points, and uncover specific requirements. Through
the observation, the proponents found out that

Further, there is a need for benchmarking to compare the proposed system with industry
standards or existing solutions to gather data on performance metrics, features, and best
practices. Specifically, the proposed system will benchmark

Lastly, technical documentation is necessary to collect technical specifications, system

architecture diagrams, and other relevant documentation to gain an understanding of the
technical aspects of the proposed system. The sources of these would be

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