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A Research Study

To The Senior High School Department Of

Northeastern Cebu Colleges, Inc.

Danao City

In Partial Fulfillment Of the Requirements for











Submitted to: Mr. Merben T. Quiño, LPT


A research study is a challenging task that requires determination,

perseverance, and patience. The researchers would like to extend their appreciation

and gratitude to the people who made this study possible:

First, To our Almighty God, for allowing us to do this research successfully.

To our parents, without their love and support over the years, none of this

would have been possible.

Next, to thank our Practical Research teacher Mr. Merben T. Quiño, your

help and guidance over this semester are unmeasurable and without it, we would not

be where we are today.

To our school, Northeastern Cebu Colleges Inc., for giving us the perfect

environment in conducting our research and making it happen.

To the panel examiners, program research coordinators, and principal

thank you for giving us this opportunity to let us develop not only our mental aspect

but also emotional.

Lastly, to our friends and to those who helped us in pursuing this study.

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

The Researchers


Chapter I



Conceptual Framework……………………………………………………………..…5

Statement of Purpose………………………………………………………………..…7

Significance of the Study…………………………………………………………...…8

Scope and Limitations…………………………………………………………………9

Definition of Terms……………………………………………………………..……10

Review of Related Literature…………………………………………...……………11

Chapter II





Sampling Technique.…………………………………………………………………16


Data Gathering Procedure……………………………………………………………18

Data Analysis…………………………………………………………………...……18

Ethical Issues…………………………………………………………………………19


Presentation, Analysis, Interpretations……………………………………….………21



Summary Findings………………………………………………………………….31




Chapter 1



Breakfast gives students the energy they need to start the day. In spite of this,

13% of children in grade school miss breakfast. For teenagers aged 12 to 19, this

percentage rises to an average of more than 27%. Women skip breakfast more

frequently and earlier than men do. All ages of children have a variety of justifications

for skipping breakfast. Some people are picky eaters. Some people dislike typical

breakfast fare. Additionally, some students skip breakfast in an effort to lose weight.

Many older teenagers are involved in extracurricular activities, work, and homework

until late at night. They stay up late, get up early, and rush off to school, giving

themselves no time to eat. This is significantly more complex because of biology,

how the circadian cycle of a developing teen changes. Even yet, it's normal for

teenagers to struggle to sleep until after midnight. midnight or. Then, they awaken

later in the morning—a timetable that frequently differs from that established by

schools. Most children who are sleep-deprived would rather sleep for an additional 15

minutes than wake up to eat a bowl of food. Additionally, students who don't get

enough sleep may wake up feeling excessively drained or queasy to eat.

Breakfast is known as the most significant meal of the day at Cebu Institutes

University (2010) and there is a wealth of reliable scientific evidence to support this

notion. Since breakfast is linked to healthy food intake, BMI, and lifestyle, it is

frequently advised that it be a crucial component of eating plans. Numerous studies

have demonstrated how crucial breakfast is to the body's functioning. Additionally,

recent research has shown that eating breakfast improves cognitive ability,

concentration, attention, and academic achievement. However, there is research that

looks at the connection between eating breakfast and academic achievement at Cebu

Institutes University. The study's objective is to investigate the impact of breakfast

consumption on students' academic performance in the CEBU CITY emirate.

Academic progress was evaluated using the final exam's overall average mark for

each topic. Of the 130 pupils, 62 percent usually eat breakfast. Female students in

high school who eat breakfast tend to fare better academically. Breakfast consumption

was found to be statistically associated. According to the current study's findings,

breakfast consumption and student test scores are positively correlated. Regular

breakfast consumption enhances academic achievement, but frequent breakfast

skippers have worse performance.

Breakfast is served to Filipino students each day. Although breakfast is a

regular part of their schedule, a study found that most of the time it is not properly

nourishing. The National Library of Medicine published a research in August (2022)

stating that 96 to 98 percent of Filipinos often eat breakfast. Breakfast is frequently

considered to be the most important meal of the day because it is thought to nourish

the brain and improve learning. It is also widely acknowledged to contribute

significantly to daily caloric and nutritional needs. If breakfast is skipped, the

performance for the remainder of the day may suffer. Students at the University of the

Philippines Diliman (UPD) reported that being late for class or simply not feeling like

eating breakfast are two common excuses provided.Breakfast is usually regarded as

the most important meal of the day since it is believed to give the brain energy and

improve learning. It has been hypothesized that skipping breakfast may negatively

impact a number of cognitive functions. Early morning hunger can have an impact on

academic performance, mostly owing to lack of focus. It is also well recognized to

make a sizable contribution to the total daily nutritional and calorie intake.

University of Leeds (2011) researchers looked specifically at students' GCSE

scores to determine the impact of eating or skipping breakfast on their academic

performance. They discovered that GCSE scores were lower for students who rarely

or never ate breakfast on school days than for those who did. For the first time, the

team has shown a connection between eating breakfast and GCSE performance for

secondary school pupils in the UK. The study, which was published in the journal

Frontiers in Public Health, took into account every student's exam score. In turn, the

findings reveal that those who rarely ate breakfast before heading to school scored

approximately two grades lower than those who did so on a regular basis. The

students who rarely consumed breakfast scored 1.20 points on average, which is lower

than those who regularly ate breakfast.

This study aims to explore the effect of skipping breakfast among senior high

school students to have a balanced breakfast and by being aware of their particular

requirements and preferences. It's significant to remember that everyone reacts

differently to skipping breakfast. Even though some people might not notice any

noticeable negative consequences, others can find it difficult to function at their best

without a morning meal. Some common reasons include lack of time, lack of appetite,
and financial constraints. However, there may be other factors that are specific to this

age group, such as peer pressure or the desire to lose weight. It is important to

understand how skipping breakfast over time may impact students' overall health and

well-being, as well as their long-term academic success.

Conceptual Framework

The study used a framework termed input-process-output (IPO). The process

of identifying the variables of the effects of skipping breakfast before morning classes


Input: This refers to the demographic profile of the students, information, data,

or variables that are collected or considered at the beginning of a research study. Input

can include research questions, hypotheses, data sources, and any initial information

that forms the basis of the study. Furthermore, all the essential information provided

in the statement of the problem can be found here.

Process: This is the method or procedure by which the input is analyzed,

manipulated, or transformed. It involves the research design, sampling techniques,

population and sample, data collection methods, data analysis techniques,ethical

consideration; these are the steps taken to answer the research questions or test


Output: The output is composed of the research title, “ The effects of skipping

breakfast before morning classes among senior high school students”. The researchers

initiated this study to determine the percentage of senior high school students at

Northeastern Cebu Colleges Inc that are skipping breakfast.

In summary, the researcher evaluated the student's knowledge using an input-process-


put (IPO) framework. The framework consists of data, tools, mechanics, and

an explanation for figuring out what factors affect their understanding. Demographic

profiles , dependent and independent variables, and details about the problem

statement are all included in the input. Through the use of questionnaires, data was

gathered, which the researchers then assembled and examined.



1. What is your demographic

Research Design THE EFFECTS OF
Sampling Techniques CLASSES AMONG
2. Have you eaten breakfast SENIOR HIGHSCHOOL
before going to school? STUDENTS
Population and Sample

3. What are the effects of

skipping breakfast before
Data Collection
going to school?

● Data Analysis

Ethical Consideration

Figure 1. Input Process Output (IPO)

Theoritical Framework

This study is anchored to Thorndike’s law of effects (1905).

According to psychologist Edward Thorndike's theory, known as Thorndike's

Law of Effect, actions that result in positive outcomes are more likely to be repeated,

whereas actions that result in negative outcomes are less likely to be repeated. The

foundation of operant conditioning, which shapes behavior through rewards and

punishments, is this idea. This idea was empirically supported by Thorndike's

research with cats in puzzle boxes, which also aided in the formation of behaviorist

psychological theories. Psychologists all agree that the behavior of a man and many

other animals is modifiable of the experiences of life.

The researchers used Thorndike's Law of Effect because it is similar in that

they both address behavior repercussions. The researchers hope to learn more about

the effects of skipping breakfast on students' academic performance, general well-

being, and mood throughout the school day. The researchers speculate that skipping

breakfast may make people less likely to repeat the behavior in the future if it has

detrimental effects such increased weariness, irritation, or poor concentration, as

suggested by Thorndike's principle.

The theory behind the research on the effects of skipping breakfast before

morning classes likely relates to the impact of nutrition on cognitive function and

academic performance. Breakfast is often referred to as the most important meal of

the day because it provides the body and brain with fuel after an overnight fast.

Skipping breakfast, on the other hand, has been associated with decreased cognitive

performance, including attention and memory deficits, which could affect academic

performance, particularly in the morning when cognitive demands are high.

The specific theory or theories that might guide this research could include

concepts from nutritional psychology, cognitive psychology, and educational

psychology, focusing on how nutritional factors influence cognitive.

In conclusion, The Law of Effect states that behaviors that are followed by

favorable consequences are more likely to be repeated, while behaviors that are

followed by unfavorable consequences are less likely to be repeated. In other words,

the consequences of an action determine whether that action is reinforced or

weakened has significant implications for understanding how learning occurs in

human because it highlights the importance of reinforcement in shaping behavior and

provides a framework for understanding how behaviors are acquired and maintained

over time.

Statement of the Problem

The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of not eating breakfast

before going to school.

Specifically, this study attempts to answer the following questions:

1.What were the demographic profiles of students in Northeastern Cebu Colleges by

senior high school level?

1.1 Grade 11 Mars

1.2 Grade 11 Mercury

1.3 Grade 11 Moon

1.4 Grade 11 Earth

1.5 Grade 11 Sun

1.6 Grade 12 Antares

1.7 Grade 12 Asteroids

1.8 Grade 12 Jupiter

1.9 Grade 12 Saturn

1.10 Grade 12 Uranus

1.11 Grade 12 Neptune

1.12 Grade 12 Comet

2. What were the common effects of not eating breakfast before going to school

among the senior high school students of Northeastern Cebu Colleges?

2.1 Lower academic performance e

2.2 Headaches

2.3 Difficulty concentrating

2.4 Lack of energy

2.5 Colds

3. What were the recommendations after the study?

Significance of the study

Students. This study will enhance the knowledge of the students about skipping

breakfast and will affect their academic performance. It will bring them awareness on

how it can affect them.

Teachers. This study helps the teachers understand the difference between the

academic performance of students who skipped their breakfast and the students who

didn't. This study guides them to understand the negative effects of skipping


School.This research study brought awareness to the school on the major factors and

the effects of skipping breakfast. This helped the school to lessen the issue and find a


Parents. This study helps the parents to be aware on the negative effects and how it

can impact their child's academic performance. This will help the parents to find a

solution and maintain the health of their children.

Community. This study made a revelation for the community for them to be aware of

how skipping breakfast can have multiple negative effects on their child's health and

education. This helped the community on how to prevent this problem.

Current researcher. This study will help the current researchers in finding a solution

to students who skip their breakfast.

Future researchers. Future researchers will benefit from this study's guidance on

what to do after the current study's suggestions have been made. This will assist them

in creating a solution for the following stage of a student's education.

Scope and Delimitation

This study focuses on the effects of skipping breakfast before morning classes

among senior high school students of Northeastern Cebu Colleges INC. The data

collection will be conducted to the students in senior high school of Northeastern

Cebu Colleges INC. School S.Y 2023-2024 who will represent the population.

This study will not cover other problems that are considered as one of the

effects of skipping breakfast before morning classes. Each of the respondents is given

the same questionnaires to answer. The results of this study will be applicable only to

the respondents of this study and will not be used as a measure to the effects of

depression to the academic performance of the students who do not belong to the

population of this study. The main source of data will be the questionnaire, which is

prepared by the researchers.

Definition of terms

The terms that were used repeatedly throughout the research include the

following ones:

Behavior. It is the respondent’s manner of what he or she is doing

Descriptive Quantitative Research. This is a research study design used by the

researchers to conduct the study.

Northeastern Cebu Colleges Inc. This is the locale where the researchers conducted

their study

Student Academic Performance. Is the dependent variable which to be measured by

the researchers.

Skipping Breakfast. Is the independent variable that manipulates the effect on

student academic performance.


This chapter discusses the factors affecting skipping breakfast on students

especially the senior high school in Northeastern Cebu Colleges Inc. Including the

similar and related studies that have similarities and relationships in the current study.

Related Literature

The habit of skipping breakfast has become very popular among children and

adolescents. Research found that breakfast is an important meal because it is

beneficial to growth, cognition, and weight.

According to Deshmukh-Taskar et al., (2010) Breakfast is widely

acknowledged to be the most important meal of the day. Children who habitually

consume breakfast are more likely to have favorable nutrient intakes including higher

intake of dietary fiber, total carbohydrate and lower total fat and cholesterol.

In addition, according to Dr. Mariah M. Kawafha (2013), skipping breakfast

has an association with academic achievement. The consequences of their problem

include, malnutrition that leads to physical and mental development, increase

susceptibility to infection and reduce academic achievements therefore, skipping

breakfast can be considered as a barrier to optimal learning.

According to ( Julia Olsta, 2013 ) many children skip breakfast, despite the

prevalence of school breakfast programs and the overwhelming body of research

showing that eating breakfast improves a student's capacity for learning and

functioning in the classroom. The greatest obstacles to eating breakfast, according to a

study of students at a sizable Midwestern high school, are running out of time in the

morning and not feeling hungry before class. A scheme that provided a mobile cart

that offered a full school meal throughout students' morning study hall sessions was

put into place. It also included extending the hours of the breakfast restaurant.

Average daily participation in school breakfast has increased by more than 400% by

the end of the academic year. More than 25% of the students who participated in a

poll six months following the program's start-up said they bought food from the cart.

More than 25% of the students who participated in a poll six months following the

program's start-up said they bought food from the cart.

Moreover, Aarthin M. Vishnu Priya and Gayathri (2015) cited that the

majority of people who skip breakfast especially those underneath the age of children

it influences their health and the most common effects discovered are fainting and

loss of concentration.
In addition to that, Diana (2015) stated that ladies are more likely to skip

breakfast than adults due to the reality that females under the age of adolescents tend

to be extra self-aware about their bodily appearance and skipping breakfast is one of

the ways to lose weight. Considering themselves overweight despite having in

accordance with their age and carried on weight loss practices(Murphy). However,

most breakfast skippers are pinned to breakfast daily, knowing there are some gains

from having breakfast often. Moreover, the pattern of meal skipping among breakfast

skippers and non-skippers, mid-morning meal was never skipped by any of the

breakfast skippers in case of breakfast non-skippers. This is maybe due to the fact that

breakfast skippers have a tendency to experience hunger through mid-morning than

non-breakfast skippers. Therefore, breakfast skippers never skip mid-morning meals,

in contrast to breakfast on-skippers. According to a survey, 69 percent of Filipinos

think breakfast is important. 86 percent selected it as the most essential meal of the

day. Eating a good quality of breakfast enlarge emotions of motivation and


According to Ayesha R. and Zainab T. (2018), sixty two percent of the 130

students eat breakfast regularly. Breakfast is continually suggested to be a critical

feature of eating regimes since it is associated with healthier intake of nutrients, BMI

lifestyle. Recent studies have demonstrated that breakfast increases intellectual

capacity, concentration, attention and academic performance. In addition, the result of

the study indicates that there was a positive correlation between breakfast intakes in

the scores. Regular breakfast consumption improves students' academic performance

of students who frequently skip breakfast.

The purpose of this study is to determine and specify the effects of skipping breakfast

before morning classes among senior high school students at Northeastern Cebu

Colleges Inc. The skippers were not only facing difficulties and achieved an

inadequate level of academic performance. Hence, there was a small elevation among

non-skippers in their academic performance.



This chapter specifies the methods of research used, the study’s setting,

instruments used, the participants that are involved in the study, the sampling method

—that is, the technique being used for sampling data collection methods, data

processing, and ethical considerations.

Research Design

In this study, the researchers will employ Descriptive Quantitative Research

for this study since it provides objectivity and minimizes bias. It reduces the danger of

subjectivity by using systematic data gathering and analysis processes, ensuring that

study conclusions are as objective as possible. Furthermore, descriptive quantitative

research is excellent in terms of precision and measurement. It provides an organized

and regulated strategy to data collecting, allowing researchers to get accurate and

dependable variable measurements.

Research Environment

Northeastern Cebu Colleges will be the environment or location where the

researchers will conduct the investigation. Northeastern Cebu Colleges Inc. is a

private university located in P.G Almendras St. Poblacion Danao City, Cebu and was

founded by Ma’am Agnes Magpale in 2002 and headed by Sir Miguel Antonio A.

Magpale . The institution currently offers undergraduate degree programs as well as a

Senior High institution (SHS) program with ABM, HUMSS, GAS, and TVL strands.

The school has elementary, high school, senior high school, and college with a total

enrollment of around 1,497 enrollees.

Research Participants

The researchers’ participants are the students studying in Northeastern Cebu

Colleges Inc. serving as the setting. There were no other participants, only students

from Northeastern Cebu Colleges Inc. The researchers employed Slovin's formula. As

such, 115 participants in grades 11 and 12 will be recruited by the researcher to

purposely obtain the required feedback from the respective respondents based on the

intention of the study from 325 population count.

Slovin’s Formula:

𝑛= 2 where n is the sample size, N is the population size and e is the margin of
1+ 𝑁 𝑒


𝑁 325
𝑛= 2
= 2
=114.91 ≈ 115 𝑠𝑡𝑢𝑑𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑠
1+ 𝑁 𝑒 1+325 ( 0.075 )

Sampling Technique

The researchers employed stratified random sampling in their investigation.

The researchers chose the stratified random sampling for senior high school students

to participate in each section to make sure data were obtained from the right portion

of the population. Simple random sampling, specifically the fishbowl technique,

comes next. In all senior high school student sections at Northeastern Cebu Colleges

Incorporated, there are roughly students.

The target of this study are the senior high school students at Northeastern

Cebu Colleges Inc. The researchers sample size is 115, 325 senior high school

students in grades 11 and 12 are enrolled in the institution; 149 in the HUMSS strand,

90 are enrolled in the GAS strand, 27 in the ABM strand, and 59 in the TVL strand.

The researchers will be selecting 34 students from grade 11 and then 81 students from

grade 12 as shown from the distribution of population and sample below.

Distribution of the Population and Sample

Grade Level Population Percentage Sample

Grade 11 96 29.54% 34

Grade 12 229 70.46% 81

Total 325 100.00% 115

Research Instrument

The instruments known as research instruments are used in quantitative

research to gather, organize, and evaluate data. These tools are essential to the

investigation process because they make it easier to collect information from

respondents by asking targeted questions. For instance, survey questionnaires are

frequently used by researchers in the field of descriptive quantitative research to

obtain certain replies from participants. The significance of well verified instruments

in guaranteeing the dependability and approval of the gathered data is emphasized by


For validation, the researchers will give their questionnaire to Mr. Merben T.

Quiño, LPT. This process includes determining the degree of acceptability, evaluating

the validity of instruments, and assessing their dependability in gathering information.

It evaluates the instruments' general favor ability in addition to their measuring

accuracy. To put it simply, it involves a careful examination of the accuracy and

degree of acceptance of the instruments used in the research.

Data Gathering

The researchers gave great consideration to every aspect of the research

study's design in order to achieve these objectives. The study's goals and associated

methodologies are first described by the researchers. Students create a questionnaire

on their own, which the research adviser will check. The completed questionnaire will

be given to the research adviser for checking to produce enough copies to be

circulated to respondents. The systematic and orderly presentation of the collected

data is ensured by this particular method.

Data Analysis

The researchers evaluated continuous variables with a normal distribution using t-

tests, and the results were presented as means ± standard deviation (SD). T-tests were

used to assess categorical data, and the results were presented as frequencies

(percentages). The effects of skipping breakfast before morning classes among senior

high school students at Northeastern Cebu Colleges Inc. were evaluated using tests.

Ethical Issues

As the researchers go along with the study, the researchers were also

considering the ethical issues that are followed concerning to the participants.

Conflict of interest arising from financial. The researchers declared that there are

no conflicts of interest from finance since the study is used only for academic

purposes, any financial needs are shouldered by the researchers and the school.

Use of informed consents and the process. The researchers used informed consent

prior to the conduct of the study. Students can answer it voluntarily and they can

withdraw anytime they want.

Authorization to access private information. The researchers and the paper adviser

are the only authorized person to access any information in this study.

Privacy and confidentiality. The researchers assured the privacy and confidentiality

of the respondents name through writing codes in the questionnaires. It is the

researcher's responsibility to secure the protection and security of one’s personal


Ensuring confidentiality. The participants are only given codes so that the names

and anonymity of the participants are not shown. After the data gathering, the codes

of the respondents were kept and returned to the administration. Computer entries

such as the results during the data gathering were discarded, only the research adviser

as well as the administration hold the last file copies. Since the answered

questionnaires have no identifying information, it will be returned to the paper adviser

and to the administration. Research personnel should sign confidentiality pledges

whenever they want to have access to data information.

Debriefing, communications and referrals. Before the researchers let the

respondents answer the questionnaire, the researchers gave the students prior

discussion to what will happen. The researchers let the students realize that everything

the researchers were doing was just part of the research and nothing else. After the

discussion, the researchers gave the students five minutes to answer. The researchers

permit the participants to ask questions whenever they have queries in the

questionnaire. After the researchers collected the answered questionnaires, the

researchers gave thanks to the respondents.

Conflict of interest. The researchers declared that there were no conflict of interests

between the research to any sponsors since the study was used for academic purposes


If with vulnerable participants. There were vulnerable participants because the

researchers were dealing with 18 years old below students. The researchers minimize

any risk through asking permission to the school admin and to the adviser of the

students during the survey. Used informed consents to the students and the data used

in the questionnaire were only answerable yes and no withholding personal



Research Discussion

This chapter shows the findings and a discussion of the data collection were

presented in this chapter. Specifically, the data presentation, analysis, and

interpretation following the research survey are covered in this chapter.


Grade 11 Grade 12

Sun 8 Asteroids 9

Moon 8 Comet 9
Demographic profile of senior high
Earth 8 Neptune 9
students in Northeastern Cebu Colleges,
Mars 9 Jupiter 9

Mercury 9 Uranus 9

Antares 9

Saturn 9

The total number of participants in the researcher's survey into the effects of skipping

breakfast among senior high school students is displayed in Table 1. This

demographic overview includes grades 11 and 12 in all areas of senior high school.

Forty pupils are being selected in grade eleven, eight in each part. In contrast, eight

surveys for each of the ten parts in grade 12 were sent out, and nine more were

divided between the two sections. Given that there were more students in grade 12,

the researchers made it their main emphasis to achieve the study's sample size


N = 105

Have you eaten breakfast before Yes Percentage No Percentage

going to school?

30 29% 75 71%


Table 2 displayed the number of students at Northeastern Cebu Colleges Inc

who have breakfast before class or who skip. Following the analysis of the provided

data, the researchers concluded that the majority of students in Northeastern Cebu

Colleges Inc does not eat breakfast before morning classes started.

Based on the data result, the researchers concluded that the majority of

Northeastern Cebu Colleges Inc. Students does not eat breakfast before going to class.

skipping breakfast is a personal decision, and the consequences can differ from person

to person. Some people perform fine without breakfast, however others may have

decreased energy and attention.


What are the effects of skipping breakfast before going to school?


Lower Academic Performance 10 9%

TABLE 3.0 shows the effect of skipping breakfast before morning classes started

among senior high school students of Northeastern Cebu Colleges Inc. Lower

academic performance frequency at 10 and percentage of 9%, it becomes evident that

a noteworthy proportion of students may be facing challenges in achieving desired

academic outcomes. The frequency of 10 suggests that a modest but notable portion

of the student population consistently experiences academic difficulties. This could be

indicative of various factors such as inadequate study habits, lack of resources, or

possibly underlying learning challenges. Identifying and addressing these issues is

crucial to enhance the overall academic performance and well-being of this subgroup.

Moving to the percentage of 9%, the slightly lower percentage still signifies a

considerable number of students encountering academic struggles. It prompts a closer

examination of potential systemic issues within the educational environment. Factors

such as curriculum design, teaching methodologies, or even socio-economic

disparities might contribute to this lower percentage. Understanding the root causes

behind this trend is essential for implementing targeted interventions that can

effectively support students in overcoming academic challenges and improving their

overall learning experience. In a broader context, the combined frequencies of 10 and

9% highlight the need for a comprehensive approach to address academic

performance issues. It underscores the importance of tailored support mechanisms,

personalized learning strategies, and potential collaboration between educators,

parents, and students to create an environment conducive to academic success. By

recognizing and proactively addressing these lower performance frequencies,

educational stakeholders can work collaboratively to foster a more inclusive and

supportive learning environment for all students.

What are the effects of skipping breakfast before going to school?


Headaches 17 16%


Headaches, which had a result of 17 frequency and 16 as percentage if you skip

breakfast, Skipping breakfast is related to adverse effects on class attendance,

academic performance, and emotional status and mood especially in students.

Additionally, skipping breakfast may reduce body energy for the duration of the day

and it is difficult to compensate for this morning energy by taking nutrients. Skipping

your breakfast may lead to weight gain due to the tendency to eat more. Avoiding

your breakfast lowers your blood sugar levels, leading to migraines and headaches.

Skipping your breakfast daily also impacts memory, reduces energy levels, and puts

you in a bad mood. This phenomenon is explained by the body under stress when

being too hungry, causing the organs to receive the wrong signals. In general,

skipping breakfast can also cause your metabolism to slow down, which can cause

weight gain or make it harder to lose weight. When you skip a meal or go a long time

without eating, your body goes into survival mode This causes your cells and body to

crave food which causes you to eat a lot.

What are the effects of skipping breakfast before going to school?


Difficulty Concentration 27 25%


With difficulty consideration frequency at 27 and percentage at 25%, it is clear that a

significant number of pupils would be having trouble meeting their academic goals.

The frequency of 27 indicates that a small but significant percentage of students have

academic difficulties on a regular basis. This may be a sign of a number of things,

including poor study habits, a deficiency of resources, or even underlying learning

difficulties. Enhancing this subgroup's overall academic performance and well-being

requires identifying and resolving these difficulties. Even though it is a little less,

moving to the 25% mark still represents a significant portion of people who struggle

with concentration. This percentage encourages further investigation into any patterns

or similarities that could exist within this grouping. It can point to the need for more

sophisticated strategies to assist with focus and attention control, taking into account

the unique situations and individual variations that contribute to this difficulty. When

these issues are identified and addressed together, the general well-being and

academic achievement of individuals facing attention challenges can be greatly

improved. To sum up, the combined rates of 27 and 25% highlight how common

concentration problems are among the people who were polled. This perspective

highlights the significance of using a customized, all-encompassing strategy to treat

attention issues. Mitigating attention problems and enhancing the general cognitive
functioning of the surveyed individuals can be accomplished through the

implementation of solutions customized to meet individual needs, the creation of a

supportive learning environment, and the provision of support services.

What are the effects of skipping breakfast before going to school?


Lack of Energy 53 50%


Lack of energy, which had a result of 57 frequency and 50 as percentage if you skip

breakfast, you may experience some fatigue and find it difficult to concentrate. This is

a result of your brain not getting the glucose, or energy, it needs to function. You may

be moving away from rather than toward your health objectives if you consistently

skip breakfast and don't have a plan for what and how you'll eat the remainder of the

day. Missing breakfast is a wasted opportunity to properly nourish your body and
mind; it's not just about feeling hungry. Skipping breakfast can adversely affect the

students level of energy and productivity during the day. Given that it gives the body

the vital nutrition and energy it needs to start the day, breakfast is frequently referred

to as the most significant meal of the day . Your body might not have the nourishment

if you're not eating breakfast before going to school and that leads to students to don’t

have enough energy as it needs to perform at its best if you skip breakfast. This might

lead to low energy, difficulty focusing, and diminished output. In general, skipping

breakfast can be detrimental to one's general health and well-being, as well as one's

energy and productivity levels during the day. You can help guarantee that your body

has the fuel it needs to function efficiently and enhance your overall productivity and

performance by prioritizing breakfast and selecting healthy, balanced choice. Table 3

shows the possible effects of skipping breakfast among senior high schools for 105

participants: 10 students selected lower academic performance which had 9% as the

lowest number of data collected, 17 students selected headaches which had

16%, 27 students selected difficulty concentration which had 20%, and 53 students

selected lack of energy which had 50% as the highest number of data collected.

Overall Summary

The researchers conducted the survey at Northeastern Cebu Colleges Inc. The

objective is to determine the effects of skipping breakfast among senior high students

of Northeastern Cebu Colleges Inc.

Table 1 displayed the demographic profile of grade 11 and 12 students who

answered the questionnaire which was provided by the researchers, each section in

Grade 11 had eight randomly selected students responded. In Grade 12, there were

seven sections, and some of those sections had 9 survey papers.

Table 2 shows the total number of students who agreed or disagreed that they

don’t eat breakfast before morning classes started. 33 students are eating breakfast

before morning classes started the remaining students to make up 105 participants is

77 students that said "yes." As a result, this table demonstrates that Northeastern Cebu

Colleges Inc. senior high school students do not eat breakfast before morning classes


Table 3.0 The study reveals a lower academic performance frequency among

senior high school students at Northeastern Cebu Colleges Inc., with a percentage of

9% experiencing academic struggles. This suggests a significant number of students

face academic difficulties, possibly due to inadequate study habits, lack of resources,

or learning challenges. The study also suggests a need for a comprehensive approach

to address these issues, including tailored support mechanisms, personalized learning

strategies, and collaboration between educators, parents, and students to create an

inclusive learning environment.

Table 3.1 Skipping breakfast can lead to headache with 17 frequency and 16

percentage points reported, adverse effects on class attendance, academic

performance, and emotional state, especially in students. It can reduce body energy,

cause weight gain, lower blood sugar levels, and negatively impact memory, energy,

and mood. Additionally, it can slow metabolism, leading to weight gain or difficulty

in weight loss.

Table 3.2 The study reveals that a significant number of students face

academic difficulties, with a frequency of 27 and a percentage of 25%. These

difficulties may stem from poor study habits, resource scarcity, or learning issues.

Addressing these issues is crucial for improving overall academic performance and

well-being. The 25% percentage also indicates a significant concentration problem,

highlighting the need for tailored strategies to improve focus and attention control.

Table 3.3 Skipping breakfast can lead to Lack of Energy. The researchers

shows that 57 students or 50% experience to fatigue, difficulty concentrating, and

decreased energy levels. It's crucial to prioritize breakfast and choose a healthy,

balanced diet to ensure the body receives the necessary nutrients for optimal

performance. Skipping breakfast can negatively impact overall health and




Following the research survey, the researchers' findings and suggestions were

covered in detail in this chapter. It included a detailed description of the findings

summary, data result conclusions, and study suggestions.

Summary Findings

All of the grade levels at Northeastern Cebu Colleges were taken into account

by the researchers when creating the study's demographic profile. From grade 11 to

grade 12, it was represented in every section and strand. Eating breakfast before

morning classes in senior high school perform a virtual part in promoting better

concentration, increase energy, and better academic performance. They also provide
many advantages including better physical health, helps combat obesity and

encourages physical activity. The differences of skipping breakfast are lower

academic performance, headaches, difficulty concentration, and lack of energy. The

findings of the research highlight a number of prevalent issues in skipping breakfast.

Lower academic performance, which had 9% students who do not eat breakfast will

lose their concentration and motivation in class because of hunger, which will greatly

affect their academic performance. Implementing strategies to deal with this problem

entails eating properly and consuming enough food to last the entire day. Headaches,

which had 16% a morning without eating can cause headaches that are frequently

extremely intense and come with slight nausea. Intense fasting, consumption of high-

sugar foods, severe dieting, and meal skipping can all precipitate or increase the

likelihood of headaches and migraines. Difficulty Concentration, which had 25% this

is a result of brain not getting the glucose, or energy, it needs to function. It indicates

that skipping breakfast may have an impact on a persons memory, concentration, and

attention span. Listening in discussions may feel more difficult than they usually

would as a result. Lack of Energy, which had 50% a person's body might not have the

fuel it needs to perform at its best if they skip breakfast. This might lead to low

energy, difficulty focusing, and diminished output. Furthermore, if you skip breakfast,

your body may attempt to make up for it by overeating later in the day. Findings from

the research show that eating breakfast before morning classes includes dealing with

issues like academic performance and headaches. In spite of these challenges, the

significant advantages of eating breakfast are most likely promoting better

concentration and increase energy show as important results. Eating the right food at

the right time is essential to self-care. This method goes beyond giving learners the

tools they need to succeed inside or outside of the classroom.


In conclusion, the exploration of skipping breakfast reveals a complex

interplay of factors that impact both physical and cognitive well-being. The observed

consequences, ranging from potential effects on academic performance to overall

health, underscore the significance of this dietary behavior. The research consistently

highlights the importance of breakfast as a fundamental component of a healthy

lifestyle, influencing various aspects of daily functioning. Individuals who skip

breakfast may be more prone to experiencing energy fluctuations, diminished

cognitive abilities, and potentially long-term health implications. Furthermore, the

findings emphasize the need for comprehensive awareness campaigns and educational

initiatives to address misconceptions surrounding breakfast skipping. Encouraging

individuals to prioritize a nutritious morning meal not only promotes better physical

health but also contributes to enhanced mental alertness and academic performance.

By recognizing the importance of breakfast in overall well-being, both on an

individual and societal level, there is an opportunity to instill positive dietary habits

that can lead to lasting benefits. As we conclude, it becomes evident that skipping

breakfast is not merely a personal choice but a behavior with far-reaching

implications. The research calls for a collective effort from educators, healthcare

professionals, and policymakers to foster a culture that values and prioritizes the

importance of breakfast, ultimately contributing to a healthier and more resilient


The majority of students at Northeastern Cebu Colleges believe that skipping

breakfast before morning classes has significant consequences and presents a

challenge to students, according to the analysis and interpretation of the data results

provided by the researchers. In addition, most students eschew breakfast in order to

save time. The results highlight the need of raising awareness of the benefits of eating

a balanced breakfast and how it can support both mental and physical health. It is

clear from these observations that encouraging good breakfast practices is important

for public health in addition to being a matter of personal preference. Encouraging

people to make breakfast a priority may have a positive impact on everyday

functioning and long-term health results.


Researchers at Northeastern Cebu Colleges did a study titled The Effects of

Skipping Breakfast Before Morning Classes Among Senior High School Students to

investigate the issue and make recommendations on how to tackle it.

The survey results serve as the basis for the researchers' primary suggestions,

which are addressed to students, teachers, parents, the community,current and future

researchers. These insights are intended to improve administrative processes, student-

teacher interactions, educational dynamics, parental involvement, and community

engagement. They also serve as a significant resource for future research projects.

The following are the researchers recommendation for this study:

Students. The students should prioritize regular sleep patterns, create a morning

routine, plan and prepare simple breakfast alternatives the night before, like yogurt

with fruits or overnight oats, and make sure they have enough time for a healthy meal

to lessen the effects of skipping it. Additionally, educating children about the value of

breakfast and its enhancement of cognitive performance might help them develop

healthier routines.

Teachers. The teachers can create a breakfast-friendly classroom atmosphere by

allowing students to take brief breaks during which they can eat a healthy snack,

offering information on quick and healthful breakfast options, and encouraging candid

discussion about the value of breakfast for the best cognitive function. Students can

make better decisions in the morning if healthy behaviors are modeled for them and a

positive environment is fostered at breakfast.

School. Breakfast programs can be implemented in schools, providing students with

convenient and time-saving options. Establishing a breakfast club, offering grab-and-

go options, or introducing breakfast into the academic program are some ways to

guarantee that students get a nutritious meal. Additionally, promoting breakfast's

importance and its effect on academic achievement through educational initiatives can

help foster a morning nutrition-focused culture throughout the school.

Parents. Establishing a regular morning schedule helps parents make time for a

healthy breakfast. Healthy habits can be promoted by preparing breakfast options

ahead of time, involving kids in meal planning, and providing a good example by

making breakfast a priority. Getting enough sleep and setting up a peaceful morning

routine can also help the whole family have a more planned and breakfast-friendly

start to the day.

Community. Campaigns to raise awareness of the value of breakfast and its effects

on general health and academic achievement can be organized by communities.

Reducing the frequency of skipping breakfast in the community can be achieved by

working with nearby businesses to support breakfast programs in community centers

or schools, by offering resources for reasonably priced and nutrient-dense breakfast

options, and by creating a culture that values and encourages healthy eating habits.

Current Researchers. Can strengthen the validity of their studies on the impacts of

skipping breakfast by employing tight control procedures, accounting for confounding

variables such as sleep patterns and socioeconomic considerations. Longitudinal

designs and a range of study samples can facilitate a more thorough comprehension of

the long-term effects. In addition to providing transparent reporting of methods and

results, working with specialists in nutrition and neurology can yield insightful

collaborations that will strengthen the research's standing in the scientific community.

Future Researchers. Subsequent investigators may do extensive investigations

investigating the enduring consequences of breakfast skipping, taking into account a

variety of demographics and lifestyle elements. The accuracy and dependability of

results will be improved by implementing randomized controlled trials, making use of

cutting-edge technologies for data gathering, and using rigorous methodology.

Furthermore, working in tandem with nutritionists, educators, and health professionals

may offer a comprehensive viewpoint, guaranteeing a comprehensive comprehension

of the intricacies associated with researching breakfast practices and their outcomes.


Deshmukh-Taskar et al., (2010) The relationship of breakfast skipping and type of

breakfast consumption with nutrient intake and weight status in children and


Cebu Institutes University (2010) Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.


University Of Leeds (2011) Skipping breakfast linked to lower GCSE grades

university of leeds


Dr. Mariah M. Kawafha (2013) The effects of skipping breakfast on students

academic performance


Julia Olsta, (2013) Bringing Breakfast to Our Students: A Program to Increase






Aarthin M. Vishnu Priya and Gayathri (2015) Effect of stress on academic

performance of students in different streams




Diana (2015) A Case Study of Student and Staff Perceptions of A Case Study of

Student and Staff Perceptions of the School Breakfast Program.


Ayesha R. and Zainab T. (2018) The Effect of Breakfast on Academic Performance











Direction: Kindly check the box that is being provided below according to the following question.

1. What is your demographic profile of students in the senior high school of Northeastern

Cebu Colleges Inc.?

[ ] Grade 11-Earth [ ] Grade 12- Neptune.

[ ] Grade 11-Mars. [ ] Grade 12- Saturn.

[ ] Grade 11-Sun [ ] Grade 12- Jupiter

[ ] Grade11-Moon. [ ] Grade 12- Comet

[ ] Grade 11-Mercury [ ] Grade 12- Asteroids

Grade 12- Antares

Grade 12 – Uranus

2. Have you eaten breakfast before going to school?

[ ] Yes. [ ] No

3.What are the effects of skipping breakfast before going to school? Choose one!

Lower Academic Performance

Difficulty Concentration
Lack of Energy







Duterte St. Suba, Danao City




Date of Birth: May 15, 2006

Age: 17

Place of birth: Cebu City

Citizenship: Filipino

Sex: Female



Danao City Central Shoopl

2012 - 2018


Northeastern Cebu Colleges Inc.

2018 - 2022


Manghilao, Masaba Danao City



Date of Birth: March 16, 2006

Age: 18

Place of birth: Danao City

Citizenship: Filipino

Sex: Female



P.G Almendras Elementary School

2012 - 2018


Elpidio H. Pere Memorial Technical Vocational High School

2018 - 2022


Libon, Guinsay Danao City


Date of Birth: September 29,2003

Age: 20

Place of birth Danao City

Citizenship: Filipino

Sex: Male



Guinsay Elementary School



Guinsay National High School


National Road, Poblacion, Danao City

Date of Birth: july 11 2005
Age: 18
Place of birth: Cebu City
Citizenship: Filipino
Sex: Male



Danao City Central School

2012 - 2018


Beatriz D. Durano Memorial National High School

2018 - 2022

Taboc Guinacot, Danao City, Cebu

Date of Birth: June 20, 2005
Age: 18
Place of birth: Danao City
Citizenship: Filipino
Sex: Female



Guinacot Integrated School

2012 - 2018


Northeastern Cebu Colleges Inc.

2018 - 2022

S. Duterte Street, Danao City, Cebu

Date of Birth: August 26, 2005
Age: 18
Place of birth: Cebu City
Citizenship: Filipino
Sex: Male



Danao City Central School

2012 - 2018


Beatriz D Durano Memorial National High School

2018 - 2022


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