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Републичкп такмичеое из енглескпг језика за 8. разред пснпвне шкпле 8.5.2016.

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Време за рад: 20 min. Број поена на тесту: max. 8 / min. 6 Број поена такмичара:


Computers can do various, complicated things, but it wasn't like that when they first appeared on the market. This is
my aunt Gloria's story about her family's first computer:
We bought our first computer in the 1990's, when the children were quite young. Home computers were in their infancy
too and the model we chose was very simple.
This 'marvel' of modern technology did not come complete - with a monitor and disk drive - but was designed to be
used with a TV and a cassette player. In our house this meant sitting on the floor in great discomfort which is the reason
why all I remember from those times is an aching back and stiff legs rather than the miracle of the computer. The
children, on the other hand, would kneel happily for hours, producing high beeping noises and watching closely at the
games on the TV screen.
The programs were mostly in BASIC computer language and to me the 'pictures' on the screen were very basic indeed.
Color in those early days was a luxury and the most we could achieve was an exciting range of gray. But when I started
to play 'a game' which involved making little colorless blocks move extremely slowly across the screen and build a wall, I
began to lose interest.
I wasn't interested in doing my own programming either. In fact, getting the computer to do anything more than write
my name on the screen seemed at first to be beyond my skills. The instruction handbook gave directions for more
exciting programs, but going through them step by step took time and patience, and I would quickly run out of both.
However, I felt that it was my duty as a parent to explain the instructions to the children so that they could learn more
about the computer and new technologies. With this in mind I gathered the family together to study Chapter 1. I
wanted to be patient and go over everything as many times as necessary. So I pressed a few keys and carefully
explained what I was doing and why. “Yes,” said my youngest, who was four at the time, “but if you press this and this
and then enter that, it's much quicker and better.”
I gave up. While I had been struggling with the first few pages of the instructions handbook, they had covered the first
ten chapters simply by experimenting, learning from mistakes and trying out ideas. I felt embarrassed about this lack of
knowledge, but didn't want to admit it.
Nowadays I am quite capable of using a personal computer for work, but games are another matter. In this area, my
children are still superior. They sometimes ask me to join them for a quick Formula 1 race. While they speed away
overtaking everything in sight, I always crash at the first bend. So I generally leave the games to them and I say that I
look down on the idea of using computers for fun.
It has taken me a long time and a lot of hard work to become mistress of my own PC and all this hard-won skill should
have a serious purpose. However, I must admit that while everybody's out, I keep on trying to kill that particularly
nasty-looking alien in a game...
Тест разумеваоа прпчитанпг текста
Based on the information from the text “At home with my computer“,
choose the correct answer and circle the letter in front of it.

1. Gloria's first computer... 2. Gloria had an aching back and stiff legs while using
the computer...
A. had everything: a monitor, a disk drive, a TV.
A. because she had to lie down.
B. had a TV and a cassette player.
B. because she couldn't sit on the floor in front of the
C. had to be connected with a TV and a cassette TV for a long time.
C. because she couldn't get up.
D. could be used as a TV and a cassette player.
D. because her children produced beeping noises.
3. The 'pictures' on the screen were... 4. In the beginning, Gloria...
A. rich in colors. A. could only write her name on the screen.
B. luxurious. B. was very enthusiastic about programming.
C. painted in different shades of gray. C. was very skillful in computer programs.
D. changing. D. could do her own programming after she read the
instruction handbook.
5. In the phrase 'I was quickly running out of both' 6. Gloria felt that she needed to explain the
(Line 20), 'both' means... instructions to the children...
A. time and patience. A. because she wanted her family to spend some time
B. interest and programming.
B. because she needed to study Chapter 1.
C. the instruction handbook and exciting programs.
C. because parents should pay attention to their
D. the computer and my programming skills. youngest children.
D. because parents should teach their children to use
new things in life.
7. Gloria's children learnt how to use the 8. When Gloria says that she 'looks down on the idea
computer... of using computers for fun' (Line 33) what
impression does she want to leave?
A. by listening to Gloria, who taught them how to use
it. A. That she likes the idea that her children are good at
computer games.
B. by carefully reading the first ten chapters of the
handbook. B. That she doesn't like the idea that computers are
only used for playing games.
C. by trying different programs.
C. That she is looking forward to using computers for
D. by learning from their own experience.
D. That she enjoys the idea of playing computer
Републичкп такмичеое из енглескпг језика за 8. разред пснпвне шкпле 8.5.2016.
(ппшта категприја)

Touring the USA

A group of British tourists have spent a two-week holiday in the States. You're going to hear the stories of two
couples and how they liked their holiday.
First, you will hear Jack and Vera Drake, an elderly couple, who visited the West Coast (Las Vegas, Disneyland
and California). Then, you will hear the story of Matthew and Polly Winter, who took their two children on a
driving tour of New England on the East Coast of the USA.

Jack and Vera Drake

“We were looking forward to this trip, and it was the holiday of a lifetime. I think we liked Las Vegas most, but
two nights there were probably enough! If you stay longer than that, you'll most likely lose all your money!
We saw Tom Jones' concert at the 'Desert Inn Casino'. I've never seen anything like that place! Disneyland is a
'must' for anyone with children. If only we'd had our grandchildren with us! They would've loved it! We went
on a few excursions; some more were offered but we had to pass - at the end of the day we were so tired.
Anyway, you can't see everything, can you? I didn't think much of American beer, but Californian wine was a
nice surprise. The reason we decided to go on this tour exactly was that there was an escort. You see, we're
both in our seventies and we couldn't have managed on our own. Everybody was so helpful to us!”

Matthew and Polly Winter

“We have two small kids, so we were forced to take a car trip; otherwise, we wouldn't have travelled by car.
You see, Matthew is a bus driver and it wasn't much of a holiday for him! But I think it's the only way to travel
with young children. The distances were much greater than we imagined. If we had another holiday in the
States, we wouldn't try to drive so far. I think we'd cover the longer distances by plane, and then hire a
different car in each place. The motels were very well equipped and the children were always made welcome.
The motels didn't have much character, but when you're touring you just need somewhere to sleep. Every
room had TV. For us that was marvellous since we were able to leave the children in the room for an hour. We
never leave them alone for too long of course, but it was nice for us to go down to the bar for a drink. New
England was absolutely fantastic and we'd recommend it to anyone!”
Републичкп такмичеое из енглескпг језика за 8. разред пснпвне шкпле 8.5.2016.
(ппшта категприја)

Време за рад: 15 минута Број поена на тесту: max. 7 / min. 5 Број поена такмичара:

Тест разумеваоа гпвпра

Based on the information from the text “Touring the USA“, choose the correct answer and circle the letter in front of
Questions 1-4 are about Jack and Vera Drake, an elderly couple, who visited the West Coast (Las Vegas, Disneyland and
Questions 5-7 are about Matthew and Polly Winter, who took their two children on a driving tour of New England on
the East Coast of the USA.
1. Jack says that if you stay in Las Vegas for longer than 2. Jack says, 'If only we'd had our grandchildren with us!'
two nights, you will most likely lose all your money. What does he mean?
Why does he say that?
A. They didn't have any grandchildren.
A. Because a stay in Las Vegas is expensive.
B. They didn't take their grandchildren on this trip at all.
B. Because there are a lot of thieves in Las Vegas.
C. They didn't take their grandchildren to Disneyland.
C. Because Las Vegas tempts you to spend all your money
D. They didn't know they were going to Disneyland.
D. Because Jack didn't have much money with him.
3. Jack says 'I didn't think much of American beer, but 4. Jack says that they chose this tour because there was
Californian wine was a nice surprise'. What does he an escort. What does he mean?
A. There was always someone who would make sure they
A. He didn't think about American drinks. were fine.
B. He didn't taste American beer but did Californian wine. B. There was always someone who would check their
blood pressure.
C. He wasn't surprised by American beer, but was
surprised by American wine. C. There was always someone who would be their friend.
D. He didn't like American beer but did Californian wine. D. There was always someone who was a doctor.
5. Driving in the States wasn't much of a holiday for 6. Polly says that American motels don't have much
Matthew, who is a bus driver. Why? character. What does she mean?
A. Because driving in the States is more difficult than A. American motels don't have many guests.
driving in Great Britain.
B. American motels don't have many rooms.
B. Because Matthew isn't used to driving in the States.
C. American motels are as much without character as
C. Because Matthew drives most of his time and would American people.
rather not drive on his holiday too. D. American motels are all the same.
D. Because Matthew would rather drive a bus than a car.
7. Polly says that it was marvellous that each motel room
had TV since they were able to leave the children in
the room for an hour. What does she mean?
A. That she marvelled the size of the TV set.
B. That the children would go to sleep in an hour.
C. That TV was such a marvel.
D. That the children would be occupied with watching TV.
Републичкп такмичеое из енглескпг језика за 8. разред пснпвне шкпле 8.5.2016.
(ппшта категприја)

Време за рад: 45 минута Број поена на тесту: max. 30 / min. 25 Број поена такмичара:

Тест знаоа п језику

I Complete the following passage using ONE WORD in each gap. 8 points

Hi, Wendy! Just (0) __a__ quick e-mail to let you (1) __________ that I'm back from my business trip to Paris. I
had a great time but I didn't think that Paris was a bit dirty! Everybody (2) __________ complaining about the
traffic and the pollution. I'm not used to (3) __________ in such big cities, so it was a bit difficult to find my
way round. I kept getting (4) __________ a wrong bus and going to a wrong place! And the weather was
awful! One day I was waiting (5) __________ a taxi station for an hour (6) __________ the heavy rain! In the
end, I had to call another taxi to come and get me. When it finally turned (7) __________, I looked (8)
__________ a drowned rat!
Take care,

II Complete the dialogue by adding ONE WORD ONLY. In some cases the first letter of the word is given.
5 points

Doctor: Good afternoon, Mrs Thomson. Please, take a seat. Now, what (1) __________ to be the problem?
Patient: My left ear (2) __________. It started on Tuesday evening and it's been getting (3) __________ every
Doctor: Could I take a look at it? Thank you... Well, you've got a bit of an infection. I'll give you some (4)
e__________-d__________. Put them into your left ear every six hours. It should clear up in about three days.
If not, make another (5) a__________ with me to see how it is going. See you next week, Mrs Thomson.
III Rewrite these direct questions as indirect questions. 5 points

1. Where's the technical college?

Can you tell me _________________________________________________________________________?
2. Who does the rule apply to?
Do you know ___________________________________________________________________________?
3. Do restaurants open on Sunday?
Have you got any idea ____________________________________________________________________?
4. Where did you do your hair?
I'd really like to know _____________________________________________________________________.
5. On which beach did the turtles lay their eggs?
Can you tell us __________________________________________________________________________?

IV Read the text below. Use the words in brackets to form a word that fits in the space in front. PAY
Love them or hate them, (0) __reality__ (REAL) shows are very popular. Why are we so (1) _______________
(INTEREST) in the (2) _______________ (LIFE) of ordinary people? It's because they are just like us. We all
have strong feelings towards the people we live and work with. Often we find it hard to get (3)
_______________ (ADVISE) on any problems we are having. By watching the (4) _______________ (DECIDE)
they make on our screens, we gain (5) _______________ (KNOW) about how people react to tense situations.
We can see when they are not (6) _______________ (SUCCEED) and when they make the situation worse.
This information helps us in our own lives. As always, TV is much more than just (7) _______________

V Each of these sentences has ONE GRAMMATICAL mistake. Find and correct it. You can add a word, as in
EXAMPLE 1, or you can correct a word, as in EXAMPLE 2.
5 points

EXAMPLE 1: The Mayor gave a reception for √ best pupils of our school. ____the___
EXAMPLE 2: She don't like chocolate. __doesn't__
1) The first woman to wear mens' trousers was Sarah Bernhardt. ___________
2) Amanda can organize parties good. ___________
3) The latest news about the earthquake have just arrived. ___________
4) 'Granny, why do you have so big ears?' ___________
5) The run-away prisoner has just seen on the top floor by neighbors. ___________
Републичкп такмичеое из енглескпг језика за 8. разред пснпвне шкпле 8.5.2016.

(ппшта категприја)

КПНТАКТ: Љиљана Маркпвић, 064 391 20 20 или 064 801 32 71

Тест разумеваоа писанпг текста - Кључ
(1) C (3) C (5) A (7) D
(2) B (4) A (6) D (8) B
Тест разумеваоа гпвпра - Кључ
(1) C (2) B (3) D (4) A
(5) C (6) D (7) D
Тест знаоа п језику - Кључ
I Sample answers - to accept all meaningful and grammatically acceptable answers.
(1) know (3) living / staying (5) at (7) up
(2) was / is / kept (4) on (6) in (8) like
II Sample answers - to accept all meaningful and grammatically acceptable answers.
Spelling is also tested (e.g. worse, appointment...).
(1) seems / (2) hurts / aches (3) worse (4) ear-drops (5) appointment
III Spelling is also tested - esp. the verb form (e.g. apply - applies);
It is suggested that a spelling mistake in copying a word (e.g. technical) be ignored.
1. Can you tell me where the technical college is?
2. Do you know who the rule applies to / to whom the rule applies?
3. Have you got any idea if / whether restaurants open on Sunday?
4. I'd really like to know where you did your hair.
5. Can you tell us on which beach the turtles laid their eggs?

IV Spelling and the number of nouns are also tested.

(1) interested (3) advice (5) knowledge (7) entertainment /
(2) lives (4) decision(s) (6) successful
1) The first woman to wear mens' trousers was Sarah Bernhardt. __men's__
2) Amanda can organize parties good. ___well___
3) The latest news about the earthquake have just arrived. ___has___
4) 'Granny, why do you have so big ears?' ___such__
5) The run-away prisoner has just √ seen on the top floor by neighbors. ___been__

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