CV Iwan Wisandani

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Name: Dr. Iwan Wisandani, SEI, Ak., MA

Profession: Associates Professor

Date of Birth: October 14th, 1969

Years with Firm/Entity: 2004 Nationality: Indonesian

Membership of Professional Societies:

1. FORDEBI West Java (Islamic Economics and Business Lecturer Forum) 2019- now
2. IAEI (Association of Islamic Economists Indonesia) 2019-Now

Detailed Tasks Assigned:

Implementing Tridharma (three pillars) of higher education which includes education,
research, and community service.

Key Qualifications:
He has 23 years of research, teaching, consulting and community service experience in
Islamics economic and Islamic accounting. He has conducted Islamic economics research and
is Team Leader for the Islamic Social Finance (Ristekdikti) grant (2015-present), team leader
for Invesment Behaviour in Islamic Money Market grant (2017). His position as a lecturer,
researcher and consultant for Islamic Economics and Islamic Accounting. He is responsible
for teaching in the Islamic Finacial subjects at the programme study.

Research Experiences:
1. Analysis Model of Islamic Financial Performance in Indonesia in 2023
2. Spice Price Control Strategies in Tasikmalaya in 2022
3. Strengthening Islamic Cooperatives Model with Angels-Based Management Performance
in 2021
4. Efficiency Strategy of Islamic Commercial Banks in the Era of Covid-19 Pandemic in
Indonesia in 2020
5. Banking Managers' Behavior in Making Investment and Funding Decisions in the Sharia
Money Market in 2017
6. Model for Optimizing Mosque-Based Zakat Management Using Information Systems in
Tasikmalaya City in 2015
7. Review of Monetary Policy in Indonesia: An Islamic Economic Perspective in 2015

Community Service Experience:

1. Women's Economic Empowerment through Social Entrepreneurship in 2023

1. Accountant in Jenderal Soedirman University. 2023. GPA 4.00, Indonesia
2. Doctor in Islamic Economics. Airlangga University. 2019. GPA 3.89, Indonesia
3. Master in Islamic Studies, majoring Islamic Economics. Sunan Gunung Djati State Islamic
University Bandung. 2006. GPA 3.23, Indonesia
4. Bachelor in Islamic Economics, University of Siliwangi. GPA 3.54, Indonesia

5. Employment Records:
2020 : Associates Professor of Islamic Economics, University of Siliwangi
2006 : Assistant Professor of Islamic Economic, University of Siliwangi
2004 : Lecturer of Islamic Economics, University of Siliwangi

Selected Publications
1. Iwan Wisandani. 2007. Islamic Banking as a Manifestation of the Islamic Economic
Movement in Indonesia. Journal Al-Manahij. Vol 1 No. 2. P 289-298
2. Iwan Wisandani. 2014. Conventional Economic Thought in the Perspective of Islamic
Economics. Journal Muamalatuna. Vol 6 No. 1. P 15-29
3. Acep Irham Gufroni, Iwan Wisandani, Heni Sukmawati. 2014. Integrated Zakat
Collection Unit Information System (Case Study: BAZNAS Tasikmalaya City). Journal
JNTETI UGM. Vol 3 No. 4. P 236-241
4. Iwan Wisandani, Acep Irham Gufroni, Heni Sukmawati. 2015. Model for Optimizing
Mosque-Based Zakat Management. Journal Syakhsia. Vol 12 No. 1. P 97-119
5. Iwan Wisandani, Sri Iswati, Rifki Ismal. 2017. The Monetary Policy in Indonesia: in
the Perspective of Islamic Economics. Journal of International Journal of Nusantara
Islam Vol. 05, No. 01 (2017) 59 - 74
6. Iwan Wisandani, Sri Iswati, Muslich Anshory, Rifki Ismal. 2019. Investment
Decisions in the Interbank Money Market Based on Islamic Principles. Journal of
Opcion. Vol. 35, No. 20 (2019) 2477-9385
7. Naurah Nazhifah, Iwan Wisandani, Lina Marlina. 2020. Analysis of the
Implementation of PSAK 101 on Financial Statements at KSPPS BMT Al-Bina
Tasikmalaya Sharia Economic Journal, Vol 5 No.1. Hal 42-58.
8. Iwan Wisandani. 2020. Analysis of the Implementation of the Fatwa Zakat of the
Indonesian Ulema Council at the National Amil Zakat Institution Dompet Peduli Umat
Daarut Tauhid Priangan Timur. Journal of Justia Ekonomika. Vol 2 No. 2. Pages 56-
9. Kurdiansyah, Iwan Wisandani, Agus Ahmad Nasrulloh. 2021. The Effect of Pdb and
Rupiah-Usd Exchange Rate on Foreign Portfolio Investment in Indonesia. Expansion:
Journal of Economics, Finance, Banking and Accounting.Vol 13 No. 2, Hal 169-177.
10. Ahmad Rokib, Iwan Wisandani, Elis Nurhasanah. 2022. Analysis of the Application of
Psak 109 in Finance at Baznas Tasikmalaya Regency. Journal Taraadin. Vol. 1. No. 2.
Maret 2021, hal 99-110
11. Heni Sukmawati, Iwan Wisandani, Mega Rachma Kurniaputri. 2022. Acceptance and
Use of Muzakki To Pay Non-Cash Zakat in West Java: Theory Extension of Technology
of Acceptance Model. Journal of Islamic Economics Theory and Application. Vol. 9
No. 4 P 439-452
12. Iwan Wisandani, Heni Sukmawati.2023. Efficiency Strategy for Indonesian Islamic
Commercial Banks During the Covid-19 Pandemic. International Journal of
Multidisciplinary: Applied Business And Education Research. Vol. 4, No. 4, 1072-1076

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