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Procedures: Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity

A. Preparatory Activities Good Morning Class! Good Morning Sir Johnrey!
1. Routinary Activities Prayer
Checking of Attendance
Before we start with our Lesson, what are
the thing to remember? The Teacher will *respect others opinion
ask the pupils to read. * take turns in talking
Video Presentation: *participate activities
*be time conscious)
To start with our lesson for today, I want
you to hear and watch a Video Song
The Pupils will watch a Video.
The teacher will ask a question about the
song played.
What do you think are the best things to do
during sunny day, rainy day, and windy day? Possible Answers:
Go to the beach
Play outside during rainy days
Very Good Grade 4 Pupils!
2. Elicit REACT The pupils will answer TRUE or
The Teacher will ask the pupils to react on FALSE.
the statement that is shown on the screen.
if the statement is correct and if
the statement is incorrect.
_______ 1. We need to know weather Answer:
conditions to keep us safe.
_______ 2. Weather helps us decide what 1.
clothes to wear. 2.
_______ 3. Weather influenced the kind of 3.
activities we do.
_______ 4. Knowledge on weather forecast 4.
help us to prepare. 5.
_______ 5. Typhoons can destroy properties
and lives.

Great Job Grade 4 Pupils!

3. Engage Unlocking of Difficulties: The pupils will answer Unlocking of
Using definition clues and appositive clues. Difficulties
Select the correct word inside the box and
fill in the blank to complete the statement.
Weather safety precautions
1. Weather
1. A ___________is the state of the
2. Safety
atmosphere at a place and time as regards
3. Precautions
heat, dryness, sunshine, wind, rain, and etc.
2. ___________is the condition of being
protected from or unlikely to cause danger,
risk, or injury.
3. ___________is a measure taken in
advance to prevent something dangerous,
unpleasant, or inconvenient from happening.

B. What do you think is happening in the

Pupils answer may vary

Excellent Grade 4 Pupils!

B. Developmental Activities 1. Watch the short video clip Pupils will watch the video clip
4. Explore ACTIVITY 1 ( Group Activity)
The Teacher will divide the class into three (3)
The teacher will show some pictures with
different kinds of weather. The Teacher will
ask the pupil to observe each picture. Using
the table below, list the things or activities
you are going to do to keep you safe during
this kind of weather (sunny days, rainy days,
windy days). Each weather is given one
example for your reference. Write your
answers in your activity sheet and paste it
on the board.
1. Wear light color dresses
2. Pupils answer may vary

1. Eat hot foods or soup to warm
3. Pupils answer may vary

1. Do not go for a walk under the trees
or any falling debris
3. Pupils answer may vary
Let’s Give a Mosquito Clap for the Group
Winner ( Teacher will demonstrate how to
do the Mosquito Clap ) Pupils answer may vary
ACTIVITY 2 ( Group Activity ) Using LOTS
With the same groupings the Teacher will ask
the pupils to do the Activity.
Direction: Answer and give a brief explanation
on the given situation. The group will be given
2 minutes to explain.
Situation #1: Ma’am Shiela enjoyed The pupils will do the Mosquito Clap
sunbathing in Nabuyanan River without
applying sunblock all over her body.
Question: What will happen to Ma’am
Situation #2: Kyrie and Vince are playing at
the plaza without using cap and umbrella.
Question: What will happen to both Kyrie Pupils answer may vary
and Vince?
Situation #3: One afternoon, Tatay Litok
climbed up on a tree within their backyard
while a strong wind is blowing. His buri hat was
carried away and he tried to chase it.
Question: What do you think had happened to Pupils answer may vary
Tatay Litok?

Bigyan ng Limang Bagsak ang inyong mga sarili

for A Job well done!
Direction: Identify each pictures’ weather and
put a check (/) mark beside the line if showing
safety precautions and an (X) mark if the
pictures showing incorrect things to do during
sunny day, rainy day, and windy day. Do this in
your Science Notebook.

The pupils will give themselves a

Limang Bgsak (meaning 5 claps)





________3. 2.


Very good Grade 4 pupils! It seems that you are
all very ready for our topic for today.
5. Explain SCIENCE KNOWLEDGE: Pupils will listen attentively to the
SAFETY DURING DIFFERENT discussion of the Teacher.
We need to know weather conditions to
keep us safe. Knowledge on the weather
forecast helps us make necessary preparations.
On sunny days, it is important to wear
light clothes, eat cold foods, not to expose our
skin to extreme heat of the sun. And we should
not burn dried leaves.
During rainy days, it is important to wear
thick clothes and eat warm foods. Prepare zip
locks, dry sacks and other waterproof covers for
our things. We should not play in the rain to
avoid colds. It is also a must to use raincoat and
On windy days, do not forget to close
doors and windows. Wear thick clothes. Move
to the middle of your home or basement, away
from windows and glass doors. We should be
careful with fire.
Weather also helps us decide what
clothes to wear. We feel comfortable wearing
light-colored thin clothes on warm weather and
dark-colored thick clothes and use blankets on
cold weather. Weather influences the kind of
food we eat and the activities we do every day.
In case of stormy or windy weather, we are
advised to stay home and take the needed
safety measures. We store enough food and
prepare the flashlights, candles, water, and
other needs in case there is a need to evacuate.

Processing Questions: Using HOTS Question

1. Why is it important to know weather
2. Why should we observe safety precautions Pupils answer may vary
during different kinds of weather?
3. What will happen if we do not follow the
safety precautions during different weather
Nice answer!
6. Elaborate A. Generalization: Possible Answers:
a. Is it important to know different weather Yes Sir
b. What are the things that we should do Pupils answer may vary
and not to do during sunny day? Rainy day?
And Windy day?

B. Application:
Directions: Read and Analyze the activities
of people. Describe the precautionary
measures to be done to protect yourself
from the effects of the different types of
1. You are about to go to school. You see
that it is raining outside. What should you
2. It is early morning in December. You can
Pupils answer may vary
feel the cold temperature and the gentle
blowing of the wind while waiting for the
school bus. What should you do?
3. You heard from the news the TV that
there is a strong typhoon coming on the
next day. What should you do to help your
family prepare for the coming typhoon?
4. Your big sister is going outside of the
house at 12:00 noon. The sun is shining
brightly and there is no wind blowing in the
place. What will you do to help your sister
protect herself from the heat of the sun?
5. One Sunday, there was a heavy
downpour of rain in your place. You saw at
the window that the streets became
flooded up to knee – deep. What should
you do?

Wise and Smart answers grade 4 pupils!

Valuing During sunny days, most places in Masbate, Pupils answer may vary
particularly in Brgy. Madao is suffering from
El Niño. Some people are getting sick and
the farms are very dry due to lack of water.
What should you do as a pupil to avoid
these problems to happen? State your
Very excellent answer!
IV. Evaluate Direction: Choose the letter of the correct
_____1. You see that the weather is fine
and the sun shines brightly. Which of the
following activities are good to do?
A. reading story books
B. playing board games 1. D.
C. painting, drawing, paper doll making 2. A.
D. picnic, swimming, camping, strolling in 3. C.
the Nabuyanan River. 4. A.
_____2. It helps us to decide what clothes 5. D.
to wear?
A. Weather
B. Feather
C. Potter
D. Leather
_____3. The air temperature rises to 38 °C.
What should you wear?
A. wet clothes C. thin
B. new clothes D. thick
_____4. Lolo Tereso prepared his Carabao
because he is going to his Farm. He
observed that the sky is dark. What is the
best thing he should do?
A. Do not go to the farm
B. Hurry and go to the farm
C. Wear thick clothes
D. Call other farmer to go with him to the
_____5. You hear weather forecasters every
day in the news. How can they help you?
A. They help me decide what food to buy.
B. They help me decide what time I sleep.
C. They help me decide what games to play.
D. A and C are correct

V. Extend Make a poster or slogan that will show any

precautionary measures on the different
types of weather. Use rubric for your
Name: Date:
Activity: Poster making/Slogan
Assessment Criteria Level of
A – achieved
NA – not achieved
1. The poster/slogancontains
appropriate items and
2. The poster/slogan is clean
and neat, and the
information on it is well
3. The poster/slogan strips is
colorful and creative
4. The poster/slogan
identifies safety precautions
in planning activities during
different weather conditions
5. Overall, the poster/slogan
apply knowledge on safety
precautions in planning
activities during different
weather conditions
TOTAL _____/5

Prepared by: Checked and Noted by:


Teacher Applicant Teacher In-Charge

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