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Choose the correct alternatives for any ten of the following: [10×1=10]

I. Which will be optically active or chiral?

(a) Caabd (b) Cabee (c) Cabed (d) All of these

II.The quantity T ∆ S may be expressed in units of

(a)J (b)K (c)JK (d) JK -1

III. A living system is thermodynamically an example of

(a)An open system (b) an isolated system (c) a closed system (d) none of these

IV. For the reduction of silver ions with copper metal the standard cell potential was found to be
+0.46V at 25°C. The value of standard Gibbs energy, ΔG° will be (F = 96500 C)

(a) -44.5 KJ (b) -89 J (c) -98 KJ (d) -89 KJ

V. The cell in which the reaction Fe+CuSO4 → FeSO4+Cu takes place is

(a)Fe|CuSO4 ||FeSO4 |Cu (b) Cu|FeSO4 ||CuSO4 |Fe

(c) Cu|CuSO4 ||FeSO4 |Fe (d) Fe|FeSO4 ||CuSO4 |Cu

VI. Which of the following is IR active? - (a) N2 (b) H2 (c) HCl (d) O2

VII.What property must a nucleus have to exhibit nuclear magnetic resonance?-

(a)Even number of protons (b) Odd number of protons

(c) Even number of electrons (d) None of these
VIII. Polar solvent usually shifts the → transition to

(a) Longer wavelength(b) Shorter wavelength(c) No shift (d) None of these

IX. The number of unpaired electrons present in complex ion [FeF6]3-is :

(a) 5 (b) 4 (c) 6 (d) 0

X. What is the shape of Fe(CO)5 molecule ? Given that its dipole moment = 0.

(a) Tetrahedral (b) Octahedral (c) Trigonalbipyramidal (d) Square pyramidal

XI. The set of physical conditions at which the density and other properties of a liquid and vapour
become identical, is called

a) Corresponding state b) Critical state c) Equation of state d) None of the mentioned

1. Choose the correct alternatives for any ten of the following: [10×1=10]

i. Find out the absolute configuration of the following compound -

(a) R (b) S (c) E (d) Z

ii. Change of internal energy is equal to heat change in case of

(a) Isochoric process (b) isothermal process (c) isobaric process (d) none of these

iii. For the redox couples Zn 2+ | Zn (s) and Cu 2+ | Cu (s), the standard reduction
potentials are – 0•76 V and + 0•34 V respectively. If the couples are combined then

(a) Zn2+isreducedandCuisoxidized (b) ZnisoxidizedandCu2+isreduced

(c) BothZnandCuareoxidized (d)Both Zn 2+ and Cu 2+isreduced.
iv. Normal hydrogen electrode has been assigned a potential of

(a) Hundred volts (b) zero volt (c) one volt (d) none of these

v. For a reaction A→B, both change in enthalpy (ΔH) and change in entropy (ΔS) are
positive. The most favorable condition for the reaction to occur in the forward direction is
(a) Low pressure (b) High pressure (c) Low temperature (d) High temperature

vi. The rusting of iron takes place as follows

2H+ + 2e- + ½ O2 = H2O (l); E° = +1.23 V
Fe2+ + 2e- =Fe(s); E° = -0.44 V

ΔG° for the net process is (a) -322KJ (b) -322J (c) -161KJ (d) -151KJ

As we know,

vii. Which of the following atom is nmr active- (a) 12C (b) 16O (c) 13C (d) 2H (deuterium)

viii. Which of the following vibrational modes show no IR absorption bands?

(a) Symmetric CO2 stretching (b)Anti-symmetric CO2 stretching

(c) Symmetric O=C=S stretching (d) Anti-symmetric O=C=S stretching

ix. The number of unpaired electrons in d6, low spin, octahedral complex is :

(a) 4 (b) 2 (c) 1 (d) 0

xWhich has maximum paramagnetic nature ?

(a) [Cu(H2O)4]2+(b) [Cu(NH3)4]2+(c) [Mn(H2O)6]2+(d) [Fe(CN)6]4-

xi. For an ideal gas, the compressibility factor is

(a) 0.5 (b) 1.0 (c) 1.5 (d) 2.0
1. Choose the correct alternatives from any ten of the following: 10x1=10

(i) Which of the following is the expression of Schrodinger wave equation

a) 2 + (h2/ 82 m) (E-V)  = 0 b) 2  + (82 m / h2) (E-V)  = 0

c) (-ħ2/2m2 +E)  -V  =0 d) (-2m/ ħ22 +V)  -E  =0

ii) t and o are related by

a) t = 4/9 o b) o= 4/9 t

c) t = 2/9 o d) o= 2/9 t

iii) The correct order of bond dissociation energy is

a) O2<O2+<O2- <O22- b) O22-<O2-<O2 <O2+

c) O22-<O2<O2- <O2+ d) O2<O22-<O2+ <O2-

iv) Co2+ is an example of

a) Soft acid b) Hard Acid
c) Borderline Acid d) None of these

v) As inductive effect increases dipole moment

a) Increases b) Decreases
c) Remains same d) Both

vi) E° is an
a) Extensive property b) Intensive property

c) Mixture of both properties d) none of the above

vii) TBP complexes involve the type of hybridization is

a) sp3 b)dsp2
c) d2sp3 d)sp3d
viii) Which of the following is an electrophile?
a) AlCl-4 b) BCl3
c) NH3 d) CH3OH also acts as nucleophile

ix) The rotational constant B is equal to

a) h2/ 82 Ic b) h/ 82 Ic

c) h2/ 82m I d) h/ 82m I

x) Corrosion of metal involves

a) Physical change b) Chemical change

c) Both d) None of these

xi) The presence of intermolecular and intramolecular hydrogen bonding is distinguished by

a) UV-Vis Spectroscopy b) IR Spectroscopy
c) 1 H NMR Spectroscopy d) Both b and c

xii) Vander Waals type of bond is formed by

a) Sharing of electron b) Transfer of electron from one atom to other atom
c) Sharing of electron by one atom only
d) Weak electrostatic force of interaction among fluctuating dipoles
1. Choose the correct alternatives of the following:
(i) The nucleophilic attack on a carbon – carbon double bond generates
(a) Carbanion
(b) carbine
(c) Carbocation
(d) free radical

(ii) Which of the following is not a property of the system?

(a) Temperature
(b) Pressure
(c) Specific volume
(d) Heat

(iii) To make n-type semiconductor, Si is doped with

(a) In
(b) Rb
(c) As
(d) Ga

(iv) The gas released at the cathode when acidulated water is electrolyzed
(a) O2
(b) O3
(c) H2
(d) CO2

(v) Which one of the following arrangement represents the correct order of electron
gain enthalpy (with negative sign) of the given atomic species?
(a) S<O<F<Cl
(b) Cl<F<S<O
(c) F<Cl<O<S
(d) O<S<F<Cl

The Cl has a most negative electron gain enthalpy and O has a least negative electron gain enthalpy.

(vi) The correct order of radii is

(a) N<Be<B
(b) F-<O2-<N3-
(c) Na<Li<K
(d) Fe3+<Fe2+<Fe4+

(vii) Ce(58) is member of [Xe]4f15d16s2, second element of the lanthanide series

(a) s – block element
(b) f- block element
(c) d- block element
(d) p-block element
(viii) Which of the following chlorides has considerable covalent characters?
(a) LiCl
(b) NaCl
(c) KCl
(d) CsCl
Fajan’s rule: small size high polarisation
(ix) Electromeric effect is due to
(a) Polarity of molecules
(b) Displacement of electrons in a sigma bond
(c) Need of attacking reagent
(d) Distortion of electron cloud

(x) The colour of the complex [Ni (en)3]2+ is

(a) Green
(b) Bluish green
(c) Blue
(d) Violet
a) ii
b) iii
c) i
d) ii
e) ii
f) iii
g) ii
h) iii
i) iv
j) iii
k) iv
(i) d
(ii) a
(iii) a
(iv) b
(v) c
(vi) d
(vii) b
(viii) b
(ix) d
(x) b (less polar/ polar non-protic solvent)
(xi) d
(xii) a
(i) c
(ii) a
(iii) a
(iv) c
(v) a
(vi) c
(vii) All are true.
(viii) a
(ix) b
(x) d
(xi) a, Bismuth < Phosphorus < Sulphur < Chlorine
(xii) c

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