Note 21 Feb 2024

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Risks to data and information

unauthorised acess aness to network by users whoaren'tperm

to aness them
unauthorised users attemp to gain access to network

by themselves or alternatively they creat softwors that

runs thousands of time per sec on device imputting log

details in order to attempt to

gain a less to networl
poor security

Botnets group of computers that have their resources

used for harmful purposes eg spreading Malware

Malware software created with th inition to do harm

show misgs play sounds delet files or reprogram
systems to perform takke that will harm the system
connected to the hardware

ransomware threaten to debtusers files or plates

restriction on cuse's access to software or resource
users can sometimes dallet file's content by nict
this can happen if

they press a
key on
flag board by acrident

they format media on the wrong storage devise

their device losses power unrepectedly

Methods used to steal data

Phishing criminal of sending emails

or having website which trick users into giving
away personal information wish can be used
to get money or goods

Pharming 8 technique used by criminals to gain

personal information and payment details from users

they creat fak version of trusted website to trith

users into entering this losing detain wich is then
used by criminals to access their account
internet traffic data transfer between computer
content and internet
domain name computer connected to the
internet that translates domainomes
IP address
Methods to secure Data and personal info

firewalls control thedata travelling into and out of

network addressin

how the examin the network address andportsofdata

compare them to a list ofrules can be changebyadminister
the ruts defermin whattraffit should be allowed totravel
prevent unauthorised uses aless to a network andprotest
the network from malware

Encryption use Hey to scramble data into unreadab


Pass Pin Biometrics 8 used so that users can access

an online system web mail on lingback account

the password should 8

8 characters long
mix of letters numbers symbols
0 mix of upper and lowercase letters
0 random charihters
0 changed frequently
8 Somthing have not been used before

Masked hidden
some serviness allow the pass to beremmembered

Captcha computer program that can identify if

the user is human computer

Bot computer program can interact with system

and users
enter randomly generated series of lettersand
that are displayed on the screen
automatic softwo's tan't read the letters displayeor
enter them into the requierd file
so this is used todistiguia human users fronbol

recaptcha extrait of text from a scande book

selection of Image that hasa common

Antimalware prevent malware fromaccessing

or operating on romputer

It scans
Process data within milisecond of it being being
input and making the outputavailable almost emodio

viruse 8 malware uses networks to spreed to conneited
it spied via communication software such as maillyfe

or beingloaded counputer by external storage akausb

viruses often look like normal files however they hav
unique virus definition
sequence of codes foundin comp virus

identified by antiviruse software


constantly checkfiles
dowloaded loaded by compute
for signs of virus definitions
If it finds a match it quarantines
isolate a cuspected virusa into aprotected
anti virus software has to be updatedregularly
bea virus code be change
or be devileperd the viruse

Anti adware
adware displays unwanted advers

monitor and re cords data and
permissions8 can be set for access to
files folders or drives allowing user
to read only or read and write to thefire

Hypertext transfer protocol Http used to

exchange data between users and web server

Https secure form of HHP

Payment server comput auth is finanial transact


Https secured
email attachment and web link
some are fate and designed to steal users
personal in to
make sure untimulure software is up to date
nokessu it
they don't recognise the sender
tett is general impersond irrelevant to use
text contain spelling
gramatiial errors
attached file is extutable exe irip
this text contain a message
telling usersto
do south imidiet
the user doesn't recognise the art

Backup procullers

lost files
theft malwares
flooding fire power cut

sot automatic backup

Don't use optical media thee deteriorateovertion
Sihedale back ups for whom the users aren't usingthem
toavoid conflicts
erect more than one copy of _folder containsimportantfiles
backed up using online sto's
store capies at multible location

store importan data in fire proof sat

on line thirdpartypaymento

paymentprocessor adthris financial transription

paypal Is krill allow users to send and
resive money using email airount for identifications
link with online spp shopping easier and safer

Card it

expiry date
name on the card
3 4 digit card Esc scarify code

Contactless card using MFC

Near field communication
doesn'tRequir pin if a card reader is in rang
and requesp pay then contactless card
will tattpayment to tax anect
the internet not same www
Interconnected network

Imap into messageaccess protocol

Ftp file transfare protos
SSH seller e shell
VoIP voice over internet prot
MPP extensibly messaging presentsprotocol
HTTP hypertex

a internet
users are uptadate all the time
access booking
system for travel leisure man
do their shopping and banking
study usiv rle
wid range of enterteiment demandZubowercoquia

Collaborative work
esh employee focus on one last
employees become experts in then are a them
marry experience trail
employee don'tshare then skill expertise
and of
employee have reduce whole pre

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