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The ultimate scavenger hunt !!!

Welcome to the ultimate scavenger hunt you must complete all tasks
bellow and Take video or photo proof for every single task and then
the first team sitting on top of the hay with proof of all task’s
complete wins!! Good luck may the best team win!
1. Take a selfie with something that stinks
2. Take a photo of you on the edge of the lake
3. Take a selfie with something that smells lovely
4. Take a photo of a daffodil
5. Take a selfie with something of your favourite colour
6. Film your partner using the hoola hoop
7. Film your partner doing hopscotch
8. Get 10 stones and put them on the feed bin then take a photo
9. Take a photo of a bug
10.Take a photo of a bird
11.Take a photo of a daisy or a flower ( not daffodil)
12.Take a photo of the wooden horse face in the yard
13.Take a photo of your partner doing a yoga pose
14.Write your favourite horses name on the board and take a photo ( make sure
to rub out don’t want other teams getting there )
15.Take a photo of goat poo
16.Find an acorn or pinecone and take a selfie with it
17.Take a selfie with the bin in the feed room (the rubbish bin)
18.Take a selfie with something white
19.On the white board write a species of animal that you find at escape (not
goat or horse tho) and take a photo
20.Take a selfie with a curry comb

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