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Reading Comprehension B p 256 Connected with the land

A.Look at the picture : what and who does this drawing represent ? What conclusions can you draw about the first
contact between Captain Cook and the Aborigines ?

B. Reading Comprehension :

The text is an extract from Bill Bryson’s book entitled Down Under,it was published in 2000.

What you should know about the author.

William McGuire Bryson is an American–British author of books on travel, the English
language, science, and other non-fiction topics. Born in the United States, he has been a
resident of Britain for most of his adult life, returning to the U.S. between 1995 and 2003, and
holds dual American and British citizenship.

His book Down Under depicts life in Australia.

- A quick chronology of Australian history :

What historical events does the author refer to in this exerpt ?

-Details which surprised the first Europeans who settled there.

Make a list of the unbelievable animals Bill Bryson mentions in the extract.Which animals correspond to his
definitions ?

-Find a title for each paragraph.

-What can you say about the tone of the passage ?

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