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1401/10/19 :‫تاریخ امتحان‬

‫بسمه تعالی‬ :‫شماره صندلی‬

‫ دقیقه‬60 :‫مدّت امتحان‬
‫مدیریت آموزش و پرورش ناحیه یک تبریز‬

‫– دوره دوم‬ ‫دبیرستان پسرانه غیر دولتی ابتکار علم‬

‫ حبیب زاده‬:‫ زبان انگلیسی نام دبیر‬:‫ یازدهم تجربی و ریاضی موضوع امتحان‬:‫ کالس‬........................................ :‫نام و نام خانوادگی‬

‫بارم‬ ‫ردیف‬

2 A: Fill in the blanks with the given words. (one word is extra). 1
.‫جاهای خالی را با کلمات مناسب کامل کنید‬
exist – region – range – diet – pressure
1.There is no sign that life ………… on other planets.
2. In this shop, prices ………… from 10 to 50 dollars.
3. You need to have vitamins and minerals in your …………
4. The nurse will take your blood …………

1 B: Mach the definition with the words. (one definition is extra). 2

. –‫هر کلمه رابا تعریف آن جورکنید‬

5. calm a) To be different from each other

6. vary b) without taking any notice of

7. despite c) to stop something from happening

8. prevent d) without worry

1 C: Match the pictures with sentences (there is one extra sentence). - 3

( .‫کلمات را با تصاویر جور کنید) یک کلمه اضافی است‬
a) There is a parking lot around.
b) Today, less than 40 percent of people live in villages.
c) Smoking is harmful to everyone.
d) This boy is couch potato.

9…………….. 10……………… 11……………… 12……………

1 D: One odd out: 4
.‫کدام کلمه بابقیه متفاوت است‬
13. moon century year month
14. junk food vegetable snack candy
15. hundred million many ten
16. percent number measure society
1 E: Synonym & antonym. 5
‫مترادف ویا متضاد کلمه های زیر را پیداکنید‬
17. Tiny
18. Quick

1 F: choose The best answer: 6

.‫گزینه صحیح را انتخاب کنید‬
19. I got into the habit of drinking …………… milk. one cups in a day.
a. a lot b. many c. a few d. a little

20. I asked him to buy a big ……………. of cake and five ……………. of mineral water for
Ali’s birthday party.
a. loaf/bottles b. bag/glasses c. slice/loaves d. piece/bottles

1 G: Write the correct form of the word in bracket: 7

.‫فرم صحیح کلمات داخل پرانتزرادرجای خالی بنویسید‬
21.Reza ……………. (find) a job yet.
22. I should drink ……………. water every day.

1 H: unscramble sentence: 8
.‫کلمات درهم ریخته زیر را بصورت یک جمله بنویسید‬
23. Like / I / to drink / of / milk / glass / a.


24. my friend / saw / of / lot / a / children / the / in / yard.

3 I: Reading comprehension: 9
.‫متن زیر را بخوانید و به سواالت پاسخ دهید‬

The Mona Lisa is one of the most famous paintings in the world. It was painted by Leonardo
da Vinci between 1503 to 1519. It is a painting of a woman and she seems to be smiling. No
one knows for sure who the woman is.
Every year, millions of people go to see the Mona Lisa. They think the woman's smile is
fascinating. They talk about her smile more than anything else. It is not a full smile. In fact,
people say her smile is ambiguous. It means unclear or confusing. Maybe she smiles because
she is worried. Maybe she smiles because she remembers something. Maybe she smiles
because she is about to do something silly. Some people think she is not smiling at all. Her
smile is a mystery. That is why the painting is so famous.
You can see the painting in a book or on the internet. But the original painting is in Paris,
France. It is in a museum called the Louvre. The Louvre is one of the largest museums in the
word. It is also one of the most famous. It used to be the palace of the King of France. But
now it belongs to the people of France. It has more than thirty thousand artworks in it. More
than 8 million people visit it every year. Most of them go to see the Mona Lisa.
If you go to see the Mona Lisa, you will see that it is kept behind thick glass. You will also
that it has a guard. This is because in 1911 the painting was stolen. Nobody Knew where it
was for two years. But finally the thief was caught. And luckily the painting was found.

25. When was the Mona Lisa painted?

26. Why is the Mona Lisa's smile so famous?

27. We are almost certain about the identity of the woman in the painting. a) True b) False

28. The woman's smile is confusing. a) True b) False

Don’t wait for extraordinary opportunities. Seize common occasions and make them great.
)Orison Swett Marden)

........................ :‫نمره ورقه به عدد‬ :‫نام و نام خانوادگی تجدید نظر کننده‬ :‫نام و نام خانوادگی مصحح‬

.......................................... :‫نمره ورقه به حروف‬ ‫محل امضا‬ ‫محل امضا‬

1401/10/19 :‫تاریخ امتحان‬
‫بسمه تعالی‬ :‫شماره صندلی‬
‫ دقیقه‬60 :‫مدّت امتحان‬
‫مدیریت آموزش و پرورش ناحیه یک تبریز‬

‫– دوره دوم‬ ‫دبیرستان پسرانه غیر دولتی ابتکار علم‬

‫ حبیب زاده‬:‫ زبان انگلیسی نام دبیر‬:‫ یازدهم تجربی و ریاضی موضوع امتحان‬:‫ کالس‬........................................ :‫نام و نام خانوادگی‬

‫بارم‬ ‫ردیف‬

2 A: Fill in the blanks with the given words. (one word is extra). 1
.‫جاهای خالی را با کلمات مناسب کامل کنید‬
exist – region – range – diet – pressure (workbook – page 16&33)
1.There is no sign that life exists on other planets.
2. In this shop, prices range from 10 to 50 dollars.
3. You need to have vitamins and minerals in your diet
4. The nurse will take your blood pressure

1 B: Mach the definition with the words. (one definition is extra). 2

. –‫هر کلمه رابا تعریف آن جورکنید‬

5. calm d) student book page 57 a) To be different from each other

6. vary a) student book page 23 b) without taking any notice of

7. despite b) student book page 23 c) to stop something from happening

8. prevent c) student book page 57 d) without worry

1 C: Match the pictures with sentences (there is one extra sentence). - 3

( .‫کلمات را با تصاویر جور کنید) یک کلمه اضافی است‬
a) There is a parking lot around. Student book. Page 18
b) Today, less than 40 percent of people live in villages. Student book. Page 22
c) Smoking is harmful to everyone. Student book. Page 56
d) This boy is couch potato. Student book. Page53

9……a…….. 10………c…… 11………d…… 12……b……

1 D: One odd out: 4
.‫کدام کلمه بابقیه متفاوت است‬
13. moon century year month workbook. Page 12
14. junk food vegetable snack candy student book. Page 52
15. hundred million many ten workbook. Page 12
16. percent number measure society workbook. Page 30
1 E: Synonym & antonym. Student book. Page 27 5
‫مترادف ویا متضاد کلمه های زیر را پیداکنید‬
17. Tiny ≠ big = small
18. Quick ≠ slow = fast
1 F: choose The best answer: 6
.‫گزینه صحیح را انتخاب کنید‬
19. I got into the habit of drinking …………… milk. one cups in a day.
a. a lot b. many c. a few d. a little
Grammar. Student book. Page 29

20. I asked him to buy a big ……………. of cake and five ……………. of mineral water for
Ali’s birthday party.
a. loaf/bottles b. bag/glasses c. slice/loaves d. piece/bottles
Grammar. Student book. Page 30

1 G: Write the correct form of the word in bracket: 7

.‫فرم صحیح کلمات داخل پرانتزرادرجای خالی بنویسید‬
21.Reza hasn’t found (find) a job yet. Workbook. Page 34
22. I should drink a glass of water every day. Workbook. Page 18

1 H: unscramble sentence: 8
.‫کلمات درهم ریخته زیر را بصورت یک جمله بنویسید‬
23. Like / I / to drink / of / milk / glass / a. student book. Page 21

I like to drink a glass of milk.

24. my friend / saw / of / lot / a / children / the / in / yard. student book. Page 21

My friend saw a lot of children in the yard

3 I: Reading comprehension: 9
.‫متن زیر را بخوانید و به سواالت پاسخ دهید‬

The Mona Lisa is one of the most famous paintings in the world. It was painted by Leonardo
da Vinci between 1503 to 1519. It is a painting of a woman and she seems to be smiling. No
one knows for sure who the woman is.
Every year, millions of people go to see the Mona Lisa. They think the woman's smile is
fascinating. They talk about her smile more than anything else. It is not a full smile. In fact,
people say her smile is ambiguous. It means unclear or confusing. Maybe she smiles because
she is worried. Maybe she smiles because she remembers something. Maybe she smiles
because she is about to do something silly. Some people think she is not smiling at all. Her
smile is a mystery. That is why the painting is so famous.
You can see the painting in a book or on the internet. But the original painting is in Paris,
France. It is in a museum called the Louvre. The Louvre is one of the largest museums in the
word. It is also one of the most famous. It used to be the palace of the King of France. But
now it belongs to the people of France. It has more than thirty thousand artworks in it. More
than 8 million people visit it every year. Most of them go to see the Mona Lisa.
If you go to see the Mona Lisa, you will see that it is kept behind thick glass. You will also
that it has a guard. This is because in 1911 the painting was stolen. Nobody Knew where it
was for two years. But finally the thief was caught. And luckily the painting was found.

25. When was the Mona Lisa painted?

It was painted by Leonardo da Vinci between 1503 to 1519
26. Why is the Mona Lisa's smile so famous?
Her smile is a mystery. That is why the painting is so famous.
27. We are almost certain about the identity of the woman in the painting. a) True b) False

28. The woman's smile is confusing. a) True b) False

Good Luck - Habibzadeh

Don’t wait for extraordinary opportunities. Seize common occasions and make them great.
)Orison Swett Marden)

........................ :‫نمره ورقه به عدد‬ :‫نام و نام خانوادگی تجدید نظر کننده‬ :‫نام و نام خانوادگی مصحح‬

.......................................... :‫نمره ورقه به حروف‬ ‫محل امضا‬ ‫محل امضا‬

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