19 Lição - Pronomes Interrogativos

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Pronomes Interrogativos


Who conducted the national telephone

WHO(M) Quem survey of overweight people? PLAY
Who wrote the Harry Potter books?

What did the researchers conduct?

WHAT o que /qual PLAY
What did J.K. Rowling write?

When did the researchers conduct the

national telephone survey of overweight
WHEN quando people? PLAY
When did J.K. Rowling write the Harry Potter

Which did the researchers conduct: a survey

about overweight people or about
WHICH o que / qual underweight people? PLAY
Which did J.K. Rowling write: Harry Potter or

Why did the researchers conduct the

national telephone survey of overweight
WHY por que people? PLAY
Why did J.K. Rowling write the Harry Potter

Where did the researchers conduct the

national telephone survey of overweight
WHERE Onde people? PLAY
Where did J.K. Rowling write the Harry
Potter books?

Whose were the answers that the

WHOSE de quem researchers registered? PLAY
Whose adventure books are those?

How did the researchers conduct the

national telephone survey of overweight

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How did J.K. Rowling write the Harry Potter

quanto tempo How long does it take to arrive in Salvador? PLAY

HOW FAR qual a distância How far is your house from mine? PLAY

HOW qual a
How deep is this swimming pool? PLAY
DEEP profundidade

HOW BIG qual o tamanho How big is your new apartment? PLAY

* O pronome interrogativo how pode unir-se a adjetivos e, a partir desta união, novos pronomes interrogativos
serão formados:

19.1. Grammar Practice

01. Put a tick in the right question for the following answer: For three
weeks. PLAY

a) How long have you been in Santos? PLAY

b) How many times have you been in Santos? PLAY

c) How long time have you been in Santos? PLAY

d) When have you been in Santos? PLAY

e) Where have you been? PLAY

02. ____________ is your wallet? PLAY

a) Whose PLAY

b) Who PLAY

c) Where PLAY

d) When PLAY

e) How many

03. Choose the question for the statement: Ten people have been
arrested. PLAY

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a) How much people have been arrested? PLAY

b) When people have been arrested? PLAY

c) What people have been arrested? PLAY

d) How many people have been arrested? PLAY

e) How people have been arrested?

04. Choose the question for the statement: “Super-caffeinated energy

drinks with names like Red Bull and Monster are increasingly popular PLAY
among teenagers.”

a) Who do teenagers prefer? PLAY

b) How drink do teenagers prefer? PLAY

c) How much drink do teenagers prefer? PLAY

d) What kind of drink do teenagers prefer? PLAY

e) Why do teenagers prefer Super-caffeinated energy drinks?

05. Choose the question for the statement: “Israel is the world capital of
in vitro fertilization and the hospital, which performs about 7,000 of the
procedures each year, is one of the busiest fertilization clinics in the

a) Which hospital is one of the busiest fertilization clinics in the world? PLAY

b) How many fertilization procedures are made in Israel each year? PLAY

c) Which hospital performs 7,000 fertilization procedures each year? PLAY

d) Which procedures make Israel the world capital? PLAY

e) Where is the busiest hospital of the world?

06. Choose the question that is not answered by the following statement:
“New diabetes drugs are being developed to reduce blood sugar in a PLAY
straightforward way — by causing it to be excreted in the urine.”

a) What are being developed? PLAY

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b) What does the new drug reduce? PLAY

c) How is the new drug being developed? PLAY

d) How does the new drug act? PLAY

e) How does the new drug reduce blood sugar?

07. Choose the question for the statement: “The federal government
does not want food like the crackers advertised to children because they PLAY
contain too much saturated fat and salt and are made from white flour.”

a) Why doesn’t the government want crackers advertised to children? PLAY

b) How does the government want crackers advertised to children? PLAY

c) Why does the government want crackers advertised to children? PLAY

d) How are the crackers advertised to children? PLAY

e) Where does the government want crackers advertised to children?

08. Put a tick in the right answer: PLAY

- Those pants are mine. __________ are these on the chair?

- They’re Fred’s.

a) Which PLAY

b) What PLAY

c) Where PLAY

d) Whose PLAY

e) Whom

19.2 Reading Practice

TEXT 35 -BlackBerry announces iPad rival

September 29, 2010 PLAY

The company that makes BlackBerry mobile phones

has announced plans for a new, touchscreen, tablet-style
computer to rival the Apple iPad. The PlayBook goes on sale PLAY
next year.
BlackBerry’s equivalent to the iPad has a smaller screen

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and is lighter than Apple’s device. That’s meant to make it

appealing to business people on the move, the kind of people
who already buy BlackBerry phones.

Nearly six million iPads were sold in the first six months,
so it’s easy to see why Research in Motion, the Canadian firm
behind the BlackBerry, wants a bite of Apple’s market. One
key selling point for RIM’s product is, unlike the iPad, it runs
Flash video, the most popular software for showing moving
images online.
Apple devices don’t run Flash, thanks to a well-publicized
disagreement between the company and Adobe, the firm
behind the video technology.
Analysts say the BlackBerry tablet device is better placed
than many rivals to mount an effective challenge to Apple. But
it’s seen as more likely to find a niche in the market than to be
an outright iPad-killer.

GREGORY, Mark. BlackBerry announces iPad rival.

Disponível em: <www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/language

01. It’s stated in the text that the new Blackberry tablet-style computer PLAY

a) will only be launched in 2011. PLAY

b) has already sold six million units. PLAY

c) was launched before the apple ipad. PLAY

d) started to be offered to the general public in 2010. PLAY

e) still needs the Canadian government’s approval to be mass-produced. PLAY

02. Fill in the parentheses with T (True) or F (False). PLAY

The text has answers to the following questions: PLAY

( ) What does Blackberry new computer look like? PLAY

( ) What’s the main purpose of the launching of the Blackberry new tablet? PLAY

( ) Which customers is Blackberry targeting at? PLAY

( ) Why can’t Blackberry tablets run flash video? PLAY

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( ) How many potential buyers have already ordered the new Blackberry tablet

According to the text, the correct sequence, from top to bottom, is PLAY

a) F T F F T
b) F T F T F
c) T F T F T
d) T T T F F
e) T T T T T

03. The text says that, when compared to Apple iPad, the Blackberry
PlayBook PLAY

a) weighs less. PLAY

b) has got a larger screen. PLAY

c) has a smaller keyboard. PLAY

d) doesn’t have a tactile display. PLAY

e) doesn’t display moving images online.

04. In its attempt to rival the Apple iPad, analysts think that the
Blackberry tablet computer PLAY

a) will do that in no time at all. PLAY

b) has little chance of success. PLAY

c) has more chances than most competitors. PLAY

d) is likely to threaten the success of the ipad sales. PLAY

e) still needs a lot of improvements to become really attractive.

05. “But it’s seen as more likely to find a niche in the market than to be
an outright iPad-killer.” (l. 19-21). This sentence means that the PLAY
Blackberry PlayBook will

a) have no customers at all. PLAY

b) overtake apple ipad’s sales. PLAY

c) have trouble succeeding in the computer market. PLAY

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d) get well ahead of all the computer manufacturers. PLAY

e) have a small but profitable group of potential buyers.

06. “the kind of people who already buy Blackberry phones.” (l. 7-8). The
pronoun “who”, in this sentence, can be correctly replaced by

a) that. PLAY

b) whom. PLAY

c) whose. PLAY

d) which. PLAY

e) those.

07. The boldfaced word or expression can be suitably replaced by the

one in brackets in alternative PLAY

a) “so it’s easy to see” (l.10) [moreover]. PLAY

b) “why research in motion[…] wants a bite” (l.10) [because]. PLAY

c) “thanks to a well-publicized disagreement” (l.15) [due to]. PLAY

d) “than many rivals to mount an effective challenge” (l.19) [thus]. PLAY

e) “but it’s seen as more likely to find” (l.19) [though].


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01. According to this cartoon, the boy’s grade in Math is PLAY

a) fair. PLAY

b) excellent. PLAY

c) rather good. PLAY

d) below average. PLAY

e) better than average.

02. From the boy’s answer, one can infer that the mother PLAY

a) advised the boy not to explain his d in math. PLAY

b) told the boy he couldn’t explain his d in math. PLAY

c) can’t really believe the boy did so well in math. PLAY

d) asked the boy if he could explain his d in math. PLAY

e) is trying to explain to the boy why he got a d in math.

8 de 8 07/04/2019, 08:51

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