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07102 – Listening 2
1. Course information
1.1. Credits: 2
1.2. Time allotment
- Theory: 20 periods
- Practice, experiment, discussion, exercise: 10 periods
- Autonomy study and self-learning: 60 periods
- Midterm test: 1 hour
1.3. Course in the knowledge block
General knowledge Specialized knowledge 
Major core knowledge  specialized knowledge 
Compulsory  Elective 
Compulsory  Elective  Compulsory  Elective 
1.4. Prerequisite courses: Listening 1
1.5. Previous course: Listening 1
1.6. Courses are taught in the semester / Parallel Courses:
1.7. Teaching languages and materials:
Vietnamese (60%) and English (40%) is used in teaching; Studying materials (lecture
slides, coursebooks, main syllabus, assignments) in English.
1.8. Faculty/Department in charge of teaching:
- Faculty: Faculty of Languages
- Department: Department of English
1.9. Lecturers in charge
Lecturers Full name Phone No. Contact email
Main lecturer

Visiting lecturer

2. Course description
In listening, students will focus on developing the listening skills necessary for
understanding and communication. The course provides learners with essential listening
strategies and skills such as listening for gist, listening for specific information, note-taking.
Moreover, learners are equipped with vocabulary and structures which help them to develop
their listening competence.
3. Course objectives
- ability to use learned vocabulary, sentence structure, and intonation to communicate in
- know how to listen to get the main idea, listen to get specific information through
situations and topics.
- improve social and cultural knowledge in daily communication.
- create a habit of practicing listening skills after regular classes.
- have basic communication and reflection skills; Identify and solve occurrence
problems in communication situations; Have the ability to identify and outline problems in
everyday life.
- listen to understand topics in daily life such as: describing houses, telling stories,
describing people, giving opinions, talking about summer vacations, etc.
- continue to practice the skill of distinguishing between stressed syllables and
shortened syllables. Students develop the skill of guessing information according to context.
Behavioral competency
Training concentration and attitude to actively and seriously participating in listening, note-
taking, and discussion activities in class and in groups.
Absenteeism is no more than 20% of the course hours;
Complete all the assignments required prior to class.

4. Course expected learning outcomes

Course expected learning outcomes (CELO)
Notation Bloom’s taxonomy
After completing this course, students are able to:
apply knowledge, vocabulary, structure of familiar topics
related to popular topics in life
distinguish sounds, and apply correct pronunciation to
sounds, words, sentences, conversation
develop the knowledge of pronunciation such as: word
stress, sentence stress, suffix sounded, distinguish /ʊ/and
CELO3 /uː/, how to read appreciation; apply knowledge about 3
cultures of English speaking countries to discussions on
cultural and social topics.
comprehend and identify the main and specific ideas in
listening lessons on common topics of life, work and

Course expected learning outcomes (CELO)
Notation Bloom’s taxonomy
After completing this course, students are able to:
school; implement to listen and summarize the main
ideas of normal topics
create conversations in English situations under daily
communication independently, fluently, naturally;
communicate effectively and use English to express
ideas about common topics of culture and society
Ethics and Attitude
form self-learning ability and have passion for learning
CELO6 English; be confident in communication; search for and 3
exploit effectively learning resources in English.
Note: (1) Remembering (Nhớ); (2) Understanding (Hiểu); (3) Applying (Áp dụng);
(4) Analyzing (Phân tích); (5) Evaluating (Đánh giá); (6) Creating (Sáng tạo)

5. The compatibility matrix between CELOs and ELOs

Course expected learning outcomes (CELO) Program expected
After completing this course, students are able to: learning outcomes
apply knowledge, vocabulary, structure of familiar topics
related to popular topics in life
distinguish sounds, and apply correct pronunciation to
sounds, words, sentences, conversation
develop the knowledge of pronunciation such as: word
stress, sentence stress, suffix sounded, distinguish /ʊ/and
CELO3 /uː/, how to read appreciation; apply knowledge about ELO6
cultures of English speaking countries to discussions on
cultural and social topics.
comprehend and identify the main and specific ideas in
listening lessons on common topics of life, work and
school; implement to listen and summarize the main
ideas of normal topics
create conversations in English situations under daily
communication independently, fluently, naturally;
communicate effectively and use English to express
ideas about common topics of culture and society
Ethics and Attitude
form self-learning ability and have passion for learning ELO6
CELO6 English; be confident in communication; search for and ELO7
exploit effectively learning resources in English. ELO9

6. The contribution of course matrix to ELOs.
Course Course Expected learning outcomes (ELOs)
code name 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
07102 Listening 2 N N N N N H H N S N

- N: None supported - S: supported - H: Highly supported
7. Learning and teaching methods
7.1. Learning methods
- Students listen to lectures in class;
- Participate in classroom activities according to the organization and guidance of the
- Participate in group/individual activities;
- Participating in online learning through supporting software.
7.2. Teaching methods
The following methods are used in the teaching process:
- In class lectures: Lecture; Organize activities for students to participate in class related to
the lecture content (case method, thinking/reflective method…); Conduct students in group
activities/presentations/applying assignments…; Conduct students to self-study: on campus
or online.
- Online lectures: Follow the instructor's instructions in special situations.
- Assignment: Students perform individual assignments of each chapter and group
assignments by the teacher
8. Tasks of students
- Attendance: students must attend at least 80% of lectures
- Prepare lesson: read before the lecture and related materials,
- Attitude: actively participate in asking and answering questions;
- Review the content of the old lesson before participating in the next lesson;
- Actively participate class time activities and group/individual activities.
9. Assessments
9.1. Score scale
Score scale of 10 and convert into Grade Point Average (GPA) scale according to the
current credit training regulations of Hung Vuong University Ho Chi Minh city.
9.2. Assessment scheme and assessment component weights
Assessment matrix for the expected learning outcomes (ELOs) of the course.
Assignment Discussio Attendanc Final Assessment Assessment
CELOs Midterm
s n e test tools time
During each
CELO1 X X Discussion
Discussion During each
Midterm Midterm
Test Test
CELO4 X Practice During each

each part class
CELO5 X X Final test Final test
CELO6 X X Discussion Discussion

Assessment component weights of the course

No. Components Proportion (%) Maximum score
1 Attendance 10% 10
2 Debate / discuss 10% 10
3 Report
4 Presentation
5 Midterm test 20% 10
6 Final test 60% 10
Total 100% 10
To be eligible for final exams, learners must attend at least 80% of the class time,
including both theory, practice and discussion sections.

9.3. Course assessment rubric

Attendance assessment
Quality scale
Proporti Meet the Below the Does not
Criteria Very good
on requirements requirements accept
From 10-7 From 7-5 From 5-4 <4
Attend classes Attend classes Attend classes Attend classes
Attendance 70%
> 80% 70 - 80% 40 - 70% < 40%
Enthusiasticall Not
in the
y exchange, Asking and participating
Zealous 30% speak and answering and nable to
reply and
answer many questions respond to
questions requests

Assessment of assignments
During the studying process, there will be some assignments to do, students doing and
taking random tests in class will be added to the midterm score (maximum 2+ points)
Quality scale
Proporti Meet the Below the Does not
Criteria Very good
on requirements requirements accept
2 pts. 1.5 pts. 1 pt. 0 pt.
Assignm Submitting Submitting Submitting Submitting not
ent full full full fullassignment
submissi assignments, assignments assignments s and made by
on on time and and on time but late someone else.

beautiful form. submission
Wrong way,
Achieving Achieving
the and the
over 80% of from 50 - 80% At least < 50%
Zealous 70 content is not
knowledge of knowledge but tried to do
related to the
requirements requirements

Midterm test (oral or paper test)

Quality scale
Proporti Meet the Below the Does not
Criteria Very good
on requirements requirements accept
From 10-7 From 7-5 From 5-4 <4
Remember Remember
and and Do not
understand understand remember the
Assignm learned learned knowledge
ent knowledge, knowledge; learned or
30 understand
submissi apply and Identify the remember not
on explain the problem / enough; Stop
relationships knowledge in or cancel the
in some real a hypothetical course.
cases situation

Final test
Types of Very good Meet the requirements Does not accept
questions From 8-10 From 5-7 <4
Answer/explain the Answer/explain the
Unable to
question with question with general
answer/explain the
outstanding and knowledge/ less detail;
Essays and question; do not
understanding show limited ability to
quizzes combine, problem
knowledge; synthesize, combine, analyze
analysis; do not creative
analyze and creatively problems; no/little
apply creative expression

9.4. Course requirements and policies

Late submission: Late homework/submission will be deducted at least a mark.
Make-up test: Missing midterm exams will result in a score of 0 except in case of illness
or other document circumstances beyond your control. If you are unable to attend midterm,
let your instructor know immediately.
In the event of a justified absence, the faculty office will schedule a make-up test or, at the
discretion of the instructor, calculate your final grade based on other components of the

Ethics: Have a good attitude, be polite, respect friends, teachers. Follow all classroom

9.5. Implementation instructions

For the lecturer:
- Explain the types of listening: main ideas, details, inferences
- Full presentation of all types of listening lessons
- Instruct students on how to do assignments
For students:
- Practice listening after class
- Perform listening exercises assigned by the lecturer
Pay attention core points: The forms of listening aim to take the main idea, focus on
listening to the topic, listen to details and infer because sometimes the sounds overlap, ...
10. Course books and references
10.1. Compulsory course books
Steven Brown và Dorlyn Smith (2015), Active Listening 3 – 2nd Ed. England: Cambridge
University Press.
10.2. References
Margaret Brooks (2011). Q: Skills for Success: Listening and Speaking 2 (Units 1-5, pp. 2-
91, Listening Sections). Oxford University Press
11. Detailed content of the course

Expected learning
Week Content
outcome (CELOs)

1 Course Overview and Requirements CELO1

Unit 1: What Do You Say First? CELO2
Units 2: Sights and Sounds
3 Unit 3 : Dating
4 Unit 4: Communication Culture
Expansion 1: Russia
5 Unit 5: The Internet
Self-Study (pages 84-88: For student self-learning)
6 Midterm Test CELO4
Units 6: Superstitions CELO5
7 Unit 7: Manners CELO6
8 Unit 8: Natural Health
9 Unit 9: Science Trivia
10 Unit 11: Study Abroad
Expansion 3
Self-Study (pages 89-94: For student self-learning)
Reinforcement and Overall review for final exam
12. Requirements from lecturers for the course
Classroom: Theoretical, ensure enough seats for students
Teaching facilities: Projector, sound, marker pen (blue, red, black)
Software to support online learning in special situations
13. Compile and update course syllabus
Course syllabus is compiled in year: 2022 – 2023
Course syllabus revised for the second time:
Last edited, updated or changed content:
Ho Chi Minh, Decamber 01, 2022
Dean Head of Department Designed lecturer

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