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Short CV

Name : Dr. Asep Suryanto., S.Ag., M.Ag

Profession : Lecturer - Associates Professor
Date of Birth : Ciamis, November 4, 1972
Years with Firm/Entity : 1997 Nationality : Indonesian
Membership of : IAEI (2014) - Now
Professional Societies
Detailed Tasks : Implementing Tridharma of higher education which includes
Assigned education, research, and community service
Key Qualifications : Ushul Fiqh, Fiqh Muamalah, Islamic Public Finance, Islamic
Economic Research Methods
Research experiences : 1. Islamic Philanthropy: Waqf Empowerment of Madina
Minimarket in Tasikmalaya-Indonesia (2019)
2. Community Economic Empowerment Based on Zakat and
Islamic Finance (Empirical Study at Dompet Peduli Umat
Daarut Tauhid, West Java) (2020)
3. Implementation of Islamic Microfinance Based on Islamic
Spirituality: Empowerment of Misykat DT Peduli in
Tasikmalaya Rural-Urban Community (2021)
4. Analysis of the Management and Supervision of Waqf
Objects of the Kingdom of Sumedang Larang (2022)
5. The Strategic Role of Amil Zakat Institutions in Poverty
Alleviation in Tasikmalaya City (2023)
Education : 1.Bachelor degree, Department of Ushuluddin, IAIN Sunan
Gunung Djati, Bandung, Indonesia, 1996
2.Master degree, Islamic Economics, UIN Sunan Gunung
Djati, Bandung, Indonesia, 2006
3.Doctoral degree, Islamic Studies - Islamic Economics, UIN
Sunan Kalijaga, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 2020
Employment Record : 1.1997 – Lecturer of Islamic Economics Study Programme,
Faculty of Islamic Studies University of Siliwangi
2.2003 – Assistant Professor of Islamic Economics, Faculty
of Islamic Studies University of Siliwangi
3.2018– Associates Professor of Islamic Economics, Faculty
of Islamic Studies University of Siliwangi
Selected publications : 1.Suryanto, A. (2017). The Strategy of Realizing Sharia
Based School Cooperative in Tasikmalaya City,
Indonesia. International Journal of Nusantara Islam, 5(1),
2.Suryanto, A. (2018). Zakat empowerment: a poverty
intervention model with community-based Islamic

microfinance DPU DT West Java, Indonesia. INFERENCE:
Journal of Social and Religious Research, 12(1), 85-106.
3.Mulyadi, S., & Suryanto, A. (2022). The Contribution of
Islamic Banking Instruments to Indonesia's Economic
Growth 2005-2021. Journal of Master of Sharia
Economics, 1(1), 17-29.
4.Mulyadi, S., & Suryanto, A. (2022). Sharia Banking
Contribution to Financial Deeping in Supporting Indonesia
Economic Recovery. Al-Amwal: Journal of Economics and
Shari'ah Banking, 14(2), 158-169.
5.Mulyadi, S., & Suryanto, A. (2022). Sharia Banking
Contribution to Indonesia's Economic Growth During
Pandemic. Iqtishaduna, 13(2).
6.Mulyadi, S., & Suryanto, A. (2023). The Effect of Non-
Sharia Financial Instruments on Indonesian Economic
Growth. Al-Kharaj: Journal of Islamic Economics, Finance
& Business, 5(4), 1817-1829.
7.Mulyadi, S., Suryanto, A., & Mulyati, S. The Role of
Sharia Cooperative Mitra Insan Mandiri (Mim) in the Post-
Pandemic Community Economic Recovery. Jurnal Al-
Iqtishad, 19(1), 149-160.

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