CV Dian Friantoro AQAS

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Name : Dian Friantoro, S.E., M.A.

Profession : Assistant Professor at Undergraduates Programme of Islamic

Economics, Faculty of
Economics, University of Siliwangi

Place, Date of Birth : Pandeglang, April 20th, 1994

Years with Firm/Entity : 2022

Nationality : Indonesian

Membership of Professional Societies:

● IAEI University of Siliwangi (The Indonesian Association of Islamic Economists of

University of Siliwangi) 2022 - now
● WaCIDS (Waqf Center for Indonesian Development and Studies) 2022 - now

● PKEBS FEB UGM (The Research Center of Islamic Economics and Business,
Faculty of Economics and Business Gadjah Mada University) 2017- 2018

Detailed Tasks Assigned:

Implementing Tridharma (three pillars) of higher education which includes education,

research, and community service.

Key Qualifications:

Dian Friantoro is lecturer at University of Siliwangi since 2022. He is responsible for

teaching in some subjects including managerial accounting, introduction to accounting, halal
industry, and islamic business ethics. He is interested in researching Islam and economic
development as it relates to halal industry, islamic philanthropy, islamic finance, and family
economics. He is the first and only person who has empirically researched the value of dowry
(mahr) in the context of muslim society in Indonesia using Indonesian Family Life Survey
(IFLS). His research has been published in journals, proceedings, and bookchapters. He
recently won a national paper competition held by Regional Development Agency
(BAPPEDA) of Tangerang Regency and he also received a research grant from Indonesian
Sharia Fintech Association (Asosiasi Fintech Syariah Indonesia/ AFSI).

Research Experiences:

● Analysis of Halal Supply Chain Management at Al Furqon Islamic Boarding School

Tasikmalaya in 2023
● Analysis of Halal Literacy Index in Early Adolescents (Study on Public High School
Students in Tasikmalaya) in 2023
● The Intention to Use Islamic Fintech Among MSMEs Owners: Technology
Acceptance Model and Knowledge of Sharia Prohibition Approach in 2022

Community Service Experience:

● Islamic Financial Literacy Assistance as an Effort to Prevent Access to "Bank Emok"

in 2023

● Master of Arts (M.A.) in Islamic Economics, Gadjah Mada University,
Indonesia.2019. GPA 3,83.
● Bachelor of Economics (S.E.) in Accounting, Yogyakarta State University,
Indonesia.2016. GPA 3.64.

Employment Record:
2022 – now : Lecturer in Islamic Economics Programme, Faculty of Islamic Religion,
University of Siliwangi
2022 – now : Lecturer/ Instructor in Indonesia Open University
2019 – 2020 : Lecturer Assistant in Faculty of Economics, Yogyakarta State University
2016 – 2017 : Database Staff in Amil Zakat Institutions PPPA Daarul Qur’an Yogyakarta

Selected Publications

1. Pardiyansyah, E., Friantoro, D., et al. (2023). Introduction to Islamic Economics.

Yogyakarta: Penamuda Media
2. Jatnika, M., Friantoro, D., Andani, L., & Mutmainah, L. (2023). Variable Analysis of
Intention to Adopt Mobile Banking at Islamic Banks. I-ECONOMICS: A Research
Journal on Islamic Economics, 8(2), 119-134
3. Friantoro, D. & Susamto, A A. (2021). The Determinants of the Value of Mahr in
Muslim Societies: Evidence from the Indonesian Family Life Surveys. Journal of
Economics and Development Studies 22(2).
4. Ilyana, S., Purna, FP., Friantoro, D. (2021) Islamic Financial Literacy among Students
and Its Effects on Intention to Use Islamic Bank. Ihtifaz: Journal of Islamic Economics,
Finance, and Banking 4 (2).
5. Friantoro, D. (2020). Determinants of Happiness of Muslim Individuals in Indonesia.
Syiar Iqtishadi: Journal of Islamic Economics, Finance and Banking, 4(2).
6. Friantoro, D. & Zaki, K. (2018) Do We Need Financial Technology for Collecting
Zakat? Proceeding of The 2nd International Conference of Zakat 2018 ISSN 2655-
6251. Accessed in
7. Friantoro, D. (2018) Initiating Hajj-Owned Enterprises (BUMH): An Effort to Find a
Maslahat Investment Model. Proceedings of Call for Paper of Hajj Financial
Management Agency.
8. Friantoro, D. & Habibie, H. (2018). Does Entrepreneur Have a Better Maqashid
Syariah Quality of Life (MSQoL) than Employee? Proceeding of the 3rd Gadjah Mada
International Conference on Islamic Economics and Development FEB UGM.
9. Notolegowo, HK, Taufik, M. & Friantoro,D. (2017).Relationship Analysis Between
Monetary Indicator and Profitability of Islamic Bank in Indonesia Using Neural
Network. ASEAN Youth Conference Proceeding Vol. 1, ISSN 2599-264
10. Friantoro, D. (2016). The Influence of Cultural, Social, and Personal Factors on
Decisions to Take Credit at KPRI Bina Mandiri. Profita Journal: Accounting Science
Studies Vol. 4 (5) (Indexed in GoogleScholar)

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