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Vững vàng nền tảng, Khai sáng tương lai


Is there intelligent ______________ on other planets? (live)
He showed a ______________interest in politics (live)
The body was cold and showed no signs of ______________. (live)
It’s ______________for me to be there before eight. I have too many things to do. (possible)
There is now no ______________that she will make a full recovery. (possible)
Be ______________of the dog, it sometimes bites people (care)
It was ______________of me to leave the door open. (care)
Most of hippies drive very ______________. (care)
______________in filling a description could cost a life. (care)
All pilots are ______________for their passengers' safety. (responsible)
They have ______________for ensuring that the rules are enforced. (responsible)
He is so ______________for that damage. (responsible)
I ate a ______________breakfast and left. (hurry)
The evening passed ______________. (enjoy)
He has acted in ______________to the law (obedient)
she has been very ______________during my illness. (support)
There’s no simple ______________to this problem. (solve)
They carried out ______________checks at the airport. (secure)
It is dangerous to lend money without ______________. (secure)
She was chosen for the job on the ______________of her qualifications. (base)
The teacher wants the children to feel ______________about asking questions when they don’t
understand .(confidently)
My interests are very ______________.(diversity)
The children are taught to respect different ______________. (culture)
The room looks ______________without the furniture. (differently)
It’s ______________in America to eat turkey on Thanksgiving Day. (tradition)
My parents are celebrating 30 years of ______________. (marry)
I’m not interested in a romantic relationship. (romance)
They felt a strong mutual ______________. (attract)
Her face was ______________made up. (attract)
We need a ______________on this by next week. (decide)
She has played a ______________role in the peace negotiations.(decide)

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Vững vàng nền tảng, Khai sáng tương lai

I'm not a permanent employee; I'm working here on a fixed- term ______________.
His marriage is ______________. (contract)
He congratulated them on their ______________of a plan to meet the emergency. (develop)
I’m ______________to succeed. (determine)
I received an encouraging ______________to my advertisement. (respond)
The book provides ______________information on recent trends. (value)
She had been a ______________in her day (beautify)
His first ______________on stage was at the age of three (appear)
It was very ______________of you to send the flowers. (think)
I question the ______________of giving a child so much money. (wise)
Don’t you believe in ______________between men and women? (equal)
Are we in ______________about the price? (agree)
They are ______________to sell their house in order to pay their debts. (oblige)
The club provides a wide variety of ______________including tennis, swimming and squash.
______________is a process of learning to relate to and interact with others (socialize)
Don’t pay any ______________to what they say. (attend)
They are a small but ______________pressure group. (noise)
Team sports help to develop a child’s ______________skills. (society)
Please call if you require ______________. (assist)
This leaflet is produced for the ______________of our customers (inform)
The proposals are still under ______________. (consider)
Children must learn socially ______________behaviour. (accept)
We all are satisfied with his ______________.(polite)
You have to do well ______________to get into medical school.(academic)
A sentence can be ______________up into meaningful segments. (divide)
She completed her formal ______________in 1995. (educate)
The talk was both ______________and entertaining. (inform)
These buildings are part of our ______________heritage. (nation)
The news caused great ______________among her friends. (excite)
I can’t think of any possible ______________for his absence. (explain)
I was unaware of his ______________until now. (exist)
She lives alone and often feels ______________. (loneliness)

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Vững vàng nền tảng, Khai sáng tương lai

What ______________me is how long she managed to hide it from us. (amaze)
It was a really ______________moment (scare)
He gave me a ______________job. (challenge)
She’s very ______________—she writes poetry and paints. (create)
I've only (a) limited ______________of computers. (know)
The government is responsible for the ______________of medical services (provide)
You can't pass an exam without ______________. (prepare)
I chose it on his ______________. (advise)
She was very ______________in the interview. (impress)
There’s a ______________in the accounts department.(vacant)
Successful ______________will receive notification within the week. (apply)
There was a worried ______________on her face. (express)
I'll be ______________to know what happens.(interest)
Thousands of young people are facing long-term ______________. (employ)
In ______________to these arrangements, extra ambulances will be on duty until midnight.
He left school with no formal ______________. (qualify)
He’s very ______________in looking after animals. (experience)
She has a very close ______________with her sister. (relate)
There are only 4 ______________for this job.(interview)
I found it hard to keep my ______________with such a noise going on (concentrate)
She answered all my questions with her usual ______________. (honest)
We offer free ______________support for those buying our software. (technique)
It was a ______________time for all of us. (stress)
She never lost her ______________for teaching. (enthusiastic)
You don’t have to be a ______________to realize that we’re in trouble. (pessimistic)
She’s not very ______________about the outcome of the talks. (optimist)
It would be more ______________to buy the bigger size. (economy)
She felt very ______________about the future. (depress)
At last they were able to feel ______________about the future. (security)
I traded my computer in for a more ______________model. (power)
She was standing ______________close to the fire. (danger)
Her explanation certainly sounded ______________. (believe)
The form should be signed by a person who is ______________qualified. (medicine)
Such changes have not been seen since the ______________of the printing press. (invent)

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Vững vàng nền tảng, Khai sáng tương lai

The invention of computers is a major ______________breakthrough (technology)

There is a wide ______________of patterns to choose from. (vary)
It was a remarkable ______________for such a young player. (achieve)
They built a car that runs on ______________. (electric)
There's no ______________of snow tonight. (expect)
This book ______________little to our understanding of the subject. (contribution)
The sea turtle is an ______________species.(endanger)
The mountain gorilla is on the verge of ______________. (extinct)
These ancient woodlands are under ______________from new road developments. (threaten)
Passengers were asked to ______________their own suitcases before they were put on the
plane. (identification)
Many animal are in danger because of the ______________of many forests.(destroy)
We have to take measure to reduce levels of environmental ______________. (pollute)
Starvation and poverty are the result of global economic ______________, not lack of
resources. (exploit)
The play was a ______________success. (commerce)
Work has begun on the ______________of the new airport. (construct)
Costs have been ______________by 20% over the past year. (reduce)
The raw sewage is ______________treated. (chemistry)
Don't drink the water - it's ______________. (contaminate)
Road development in the area has been severely affected by the ______________programmes
of the council. (conserve)
Exporting is necessary for our economic ______________. (survive)
It is only ______________to do what is allowed by the law. (advise)
I’ve had a few ______________nights recently. (sleep)
The man was ______________as tall and dark, and aged about 20. (describe)
She got the door open, but only with some ______________. (difficult)
I found the talk both informative and ______________. (entertain)
It gives me a great ______________to welcome our speaker (please)
It’s ______________what you can do when you have to. (wonder)
They resent foreign ______________in the internal affairs of their country. (interfere)
This room is twice the ______________of the kitchen. (long)
We produce cheaper goods than our ______________. (compete)

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Vững vàng nền tảng, Khai sáng tương lai

She performed the surgery successfully. (succeed)

I did not get the impression that they were unhappy about the situation. (impress)
Young men join the people's army ______________. (enthusiast)
People of different religions living in ______________coexistence. (peace)
He has been an active ______________in the discussion. (participate)
What points can be raised in ______________of this argument? (defend)
He knew I was ______________and dynamic and would get things done. (energy)
She gave the greatest ______________of her career. (perform)
Surprisingly, no one came .(surprise)
You've to be highly ______________to do well in sport nowadays. (compete)
They are calling for ______________aid to the war zone. (human)
She is ______________to her job. (dedicate)
Lowering interest rates could have ______________consequences for the economy. (disaster)
Her ______________into the world of marketing is good. (initiate)
The organization has grown enormously since its ______________in 1955. (found)
His ______________to his wife and family is touching. (devote)
There are various ______________available for this condition. (treat)
He asked to be put under police ______________. (protect)
They judged that the time was right for the ______________of new terms for the trade
agreement. (propose)
There is still room for ______________in your work. (improve)
Many elderly people live in ______________. (poor)
After some ______________he agreed. (hesitate)
How could he ______________on such starvation wages? (survival)
Communities on the island depended on whaling for their ______________. (lively)
The building is of ______________importance. (history)
Environmental damage threatens the whole of ______________. (civilize)
I don’t have anything ______________to wear for the party. (suit)
He spoke openly about his ______________with the actress. (involve)
What are your ______________sympathies? (politics)
There should be closer links between ______________and industry. (educate)
The expansion of the factory will mean the ______________of sixty extra workers. (employ)
They carried out research into the roles of men and women in today’s ______________.
The hotel is a comfortable and well-run ______________. (establish)

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Vững vàng nền tảng, Khai sáng tương lai

There are strong ______________for and against capital punishment. (argue)

The movie is ______________on a real-life incident. (base)
The new drug has great ______________for the treatment of the disease. (significant)
Where is the ______________picture? (origin)
They tried to get into the club but were refused ______________.(admit)
His book describes the ______________of nationalism in Germany before the Second World
War. (grow)
He is ______________to her by marriage. (relate)
We need new ______________to sell. (produce)
His music is an ______________of tradition and new technology. (integrate)
This country needs ______________in education. (invest)
Tokyo and New York are major ______________centres. (finance)
He likes to study ______________in university.(forest)
We need to be more ______________about this problem .(science)
The area is heavily dependent on ______________. (tourist)
I have noticed a number of ______________in this town. (improve)

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