VE-101 Report

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Step 1: Calculation of Total Vapor Pressure at Inlet

Pv =14328.76 ¯¿

The vapor pressure of each component is taken from Aspen Hysys

Pv =∑ xi Psat

Step 2: Operating Conditions

Mass flow rate, W = 142843.20 kg/hr
Inlet Pressure, P1: 145 bar

Outlet Pressure, P2: 4.50 bar

Pressure Drop, ∆ P : 140.50 bar
Inlet Temperature, T 1: 180 K

Outlet Temperature, T 2: 153.54 K

Pc : Critical pressure for pure components are extracted from the ASPEN HYSYS

Pc =∑ x i P c ,i

Pc =135.18 ¯¿

Step 3: Specific weight at inlet condition, γ mix

ρmix =751.08 kg /m
Acceleration of gravity, g = 9.81 2
γ mix =¿ ρmix g
γ mix =8728.37 kg /m s

Step 3: Determining ΔPmax (The Allowable Sizing Pressure Drop)

Rated liquid pressure recovery factor, F L =0.97

Piping geometry factor, F P=1.00 .Assume no fitting are attached to the valve. Therefore FP =
Obtained from Table Representative Sizing Coefficients for Single−Ported Globe Style Valve
Bodies table by assuming the valve size.

Liquid critical pressure ratio factor, F F =0.96−0.28

√ Pv
For valves installed without fittings, ∆ P max ⁡( L) =P L ( P1−F F Pv )=−25785.86 ¯¿

Pressure Drop, ∆ P(actual): 140.50 bar

Since ΔP(actual) ≳ ΔPmax(L), choked flow conditions not exist. ΔP(actual) will be used for
calculation of Cv.
Step 4: Valve Sizing Coefficients, Cv
Equation Constant, N6 = 27.30
Valve sizing coefficients, C v = = 5.14 Valve size was selected using the
N 6 F P √ (P 1−P2)γ
flow coefficient table and the with nearest calculated Cv value.
Nearest available capacity of valve, C v =8.84
Step 5: Selected Valve Body Characteristics
A single-ported globe style valve is well-suited for use as a throttle valve. Key features
making it suitable for throttling applications include excellent throttling capability due to the
linear motion of the plug or disc against the flow, providing precise flow control. This design
allows effective modulation of flow, making it suitable for applications requiring fine-tuning.
Globe valves can handle moderate to high-pressure drops, making them suitable for pressure
reduction or control.
Valve size chosen = 1 inch
Valve plug style = Micro-Form
Flow Characteristics = Equal Percentage
Port Diameter = ¾ inches

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