4AD Monster List For D&Dv2

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4AD Monster List

Monster Book Page Notes Key for Books

4AA - Four Against the Abyss
Acid Cube FF 7 4AD - Four Against Darkness
Acolytes - Chaos COC 14 4AT - Four Against the Titans
4AN- Four Against the Netherworld
Acolytes - of S’skliss WW 18 AA - Audacious Adversaries
Acolytes - of S’skliss WAW 54 use Twisted Minions to vary BBB - Breachers of the Bone Belfry
CCC - Crucible of Classic Critters
Amazons 4AT 33 CKSM- Caves of the Kobold Slave Masters
COC - Caverns of Chaos
Ambushers - Half-Troll TAG 35
DW - Dark Waters
Ambushers - Orc TAG 35 FF - Fiendish Foes
HOTL - Heart of the Lizard
Amorphous Spawn 4AN 51 aberration
LDB - Lairs, Dens, & Burrows
Angel - Crying WW 10 ME - Man Eater
TAG - Tales from the Adventurers’ Guild
Angel of Light CCC 27 see notes pg. 37 TCOTFD - The Courtship of the Flower Demons
Awakening Horrors 4AN 48 TDD - The Dreadful Dozen
TFF - Twisted Final Fights
Bandit - Chieftain TAG 48 TKOD - Knight of Destiny
Bandits DW 22
TTR - The Three Rings
W&A - Wayfarers and Adventurers
Bandits ME 29 d3 Level 4 WW - Warlike Woes
Bandits & Dogs WW 8

Barbarians, Possessed AA 29

Barracudas DW 24

Bats - Cave DW 21

Bats - Vampire 4AD 87

Beastmen - Savage TAG 35

Beasts - Chaos COC 18

Beasts - Skeletal 4AN 49

Beetle - Scissorhead TAG 36

Birds - Blood CKSM 20

Birds - Stymphalian 4AT 32

Blasphemous One 4AN 51 aberration

Blob - Amorphous CKSM 19

Boars - Wild TKOD 19

Bonnacon TAG 36 antelope like weird monster

Brigands TAG 34

Brownies 4AA 49

Bugbears TKOD 17

Bugs - Assassin WW 9

Cacelia DW 26

Cactus Men TDD 44 plant minions

Cambions 4AN 47

Capricorns - Winged CCC 23

Catoblepas 4AD 88

Centaurs CCC 25

Centaurs 4AT 33 Level 4

Centipede, Giant 4AD 87

Chabuma TDD 13 plant/vegetable (unique weird monster)

Champion - Chaos COC 21

Chime Bearers 4AN 48

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Monster Book Page Notes

Chimera 4AD 88

Chimera 4AT 34 Level 6

Key for Books
Chimera - Chaos COC 22
4AA - Four Against the Abyss
Coatl CCC 28 feathered dragon 4AD - Four Against Darkness
4AT - Four Against the Titans
Cockatrices FF 5 4AN- Four Against the Netherworld
Corsairs DW 22 AA - Audacious Adversaries
BBB - Breachers of the Bone Belfry
Crabs - Giant DW 21 CCC - Crucible of Classic Critters
Creeping Kapre AA 31 Level 10 giant
CKSM- Caves of the Kobold Slave Masters
COC - Caverns of Chaos
Crocodile Men TAG 58 DW - Dark Waters
FF - Fiendish Foes
Cultists - Brotherhood of Change TAG 37
HOTL - Heart of the Lizard
Cultists - Dark Blood Sisterhood TAG 37 LDB - Lairs, Dens, & Burrows
ME - Man Eater
Cultists - Hooded TKOD 19 TAG - Tales from the Adventurers’ Guild
Cultists - The Silent Scream TAG 37 TCOTFD - The Courtship of the Flower Demons
TDD - The Dreadful Dozen
Cultists - Xichtul’s Children TAG 37 TFF - Twisted Final Fights
Cyclops WW 10 TKOD - Knight of Destiny
TTR - The Three Rings
Cyclops 4AT 34 Level 6 W&A - Wayfarers and Adventurers
WW - Warlike Woes
Demon CKSM 19

Demon - Death Orchid TCOTFD 64

Demon - Greed WW 19

Demon - Minor Skeletal TAG 42

Demon - Mirror TCOTFD 67

Demon - Princess of Tides TCOTFD 62

Demon - Skeletal FF 6

Demon - Skeletal BBB 81 Boss + Armored Skeletons

Demons - Deep DW 24

Demons - Minor CKSM 18

Demons - of Despair 4AN 48

Denizens - Graveyard 4AN 46

Deyar TDD 24 undead ghost (unique boss)

Djinn CCC 28 see notes pg. 39

Dogs - Guard DW 21

Doppelganger FF 7

Dragon - Darkness 4AA 58

Dragon - Darkness TAG 40 HCL + 8 Boss

Dragon - Ghoul 4AA 58

Dragon - Ghoul TAG 40 HCL + 9 Boss

Dragon - Luck 4AA 58

Dragon - Polychromatic AA 31 Level 10

Dragon - Purple 4AA 58

Dragon - Small 4AD 88

Dragon - Small TAG 40 HCL + 5 Boss

Dragon - Young Chaos 4AA 58

Dragon - Young Red FF 6

Dragon - Young Red TAG 40 HCL + 8 Boss

Dragon Man 4AA 55

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Monster Book Page Notes Key for Books
4AA - Four Against the Abyss
Drinkers of Null 4AN 50 Demons 4AD - Four Against Darkness
Dwarves - Dark 4AA 52 4AT - Four Against the Titans
4AN- Four Against the Netherworld
Dwarves - Chaos COC 18 AA - Audacious Adversaries
Dwarves - Possessed FF 5 Level 5 BBB - Breachers of the Bone Belfry
CCC - Crucible of Classic Critters
Dwarves - Possessed 4AN 47 Level 9 CKSM- Caves of the Kobold Slave Masters
COC - Caverns of Chaos
Eagles - Giant CCC 25
DW - Dark Waters
Echidna 4AT 35 FF - Fiendish Foes
HOTL - Heart of the Lizard
Eels - Electric DW 23
LDB - Lairs, Dens, & Burrows
Elemental CCC 27 ME - Man Eater
TAG - Tales from the Adventurers’ Guild
Elemental - Lightning TAG 36 TCOTFD - The Courtship of the Flower Demons
Elementals - Coal Hearted Men TDD 42 elemental minions TDD - The Dreadful Dozen
TFF - Twisted Final Fights
Elephant Man WW 19 TKOD - Knight of Destiny
TTR - The Three Rings
Elves - Egregious WW 8
W&A - Wayfarers and Adventurers
Ettin WW 10 WW - Warlike Woes
Executioner - Chaos COC 21

Eyeball Monster CCC 28

Fanatics - Chaos COC 18 Level 5

Fanatics - Chaos 4AA 52 Level 7

Ferryman of Death 4AN 50 Demon

Fiends - Stone TCOTFD 65

Fireballs - Sentient Floating AA 28

Fish - Carnivorous DW 23

Fishmen DW 24

Flying Skulls 4AA 52

Forlorn Avatar 4AN 51 aberration

Fox - Magic ME 29

Frogs - Vampire 4AD 87

Fungi - Shrieking 4AA 49

Fungi Folk 4AD 87

Gangsters TAG 34

Garrulous Fotetors 4AN 48

Gelatinous Polygon 4AN 49

Genie - Green AA 30 Level 8

Ghoul King 4AA 55

Ghoul King - Minor TAG 42

Ghouls 4AA 52

Ghouls - Masked Cavalier AA 28

Ghouls - Minor TAG 41

Ghouls - Winged AA 29

Giant 4AT 34

Giant - Hill TAG 43

Giant - Stone CCC 28

Gnolls FF 5

Goatmen FF 4

Goatmen - Chaos COC 14

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Monster Book Page Notes

Goblin - Scout ME 29
Key for Books
Goblin Swarmlings 4AD 87 4AA - Four Against the Abyss
4AD - Four Against Darkness
Goblinogre WW 10 4AT - Four Against the Titans
Goblins 4AD 87 Level 3 4AN- Four Against the Netherworld
AA - Audacious Adversaries
Goblins - Chaos COC 18 Level 5 BBB - Breachers of the Bone Belfry
Goblins - Hairy 4AA 52 Level 6
CCC - Crucible of Classic Critters
CKSM- Caves of the Kobold Slave Masters
Goblins - Red HOTL 81 Level 3 COC - Caverns of Chaos
DW - Dark Waters
Golem - Candle Wax TDD 20 arti cial golem (unique weird monster)
FF - Fiendish Foes
Golem - Coral DW 26 HOTL - Heart of the Lizard
LDB - Lairs, Dens, & Burrows
Golem - Dark Corpse AA 31 Level 10 ME - Man Eater
Golem - Flesh FF 7 TAG - Tales from the Adventurers’ Guild
TCOTFD - The Courtship of the Flower Demons
Goo - Black HOTL 85 TDD - The Dreadful Dozen
Gorgon 4AT 34 TFF - Twisted Final Fights
TKOD - Knight of Destiny
Grave Shifter 4AN 51 Undead TTR - The Three Rings
W&A - Wayfarers and Adventurers
Gremlins - Chaos COC 14
WW - Warlike Woes
Gremlins - Invisible 4AD 88

Grif n CCC 27

Grif ns - Black Feathered TAG 56

Gryphons 4AT 33

Hag - Dark CCC 28 see notes pg. 38

Hag - Sea DW 25

Hags - of the Deep WW 18

Hags - of the Depths WAW 54 use Twisted Minions to vary

Hal ing Highwaymen WW 7

Harpies CCC 25

Harpies 4AT 32 Level 5

Hellhounds TKOD 19

Highwaymen - Dwarven TAG 35

Hobgoblin Blademasters FF 5

Hobgoblin Leader FF 6

Hobgoblins 4AD 87

Hoodlums TAG 34

Horde - Endless 4AN 46

Hound - Vampire TAG 36

Hydra - Sea DW 26

Imps CCC 23

Iron Eater 4AD 88

Jackal Men WW 18

Jackal Men WAW 54 use Twisted Minions to vary

Jackalopes - Jabbering WW 7

Jackals - Jarring WW 7

Jelly sh DW 23

Kabuk TDD 32 undead half tree (unique weird monster)

Kapre - Creeping AA 31 Level 10

Knights - Boss (x6) TKOD 18

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Monster Book Page Notes

Knights - Ostrichian WW 8

Kobold - Mummi ed Guardian WW 19

Kobold Attack Hounds CKSM 20

Kobold Ghouls 4AA 49

Key for Books
Kobold Scouts WW 18 4AA - Four Against the Abyss
Kobold Scouts WAW 54 use Twisted Minions to vary 4AD - Four Against Darkness
4AT - Four Against the Titans
Kobolds - Demonic CKSM 18 4AN- Four Against the Netherworld
Kraken DW 25 AA - Audacious Adversaries
BBB - Breachers of the Bone Belfry
Lamia CCC 27 CCC - Crucible of Classic Critters
CKSM- Caves of the Kobold Slave Masters
Landshark WW 9
COC - Caverns of Chaos
Leech - Giant Two Headed AA 31 Level 10 DW - Dark Waters
FF - Fiendish Foes
Lich 4AA 56
HOTL - Heart of the Lizard
Lictor 4AN 51 Demon LDB - Lairs, Dens, & Burrows
ME - Man Eater
Lila TDD 9 undead hell re girl (unique boss) TAG - Tales from the Adventurers’ Guild
Lizard - Thunder COC 22 TCOTFD - The Courtship of the Flower Demons
TDD - The Dreadful Dozen
Lizardman - Chaos COC 21 TFF - Twisted Final Fights
TKOD - Knight of Destiny
Lizardmen - Reavers TAG 35
TTR - The Three Rings
Lizardmen - Troglodyte CCC 25 W&A - Wayfarers and Adventurers
WW - Warlike Woes
Lord - Chaos 4AD 88 Level 6 - 4 Life

Lord - Chaos FF 6 Level 6 - 7 Life

Lord - Deep Demon DW 25

Maenads 4AT 33

Maggot Men 4AN 48

Maggots - Bloated 4AN 49

Maidens - Dryads TCOTFD 64

Maidens - Giggling Gingers TCOTFD 63

Maidens - Lorelei TCOTFD 62

Maidens - Maypole Dancers TCOTFD 66

Maidens - Naiads TCOTFD 62

Maidens - Queens Handmaids TCOTFD 67

Maidens - Queens Maids TCOTFD 67

Manticore - Black COC 22

Manticore - Fire Breathing LDB 12

Manticore - Macetail LDB 12

Manticore - Roaring LDB 12

Manticore - Shooting LDB 12

Manticore - Standard LDB 12

Manticore - Two Headed LDB 12

Mantlebeast - Lurking FF 7

Maze Maker, The TDD 35 unique weird monster

Medusa 4AD 88

Men-at-Arms TKOD 17

Minatour 4AD 88

Minatour - Enforcer/Brawler TAG 34 Level 5

Mind Screamer 4AA 55

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Monster Book Page Notes

Mirage Drake 4AA 58

Monoceros TAG 59 Boss

Mummies - Lesser 4AN 46

Mummy 4AD 88 Key for Books

4AA - Four Against the Abyss
Mummy - Minor TAG 42 4AD - Four Against Darkness
Mutant - Tentacled COC 21 4AT - Four Against the Titans
4AN- Four Against the Netherworld
Mykityad - Lesser WW 10 AA - Audacious Adversaries
Necrogaunts TCOTFD 65
BBB - Breachers of the Bone Belfry
CCC - Crucible of Classic Critters
Neriya TDD 16 undead musician (unique boss) CKSM- Caves of the Kobold Slave Masters
COC - Caverns of Chaos
Nixies - Naughty WW 8
DW - Dark Waters
Nymphs 4AT 32 FF - Fiendish Foes
HOTL - Heart of the Lizard
Octopi - Giant DW 23 LDB - Lairs, Dens, & Burrows
Octopi - Skinless Orange AA 29 ME - Man Eater
TAG - Tales from the Adventurers’ Guild
Octopus Men - Palrocs TDD 40 minions TCOTFD - The Courtship of the Flower Demons
Ogre 4AD 88 TDD - The Dreadful Dozen
TFF - Twisted Final Fights
Ogre - Demonic CKSM 19 TKOD - Knight of Destiny
TTR - The Three Rings
Ogres TKOD 19
W&A - Wayfarers and Adventurers
Ooze - Black COC 22 WW - Warlike Woes
Ooze - Deep DW 26

Operatives - Thieves (guild) TAG 35

Orc - Gorungar TAG 55 Boss

Orc Bandits - Black 4AA 49

Orc Brute 4AD 88

Orc Looters FF 5

Orc Reaver ME 29 Level 4 (boss)

Orc Reaver Boss (x6) TTR 28 6 different bosses

Orc Reavers DW 22

Orcs 4AD 87

Outlaws - Forest TKOD 17

Overlord - Chaos CKSM 19

Owlfolk Riding Dogs CCC 25 see notes pg. 40

Owls - Jade Eyed AA 29

Pale Ones 4AN 46 Undead

Panther - Phasing 4AA 56

Peasants - Angry TKOD 17

Penguin - Bear WW 9

Penitents - Putri ed WW 7

Pirates - Goblin DW 22

Pitcher Plants - Giant Purple TCOTFD 63

Psionic Brain Cannon 4AN 50 aberration

Psyker - Chaos COC 21

Pygmies 4AT 33

Pyres - Doom 4AN 48

Quarterlich WW 10

Raiders WAW 54

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Monster Book Page Notes

Raiders WW 18 use Twisted Minions to vary

Raiders - Woad TKOD 17 Key for Books

Rakasha CCC 28 tiger-man demon 4AA - Four Against the Abyss
4AD - Four Against Darkness
Ratmen TAG 58 HCL + 1 4AT - Four Against the Titans
Ratmen - Chaotic + leader COC 18 Level 3 4AN- Four Against the Netherworld
AA - Audacious Adversaries
Ratmen - Chaotic + leader 4AA 52 Level 7 BBB - Breachers of the Bone Belfry
CCC - Crucible of Classic Critters
Rats 4AD 87
CKSM- Caves of the Kobold Slave Masters
Rats TAG 58 HCL COC - Caverns of Chaos
DW - Dark Waters
Rats - Bilge DW 21 FF - Fiendish Foes
Rats - Mist CCC 23 HOTL - Heart of the Lizard
LDB - Lairs, Dens, & Burrows
Rats - Mutant COC 14 ME - Man Eater
Rats - Sewer TAG 58 Horde TAG - Tales from the Adventurers’ Guild
TCOTFD - The Courtship of the Flower Demons
Rats - Skeletal 4AD 87 TDD - The Dreadful Dozen
TFF - Twisted Final Fights
Rats - Skeletal 2 Headed AA 28
TKOD - Knight of Destiny
Reavers - Half-Ogre TAG 34 TTR - The Three Rings
W&A - Wayfarers and Adventurers
Redcaps TKOD 17
WW - Warlike Woes
Ruf ans - Half-Goblin TAG 34

Salamandrine Men 4AN 47

Salamandrine Oracle 4AN 50 Demon

Satyrs 4AT 33

Scarecrow - Scarred AA 30 Level 7

Scimitar Monster FF 7

Scissor Monster WW 19

Sea Lion DW 26

Sea Sprites DW 23

Seaweed - Strangling TCOTFD 62

Serpent - Sea DW 25

Serpent People COC 14

Shades - Frozen Abyssal WW 18

Shadow Lurkers - Baby AA 29

Shadows of the Depths WAW 54

Shargaroth TAG 36 protoplasmic mass, weird monster

Shark - Armored Land TAG 36

Shark - Great DW 25

Sharkmen DW 22

Sharks - Reef DW 24

Shredded Souls 4AN 49

Shrub - Corrosive TCOTFD 63

Shrub Man ME 29

Sigbin - Silver AA 31 Level 9

Sigbin - Zombie AA 30 Level 7 Undead

Sigbins - Copper AA 29

Siryns DW 24

Skeletons 4AD 87 Level 3

Skeletons 4AN 46 Level 6

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Monster Book Page Notes
Key for Books
Skeletons TAG 41 HCL + 2 4AA - Four Against the Abyss
Skeletons - Armored FF 4 4AD - Four Against Darkness
4AT - Four Against the Titans
Skeletons - Chaos COC 18 4AN- Four Against the Netherworld
AA - Audacious Adversaries
Slavers - Chaos FF 5
BBB - Breachers of the Bone Belfry
Slime - Gray COC 22 CCC - Crucible of Classic Critters
CKSM- Caves of the Kobold Slave Masters
Slime - Green FF 7
COC - Caverns of Chaos
Slug - Flail WW 9 DW - Dark Waters
FF - Fiendish Foes
Slug - Giant Dorantian HOTL 83 HOTL - Heart of the Lizard
Slumber Spirit WW 19 LDB - Lairs, Dens, & Burrows
ME - Man Eater
Snake - Giant Constrictor 4AA 56 TAG - Tales from the Adventurers’ Guild
Snakes - Giant FF 4 TCOTFD - The Courtship of the Flower Demons
TDD - The Dreadful Dozen
Snakes - Sea DW 21 TFF - Twisted Final Fights
TKOD - Knight of Destiny
Sorcerer - Deep Demon DW 25
TTR - The Three Rings
Sorceress - Chaos 4AA 30 Level 10 W&A - Wayfarers and Adventurers
WW - Warlike Woes
Sphinx CCC 27

Spider - Giant 4AD 88

Spider - Giant Headed WW 19

Spiders FF 4

Spiders, Viridian AA 28 Level 6

Sporelings - Sneezing WW 7

Squirrels - Evil CCC 23 see notes pg. 40

Stirges FF 4

Stone Roper TCOTFD 65

Sundews - Giant TCOTFD 64

Swine-Men - Sickening WW 8

Tavshan TDD 4 undead hare (unique weird monster)

Tentacled Brain 4AA 55

Tentacled Despoiler 4AN 51 Demon

Thugs - Half-Orc TAG 34

Thugs - Street TAG 34

Tikbalang - Taunting AA 31 Level 9

Time Feeder 4AN 50 Demon

Tiyanaks - Taunting AA 28 Demons L9

Toads -Giant FF 4

Troll - Large FF 6

Trolls 4AD 87

Turtle - Dragon DW 26

Turtleman - Tactical AA 30 Level 6

Undead - Dragon Teeth Warrior 4AT 32

Undead - Flying (Lictor’s Eyes) BBB 81

Undead - Restless Shades 4AT 32

Unicorn CCC 27

Vampire - Major 4AA 55

Vampire - Minor 4AA 56

Vampire - Minor TAG 42 HCL + 6

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Monster Book Page Notes

Venus Flytraps TCOTFD 66 Key for Books

4AA - Four Against the Abyss
Warriors - Ant People 4AA 49 4AD - Four Against Darkness
4AT - Four Against the Titans
Warriors - Chaos CKSM 18
4AN- Four Against the Netherworld
Warriors - Maggot AA 28 AA - Audacious Adversaries
BBB - Breachers of the Bone Belfry
Wasp Swarm - Chaos COC 14
CCC - Crucible of Classic Critters
Wenches - Wanton WW 7 CKSM- Caves of the Kobold Slave Masters
COC - Caverns of Chaos
Werehippo AA 30 Level 8 DW - Dark Waters
Werewolf 4AA 56 FF - Fiendish Foes
HOTL - Heart of the Lizard
Werewolf - Demonic CKSM 19 LDB - Lairs, Dens, & Burrows
ME - Man Eater
Wheels - Living CCC 25
TAG - Tales from the Adventurers’ Guild
Wight CKSM 19 TCOTFD - The Courtship of the Flower Demons
TDD - The Dreadful Dozen
Witchhunters & Warhounds WW 8
TFF - Twisted Final Fights
Wolf - Forest ME 29 TKOD - Knight of Destiny
TTR - The Three Rings
Wolves TKOD 19 W&A - Wayfarers and Adventurers
Wolves - Woodlands CCC 23 WW - Warlike Woes

Worms - Carrion CCC 23

Worshipers - Demon CKSM 18

Wraith FF 6

Wraith BBB 81 Level of highest character +2

Wraith - Minor TAG 42

Wraiths - Foetal 4AN 49

Wraiths - Minor-Philtre TAG 34

Yadal TDD 28 fey (minion)

Zombie Minatour 4AA 56

Zombies 4AD 87 Level 3

Zombies 4AN 46 Level 6

Zombies TAG 41 HCL + 2

Zombies - Drowned DW 24

Compiled by BGG User Gamer DC 9 Last Edit 1/31/23

4AD Monster List

Monster Book Page Notes Key for Books

4AA - Four Against the Abyss
4AA 4AD - Four Against Darkness
Brownies 4AA 49 4AT - Four Against the Titans
4AN- Four Against the Netherworld
Dragon - Darkness 4AA 58 AA - Audacious Adversaries
BBB - Breachers of the Bone Belfry
Dragon - Ghoul 4AA 58
CCC - Crucible of Classic Critters
Dragon - Luck 4AA 58 CKSM- Caves of the Kobold Slave Masters
COC - Caverns of Chaos
Dragon - Purple 4AA 58
DW - Dark Waters
Dragon - Young Chaos 4AA 58 FF - Fiendish Foes
HOTL - Heart of the Lizard
Dragon Man 4AA 55 LDB - Lairs, Dens, & Burrows
Dwarves - Dark 4AA 52 ME - Man Eater
TAG - Tales from the Adventurers’ Guild
Fanatics - Chaos 4AA 52 Level 7 TCOTFD - The Courtship of the Flower Demons
Flying Skulls 4AA 52
TDD - The Dreadful Dozen
TFF - Twisted Final Fights
Fungi - Shrieking 4AA 49 TKOD - Knight of Destiny
TTR - The Three Rings
Ghoul King 4AA 55
W&A - Wayfarers and Adventurers
Ghouls 4AA 52 WW - Warlike Woes
Goblins - Hairy 4AA 52 Level 6

Kobold Ghouls 4AA 49

Lich 4AA 56

Mind Screamer 4AA 55

Mirage Drake 4AA 58

Orc Bandits - Black 4AA 49

Panther - Phasing 4AA 56

Ratmen - Chaotic + leader 4AA 52 Level 7

Snake - Giant Constrictor 4AA 56

Sorceress - Chaos 4AA 30 Level 10

Tentacled Brain 4AA 55

Vampire - Major 4AA 55

Vampire - Minor 4AA 56

Warriors - Ant People 4AA 49

Werewolf 4AA 56

Zombie Minatour 4AA 56


Bats - Vampire 4AD 87

Catoblepas 4AD 88

Centipede, Giant 4AD 87

Chimera 4AD 88

Dragon - Small 4AD 88

Frogs - Vampire 4AD 87

Fungi Folk 4AD 87

Goblin Swarmlings 4AD 87

Goblins 4AD 87 Level 3

Gremlins - Invisible 4AD 88

Hobgoblins 4AD 87

Iron Eater 4AD 88

Lord - Chaos 4AD 88 Level 6 - 4 Life

Medusa 4AD 88

Minatour 4AD 88

Compiled by BGG User Gamer DC 10 Last Edit 1/31/23

Monster Book Page Notes Key for Books
4AA - Four Against the Abyss
Mummy 4AD 88 4AD - Four Against Darkness
Ogre 4AD 88 4AT - Four Against the Titans
4AN- Four Against the Netherworld
Orc Brute 4AD 88 AA - Audacious Adversaries
BBB - Breachers of the Bone Belfry
Orcs 4AD 87
CCC - Crucible of Classic Critters
Rats 4AD 87 CKSM- Caves of the Kobold Slave Masters
COC - Caverns of Chaos
Rats - Skeletal 4AD 87 DW - Dark Waters
Skeletons 4AD 87 Level 3 FF - Fiendish Foes
HOTL - Heart of the Lizard
Spider - Giant 4AD 88 LDB - Lairs, Dens, & Burrows
Trolls 4AD 87 ME - Man Eater
TAG - Tales from the Adventurers’ Guild
Zombies 4AD 87 Level 3 TCOTFD - The Courtship of the Flower Demons
TDD - The Dreadful Dozen
TFF - Twisted Final Fights
Amazons 4AT 33 TKOD - Knight of Destiny
TTR - The Three Rings
Birds - Stymphalian 4AT 32 W&A - Wayfarers and Adventurers
Centaurs 4AT 33 Level 4 WW - Warlike Woes

Chimera 4AT 34 Level 6

Cyclops 4AT 34 Level 6

Echidna 4AT 35

Giant 4AT 34

Gorgon 4AT 34

Gryphons 4AT 33

Harpies 4AT 32 Level 5

Maenads 4AT 33

Nymphs 4AT 32

Pygmies 4AT 33

Satyrs 4AT 33

Undead - Dragon Teeth Warrior 4AT 32

Undead - Restless Shades 4AT 32


Amorphous Spawn 4AN 51 aberration

Awakening Horrors 4AN 48

Beasts - Skeletal 4AN 49

Blasphemous One 4AN 51 aberration

Cambions 4AN 47

Chime Bearers 4AN 48

Demons - of Despair 4AN 48

Denizens - Graveyard 4AN 46

Drinkers of Null 4AN 50 Demons

Dwarves - Possessed 4AN 47 Level 9

Ferryman of Death 4AN 50 Demon

Forlorn Avatar 4AN 51 aberration

Garrulous Fotetors 4AN 48

Gelatinous Polygon 4AN 49

Grave Shifter 4AN 51 Undead

Key for Books
Horde - Endless 4AN 46
4AA - Four Against the Abyss
Lictor 4AN 51 Demon 4AD - Four Against Darkness
4AT - Four Against the Titans
Maggot Men 4AN 48 4AN- Four Against the Netherworld
Maggots - Bloated 4AN 49 AA - Audacious Adversaries
BBB - Breachers of the Bone Belfry
Mummies - Lesser 4AN 46 CCC - Crucible of Classic Critters
CKSM- Caves of the Kobold Slave Masters

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CCC - Crucible of Classic Critters
CKSM- Caves of the Kobold Slave Masters
Monster Book Page Notes
COC - Caverns of Chaos
Pale Ones 4AN 46 Undead DW - Dark Waters
FF - Fiendish Foes
Psionic Brain Cannon 4AN 50 aberration HOTL - Heart of the Lizard
Pyres - Doom 4AN 48
LDB - Lairs, Dens, & Burrows
ME - Man Eater
Salamandrine Men 4AN 47 TAG - Tales from the Adventurers’ Guild
TCOTFD - The Courtship of the Flower Demons
Salamandrine Oracle 4AN 50 Demon
TDD - The Dreadful Dozen
Shredded Souls 4AN 49 TFF - Twisted Final Fights
TKOD - Knight of Destiny
Skeletons 4AN 46 Level 6 TTR - The Three Rings
Tentacled Despoiler 4AN 51 Demon W&A - Wayfarers and Adventurers
WW - Warlike Woes
Time Feeder 4AN 50 Demon

Wraiths - Foetal 4AN 49

Zombies 4AN 46 Level 6


Barbarians, Possessed AA 29

Creeping Kapre AA 31 Level 10 giant

Dragon - Polychromatic AA 31 Level 10

Fireballs - Sentient Floating AA 28

Genie - Green AA 30 Level 8

Ghouls - Masked Cavalier AA 28

Ghouls - Winged AA 29

Golem - Dark Corpse AA 31 Level 10

Kapre - Creeping AA 31 Level 10

Leech - Giant Two Headed AA 31 Level 10

Octopi - Skinless Orange AA 29

Owls - Jade Eyed AA 29

Rats - Skeletal 2 Headed AA 28

Scarecrow - Scarred AA 30 Level 7

Shadow Lurkers - Baby AA 29

Sigbin - Silver AA 31 Level 9

Sigbin - Zombie AA 30 Level 7 Undead

Sigbins - Copper AA 29

Spiders, Viridian AA 28 Level 6

Tikbalang - Taunting AA 31 Level 9

Tiyanaks - Taunting AA 28 Demons L9

Turtleman - Tactical AA 30 Level 6

Warriors - Maggot AA 28

Werehippo AA 30 Level 8


Demon - Skeletal BBB 81 Boss + Armored Skeletons

Undead - Flying (Lictor’s Eyes) BBB 81

Wraith BBB 81 Level of highest character +2


Angel of Light CCC 27 see notes pg. 37 Key for Books

Capricorns - Winged CCC 23 4AA - Four Against the Abyss
4AD - Four Against Darkness
Centaurs CCC 25 4AT - Four Against the Titans
4AN- Four Against the Netherworld
Coatl CCC 28 feathered dragon
AA - Audacious Adversaries
Djinn CCC 28 see notes pg. 39 BBB - Breachers of the Bone Belfry
CCC - Crucible of Classic Critters
Eagles - Giant CCC 25 CKSM- Caves of the Kobold Slave Masters
COC - Caverns of Chaos
DW - Dark Waters

Compiled by BGG User Gamer DC 12 Last Edit 1/31/23

DW - Dark Waters
Monster Book Page Notes FF - Fiendish Foes
HOTL - Heart of the Lizard
Elemental CCC 27
LDB - Lairs, Dens, & Burrows
Eyeball Monster CCC 28 ME - Man Eater
TAG - Tales from the Adventurers’ Guild
Giant - Stone CCC 28 TCOTFD - The Courtship of the Flower Demons
Grif n CCC 27 TDD - The Dreadful Dozen
TFF - Twisted Final Fights
Hag - Dark CCC 28 see notes pg. 38 TKOD - Knight of Destiny
Harpies CCC 25 TTR - The Three Rings
W&A - Wayfarers and Adventurers
Imps CCC 23 WW - Warlike Woes
Lamia CCC 27

Lizardmen - Troglodyte CCC 25

Owlfolk Riding Dogs CCC 25 see notes pg. 40

Rakasha CCC 28 tiger-man demon

Rats - Mist CCC 23

Sphinx CCC 27

Squirrels - Evil CCC 23 see notes pg. 40

Unicorn CCC 27

Wheels - Living CCC 25

Wolves - Woodlands CCC 23

Worms - Carrion CCC 23


Birds - Blood CKSM 20

Blob - Amorphous CKSM 19

Demon CKSM 19

Demons - Minor CKSM 18

Kobold Attack Hounds CKSM 20

Kobolds - Demonic CKSM 18

Ogre - Demonic CKSM 19

Overlord - Chaos CKSM 19

Warriors - Chaos CKSM 18

Werewolf - Demonic CKSM 19

Wight CKSM 19

Worshipers - Demon CKSM 18


Acolytes - Chaos COC 14

Beasts - Chaos COC 18

Champion - Chaos COC 21

Chimera - Chaos COC 22

Dwarves - Chaos COC 18

Executioner - Chaos COC 21

Fanatics - Chaos COC 18 Level 5

Goatmen - Chaos COC 14

Goblins - Chaos COC 18 Level 5

Gremlins - Chaos COC 14

Lizard - Thunder COC 22 Key for Books

4AA - Four Against the Abyss
Lizardman - Chaos COC 21 4AD - Four Against Darkness
4AT - Four Against the Titans
Manticore - Black COC 22
4AN- Four Against the Netherworld
Mutant - Tentacled COC 21 AA - Audacious Adversaries
BBB - Breachers of the Bone Belfry
Ooze - Black COC 22
CCC - Crucible of Classic Critters
Psyker - Chaos COC 21 CKSM- Caves of the Kobold Slave Masters
COC - Caverns of Chaos

Compiled by BGG User Gamer DC 13 Last Edit 1/31/23

COC - Caverns of Chaos
Monster Book Page Notes DW - Dark Waters
FF - Fiendish Foes
Ratmen - Chaotic + leader COC 18 Level 3 HOTL - Heart of the Lizard
Rats - Mutant COC 14 LDB - Lairs, Dens, & Burrows
ME - Man Eater
Serpent People COC 14 TAG - Tales from the Adventurers’ Guild
Skeletons - Chaos COC 18 TCOTFD - The Courtship of the Flower Demons
TDD - The Dreadful Dozen
Slime - Gray COC 22 TFF - Twisted Final Fights
TKOD - Knight of Destiny
Wasp Swarm - Chaos COC 14
TTR - The Three Rings
DW W&A - Wayfarers and Adventurers
WW - Warlike Woes
Bandits DW 22

Barracudas DW 24

Bats - Cave DW 21

Cacelia DW 26

Corsairs DW 22

Crabs - Giant DW 21

Demons - Deep DW 24

Dogs - Guard DW 21

Eels - Electric DW 23

Fish - Carnivorous DW 23

Fishmen DW 24

Golem - Coral DW 26

Hag - Sea DW 25

Hydra - Sea DW 26

Jelly sh DW 23

Kraken DW 25

Lord - Deep Demon DW 25

Octopi - Giant DW 23

Ooze - Deep DW 26

Orc Reavers DW 22

Pirates - Goblin DW 22

Rats - Bilge DW 21

Sea Lion DW 26

Sea Sprites DW 23

Serpent - Sea DW 25

Shark - Great DW 25

Sharkmen DW 22

Sharks - Reef DW 24

Siryns DW 24

Snakes - Sea DW 21

Sorcerer - Deep Demon DW 25

Turtle - Dragon DW 26
Key for Books
Zombies - Drowned DW 24 4AA - Four Against the Abyss
4AD - Four Against Darkness
4AT - Four Against the Titans
Acid Cube FF 7 4AN- Four Against the Netherworld
AA - Audacious Adversaries
Cockatrices FF 5 BBB - Breachers of the Bone Belfry
Demon - Skeletal FF 6 CCC - Crucible of Classic Critters
CKSM- Caves of the Kobold Slave Masters
Doppelganger FF 7 COC - Caverns of Chaos
Dragon - Young Red FF 6 DW - Dark Waters
FF - Fiendish Foes
Dwarves - Possessed FF 5 Level 5 HOTL - Heart of the Lizard
LDB - Lairs, Dens, & Burrows
Gnolls FF 5
ME - Man Eater
TAG - Tales from the Adventurers’ Guild

Compiled by BGG User Gamer DC 14 Last Edit 1/31/23

ME - Man Eater
Monster Book Page Notes TAG - Tales from the Adventurers’ Guild
TCOTFD - The Courtship of the Flower Demons
Goatmen FF 4 TDD - The Dreadful Dozen
TFF - Twisted Final Fights
Golem - Flesh FF 7
TKOD - Knight of Destiny
Hobgoblin Blademasters FF 5 TTR - The Three Rings
W&A - Wayfarers and Adventurers
Hobgoblin Leader FF 6 WW - Warlike Woes
Lord - Chaos FF 6 Level 6 - 7 Life

Mantlebeast - Lurking FF 7

Orc Looters FF 5

Scimitar Monster FF 7

Skeletons - Armored FF 4

Slavers - Chaos FF 5

Slime - Green FF 7

Snakes - Giant FF 4

Spiders FF 4

Stirges FF 4

Toads -Giant FF 4

Troll - Large FF 6

Wraith FF 6


Goblins - Red HOTL 81 Level 3

Goo - Black HOTL 85

Slug - Giant Dorantian HOTL 83


Manticore - Fire Breathing LDB 12

Manticore - Macetail LDB 12

Manticore - Roaring LDB 12

Manticore - Shooting LDB 12

Manticore - Standard LDB 12

Manticore - Two Headed LDB 12


Bandits ME 29 d3 Level 4

Fox - Magic ME 29

Goblin - Scout ME 29

Orc Reaver ME 29 Level 4 (boss)

Shrub Man ME 29

Wolf - Forest ME 29 Key for Books

4AA - Four Against the Abyss
TAG 4AD - Four Against Darkness
4AT - Four Against the Titans
Ambushers - Half-Troll TAG 35
4AN- Four Against the Netherworld
Ambushers - Orc TAG 35 AA - Audacious Adversaries
BBB - Breachers of the Bone Belfry
Bandit - Chieftain TAG 48 CCC - Crucible of Classic Critters
Beastmen - Savage TAG 35 CKSM- Caves of the Kobold Slave Masters
COC - Caverns of Chaos
Beetle - Scissorhead TAG 36 DW - Dark Waters
Bonnacon TAG 36 antelope like weird monster FF - Fiendish Foes
HOTL - Heart of the Lizard
Brigands TAG 34 LDB - Lairs, Dens, & Burrows
ME - Man Eater
Crocodile Men TAG 58
TAG - Tales from the Adventurers’ Guild
Cultists - Brotherhood of Change TAG 37 TCOTFD - The Courtship of the Flower Demons
TDD - The Dreadful Dozen
Cultists - Dark Blood Sisterhood TAG 37 TFF - Twisted Final Fights
Cultists - The Silent Scream TAG 37 TKOD - Knight of Destiny
TTR - The Three Rings
W&A - Wayfarers and Adventurers
WW - Warlike Woes

Compiled by BGG User Gamer DC 15 Last Edit 1/31/23

W&A - Wayfarers and Adventurers
Monster Book Page Notes WW - Warlike Woes

Cultists - Xichtul’s Children TAG 37

Demon - Minor Skeletal TAG 42

Dragon - Darkness TAG 40 HCL + 8 Boss

Dragon - Ghoul TAG 40 HCL + 9 Boss

Dragon - Small TAG 40 HCL + 5 Boss

Dragon - Young Red TAG 40 HCL + 8 Boss

Elemental - Lightning TAG 36

Gangsters TAG 34

Ghoul King - Minor TAG 42

Ghouls - Minor TAG 41

Giant - Hill TAG 43

Grif ns - Black Feathered TAG 56

Highwaymen - Dwarven TAG 35

Hoodlums TAG 34

Hound - Vampire TAG 36

Lizardmen - Reavers TAG 35

Minatour - Enforcer/Brawler TAG 34 Level 5

Monoceros TAG 59 Boss

Mummy - Minor TAG 42

Operatives - Thieves (guild) TAG 35

Orc - Gorungar TAG 55 Boss

Ratmen TAG 58 HCL + 1

Rats TAG 58 HCL

Rats - Sewer TAG 58 Horde

Reavers - Half-Ogre TAG 34

Ruf ans - Half-Goblin TAG 34

Shargaroth TAG 36 protoplasmic mass, weird monster

Shark - Armored Land TAG 36

Skeletons TAG 41 HCL + 2

Thugs - Half-Orc TAG 34

Key for Books
Thugs - Street TAG 34
4AA - Four Against the Abyss
Vampire - Minor TAG 42 HCL + 6 4AD - Four Against Darkness
4AT - Four Against the Titans
Wraith - Minor TAG 42
4AN- Four Against the Netherworld
Wraiths - Minor-Philtre TAG 34 AA - Audacious Adversaries
BBB - Breachers of the Bone Belfry
Zombies TAG 41 HCL + 2 CCC - Crucible of Classic Critters
CKSM- Caves of the Kobold Slave Masters
COC - Caverns of Chaos
Demon - Death Orchid TCOTFD 64 DW - Dark Waters
FF - Fiendish Foes
Demon - Mirror TCOTFD 67
HOTL - Heart of the Lizard
Demon - Princess of Tides TCOTFD 62 LDB - Lairs, Dens, & Burrows
ME - Man Eater
Fiends - Stone TCOTFD 65 TAG - Tales from the Adventurers’ Guild
Maidens - Dryads TCOTFD 64 TCOTFD - The Courtship of the Flower Demons
TDD - The Dreadful Dozen
Maidens - Giggling Gingers TCOTFD 63 TFF - Twisted Final Fights
Maidens - Lorelei TCOTFD 62
TKOD - Knight of Destiny
TTR - The Three Rings
Maidens - Maypole Dancers TCOTFD 66 W&A - Wayfarers and Adventurers
WW - Warlike Woes
Maidens - Naiads TCOTFD 62

Maidens - Queens Handmaids TCOTFD 67

Maidens - Queens Maids TCOTFD 67

Necrogaunts TCOTFD 65

Compiled by BGG User Gamer DC 16 Last Edit 1/31/23

Monster Book Page Notes

Pitcher Plants - Giant Purple TCOTFD 63

Seaweed - Strangling TCOTFD 62

Shrub - Corrosive TCOTFD 63

Stone Roper TCOTFD 65

Sundews - Giant TCOTFD 64

Venus Flytraps TCOTFD 66


Cactus Men TDD 44 plant minions

Chabuma TDD 13 plant/vegetable (unique weird monster)

Deyar TDD 24 undead ghost (unique boss)

Elementals - Coal Hearted Men TDD 42 elemental minions

Golem - Candle Wax TDD 20 arti cial golem (unique weird monster)

Kabuk TDD 32 undead half tree (unique weird monster)

Lila TDD 9 undead hell re girl (unique boss)

Maze Maker, The TDD 35 unique weird monster

Neriya TDD 16 undead musician (unique boss)

Octopus Men - Palrocs TDD 40 minions

Tavshan TDD 4 undead hare (unique weird monster)

Yadal TDD 28 fey (minion)


Boars - Wild TKOD 19

Bugbears TKOD 17

Cultists - Hooded TKOD 19

Hellhounds TKOD 19

Knights - Boss (x6) TKOD 18

Men-at-Arms TKOD 17

Ogres TKOD 19

Outlaws - Forest TKOD 17 Key for Books

4AA - Four Against the Abyss
Peasants - Angry TKOD 17
4AD - Four Against Darkness
Raiders - Woad TKOD 17 4AT - Four Against the Titans
4AN- Four Against the Netherworld
Redcaps TKOD 17 AA - Audacious Adversaries
Wolves TKOD 19 BBB - Breachers of the Bone Belfry
CCC - Crucible of Classic Critters
TTR CKSM- Caves of the Kobold Slave Masters
COC - Caverns of Chaos
Orc Reaver Boss (x6) TTR 28 6 different bosses
DW - Dark Waters
WAW FF - Fiendish Foes
HOTL - Heart of the Lizard
Acolytes - of S’skliss WAW 54 use Twisted Minions to vary LDB - Lairs, Dens, & Burrows
Hags - of the Depths WAW 54 use Twisted Minions to vary
ME - Man Eater
TAG - Tales from the Adventurers’ Guild
Jackal Men WAW 54 use Twisted Minions to vary TCOTFD - The Courtship of the Flower Demons
TDD - The Dreadful Dozen
Kobold Scouts WAW 54 use Twisted Minions to vary
TFF - Twisted Final Fights
Raiders WAW 54 TKOD - Knight of Destiny
TTR - The Three Rings
Shadows of the Depths WAW 54 W&A - Wayfarers and Adventurers
WW WW - Warlike Woes

Acolytes - of S’skliss WW 18

Angel - Crying WW 10

Bandits & Dogs WW 8

Bugs - Assassin WW 9

Cyclops WW 10

Compiled by BGG User Gamer DC 17 Last Edit 1/31/23

Monster Book Page Notes

Demon - Greed WW 19

Elephant Man WW 19

Elves - Egregious WW 8

Ettin WW 10

Goblinogre WW 10

Hags - of the Deep WW 18

Hal ing Highwaymen WW 7

Jackal Men WW 18

Jackalopes - Jabbering WW 7

Jackals - Jarring WW 7

Knights - Ostrichian WW 8

Kobold - Mummi ed Guardian WW 19

Kobold Scouts WW 18

Landshark WW 9

Mykityad - Lesser WW 10

Nixies - Naughty WW 8

Penguin - Bear WW 9

Penitents - Putri ed WW 7

Quarterlich WW 10

Raiders WW 18 use Twisted Minions to vary

Scissor Monster WW 19

Shades - Frozen Abyssal WW 18

Slug - Flail WW 9

Slumber Spirit WW 19

Spider - Giant Headed WW 19

Sporelings - Sneezing WW 7

Swine-Men - Sickening WW 8

Wenches - Wanton WW 7

Witchhunters & Warhounds WW 8

Compiled by BGG User Gamer DC 18 Last Edit 1/31/23


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