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English Vocabulary

Developing Your Digital Skills

Français Anglais Définition

Restructuration Restructuring The reorganisation of a company or business
with a new rules or ways of doing things
Profil Profile A personal page of an internet user on a social
Recruteur Recruiter A person who is responsible for finding new
Reseaux sociaux Social media Computer programs that allow you to
communicate personal or professional
information on the internet
Lien Link An element of an Internet page that connects
you to another Internet page
Application App Abbreviation for application. A program
installed on a computer or smartphone or
Mot de passe Password A secret combination of characters that allows
you to access an online account or computer
Mettre à jour To update To make something modern or match the
current standards
Contrôler To control To have power over something
S’enregistrer To register To enter your name and other necessary
information on an official list in order to have
access to something
Regarder To look To direct your attention, your eyes, towards
something and examine it
Login/connexion Login Personal data that allows you to connect to a
Compte Account Computer space and resources assigned to a
user after he has registered in the system
Concordance Match Something that is the same as another thing,
or two things that go together
En ligne Online Available on the internet
Publier To publish To make information, material or content
available to the general public
Changer To change To modify something
Historique History A record of past events
Virer qqn To fire (someone) To remove someone from his job
Nom d’utilisateur Username A name that you provide along with a
password before you are allowed to use a
computer or a website, for example
Obsolete Outdated Not meeting current standards, or not being
as good because it isn’t modern
Effrayant Scary Something that is frightening
English Vocabulary

Cliquer To click To press a mouse button to make a selection

on a computer screen
Circuler To float around To be and to move around in an unknown
Avoir accès à To have access to To have the ability or permission to view a
document or information
Accessible Accessible Something that can be easily found
Publication Post Information, images or videos that a person
publishes on the internet
S’assurer de To make sure To take action so that something will happen
or be the case
Recommandation Recommendation A statement that says someone or something
is suited for a particular job or purpose
Identité digitale Digital identity All the content published on the internet that
defines an individual
Réglage Setting A level of control found on a machine or
Taper To type To use the keys on a keyboard to write a text
Données Data Information which is used and stored, often by
a computer program
Réfleter To reflect To show or express something
Moteur de Search engine A program that allows you to search for
recherche information and documents on the internet

Writing a CV to Find a Job

Acquérir To acquire To get something through experience

Carrière Career Your professional life as a whole
Non necessaire Unnecessary Something that is not needed or does not
have a purpose
Mission/tâche Assignment A task that a person is asked to do
Mentioner To mention To speak about something for a short time
and without details
Competence Skill An ability to do something well
Obtenir To obtain To get something you want
Experience Experience Knowledge and skills a person acquires over
Un écrit Writing A text produced by a person or a group of
Attractif Attractive Having qualities that are interesting to a
person or people
Améliorer To improve To increase the qualities, abilities or level of
Mot clé Key word A word that has a more important meaning
than others in a text or sentence
Secteur Sector A field in which an economic activity is carried
English Vocabulary

Confu Confusing Difficult to understand or unclear
Objectif principal Main objective The most important goals that have been set
Simplifier To simplify To make something less complicated
Lien Link A connection between things or people
Recruteur Recruiter A person who is responsible for finding new
Passe temps Hobby An activity practiced during your free time
Responsabilité Responsibility A job that you have duty to do
Réalisation Achievement Success or a positive result
Détail Detail A small and particular characteristic of
Employeur Employer A person or company that pays someone to
do a job
Un job Job A position in a company or organisation
Tâche Task Work that needs to be done
Correspondre To correspond To match, be suitable or fit
Profil Profile Qualities identifying a particular kind of
Bullet point Bullet point A style of writing to reduce the number of
words by creating a list
Opérationel Operational Something that is ready and working properly
Workshop Workshop A meeting where a group of people learn
about and do a particular activity
Supprimer To delete To remove something, especially words or
Postuler To apply To formally ask for a job

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