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¥ the head of the cabinet, the Prime minister supervises anol conclinates the work of various ministentes «He ploys a vital vole im mating and working of cabinet. His opinion caries weight in cabinet meetings andl he reioles the clifterentes Sy] Malulbsectes Me major function of he Pume minister to form the government, and to chase and preside bis cabmel He gives advice fo his sminigteet on matter before they come fore they fo the cabinet. He 15 the’ main thane! of communication between the cabinet and He sererelgn. e by Gown made i ppointmen ts cave many agp fs munisters these include the ot Appeal, the lordt justice of appeal, Arsh Lords and dea charch England At fist tod the Treasury and punster far civil fervice the PP appwves the Sencar appointments in evel services. fatemend “vii Conduct of foreign Affairs 3 a g S > = “vii Bridge between Queen 4 cabinet Tie Gritish Prime muster acts as a bridge between Queen and cabinet. He stays her inform about ai ‘important decislans and performance of cabmet yn British monarch is constitutional head of the State but British Prime minister i's head of the government he reason 1s that all Royal powers are Practcaly enercised by the British Prime minister ancl is/ner ¢ Sane Pe T actual cabinet in the name of British Crown. with the Passage af hme. a number PM has of powers of British TORE UH evolved » se British prime mmster 1 the pead of exeutive who possestes a number of administrative Powers which are er — Following. PF managing the relationship between monarch and government Hing and firing the ministers . Power 40 contral of the Civil Lervices Te power to establith nen, abl tion of depatments chawring cabinet and 141 most important committees bin meeting. artment! and © -Betense Pome minister 7 declare ar. Thraugh, of Stale Defense, as c chaiy of Depente cour @nerd Power over the deployment of Uk armed forces, and alispositie important power of Bntish that he/she Hel she Pame punste © chief advisor 40 British monar can advice to King [Queen oy matters Ine ehsolution a Butish Prime to of Parliament . IN STEL fia Sons thai poison make the retinal paiy regarcing national as well as fereign apfant we chair the commethees varrout sug gestiont wn at Eero meetings amd give & formulate peity and agenda nationc] amd internatimal issues. St British Prime minister possesses Powers number of which deol national fe cuwiby in the United Kingdom affairs @®

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