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085213336906| ambon,
5th semester communication science student from pattimura university. has the ability to design buildings and also calculations and is able to build
relationships with people at different levels and reliable communication skills that I developed through several organizational activities

Forum Anak Daerah Kayu Putih - Namlea, Indonesia May 2018 - Present
pioneer Child
Cleaning the beach environment (kalesang pantai)
Socialize children's rights and stop violence against women

Kedai Masyarakat - Namlea, Indonesia May 2019 - Present

outbound at some schools
Creating a Song Cares for the Environment

Pramuka Gugus Depan Rana Kayu Putih - Namlea, Indonesia Aug 2018 - Present
Record incoming and outgoing funds, as well as supplement them with proof of receipt.
Make regular financial statements.
Holds Ambalan asset data.

Forum Pergerakan Mahasiswa Bupolo - Ambon, Indonesia Sep 2021 - Present

secretary for Communication and Information
As an organizational information center, both internal and external to the organization
Holding and running an organization's social media
Control and manage student data

Education Level
Universitas Pattimura - Ambon, Indonesia
communication science student, 3.28/4.00

SMA Negeri 2 Buru - Namlea, Indonesia

Skills, Achievements & Other Experience

Soft Skills: Leadership, public speaking, analytical, critical thingking
Hard Skills: Microsoft office, Canva, Capcut,Photoshop,
Achievements (2023): became a host and producer on his own program z podcast
Interest: Graphic design and creative content creation
Projects: completed educational programs and tourism promotion, namely: creating Podcasts about Gen z and Promoting tourist spots in Ambon
city for editorials using CapCut, Canvas, and Pinterest.

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