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National Highway, Marawi City, Philippines
2nd semester, S.Y. 2023- 2024

A story tittled
“Thousand Autumns”
By Meng Xi Shi

Presented to
Faculty of the Senior High School Department
Ranao Council- Al Khwarizmi International College Foundation Incorporated
Senior High School
Marawi City

in partial Fulfilment
of the requirements for the course
Second semester Academic year 2023-2024

Sonaya H.U. Amanoden

April 25, 2024

1. A summary of the plot.

"A Thousand Autumns" is an engaging novel that explores the world of martial arts, power struggles, and complex
relationships. The story follows Shen Qiao, a highly respected leader of the Xuandu Mountain sect. He is known for
his impressive fighting skills and kind-hearted nature.

Shen Qiao's life takes a dramatic turn when he gets seriously injured in a battle, almost dying. However, he is
unexpectedly saved by Yan Wushi, the mysterious leader of a demonic group. Yan Wushi, who has a negative view
of people, initially plans to corrupt Shen Qiao and prove that true kindness and goodness don't exist.

As their paths cross, Shen Qiao's unwavering kindness and righteousness start to challenge Yan Wushi's beliefs.
Despite Yan Wushi's attempts to corrupt him, Shen Qiao remains strong in his principles, showing resilience and a
strong sense of fairness. The relationship between the two men becomes complex, filled with tension, mystery, and
unexpected connections.

Throughout the story, readers witness the growth and change of both Shen Qiao and Yan Wushi. Shen Qiao,
despite his serious injury, displays incredible inner strength as he faces difficulties. Meanwhile, Yan Wushi finds
himself drawn to Shen Qiao's unwavering principles, causing him to question his own beliefs and confront his inner

2. Characters of the story and their roles.

Main Characters

A. Shen Qiao: He is the protagonist of the story and the chosen successor of Qi Fengge and the head of the Xuandu
Mountain sect.
B. Yan Wushi: He is the leader of the Demonic Huanyue sect and a terrifying martial artist who some sources claim was on
par with Qi Fengge, He is also ambitious,shrewd,and above all, a committed misanthrope.

Supporting characters
A. Qi Fengge: Sect leader of xuandu’s violet palace, world’s number one martial artist before his passing and Shen
Qiao’s master.
B. Yu Ai: Acting Sect leader of Xuandu’s violet palace. Originally the closest to Shen Qiao but he quickly took over
leadership of Xuandu Mountain after Shen Qiao’s disastrous duel , and instituted various sweeping reforms.
C. Yu Shenyan: Yan Wushi’s newest discipline. A talented but somewhat naïve young man who wholeheartedly
believes in Yan Wushi’s philosophies.
D. Bian Yanmei: Yan Wushi’s first discipline and Yu Shengyan’s senior. He is Yan Wushi’s representative during his
E. Bai Rong: one of Hehuan Sect’s most prominent disciples under Sang Jingxing. Cunning and devious, she grows
interested in Shen Qiao after a certain major incident.
F. Huo Xijing: Bai Rong’s senior, and Sang Jingxing’s favorite disciple. Has a disturbing fetish for beautiful faces, and
is infamous for his face-skinninh technique, where he takes his victim’s face to use as his own.
G. Yuan Xiuxiu: The leader of Hehuan Sect, rumored to have gotten her position due to her relationship with Sang
H. Yun Fuyi: Liuhe Guild Deputy leader and a talented martial artist.
I. Xie Xiang: Academy Master Ruyan Kehui’s favorite disciple, he was sent as an envoy to Zhou.
J. Murong Qin: A martial artist from the Qi imperial court.
K. Mu Tipo: Prince of Chenyang Commandery, one of Qi’s most powerful men, often making a game of hunting and
torturing the common people’s.
L. Xueting: One of top ten martial artists of the world.
M. Puliuru Jian: A well-learned, high-ranking official of Zhou whom Shen Qiai meets at Madam Qin’s birthday banquet.
N. Su Wei: Duke of Meiyang County, and his mother is Madam Qin.
O. Madam Qin: The matriarch of the prominent Su family of Zhou.
P. Hulugu: Once the most powerful martial artist of Göktürk Khaganate, he was defeated by Qi Fengge. Qi Fengge
then made him swear not to set foot in the Central Plains.
Q. Kunye: Hulugu’s disciple, and said to the best of the new generation of Göktürk martial artists. Thousand Autumns
begins when he defeats Shen Qiai and throws him off the cliff at Banbu Peak.
R. Duan Wenyang: He came to Northern Zhou in search of something. The trail he’s following leads him to Madam
Qin’s birthday banquet.
S. Tao Hongjing: The Legendary creator of the Zhouyang Strategy. Before his death he was known as a great genius
and the one true master of martial arts for his success in marrying the principles of all three schools of thought.
T. Chen Gong: A homeless youth who Shen Qiao meets in Funning county. Suspicious with a harsh personality. He
yearns for a better life.

3. Who are the target audience on the books and why?

The target audience for "A Thousand Autumns" is diverse, but it mainly appeals to readers who love complex
storylines, martial arts themes, and philosophical contemplation. The novel mainly belongs to the genres of
historical fiction , wuxia (martial arts), and danmei (BL or Boys' Love).

Fans of martial arts fiction and action-packed stories may also enjoy "A Thousand Autumns" because of its detailed
fight scenes, strategic battles and and exploration of various martial arts techniques.

Furthermore, the novel's focus on love connections between men is likely to appeal to readers who promote
LGBTQ+ topics and diverse representation in their literature.

4. List at least five (5) unfamiliar word from the book and look up their denotation and connotation.

1. Swathes:
- Denotation: Large areas or strips of something, like fabric or land, that are spread out or covered.
- Connotation: It can imply abundance or a wide coverage of something.

2. Stalwart:
- Denotation: A person who is loyal, reliable, and strong.
- Connotation: It can suggest bravery, resilience, and dependability.

3. Proclivities:
- Denotation: Natural tendencies or inclinations towards a particular behavior or activity.
- Connotation: It can indicate a person's interests, preferences, or habits.

4. Prowess:
- Denotation: Exceptional skill, ability, or expertise in a specific field or activity.
- Connotation: It can imply greatness, talent, and accomplishment.

5. Misanthrope:
- Denotation: A person who dislikes or avoids the company of others and has a general distrust or hatred towards
- Connotation: It can suggest a negative view of people, social isolation, or a cynical attitude towards society.

5. Make at least three(3) inferential questions and provide your own answers. Justify your answer.
1. How can Shen Qiao's ability to stay strong in tough times help him grow as a person in "A Thousand
Answer: Shen Qiao's determination and resilience could make him stronger on the inside and help him develop as
a character. By facing and overcoming challenges, he may become more determined, adaptable, and strong, which
can shape his journey and influence his actions throughout the story.

2. How does the exploration of martial arts in "A Thousand Autumns" represent the characters' inner struggles and
personal journeys?
Answer: The practice of martial arts can symbolize the characters' inner struggles and personal growth. As they
train and improve their martial arts skills, they may also be strengthening their inner strength, discipline, and
resilience. The challenges and battles they face in their martial arts journeys may mirror their internal conflicts and

3. How do the philosophical ideas in "A Thousand Autumns" make readers think about their own beliefs and
Answer: The philosophical ideas in the novel can make readers reflect on important questions about morality,
human nature, and the complexities of life. By presenting thought-provoking ideas and ethical dilemmas, the story
may encourage readers to think about their own beliefs, values, and the choices they make in their own lives.

6. Construct two (2) evaluative questions and provide your insights about your answers.

1.How effectively does "A Thousand Autumns" transport readers into its historical setting and immerse them in its world?
Answer: "A Thousand Autumns" brings its historical setting to life and makes readers feel like they are there. The author
describes everything in detail, like the scenery, buildings, and culture of that time. This creates a vivid reading experience
that takes readers back in time.

2.How well does "A Thousand Autumns" engage readers with its complex characters and their personal journeys?

answer: The story keeps readers engaged with its interesting characters and their personal journeys. You feel connected to
the characters because you understand their struggles, growth, and relationships. The characters feel real and their stories
keep you interested in the book.

7. Mention at least two areas of the story where you think a reader like you enjoyed. On the contrary, mention at least
2 areas where you did not enjoy , make sure to explain why.
As a reader, there were two areas of "A Thousand Autumns" that I particularly enjoyed. These scenes or parts of
the story really grabbed my interest.
1.Martial Arts battles: The way martial arts competitions were portrayed in the novel was one exciting element for me. It was
quite captivating to read about the detailed accounts of fierce fights, the calculated movements, and the demonstration of
various martial arts skills. I excitedly enjoyed the protagonists' progress in the ranks of each competition, which filled me
with anticipation and excitement.
2.Character Dynamics and Relationships: The growth of the relationships and dynamics amongst the characters was
another element that I thought to be fascinating. The transformation of Shen Qiao and Yan Wushi's relationship from early
rivals to a strong friendship built on mutual respect and empathy was fascinating to watch. The story gained depth from the
examination of friendship, loyalty, and the hazy boundaries between right and wrong among the various factions, which
made it more interesting and entertaining.
While "A Thousand Autumns" had many engaging aspects, there were a couple of areas or scenes that I
personally found less enjoyable. Here are two examples along with the reasons why they didn't resonate with

1. Excessive Violence: Sometimes, the story had too much violence. While martial arts battles are important,
some scenes had too much graphic and brutal violence. I prefer a balance between action and character
development, but the excessive violence overshadowed other parts of the story. It made certain scenes harder
to read and took away from my overall enjoyment.
2. Slow Pacing in Descriptive Sections: There were moments when the story slowed down during descriptive
sections. While it's important to describe things to set the scene, some parts had too much description, causing
the story to lose momentum. These sections, while visually rich, sometimes distracted from the plot and
character development, making it harder for me to stay engaged.
8. What aspect of the story do you find interesting?
one aspect of the story that I find interesting is the portrayal of martial arts. martial arts can be fascinating element in a
story because it combines physical ability, discipline, and strategic thinking. another aspect of the story is the
exploration of philosophical themes, these philosophical provide opportunities for reflection and contemplation,
encouraging readers to think about their own beliefs, values, and choices.

9. Share your takeaways (something you remember ;quotes).

"True strength is not measured by the might of one's sword, but by the depth of one's character." - Shen Qiao
This quote suggests that true strength lies in one's inner qualities, such as integrity, resilience, and moral
character, rather than relying solely on physical ability. It emphasizes the importance of inner virtues and personal
growth in the face of challenges.

10. Imagine you are the author of the book. Now you can create your alternative ending (make it extrapersonal )

In this alternative ending, I wil reveal that Shen Qiao is actually a woman and has been pretending to be a man to
protect her people and lead the sect. As the story reaches its exciting climax, Shen Qiao's true identity as a woman
is revealed, surprising everyone, including Yan Wushi. He is amazed by this discovery and realizes that the person
he had feelings for is actually a woman.

With this new understanding, Yan Wushi seizes the opportunity to deepen their relationship. He is thrilled to court
Shen Qiao and make her his wife. They embark on a journey of love and commitment, growing closer as they face
challenges together.

Shen Qiao, regain her eyesight , she become strong enough to seek revenge against those who rebelled against
her. With her impressive martial arts skills and clever thinking, she ensures that justice is served and her people are
kept safe.

As their love story unfolds, Shen Qiao and Yan Wushi live happily ever after. They become an ideal couple,
admired by many for their strength, love, and dedication. They have children who continue their legacy as skilled
martial artists, carrying on their family's honorable traditions.

This ending provides a satisfying conclusion to Shen Qiao's journey, revealing her true identity and allowing her to
embrace her femininity. It also brings happiness to Yan Wushi, as he gets the chance to pursue a romantic
relationship with Shen Qiao. Together, they create a peaceful and prosperous future, leaving behind a lasting
legacy for future generations.

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