Report Outline Sapad

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Report Outline

Topic: Types of Online Distance Learning

- Synchronous
- Asynchronous

Number of Hour/s or Minute/s: 1 hour

I. Learning Objectives
At the end of the discussion, the class will be able to:
a. Identify the types of Online Distance Learning
b. Differentiate Synchronous and Asynchronous learning
c. Explain/Discuss the benefits of Online Distance Learning

II. Learning Content (20 minutes)

Online Distance Learning
Distance learning is any kind of remote learning in which the student is not physically
present in the classroom. The student may be anywhere while learning takes place.
Distance learning is educating students online. Over the years, DL has become an
alternative mode of teaching and learning. It has become another venue for education
and instruction. (Alsoliman, 2015)

Types of Online Distance Learning

There are two major categories of distance learning: synchronous and asynchronous.


Synchronous distance learning refers to the real-time delivery of lectures. You will have
live communications with your teachers. This learning model needs teleconferencing and
other similar technologies. Synchronous learners are advised to attend an online class
as if having it face-to-face. They are gathered in a virtual classroom where everybody
can interact with their fellow students and their teachers/instructors.

Synchronous distance learning allows for face-to-face contact with instructors and
classmates. As such, however, it is not as flexible as some learners may desire since you
have to encounter your teachers and classmates at the scheduled time.


With asynchronous distance learning, learners advance through the curriculum at their
own pace. They will receive weekly deadlines, and therefore, they can work at their
desired speed and schedule. There is no scheduled time for accessing the course
content. However, learners may interact through video comments, quizzes, and

Asynchronous learning is different from synchronous learning. Students are given

access to a portal where they can retrieve their lessons or instructional materials at any
given time of the day. This learning method does not include live video discussion,
though recorded videos may be viewed by the learners. However, real-time interaction
is not possible.

Examples of Synchronous activities include live-streaming lectures, video-conference

discussion, and phone calls. While the examples of Asynchronous activities include
watching pre-recorded lectures, reading assigned materials, and participating in
discussion boards.

Advantages of Distance Learning

Distance Learning offers a lot of advantages as a mode of teaching and learning. Bijeesh
(2021) enumerated some practical advantages of distance learning such as saving
money and time. Most often, the fee for online classes is lower than the usual on-campus
classes. As students save money because of reduced financial obligations, schools also
save money because of less expense in maintaining their facilities. Students can also
save time because of shorter travel times. Study materials are available and just need to
be downloaded.

Along with the advantages mentioned above, Oxford Learning College (2015) adds
flexibility, comfort, and instant updates to the list. It is because distance learning can be
student-centered, the learners can control the schedule within the timeframe given by the
teachers. Also, one can learn anywhere and anytime. And because of technology, the
updating of materials and other online resources can be instantaneous. Support is
available by online means to answer queries from the learners.

Disadvantages of Online Distance Learning

On the other hand, Bijeesh (2021) mentioned the disadvantages of online distance
learning. He stated the tendency for high distraction. Because the students are not in the
classroom and are in the comfort of their homes, distractions can’t be avoided. This can
result in poor performance of the students. This challenges teachers to make their
lessons engaging, to motivate their students to focus on the lesson. He also mentioned
hidden costs and complicated technology. Yes, online classes may save money because
of less transportation and materials expenses, but it can't be denied that there might be
hidden costs, like buying software and other computer applications to support the online
classes. The technology used may also be complicated. Navigating through the
applications used in online classes may also be demanding and time-consuming,
especially for younger students and their learning coaches.

III. Learning Experiences (30 minutes)

The class will be divided into 5 groups and each group will be given a particular topic
about the discussion. They will then try to brainstorm words that are connected to that
topic and create a brief description about the topic that was assigned to them. After that,
they will present it into the class and they will be graded using the rubrics below.

List of topics:
Online Distance Learning
Advantages of Online Distance Learning
Disadvantages of Online Distance Learning
IV. Assessment (10 minutes)
The class performance will be evaluated using the rubrics below.
Teamwork 10
All team members contributed in a beneficial and
worthwhile manner, with the team collaborating to
achieve objectives. Combined effort indicated a mutual
Contribution 20
Identified, evaluated, and completed all requirements
and objectives. New information / innovative approach
offered by deliverable.
Knowledge about the Topic 15
Thorough knowledge evidenced; extensive effort and
critical thinking demonstrated.
Composition + Content + Creativity 20
Deliverable presented clearly, without error. Intent was
precisely expressed. A plenitude of clearly related
materials was presented to justify arguments. Material
was original and presented creatively. Audience was
Coherence + Organization 15
Presentation was error free and presented in a logical
manner with smooth transitions.
Speaking Skills + Participation 20
Balanced participation across members. Enthusiasm,
confidence and poise demonstrated. Presentation
executed well and within reasonable time frame.

Instructions: Identify whether the following is an example of Synchronous or

Asynchronous learning.

_________1. Lectures that are broadcast the same time they are delivered.
_________2. Completing quizzes, worksheets, or assignments.
_________3. Educational video conferences
_________4. Participating in online discussion forums or boards.
_________5. Interactive webinars

Prepared by:
Althea L. Sapad

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