6 Lição - Presente Simples

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Presente Simples
Antes de apresentar as situações nas quais o Presente Simples pode ser usado, vejamos como reconhecer
sua estrutura:

O presente simples é formado a partir da forma básica do verbo.

Infinitivo: to call

Forma básica: call

I call my mom every day. PLAY

Samuel and André work in a sport store. PLAY

We watch TV at night. PLAY

Quando o verbo está na terceira pessoa do singular (he, she, it),

acrescenta-se –S ou –ES.

She calls my mom every day. PLAY

Samuel works in a sport store. PLAY

He watches TV at night. PLAY


I build
You build
He builds
She builds
It builds beautiful houses. PLAY

We build
You build
They build

Para verbos terminados em s / ss / z / x / o / ch / sh

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I catch
You catch
He catches
She catches
It catches the bus at 8 p.m.
We catch
You catch
They catch

Verbos terminados em y precedidos de consoante tem esta letra trocada

por i antes do acréscimo do es quando estão na terceira pessoa do

They study hard to have good grades. PLAY

She studies hard to have good grades. PLAY

Para frases negativas e interrogativas, o presente simples precisa do
verbo auxiliar do, que quando está na terceira pessoa do singular recebe
–es (does).

Diego does not visit his parents every week. PLAY

We do not go to the dentist frequently. PLAY

Do you sell computer devices? PLAY

Does Cinthia wash clothes at home? PLAY

Formas Contractas:

Do not: don’t PLAY

Does not: doesn’t PLAY

Observe que nas frases de terceira pessoa do singular o verbo não

necessita das terminações –s ou –es, pois a presença do does os


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Advérbios de frequência:

Always - 100% PLAY

Usually - 80% PLAY

Often - 80% PLAY

Sometimes - 50% PLAY

Hardly ever - 10% PLAY

Never - 0% PLAY

Os advérbios de frequência se posicionam entre o sujeito e o verbo.

People usually stay with the family during Christmas. PLAY

We sometimes go to the beach on Saturdays. PLAY

Dan is always in a good mood. PLAY

They are never at home Friday night. PLAY

Observe que apenas com o to be o advérbio de frequência se posiciona

após o verbo.

6.1. Grammar practice

01. It _______ here that the police _________ more trouble in the city. PLAY

a) say - expects PLAY

b) says - expect PLAY

c) say - expect PLAY

d) says - expects PLAY

e) sayes – expect PLAY

02. I ________ this exhibition open. PLAY

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a) declare PLAY

b) declares PLAY

c) declaries PLAY

d) to declare PLAY

e) declaring PLAY

03. A: We ______ in difficult times.

B: I ________. PLAY

a) live / agrees PLAY

b) lives / agrees PLAY

c) live / agree PLAY

d) lives / agree PLAY

e) living / agree PLAY

04. Chris ___________ off his coat when he __________ in. PLAY

a) doesn’t takes / come PLAY

b) doesn’t take / comes PLAY

c) don’t take / comes PLAY

d) don’t take / come PLAY

e) doesn’t takes / comes PLAY

05. I ______ to the bank on Fridays, but Robert _________. PLAY

a) never goes / always do PLAY

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b) never go / does always PLAY

c) go never / always does PLAY

d) never goes / always does PLAY

e) never go / always does PLAY

06. Your father _________ on going with us. PLAY

a) insisties PLAY

b) insists PLAY

c) doesn’t insists PLAY

d) insisting PLAY

e) insist PLAY

07. We _________ the afternoons watching good films. PLAY

a) spend PLAY

b) to spend PLAY

c) spends PLAY

d) doesn’t spend PLAY

e) does spend PLAY

08. _____ you ______ something wrong? PLAY

a) does / feel PLAY

b) do / feels PLAY

c) do / feel PLAY

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d) does/ feels PLAY

e) feel / do PLAY

09. I _________ _________ worried about them. PLAY

a) is / always PLAY

b) always / am PLAY

c) are / never PLAY

d) am / always PLAY

e) is / never PLAY

10. Tiago _____ _____ _________ his breakfast in ten minutes. PLAY

a) usually / eat PLAY

b) usually / eats PLAY

c) eat / usually PLAY

d) eats / usually PLAY

e) usually / to eat PLAY

6.2. Reading Practice


A recent study may have an answer to one of the greatest unsolved

mysteries in science - what is the purpose of sleep? The work suggests PLAY
it’s actually about making animals function more efficiently in their

6 de 8 07/04/2019, 08:34
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Pythons, bats and giant armadillos are among the longest sleepers at
over eighteen hours a day. Human babies need sixteen hours, and most
of us probably feel we need around eight hours sleep to function well.

Professor Jerry Seigel from the University of California, Los Angeles,

conducted a study of the sleep times of a broad range of animals and
found that they vary widely. Some, like migrating birds, can survive long
periods without sleeping at all. He believes that shows sleep evolved to
conserve energy. Jerry Seigel: “It’s animals that are needlessly active that
will not survive, but animals that are most efficient and use their waking
time to do vital functions, and are otherwise asleep that will survive.”
Sleep helps make best use of limited resources. In humans, when we’re PLAY
awake, our brain accounts for 20% of the energy we use when just sitting
around. Sleeping also makes us less likely to get injured and less likely to
be detected by predators.
STEWART, Jon. Why do we sleep? Disponível
Acessoem: 10 jul. 2010. “armadillos” (l. 4): tatus.

01. Constituem respostas verdadeiras para a pergunta em destaque

aquelas contidas nos seguintes fragmentos: “WHY DO WE SLEEP?”

(01) “Phytons, bats and giant armadillos are among the longest sleepers” PLAY

(02) “Professor Jerry Seigel […] conducted a study of the sleep times of
a broad range of animals and found that they vary widely.”

(04) “that shows sleep evolved to conserve energy.” PLAY

(08) “Sleep helps make best use of limited resources.” PLAY

(16) “Sleeping also makes us less likely to get injured and less likely to
be detected by predators.”.

02. De acordo com o texto, pode-se afirmar:

(01) O tempo de sono é proporcional ao tamanho do animal

(02) Os bebês, geralmente, dormem mais que os morcegos

(04) Os animais que dormem muito geralmente têm vida longa

(08) O tatu gigante é um dos animais mais dorminhocos que existem

(16) “Sleeping also makes us less likely to get injured and less likely to be detected by predators.”.

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(32) As aves migratórias conseguem sobreviver, ficando acordadas durante longos períodos



THAT’s one... Newsweek. New York, p.12, 2009

01. The author of this charge thinks that the NASA space program PLAY

a) should be encouraged PLAY

b) is not worthwhile PLAY

c) is not a waste of time PLAY

d) can improve scientific studies PLAY

e) will surely help mankind PLAY

8 de 8 07/04/2019, 08:34

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