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PECHS Junior Boys

Class 6- Worksheet #3 (SCRATCH)

Q1: Fill in the blanks.

1. A stage is 480 units wide and 360 units tall.

2. Motion block controls the position and movement of sprites.
3. In order to repeat a command continuously we use Forever block.
4. In order to repeat an action for a fixed number of times we use repeat block.
5. Range for x-coordinates is -240 to240 and the range for y-coordinates is -180 to 180.
6. Broad cast block sends messages to all the sprites.
7. The degree number for the up-facing direction is 0 degrees.
8. Say block is used for sprite conversation.
9. There are three main types of block in Block Palette. Those are Stack Blocks, Hat Blocks and Reporter Blocks.
10. Stack blocks have bumps on the bottom and/or notches on the top.
11. Hat Blocs have rounded top.
12. Reporter Blocks are designed to fit into the designed area of other block.
13. If we place a negative number in the motion block the sprite will move forward.
14. If we want our sprite to move forward continuously we place it in a forever block.
15. If x=0 and y=0 it means that sprite is located at the center of the stage.
16. A sprite can have more than one costume.
17. The ‘If’ block will run the block inside it if the condition is true.
18. A wait block is used to insert a delay in the program.
19. In order to stop all the scripts in all the sprites we use a ‘Stop all’ block.
Q5) Write the functions of the following commands used in scratch:

Commands Function

Moves sprite forward or backward.

Points sprite in the specified direction. (0=up, 90=right,

180=down, -90=left)

Moves sprite to specified x and y position on Stage.

Turns sprite in opposite direction when sprite touches

edge of Stage.
Changes sprite’s costume to next costume in the costume
list. (If at end of the costume list, jumps back to first costume.)

Displays sprite’s speech bubble for specified

amount of time.
Changes a visual effect on a sprite by specified amount.
(Use pull-down
down menu to choose effect.)

Makes sprite appear on the Stage. Makes sprite disappear from the
/ Stage. (When sprite is
hidden, other sprites cannot detect it with touching? block.)
Plays a sound and waits until the sound is finished
playing before continuing with next block.

Puts down sprite’s pen, so it will draw as it moves.

Pulls up sprite’s pen, so it won’t draw as it moves.

Runs script below when green flag is clicked.

Runs script below when specified key is pressed.

Waits specified number of seconds, then continues

with next block.

Runs the blocks inside over and over.

Runs the blocks inside a specified number of times.

If condition is true, runs the blocks inside.

If condition is true, runs the blocks inside the if portion;

if not, runs the blocks inside the else portion.

Stops all scripts in all sprites.

Sends a message to all sprites, then continues with the

next block without waiting for the triggered scripts.

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