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Alhamdulillah, thanks to Almighty God, Allah SWT who has given blessings to the author for finishing this
Intermediate English Module. The author also wishes to express his deep and sincere gratitude for those
who have helped in completing this Intermediate English Module.

This module under title “INTERMEDIATE ENGLISH” contains the ways how to understand English in
general, start from the level in primary school to junior high school students. It also consists of
grammatical structure, and exercises of English dealing with the general English that can help readers or
learners to improve their English skill. This Intermediate English Module is provided in general English
materials that is appropriate for readers or learners in Intermediate level before up to advanced level.

Hopefully, this Intermediate English Module can help the readers or learners to expand their knowledge
about English in the Intermediate level progam.

Kendal, August 2020

Head of SBC Kendal

Tomy Widiyanto, S.Pd.Gr.



Emotions are brief, intense responses to outside stimuli, like that rushed sensation when being
surprised by family members on your birthday, or being content after successfully finishing an
important task.
Phrases to express emotions To ask someone’s emotions

1. I want to eat a plate of fried rice. 1. How does she feel?

(Saya ingin makan sepiring nasi goreng) (Bagaimana perasaan dia?)
I feel hungry. She feels hungry.
(Saya merasa lapar) (Dia merasa lapar.)
2. His grandmother passed away. 2. How does Yuli feel?
(Neneknya meninggal) (Bagaimana perasaan Yuli?)
He feels sad. Yuli feels happy.
(Dia merasa sedih) (Yuli merasa bahagia.)
3. I work over time. 3. How does he feel?
(Saya bekerja lembur) (Bagaimana perasaan dia?)
I feel tired. He feels thirsty.
(Saya merasa lelah) (Dia merasa haus.)
4. How do they feel?
(Bagaimana perasaan mereka?)
They feel sad.
(Mereka merasa sedih.)
5. How do you feel?
(Bagaimana perasaan kamu?)
I feel nervous.
(Saya merasa gugup)

A. Read the dialogue carefully and answer some questions.
Cindy gets good news about her job application. She is very happy.
Cindy : Dad, where is mom?
Father : She is back there.
Cindy : Mommy, Mommy….
Mother : I am right here. What’s up?
Cindy : Mom, you know, I sent a job application to a big international company near the
downtown a couple of days ago and just now I got a phone call from the company that I
get accepted. I am going to work. It’s lovely.
Mother : Yes, that is wonderful. Come on. Go tell your daddy.
Cindy : Yes, I will. I am so happy right now.

1. Why does Cindy feel happy?
2. What is Cindy’s mother response hearing that Cindy gets accepted in a big international

Intermediate English – Super Brain Course Module | 1

3. When did Cindy send her job application?
4. What did Cindy send job application to a big international company?
5. Mention expression of feeling that you can find in the dialogue!

Learn and remember the adjectives to express the feelings {find the meanings of the adjectives
on your dictionary}

1. Bored:_____________________ 15. hopeless:________________________

2. sad:_______________________ 16. frustrated:________________________

3. happy:_____________________ 17. confused:_________________________

4. disappointed:________________ 18. worried:__________________________

5. glad:_______________________ 19. excited:__________________________

6. impressed:__________________ 20. anxious:__________________________

7. nervous:____________________ 21. high spirited:______________________

8. angry:______________________ 22. crazy:____________________________

9. excellent:___________________ 23. wonderful:________________________

10. terrible:___________________ 24. terrific:___________________________

11. amazed:___________________ 25. depressed:________________________

12. embarrassed:_______________ 26. interested:________________________

13. tired:_____________________ 27. exhausted:________________________

14. thankful:__________________ 28. low spirited:______________________

C. Fill in the blank spaces with the suitable words.

1. He felt _____ because he has won the swimming competition.
a. worried b. anxious c. happy d. hopeless

2. Please don’t be _____ even though you couldn’t meet your favorite singer.
a. crazy b. disappointed c. worried d. nervous

3. Tya is _____. She will go to Singapore next month.

a. impressed b. excited c. glad d. terrific

4. I am _____ to know that you will help me doing my homework.

a. angry b. confused c. glad d. sad

5. We are truly _____ by your great performance on the stage.

a. happy b. excellent c. bored d. impressed
Intermediate English – Super Brain Course Module | 2

A public place is a location to which all of the public has access and is not a place exclusively
used for a private gathering or any other personal purposes. List of public places:
School = Sekolah Coffee shop = Warung kopi
Mosque = Masjid Bank = Bank
Train station = Stasiun kereta Barbershop = Tukang cukur
Airport = Bandara Bus station = Halte bus
Amusement park = Taman hiburan Bookstore = Toko buku
Cinema = Bioskop Gift shop = Toko hadiah
Cafe = Kafe Hotel = Hotel
Cafetaria = Kantin Gym = Gym
Town hall = Balai kota Inn = Penginapan
Post office = Kantor pos Ice cream shop = Toko eskrim
Kiosk store = Warung pinggir jalan Funeral home = Rumah duka
Library = Perpustakaan Church = Gereja
Gas station = SPBU Pet shop = Toko hewan peliharaan
Market = Pasar University = Universitas
Restaurant = Restoran Zoo = Kebun binatang
Park = Taman Stadium = Stadion
City square = Alun-alun Swimming pool = Kolam renang

A preposition is a word or group of words used before a noun, pronoun, or noun phrase to show
direction, time, place, location, spatial relationships, or to introduce an object.

List of Preposition:
• Behind : dibelakang • Between : diantara (2 benda)
• Beside/beside : disamping • Among : diantara (1 benda)
• In front of : didepan • Around : disekeliling
• Above : diatas (menggantung) • Under : dibawah
• On : diatas (menempel)

1. Beside (Disamping)

Ali: Where is the bank? (Di mana letak bank itu?)

Mia: It is beside the hotel. (bank itu berada di samping hotel)

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2. Between (Diantara 2 Benda)

Dewi: Where is the mosque? (Di mana letak masjid itu?)

Sinta: It is between the church and the temple. (Masjid itu berada di antara gereja dan candi)

3. In front of (didepan)

Ahmad: Where is the swimming pool? (Di mana letak kolam renang itu?)
Reza: It is in front of the park. (Kolam renang itu berada di depan taman)

4. Behind (Dibelakang)

Kiki: Where is the library? (Di mana letak perpustakaan itu?)

Lala: It is behind the school. (Perpustakaan itu berada di belakang sekolah

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Desi: Where is the mosque? (Di mana letak masjid itu!)
Mira: It is beside the church. (Masjid itu ada di sampung gereja)
Lala: Where is the swimming pool? (Di mana letak kolam renang itu?)
Kiki: It is behind the hotel. (Kolam renang itu ada di belakang hotel)
Lala: Where is the hospital? (Di mana letak rumah sakit itu?)
Kiki: It is in front of the school. (Rumah sakit itu ada di depan sekolah)
Lala: Where is the library? (Di mana letak perpustakaan itu?)
Kiki: It is between the school and the park. (Perpustakaan itu ada di antara sekolah dan taman)

Read and answer the question correctly!
1. We can see many animals in the_______
2. My family will eat in a new_______
3. I will go to______with my friends to meet my teacher
4. My mom asks me to buy sugar in the________
5. My father goes to______today to work
6. I will borrow a book in_________
7. Will you watch football in the_________?
8. I see prisoners in the________
9. Let’s play in the______
10. I will swim in the_______
11. My grandfather is sicks, so he goes to_______
12. I see many __________in Jakarta
13. Jogjakarta has many______
14. I will wait train in the________
15. _________keeps me from rain and hot
16. Prince and princess live in the________
17. Moslem pray in the______
18. My mom always buys vegetables in the______
19. You can do exercise in the______
20. You can buy book and pencils in _______
21. You can watch movie in____________
22. I buy a gift in the_______
23. I go to bali and sleep in_____
24. The christians pray in the___________
25. You can report a thief in_______
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Cap Tie Hat

t-shirt Uniform

Veil Jacket Skirt

Weather (Cuaca)
1. Sunny : Cerah
2. Snowy : Bersalju
3. Windy : Berangin
4. Wet : basah
5. Warm : hangat
6. Foggy : berkabut
7. Hot : Panas

Seasons (Musim)
1. Rainy season: Musim hujan
2. Dry season : Musim kemarau
3. Autumn : Musim gugur (September to November)
4. Winter : Musim dingin (December to February)
5. Spring : Musim semi (March to May)
6. Summer : Musim panas (June to August)

Expressing to ask the weather:

1. How is the weather today?
2. What is the weather like today?
3. How many seasons are there in Indonesia?

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Bedroom (Ruang Tidur) Kitchen (Dapur)
- bed : tempat tidur - plate : piring
- bedsheet : seprai - bowl : mangkuk
- bolster : guling - glass : gelas
- blanket : selimut - frying-pan : penggorengan
- chair : kursi - knife : pisau
- pillow : bantal - gas stove : kompor gas
- lamp : lampu - spoon : sendok
- mirror : cermin - fork : garpu
- computer : komputer - napkin : serbet
- wardrobe : lemari pakaian - cup : cangkir
Bathroom (Kamar Mandi) Living Room (Ruang Tamu)
- soap : sabun - carpet : karpet
- shampoo : sampo - picture : gambar
- toothbrush : sikat gigi - bookshelf : rak buku
- toothpaste : pasta gigi - sofa : sofa
- towel : handuk - table : meja
- dipper : gayung - tablecloth : taplak meja
- tap : kran - television : TV
- bathtub : bak untuk mandi - calendar : kalender
- curtain : gorden
- window : jendela
Garage (Garasi) Yard (Halaman Rumah)
- car : mobil - pond : kolam ikan
- bicycle : sepeda - flower : bunga
- motorcycle : motor - grass : rumput

Dining Room (Ruang Makan) Appliances (Peralatan Rumah Tangga)

- dining table : meja makan - Flatiron : setrika
- dining chair : kursi makan - Broom : sapu
- refrigerator : lemari pendingin/kulkas - Bucket : ember
- cupboard : lemari - Comb : sisir
- Doormat : keset
- Floorcloth : kain pel
- Hose : selang
- Gloves : sarung tangan
- Lawnmower : mesin potong rombot
- Shoe polish : semir sepatu
- Cooktop : kompor
- Crock pot : panic
- Gas stove : kompor gas
- Teapot : teko
- Toaster : pemanggang roti
- Lighter : korek gas
- Matches : korek Batangan
- Flashlight : senter
- Ladder : tangga
- Torch : senter
- Tap : keran
Read the paragraph and answer the question based on the text bellow!

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I live in beautiful modern house.The house has three bedrooms.The bedrooms are upstair. The
living room, the kitchen, and the dining room are downstairs. My house has a balcony.The garden
is full of flowers and trees. The colour of the house is blue.There is a garage for our car. We like
living here because it’s very nice

1. Is the house big?

2. What does the house look like?
3. How many rooms are there in the house?
4. What rooms are upstairs?
5. What roooms are downstair?
6. Is the house clear?
7. How does the writer feel about the house?

State whether these statements are TRUE (T) or FALSE (F) based on the text above:

1. It is a modern house
2. There are three bedrooms
3. The living room is upstairs
4. The house doesn’t have the balcony
5. My parents like to sit on the balcony
6. There are lots of flowers
7. The colour of the house is white
8. The gate is black

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Things in the bedroom (benda-benda di kamar tidur)
No Things Meaning
1 Bed Tempat tidur
2 Bed cover Sprei
3 Pillow Bantal
4 Pilow case Sarung bantal
5 Bolster Bantal guling
6 Bolster case Sarung bantal guling
7 Blanket Selimut
8 Wardrobe Almari pakaian
9 Lamp Lampu
10 Mirror Cermin
11 Table Meja
12. Chair Kursi
13. Clock Jam
14 Picture Gambar

Things in the yard and around the house

(Benda-benda di halaman dan sekitar rumah)

No Things Meaning
1 Tree Pohon
2 Bench Bangku
3 Bird cage Kandang burung
4 Wheelbarrow Gerobak dorong
5 Spade Sekop
6 Hoe Cangkul
7 Watering can Penyiram
8 Flower Bunga
9 Pot Pot bunga

Animals in the garden (Binatang di kebun)

No Things Meaning
1 Fly Lalat
2 Ladybug Kepik/kumbang kecil
3 Cocoon Kepompong
4 Cricket Jangkrik
5 Worm Cacing

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There is : menyebut ada untuk benda atau objek tunggal (hanya satu)
There are : menyebut ada untuk benda atau objek jamak (lebih dari satu)
There is :
a) There is an ant on the wall (ada seekor semut diatas dinding)
b) There is an apple on the table (ada sebuah apel diatas meja)
c) There is my mother in my room (ada ibuku di ruangan ku)
There are :
a) There are 3 ants on the wall
b) There is 5 apples on the table
c) There are 10 books in my room


Fill in the blanks by using “There is or There are”!

1. ______ a cat in my house.
2. ______ an apple in the refrigerator.
3. ______ three books in my bag
4. ______ a monkey in the cage.
5. ______ twenty students in the classroom.
6. ______ many books on the table.

7. ______ an eraser in my pencil box.

8. ______ an elephant in the zoo.
9. ______ two spoons on the plate.
10. _____ ten flowers in the vase.

Arrange these jumbled words into good sentences!

11. two - there - birds - are - in - cage - the.
12. teacher - classroom - is - the - there - a - in.
13. pencils - three - there - bag - the - are - in.
14. cat - is - there - under - a - the - chair.
15. picture - is - on - wall - the - there - a.

Complete the dialogues below!

16. A : Is there a pen in your pencil box?
B : Yes, ......
17. A : Are there five cats under the table?
B : No, ......
18. A : Are there three students in the canteen?
B : No, ......
19. A : Is there a cupboard in your bedroom?
B : No, .....
20. A : Are there two chickens in the cage?
B : Yes, .....

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1 Student : Siswa 26 Actor/actress : Aktor/pemain film
2 Teacher : Guru 27 Stewardess : Pramugara/pramugari
3 Headmaster : Kepala Sekolah 28 Waiter/Waitress : Pelayan
: Petugas
4 Librarian 29 Porter : Kuli
5 Gardener : Tukang Kebun 30 Chef : Koki/juru masak
6 Doctor : Dokter 31 Journalist : Wartawan
7 Dentist : Dokter gigi 32 Reporter : Penyiar berita
8 Surgeon : Dokter bedah 33 Director : Direktur
9 Nurse : Perawat 34 Secretary : Sekretaris
10 Policeman : Polisi 35 Manager : Manajer
11 Soldier : Tentara 36 Typist :Juru ketik
12 Driver : Supir 37 Butcher : Penjual daging
13 Farmer : Petani 38 Engineer : Insinyur
14 Fisherman : Nelayan 39 Mechanic : Montir
15 Pilot : Pilot 40 Fireman : Pemadam kebakaran
16 Judge : Hakim 41 Cashier : Kasir
17 Sailorman : Pelaut 42 Tailor : Penjahit
18 Architect : Arsitek 43 Athlete : Atlit/olahragawan
19 Plumber : Tukang Pipa/ledeng 44 Receptionist : Penerima tamu(hotel)
20 Painter : Pelukis 45 Programmer : Programer/ahli program
21 Bricklayer : Tukang batu 46 Salesman : Sales/marketing
22 Carpenter : Tukang kayu 47 Security guard : Satpam/keamanan
23 Lawyer : Pengacara 48 Writer : Penulis
24 Singer : Penyanyi 49 Civil servant : PNS
25 Dancer : Penari 50 Designer : Desainer/perancan

Example the conversation about profession :

Ani : What is she?
Yuli : She is a doctor
Ani : Where does she work?
Yuli : She works in the hospital.
Ani : What does she do?
Yuli : She cures her patient
Exercise 1
Read the text and fill in the blank !

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When I (1)… , I will work with animals. I don’t know which job yet. Maybe like my brother. He’s
(2)… . He looks after (3)… , some just out of egg. He says that snakes are easy, as they don’t have
any legs. My father is (4)… . he works to save (5)… . Some are really clever and can even say
some words, “how do you do.” My mother is (6)… . she loves (7)… big or small. Once she styled a
poodle, it looked just like a ball. My sister, she (8)… . they practice in the pool. She hears the
dolphins talk and sing. That sounds really cool. So many jobs to choose but which one’s right for
me? Because I’m only ten years old, I’ll have to wait and see.

• a scientist
• a special vet
• scary snakes
• rare birds
• grow up
• dogs
• a dog groomer
• trains dolphin


Match the jobs with their descriptions below!

1. _________ is a person who flies airplane.

2. _________ is a person who helps sick people.
3. _________ is a person who draws picture.
4. _________ is a person who puts out fire.
5. _________ is a person who flies spaceships.
6. _________ is a person who teaches kids.
7. _________ is a person who fixes teeth.
8. _________ is a person who plays music.
9. _________ is a person who catches criminals.
10. _________ is a person who helps sick animal.
11. _________ is a person who does experiments.
12. _________ is a person who plays sport.

Options: Artist , doctor, police, astronaut, firefighter, scientist, athlete, musician, teacher, dentist,
pilot, vet

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No Name of the day Meaning

1 Monday Senin
2 Tuesday Selasa
3 Wednesday Rabu
4 Thursday Kamis
5 Friday Jumat
6 Saturday Sabtu
7 Sunday Minggu

The adverb of time (keterangan waktu):

Tomorrow (Besok) Next year (tahun Long time ago Decade (10 tahun)
besok) (di waktu lampau)
Yesterday Last Week (kemarin In the past (dimasa lalu) Century (abad/100
(kemarin) minggu) tahun)
Today (Hari ini) Next month (bulan In the future (dimasa This morning (pagi
besok) depan) ini)
The day after For two hours (selama While (ketika) morning,
tomorrow (lusa) satu jam) breakdawn (pagi
The day before From 2012 to 2013 When (saat) Afternoon, daylight,
yesterday (kemarin (dari 2012 sampai day, noon (siang)
lusa) 2013)
Now (sekarang) Since yesterday (Sejak Soon (segera) Evening
kemarin) (malam/sore)
At this moment The Weekend Until tomorrow (sampai Tonight (malam ini)
(sekarang) (Akhir Pekan) besok)
Last year (tahun The Day Before Week (pekan) Midnight (tengah
kemarin) Yesterday (Kemarin malam)

Time Frequency (Frequensi dalam Waktu)

Always (Selalu) Sometimes (kadang-kadang) Never (tidak pernah)

Usually (biasanya) Seldom (jarang) Ever (pernah)
Often (seringkali) Rarely (jarang sekali) Once / one time (sekali)
Once a week (seminggu sekali) Twice (dua kali) Everytime (setiap saat)

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TASK 1. Fill in the blank with correct day!

TASK 2. Complete the blank below by using the names of the day correctly!

1. There are...........days in a week.

2. Most people don’t go to work on.............and.........
3. The day after Monday is......
4. on ........., muslim go to the mosque for Friday prayers
5. Most people work from .......
6. The middle day of the week is.....
7. The third day of the week is..
8. Which day comes before Tuesday?
9. Which day comes before Friday?
10. Which day comes after Wednesday?
11. Saturday and Sunday are the...

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How to ask the hobbies :
Do you have any hobbies?(Apakah Anda memiliki hobi?)
What are your hobbies?(Apa hobimu?)
What is your hobby?(Apa hobimu?)
What do you do for fun?(Apa yang kau lakukan untuk bersenang-senang?)
What do you like doing?(Apa yang kamu suka lakukan?)

Exercise 1

Make 5 dialogues based on hobby !

Example :

Ayu : Do you have any hobbies ?

Nita : Yes, sure. I like drawing cartoon. How about you?
Ayu : that’s good. I like cooking

Exercise 2

Arrange into good sentences! (susunlah menjadi kalimat yang benar)

1. like – football – they- playing

2. hobby- my- surfing – beach- is – in the
3. playing- field- Andi- in the- likes- kite
4. reading-much- likes- very- Maira
5. like- Mira- does not- collecting- paper

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1. Cardinal Number

Cardinal numbers say how many people or things there are. Cardinal numbers tell ‘how many’ of
something, they show quantity. Ordinal numbers tell the order of how things are set, they show
the position or the rank of something.

a. There are five books on the desk.
b. Ron is ten years old.

2. Ordinal Number
Ordinal numbers all use a suffix. The suffixes are: -nd, -rd, -st, or -th. Examples: ‘second’ (2nd),
‘third’ (3rd), ‘first’ (1st), and ‘tenth’ (10th). We use ordinal numbers for dates and the order of
something (think ordinal = order).

Example :
‘January 15, 2013’. If we were to say this date it would be: ‘January fifteenth, twenty-thirteen’.

Exercise 1
1. thirty one : ...................................
2. forty-six : ...................................
3. ninety-two : ...................................
4. seventy-nine : ...................................
5. twenty-seven : ...................................
6. eight hundred and three : ...................................
7. five hundred thousand and sixty-four : ...................................
8. Sevend hundred fifty : ...................................
9. One thousand two hundred twenty five : ...................................
10. Nine hundred and ninety nine : ...................................

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Istilah yang sering muncul dalam “Telling Time” :

• a.m : ante meridiem (dimulai dari jam 12 malam sampai jam 12 siang)
• p.m : post meridiem (dimulai dari jam 12 siang sampai jam 12 malam)
• Long hand : Jarum panjang
• Short hand : Jarum pendek
• Second hand : Jarum detik
• Alarm clock : Jam beker
• Clock : Jam dinding
• Watch : Jam tangan
• Hour : Jam
• Minute : Menit
• Second : Detik
• O'clock : Digunakan untuk menunjukan jam ketika jarum panjangnya tepat ke jam 12.
• Past : Lebih
• To : Kurang
• A quarter : Seperempat (15 menit)
• A half : Setengah (30 menit)

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What time is it?

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Tense Signal words Use Form Examples Examples negative Examples
affirmative interrogative
every day
Something that happens

repeatedly how often

always I work. I don't work. Do I work?

something happens one action

Simple Present often Infinitive He works. He doesn't work. Does he work?
usually he/she/it + -s I go. I don't go. Do I go?
follows another

things in general with the

seldom He goes. He doesn't go. Does he go?

following verbs (to love, to

hate, to think, etc.)
first ... then
now something is happening at the I'm working. He's I'm not working. He Am I working? Is he

at the moment Look! same time of speaking or around it working. I'm going. isn't working. I'm not working? Am I going?
Listen! future meaning: when you have He's going. going. Is he going?
Present already decided and arranged to to be (am/are/is) + He isn't going.
Progressive do it (a fixed plan, date) Infinitive + ing

last ... I worked. I didn't work. Did I work?

Simple Past ... ago in 1990 action took place in the past, mostly regular: He worked. I went. He didn't work. I didn't Did he work? Did I
connected with an expression of Infinitive + -ed go. go?
time (no connection to the present) irregular:
2. Spalte

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yesterday He went. He didn't go. Did he go?
Irregular Verbs List

First Form base form Second Form past Third Form past participle
(It doesn't change) (It doesn't change)
Bet Bet Bet
Bid Bid Bid
Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast
Burst Burst Burst
Cast Cast Cast
Cost Cost Cost
Cut Cut Cut
Fit Fit Fit
Forecast Forecast Forecast
Hit Hit Hit
Hurt Hurt Hurt
Knit knit / knitted knit / knitted
Let Let Let
Proofread Proofread Proofread
Put Put Put
Quit quit Quit
Read read (pronounced as red) read (pronounced as red)
Rid Rid Rid
Set Set Set
Shed Shed Shed
Spit Spit Spit
Shut Shut Shut
Split Split Split
Spread spread (pronounced as spread (pronounced as
spred) spred)
Sweat sweat / sweated sweat / sweated
Thrust Thrust Thrust
Upset Upset Upset
Wet Wet Wet

Irregular Verbs List

First Form base form Second Form past Third Form past participle

ends with silent /e/ vowel ends with /en/

changes to /o/
awake awoke awoken
break broke broken
Intermediate English – Super Brain Course Module | 24
choose chose chosen
freeze froze frozen
speak spoke spoken
steal stole stolen
wake woke woken
weave wove woven

/i/ changes to /o/ ends with /en/

arise arose arisen
drive drove driven
dive dove dived * exception
handwrite handwrote handwritten
ride rode ridden
rise rose risen
stride strode stridden
strive strove striven
typewrite typewrote typewritten
write wrote written

/a/ changes to /oo/ ends with /en/

mistake mistook mistaken
overtake overtook overtaken
partake partook partaken
retake retook retaken
shake shook shaken
Take took taken
undertake undertook undertaken

vowel changes ends with /en/

beat beat (vowel doesn't change) beaten (vowel doesn’t
browbeat browbeat (vowel doesn't browbeat / browbeaten
forbid forbade forbidden
eat ate eaten
overeat overate overeaten
fall fell fallen
forget forgot forgotten
get got gotten
forgive forgave forgiven
give gave given
bite bit bitten
frostbite frostbit frostbitten
hide hid hidden
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disprove disproved disproved / disproven
prove proved proved / proven
swell swelled swollen

ends with /ed/ or /t/ ends with /ed/ or /t/

burn burned / burnt burned / burnt
daydream daydreamed / day dreamt daydreamed / daydreamt
dream dreamed / dreamt dream / dreamt
kneel kneeled / knelt kneeled / knelt
Leap leaped / leapt leaped / leapt
learn learned / learnt learned / learnt
smell smelled / smelt smell / smelt
spell spelled / spelt spelled / spelt
spill spilled / spilt spilled / spilt

ends with /t/ ends with /t/

/d/ changes to /t/ /d/ changes to /t/
bend bent bent
build built built
lend lent lent
rebuild rebuilt rebuilt
send sent sent
spend spent spent

ends with /t/ ends with /t/

deal dealt dealt
feel felt felt
mean meant meant
leave left left

/eep/ changes to /ept/ /eep/ changes to /ept/

creep crept crept
keep kept kept
oversleep overslept overslept
sleep slept slept
weep wept Wept

/aught/ /aught/
catch caught Caught
teach taught Taught

/ought/ /ought/
bring brought Brought
buy bought Bought
Intermediate English – Super Brain Course Module | 26
fight fought Fought
seek sought Sought
think thought Thought
work worked (wrought - worked (wrought -
uncommon) uncommon)

/oo/ changes to /o/ /oo/ changes to /o/

outshoot outshot Outshot
overshoot overshot Overshot
reshoot reshot Reshot
shoot shot Shot
troubleshoot troubleshot Troubleshot

ends with /d/ ends with /d/

hear heard heard
mishear misheard Misheard
overhear overheard Overheard
have had Had

/ea/ changes to /e/ /ea/ changes to /e/

cheerlead cheerled Cheerled
lead led led
cheerlead cheerled Cheerled
mislead misled misled
plead pleaded / pled pleaded / pled

/ay/ changes to /aid/ /ay/ changes to /aid/

lay laid laid
overpay overpaid overpaid
pay paid paid
prepay prepaid prepaid
relay relaid relaid
repay repaid repaid
say said (pronounced as sed) said (pronounced as sed)

underpay underpaid underpaid

/ell/ changes to /old/ /ell/ changes to /old/

outsold outsold outsold
oversell oversold oversold
outsold outsold outsold
oversell oversold oversold
resell resold resold
retell retold retold
Intermediate English – Super Brain Course Module | 27
resell resold resold
sell sold sold
tell told Told

/and/ changes to /ood/ /and/ changes to /ood/

misunderstand misunderstood misunderstood
stand stood stood
understand understood understood
withstand withstood Withstood

/i/ changes to /ou/ /i/ changes to /ou/

bind bound bound
find found found
grind ground ground
rewind rewound rewound
spellbind spellbound spellbound
unwind unwound unwound
wind wound wound

/o/ changes to /e/ /o/ changes to /e/

hold held held
uphold upheld upheld
withhold withheld withheld

/ee/ changes to /e/ /ee/ changes to /e/

bleed bled Bled
breed bred Bred
feed fed Fed
flee fled Fled
meet met Met
speed sped / speeded sped / speeded
spoonfeed spoonfed Spoonfed

/aw/ changes to /ew/ Ends with /n/awn/

draw drew Drawn
overdraw overdrew Overdrawn
redraw redrew Redrawn

/ear/ changes to /ore/ /ear/ changes to /orn/

bear bore born / borne
swear swore Sworn
tear tore Torn
wear wore Worn
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/ow/ changes to /ew/ ends with /n/
blow blew Blown
grow grew Grown
know knew Known
outgrow outgrew Outgrown
outthrow outthrew Outthrown
overgrow overgrew Overgrown
overthrow overthrew Overthrown
throw threw Thrown

/ee/ changes to /aw/ /ee/ changes to /awn/

foresee foresaw Foreseen
oversee oversaw Overseen
see saw Seen

/ew/ and /ow/ /ew/ and /ow/

fly flew Flown
sew sewed sewn / sewed
show showed shown / showed

/i/ changes to /a/ /i/ changes to /u/

begin began Begun
drink drank Drunk
outdrink outdrank Outdrunk
outsing outsang Outsung
outswim outswam Outswum
preshrink preshrank Preshrunk
ring rang Rung
shrink shrank Shrunk
sing sang Sung
sink sank Sunk
spin spun (span - uncommon) Spun
spring sprang Sprung
stink stank / stunk Stunk
swim swam Swum

/i/ changes to /u/ /i/ changes to /u/

cling clung Clung
dig dug Dug
fling flung Flung
hang hung Hung
rehang rehung Rehung
stick stuck Stuck
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sting stung Stung
strike struck Struck
string strung Strung
swing swung Swung
wring wrung Wrung

/o/ changes to /a/ It doesn't change.

become became Become
come came Come
overcome overcame Overcome

ends with /one/

/o/ changes to /i/ /o/ changes to /one/
do did Done
outdo outdid Outdone
overdo overdid Overdone
redo redid Redone

/o/ changes to /ent/ /o/ changes to /one/

forego forewent Forgone
go went Gone
undergo underwent Undergone

/u/ changes to /a/ It doesn't change.

outrun outran Outrun
overrun overran Overrun
rerun reran Rerun
run ran Run
shine shone Shone
sit sat Sat
sneak snuck / sneaked snuck / sneaked
spit spit / spat spit / spat
win won Won

The vowel changes. The vowel changes.

one of a kind one of a kind
lose lost Lost
lie lay Lain
slay slew Slain
be was - were Been
clothe clothed (clad uncommon) clothed (clad uncommon)

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Nouns identify people, places, things, or ideas.

Tom and his friend took their books to the library to study history.

Nouns can be common (cat, brother, city) or proper (Felix, Salt Lake City). They can
also appear in plural (boys, dogs) or possessive forms (boy’s, boys’, dog’s).

Noun Endings : Things

-ism : rationalism -ion : invention -age: marriage
- nce : excellence -ment : involvement -ship: relationship
-ness : darkness -ty : clarity

Member Confuse
Intelligent Leader
Friend Move
Human Real
Mile Elect

Noun Endings : Person

-er: builder -ist: specialist
- or: investor -ian: beaitician

Music Teach
Mathematics Ranch
Advice Economy
Human Employ
Invent Sculpt

Pronouns substitute for nouns, so we don’t have to keep repeating the nouns.

Tom’s hair is so long it touches his knees.

(As opposed to: Tom’s hair is so long Tom’s hair touches Tom’s knees.)

Pronouns can be personal (I, you, me, us, him, it, etc.), demonstrative (this, that,
these, those), relative (that, which, who, whom, whose), interrogative (who, whose,
whom, which, that—used to ask a question), indefinite (anyone, everyone, nobody,
something), possessive (my, mine, his, hers, ours, etc.), reflexive (myself, yourself,
itself, etc.), and reciprocal (each other, one another). The previously stated noun that
the pronoun refers to is called the antecedent.

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Verbs show action or a state of existence.

Tonya jogs every day. She feels sad. He is hungry. This


Verbs come in many forms (-ing, -ed, to+) and show time (called tense), number
(singular or plural) and person (first, second, or third).

Verb Endings : Action

-en : soften -ize : modernize
- ate : elevate -ify : beautify

Investigation Fertile
Authority Mode
Glory Tight
Human Demonstration
Dark Simple

Adjectives describe, modify, or limit nouns and pronouns.

The big dog scratched its hairy head.

(Big and hairy are modifying the nouns dog and head).

They were so loud!

(Loud is modifying the pronoun they).

A, an, and the are articles that precede nouns. We generally classify them as

-ent: excellent -ful: carefull -less: careless -ous: dangerous

-ant: important -ic: economic -ive: expensive -al: natural
-able: portable -ible: possible

Adverbs describe, modify, or limit verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs.

The really beautiful ballerina leaped very gracefully across the stage.

(Really is modifying the adjective beautiful; very is modifying the adverb gracefully; and
gracefully is modifying the verb leaped).

Well is most common as an adverb (e.g. I did well on the exam), but well is an
adjective when it refers to good health (e.g. Despite her surgery, she looks well).

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Preposition means connect and show relationships between nouns and pronouns to other
words in a sentence.

They will leave in the morning. (The preposition in shows the relationship between
morning and leave).

She stood on the table. (The preposition on shows the relationship between stood and
Some common prepositions are
about above across after along among
between below behind beside before during
except from in inside into near
next of off on onto out
outside over up to toward with

Conjunctions connect words, phrases, or clauses.

• I’d like a hamburger and fries, but I don’t want a drink.

• She is crying because she stubbed her toe.
• Coffee or tea?

Coordinating conjunctions (and, but, for, nor, or, so, yet) connect independent
clauses or equal ideas. Subordinating conjunctions (such as after, although,
because, if, since, while, until) connect dependent or subordinating clauses with
independent or main clauses .

Interjections express surprise or pause.

Man, I love grammar. Ouch! That hurt! Of course, that’s not what he

Interjections are set off from the rest of the sentence by a comma or an exclamation


NOUN Names :
person Mr. Smith, boy, student
place Chicago, classroom, street
thing cup, door, chair
idea love, fear, bravery
PRONOUN Replaces I, you, he, she, we, it , they
a noun us, them, me, her, him
Intermediate English – Super Brain Course Module | 33
pronoun myself, himself, themselves
mine, ours, yours, who,
ADJECTIVE Describes The red house…
noun The huge dog….
pronoun The young man…
The bright hope…
VERB Expresses: The dog ran….
action The clock ticked…
state of being The apple fell…
linking I am happy…
She was excited….
ADVERB Describes
Adverbs The boy sang very loudly.
Adjectives The pizza was too hot….
Verbs He arrivedlate.

PREPOSITION Relate The dog sat under the table.

The mouse ran through the
a noun or pronoun to door.
another word in a Over the river you can see my
sentence house.
location, time,

CONJUNCTION Joins Teachers and student work

words or groups of together.
words in a sentence I would go, but I have work.
Sue or Beth can drive you.
I hope neither you nor I have to
stay longer.
Bob either you study now or
INTERJECTION Expresses Oh, no! I can’t let you do that.
interjects strong feelings Oops, the door slammed.
Ouch! The cat scratched me.
Goodness! The snow is two feet

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During this lesson you will learn how to use the following modal verbs in a sentence and their

Can Have to
Be able to Need to
Can't Needn't
Could Musn't
May Don't have to
Might Should
Must Ought to

Fill in the blanks using MUST, MUSTN’T, DON’T HAVE TO, SHOULD, SHOULDN’T, MIGHT,

1. Rose and Ted______________be good players. They have won hundreds of cups !
2. You______________________pay to use the library. It’s free.
3. I’m not sure where my wife is at the moment. She_________be at her dance class.
4. Jerry______________________ be working today. He never works on Sundays.
5. You ______________________be 18 to see that film.
6. You ______________________ hear this story. It’s very funny.
7. Dad ________________go and see a doctor. His cough is getting worse all the time.
8. You don’t have to shout. I ______________________ hear you very well.
9. It ___________________be him. I saw him a week ago, and he didn’t look like that.
10. You look pretty tired. I think you ______________________ go to bed early tonight.
11. Let me look. I ______________________ be able to help you.
12. “Children, you ______________________ cross the street if the lights are red !”
13. You ______________________ sit so near the TV. It’s bad for your eyes.
Intermediate English – Super Brain Course Module | 35
14. I’m sorry but I ______________________ give you a lift because my car is broken.
15. I ______________________ stop and talk to you now. I have to get to the library.
16. You really ______________________ go to the Louvre if you’re in Paris. It’s wonderful.
17. You______________________ come to the party if you don’t feel well.
18. I don’t know where Kelly is. She ______________________ be at her sister’s .
19. You have passed all your tests. You ______________________ be very pleased with
20. You ______________________ smoke in your car, especially if there are children
sitting in the back.
21. You ______________________ work this evening. I can do the tasks for you.
22. John doesn’t need a calculator. He ______________________ do sums in his head.
23. Passengers ______________________ open the door when the train is moving.
24. It ______________________ rain today. It’s getting cloudy already.
25. I _____________________pay for the tickets because I got them from Sam for free.

Fill in the blanks using MUST, MUSTN’T, DON’T HAVE TO, SHOULD, SHOULDN’T,
1. Rose and Ted MUST be good players. They have won hundreds of cups !
2. You DON’T HAVE TO pay to use the library. It’s free.
3. I’m not sure where my wife is at the moment. She MIGHT be at her dance class.
4. Jerry CAN’T be working today. He never works on Sundays.
5. You MUST be 18 to see that film.
6. You MUST hear this story. It’s very funny.
7. Dad SHOULD go and see a doctor. His cough is getting worse all the time.
8. You don’t have to shout. I CAN hear you very well.
9. It CAN’T be him. I saw him a week ago, and he didn’t look like that.
10. You look pretty tired. I think you SHOULD go to bed early tonight.
11. Let me look. I MIGHT be able to help you.

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12. “Children, you MUSTN’T cross the street if the lights are red !”
13. You SHOULDN’T sit so near the TV. It’s bad for your eyes.
14. I’m sorry but I CAN’T give you a lift because my car is broken.
15. I CAN’T stop and talk to you now. I have to get to the library.
16. You really MUST/SHOULD go to the Louvre if you’re in Paris. It’s wonderful.
17. You DON’T HAVE TO come to the party if you don’t feel well.
18. I don’t know where Kelly is. She MIGHT be at her sister’s .
19. You have passed all your tests. You SHOULD be very pleased with yourself.
20. You SHOULDN’T/MUSTN’T smoke in your car, especially if there are children sitting
in the back.
21. You DON’T HAVE TO work this evening. I can do the tasks for you.
22. John doesn’t need a calculator. He CAN do sums in his head.
23. Passengers MUSTN’T open the door when the train is moving.
24. It MIGHT rain today. It’s getting cloudy already.
25. I DON’T HAVE TO pay for the tickets because I got them from Sam for free.



A phrase is a grammatical unit which operates at a level higher than the word but lower
than the clause. A phrase is a group of words which conveys a single meaning and has no
subject and no finite verb. A phrase does not make complete sense unless it is combined
with a larger group of words. It sometimes introduced by a preposition.

The sun rises in the east.

I thanked my friend for his timely help.
They congratulated me on my success.
All my friends were very happy about my success.
I was brought up with love and care.

Kinds of Phrases: There are eight kinds of phrases

1. Noun Phrase
2. Adjective Phrase
3. Adverbial Phrase

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4. Prepositional Phrase
5. Participial Phrase
6. Phrase in Apposition
7. Parenthetical Phrase

Noun Phrase: A group of words which does the function of a noun is called a Noun Phrase.
It has a noun or pronoun as its main word.

I asked him his father’s name.

Reading books gives us knowledge and pleasure. ( Reading – a noun)
I love teaching English.
Playing cricket is the style of the day. (Cricket is a good game : Cricket - Noun)
He has a strong desire to win the race.
Early to bed is a healthy habit. (your bed is ready : bed – Noun)

Adjective Phrase: A group of words that acts as an adjective for qualifying a noun or
pronoun. It may be in the subject place or in the predicate part. An adjective phrase includes
some prepositions and participles that qualify a noun.

The girl in the white dress is my friend.

I like girls with long hair.
A page with no writing on it. (A blank page – an adjective)
An elephant of white colour. (A white elephant – an adjective)

Adverbial Phrase: An adverbial Phrase is a group words that act as an Adverb. It may
generally modify a verb, and adjective or another adverb denoting manner, place or time.

He drove the car with great speed.

He behaved rudely.
They frequently went to the temple in those days.
She swam two hundred meters.

Preposotional Phrase: A group of words beginning with a preposition and act as a unit
other than a Noun Phrase, an adjective phrase or adverbial phrase is called a prepositional
phrase. A prepositional phrase keeps its main force on preposition construction, though
other phrases also begin with a preposition.

In spite of his illness, he works.

Besides making a promise, he kept it.

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Participal Phrase: A group of words beginning with a participle, whether present or past or
perfect participle is called a Participle Phrase.

Hearing a noise, the boy woke up.

Driven by hunger, he stole a piece of bread.
Having rested a while, we continued our journey.

Phrase in Apposition: Noun qualifying another noun is called Noun is Apposition, such as
a phrase is called Phrase in Apposition.

I like Jerry, my faithful dog.

We admire Vishnu, the best boy in the class.

Parenthitical Phrase: A group of words used in the body of the sentence without any
structural relation between the phrase and the other part of the sentences is called a
Parenthitical Phrase.

He is, after all, an honest man.

I , to tell the fact, don’t like this.

CLAUSE: A Clause is a group of words that has a finite verb expressed or understood. Clauses
are of three kinds:

1. Principal Clause or Main Clause.

2. Coordinate Clause.
3. Subordinate Clause.

Principal Clause

A clause which makes complete sense independently and stands by itself is called a Main
or Principal or Independent clause.

I received a letter.
We played a match yesterday.

Coordinate Clause

A clause which is identical to the main clause but needs support of the main clause to
convey complete meaning or sense. A clause joined to the main clause with a coordinating
conjunction is called a Coordinate clause, and it structures a Compound sentence.
Intermediate English – Super Brain Course Module | 39
I received a letter and replied to it.
He worked hard but he failed to it.

Subordinate Clause

A clause which depends on the main clause to convey complete meaning is called a
Subordinate clause. The clause that is joined to the main clause with a subordinating
conjunction is called a subordinate clause and the sentence structured is called a Complex

When I was walking on the road, I saw him.

If you work hard, you will pass.
I bought a bag which is black.

The subordinate clauses are subdivided into three kinds. They are:
1. Noun Clause.
2. Adjective Clause.
3. Adverbial Clause.


Adverb clause of concession/supposition

Grammar: Subject-verb agreement Subjects and verbs MUST agree in NUMBER. Singular
subjects use verbs with singular endings (e.g. the dog barks; the teacher says). Plural
subjects use verbs with plural endings (e.g. the dogs bark; the teachers say).

Singular Plural
(No “s” on end of a plural verb!)
The girl dances The girls dance.
The dog drinks The dogs drink.
The boy runs The boys run.
She plays Mary and Laura play.
She plays They play

Singular present tense verbs end in “s” (Ex: The dog walks).
Plural present tense verbs do not end in “s,” but plural subjects do (Ex: The dogs walk.).

Intermediate English – Super Brain Course Module | 40

Preposition Object of Prepositional Phrase

Above in the trees the store

among of the flowers the bridge
at on the movies the lab
below over the table
beneath to the school

The verb usually follows immediately after the subject; however, extra care should be taken
in the following cases:

1. Subject and verb are separated

2. Subject has two or more parts (compound subject)
3. Subject comes after the verb
4. Subject is connected by 'or', 'nor', 'either . . . or', 'neither . . . nor' words
5. Subject is a special type of pronoun

1. Subject and verb are separated

Sometimes, the subject of the sentence is separated from the verb by a word group. You need
to find the verb and ask 'who' or 'what' is doing the action. The noun closest to the verb can
sometimes look like the subject, but it's not.
✓ Heavy snow, together with high winds, >>>makes skiing conditions dangerous.
✓ The weather in mountainous regions >>>>>> is treacherous during the winter.
✓ Storms that occur during winter >>>>>>>> cause deep snow drifts.

2. Subject has two or more parts (compound subject)

If the subject is joined by 'and', use a plural verb.

✓ Silver, gold and other metals >>>>>> are mined in Western Australia.
✓ The miner and the union official >>>>>> agree on pay conditions.

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3. Subject comes after the verb

The same rules apply when the subject follows the verb, especially when the sentence
starts with 'there' or 'here'.
✓ There is >>>>>> a campsite in the national park.
✓ Here are >>>>>> the national park camping facilities.

4. Subject is connected by 'or', 'nor', 'either . . . or', 'neither . . . nor' words

4.1 If singular subjects are joined by 'or', 'nor', 'either. . .or', 'neither. . .nor', use a singular
Example: Neither the woman nor the child >>>>>> is out of danger.
4.2 If plural subjects are joined by 'or', 'nor', 'either. . .or', 'neither. . .nor', use a plural verb.
Example: Neither the women nor the children >>>>>> are out of danger.

4.3 If one subject is singular and one is plural, the verb agrees with the subject nearest
to it.
Neither the women nor the child >>>>>> is out of danger.

Neither the woman nor the children >>>>>> are out of danger.

5. Subject is a special type of pronoun

5.1 When you use the pronouns 'each', 'either', 'neither', 'another', 'anyone', 'anybody',
'anything', 'someone', 'somebody', 'something', 'one', 'everyone', 'everybody',
'everything', 'no one', 'nobody', 'nothing', use a singular verb.
Everyone in the group >>>>>> has a job to do.

5.2 When you use the pronouns 'both', 'many', 'few', 'several', 'other', use a plural verb.
Many of the people in the group >>>>>> work consistently.

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5.3 Words like 'none', 'any', 'all', 'more', 'most', 'some' use singular or plural verbs,
depending on the context.

All of the cake was eaten by the children. (singular)

All of the cakes were eaten by the children. (plural)

6. Subject is a collective noun or non-count noun

6.1 A collective noun is a word used to refer to a group of people/things (e.g., team,
committee, family, crowd, audience, government). If the noun is considered as a single
unit, use a singular verb.

The government of the day >> was responsible for regulating petrol prices.

6.2 A non-count noun (e.g. statistics, furniture, sugar, water, news) uses a singular verb.

Statistics, for most students, >>>>>> is a difficult subject.


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Based on generic structure and language feature dominantly used, texts are divided into several types.
They are narrative, recount, descriptive, report, explanation, analytical exposition, hortatory exposition,
procedure, discussion, review, anecdote, spoof, and news item. These variations are known as GENRES.



Procedure To help us do a task Goals • Focused on
or make something. (the final purpose of doing generalized
They can be a set of the instruction) human agents
instructions or • Use of simple
directions. Materials present tense
(ingredients, utensils, (plus sometimes
equipment to do the imperative)
instructions) • Use of mainly
Steps conjunctive
(a set of instruction to relations
achieve the final purpose) • Use of mainly
material (action)
Recount To retell events for Orientation: provides the • Focus on specific
the purpose of setting and introduces participant (nouns
informing or participants (giving and pronouns)
entertaining information about what, who, • Material process
where and when) • Past tense
• Temporal
Events: to tell what sequence
happened in what sequence • Conjunction
• Adverb of time
Reorientation: optional, • Adjective to
closure of events modify nouns
Narrative Used to amuse, Orientation: sets the scene, • Linguistic feature:
entertain and to deal introduce participant specific character
with actual or • Time words that
vicarious experience Evaluation: a stepping back connect events to
in different ways to evaluate the plight tell when they
Complication: a crisis • Verbs to show the
arises action that occur
in the story
Resolution: the crisis is • Descriptive words
resolved to portray the

Intermediate English – Super Brain Course Module | 44

Reorientation: optional characters and
Descriptive To describe a Identification • Certain nouns
particular person, • Simple present
place or thing Description tense
• Detailed noun
Information about specific phrase
participant • Adjective
• Relating verbs to
inform about the
• Thinking verbs
and feeling verbs
• Action verbs
• Adverbials
• Figurative

News Item To inform readers, Newsworthy event(s): • Use of material

listener or viewers recount the events in processes to retell
about events of the summary form. the event
day which are • Use of projecting
considered Background events: verbal processes
newsworthy or elaborate what happened to • Focus on
important whom, in what circumstance. circumstances.

Sources: comment by
participant in, witnesses to
an authority’s expert on the

Report To describe the way Generic classification: tell • Focused on

things are with what phenomena under generic
reference to arrange discussion participants (group
of natural, man made of things)
and social Description: tells the • Use simple
phenomena in our phenomenon is like in the present tense, no
environment terms of parts and their temporal
function, qualities, habits or sequence
behaviors • Use of ‘being’ and
‘having’ clause.
Analytical To persuade the Thesis: position (introduce • General nouns
Exposition reader or listener that topic and indicates write • Abstract nouns
Intermediate English – Super Brain Course Module | 45
something is the position), preview (outlines • Technical verbs
case that there is a the main arguments to be • Relating verbs
case to concern, to presented). • Action verbs
pay attention to • Linking verbs
Arguments: points (restates • Modal verbs
main arguments outlined in • Modal adverbs
preview), elaboration: • Connectives
develops and supports each
• Passive
Reiteration: restates writer’s

Spoof To retell an event Orientation: sets the scene • Focus on person

with humorous twist • Animal
Events: tell what happened • Certain thing
• Action verb
Twist: provides the punch • Material process.
Hortatory To persuade the Thesis: announcement of • Abstract nouns
Exposition reader that issue of concern • Technical verbs,
something should or • Relating verbs
should not be the Arguments: reason for • Action verbs
case concern, leading to • Thinking verbs
recommendation • Modal verbs
• Modal adverbs
• Connectives
statement of what ought or
• Simple present
not to happen.
• Passive
Explanation To give an account of General statement • Focused on
how something works generic
or reason for some A sequenced explanation • Non-human
phenomenon (How of why or how something participants
does it work? Why is occurs • Use simple
it so?) present tense
• Use of temporal
and causal
• Conjunctive
• Use of mainly
material (action)
Discussion To present Issue: statement of issue • Focused on
information about and preview generic human
Intermediate English – Super Brain Course Module | 46
and arguments for and non-human
both side of topical Argument for and against: participation
issue, concluding point and elaboration or in • Use of material
with a more complex discussion • Relational and
recommendation mental processes
based on the weight Statement of various • Use of logical
of evidence viewpoints conjunctive
summary and conclusion
Review To critique an artwork Orientation: places the work • Focus on
or event for the public in its general and particular particular
audience. context. Often by comparing participant
it with its kind it through • attitudinal lexis to
analogue with a non art show direct
object or events. expression of
Interpretative recount: • Including
summaries the plot and/or attitudinal epithet
provide an account of how in nominal groups
the work came into being.] • Qualitative
Evaluation: usually attributive and
recursive effective mental
• elaborating and
extending clauses
• Metaphorical


How to Make Cheese Omelet

✓ 1 egg, 50 g cheese
✓ 1 cup milk
✓ 3 table spoons cooking oil
✓ A pinch of salt and pepper

Utensils you need:

▪ Frying pan
▪ Fork
▪ Spatula
▪ Cheese grater
▪ Bowl

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▪ Plate

How to make it:

1. Crack an egg into a bowl.

2. Whisk the egg with a fork until it is smooth.
3. Add milk and whisk well.
4. Grate the cheese into the bowl and stir.
5. Heat the oil in a frying pan.
6. Pour the mixture into the frying pan.
7. Turn the omelet with a spatula when it browns.
8. Cook both sides.
9. Place on a plate, spread salt and pepper.
10. Eat while warm.



Mr. and Mrs. Charly were on a tour to Europe. They were travelling on a guided tour to
five countries. They were going to travel through The Netherland, Belgium, Germany,
Switzerland, and France for two weeks.

The guide for the tour was a Swiss. On the day of the travel the guide told them to check
their passports, their traveler cheques, and their foreign cash. He told them to keep them safely.

They traveled in a comfortable coach with a toilet, music, and video. The guide stopped
the coach at many famous places. He explained the cultural importance of the places. They
stayed in big hotels for the night and ate in the restaurants.

On the way, they stopped at small inns to eat lunch. In big towns, they went for shopping.
They bought many souvenirs for their friends. They enjoyed the two-week tour.



Once three fish lived in a pond. One evening, some fishermen passed by the pond and saw the
fish. “This pond is full of fish”, they told each other excitedly. “we have never fished here before.
We must come back tomorrow morning with our nets and catch these fish!” So saying, the
fishermen left.

When the eldest of the three fish heard this, he was troubled. He called the other fish together
and said, “Did you hear what the fishermen said? W must leave this pond at once. The fishermen

Intermediate English – Super Brain Course Module | 48

will return tomorrow and kill us all!” The second of the three fish agreed. “You are right”, he said.
“We must leave the pond.”

But the youngest fish laughed. “You are worrying without reason”, he said. “We have lived in
this pond all our lives, and no fisherman has ever come here. Why should these men return? I
am not going anywhere – my luck will keep me

The eldest of the fish left the pond that very evening with his entire family. The second fish saw
the fishermen coming in the distance early next morning and left the pond at once with all his
family. The third fish refused to leave even then.

The fishermen arrived and caught all the fish left in the pond. The third fish’s luck did not help
him – he was caught and killed.


My family has four members: those are I, my sister, and parents of course. My mother is 47
years old. Her name’s Anisa. She’s thin-faced and she’s got long, blond hair and beautiful green
eyes. She is still slim because she always tries to stay in shape. She is very good-looking always
well-dressed and elegant.

My father, Lukman, is 5 years older than my mother. He is 52. In spite of his age, he’s still black-
haired, with several grey hairs. He has bright blue eyes. He is quite tall, but a bit shorter than
me. He’s very hard-working. Besides that, he is working in a travel company. He can even make
a dinner when my mother is outside. His cooking and his meals are always very tasty as well as
my mothers’.

Finally, my sister Nadina. She is 22. She is also red-haired and green-eyed. She has long wavy
hair and freckles. She is definitely shorter than me. She is rather introverted. But she is very
sensible, smart and co-operative. Right now she is studying English and also knows Arabic and
Mandarin. I want to be as smart as she is.

They all, except me, speak Sundanese very well, because we were living in Bandung for 5
years. My sister have been going to primary school there. Unfortunately I was only 3 when we
were leaving to Jakarta, so I can’t speak Sundanese. Now we are happily living in Jakarta.


Examples and structures of the text

Town ‘Contaminated

Moscow – A Russian journalist has uncovered evidence of another

Newsworthy Soviet nuclear catastrophe, which killed 10 sailors
events and contaminated an entire town.

Intermediate English – Super Brain Course Module | 49

Yelena Vazrshavskya is the first journalist to speak to people who
Background witnessed the explosion of a nuclear submarine at the naval base of
Events shkotovo – 22 near Vladivostock.

The accident, which occurred 13 months before the Chernobyl

disaster, spread radioactive fall-out over the base and nearby town,
but was covered up by officials of the Soviet Union. Residents were
told the explosion in the reactor of the Victor-class submarine during
a refit had been a ‘thermal’ and not a nuclear explosion. And those
involved in the clean up operation to remove more than 600 tones of
contaminated material were sworn to secrecy.

A board of investigators was later to describe it as the worst

Sources accident in the history of the Soviet Navy.

In April 2005, the number of people killed in December 26 tsunami disaster which devastated in
Indian Ocean. Countries have been revised down to 217,000 after Indonesia drastically reduced
its number of missing. Indonesia remains the worst hit country with 163,978 people dead and

According to the National Disaster Relief Coordination Agency, the number confirmed dead was
126,915 people while 37,067 were listed as missing. Officials said the figure listed as missing
had now been identified among more than half a million homeless people living in the temporary
camps or other shelters.


Venice is a city in northern Italy. It is the capital of region Veneto. Together with Padua, the city
is included in the Padua-Venice Metropolitan Area. Venice has been known as the “Queen of
the Adriatic”, “City of Water”, “City of Bridges”, and “The City of Light”. The city stretches across
117 small islands in the marshy Venetian Lagoon along the Adriatic Sea in northeast Italy.

Venice is world-famous for its canals. It is built on an archipelago of 117 islands formed by about
150 canals in a shallow lagoon. The islands on which the city is built are connected by about
400 bridges. In the old center, the canals serve the function of roads, and every form of transport
is on water or on foot.

You can ride gondola there. It is the classical Venetian boat which nowadays is mostly used for
tourists, or for weddings, funerals, or other ceremonies. Now, most Venetians travel by
motorised waterbuses (“vaporetti”) which ply regular routes along the major canals and between
the city’s islands. The city also has many private boats. The only gondolas still in common use
by Venetians are the traghetti, foot passenger ferries crossing the Grand Canal at certain points
without bridges.
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You can see the amusing city’s landmarks such as Piazza San Marco, Palazzo Contarini del
Bovolo, Saint Mark’s Cathedral or villas of the Veneto. The villas of the Veneto, rural residences
for nobles during the Republic, are one of the most interesting aspects of Venetian countryside.

They are surrounded by elegant gardens, suitable for fashionable parties of high society. The
city is also well known for its beautiful and romantic view, especially at night.


Is Smoking Good for Us?

Before we are going to smoke, it is better to look at the fact. About 50 thousands people die
every year in Britain as direct result of smoking. This is seven times as many as die in road
accidents. Nearly a quarter of smokers die because of diseases caused by smoking.

Ninety percent of lung cancers are caused by smoking. If we smoke five cigarettes a day, we
are six times more likely to die of lung cancer than a non smoker. If we smoke twenty cigarettes
a day, the risk is nineteen greater. Ninety five percent of people who suffer of bronchitis are
people who are smoking. Smokers are two and half times more likely to die of heart disease
than non smokers.

Additionally, children of smoker are more likely to develop bronchitis and pneumonia. In one
hour in smoky room, non smoker breathes as much as substance causing cancer as if he had
smoked fifteen cigarettes.

Smoking is really good for tobacco companies because they do make much money from
smoking habit. Smoking however is not good for every body else.

Notes on the generic structure:

From the generic structure, what make big different is that analytical exposition ends with
paragraph to strengthen the thesis while hortatory makes a recommendation for readers.

Thesis: This pre-conclusive paragraph states the writer’s point of view about the topic
discussed. Writer has show himself in clear position of the discussed topic. Paragraph 1 is the
thesis of this analytical exposition text. It states the fact of the very fatal impact of the smoking
habit. Clearly the writer wants to say that smoking is not a good habit.

Arguments: Presenting arguments in analytical exposition text is as important as giving conflict

plot in narrative text. The series of argument will strengthen the thesis stated before. In this
example of analytical exposition text, paragraph 2 and 3 are the detail arguments presented in
a reporting fact to support that smoking is not good even for smokers themselves. Furthermore,
people who do not smoke but they are in smoky area have the bad effect too from the smoking

Intermediate English – Super Brain Course Module | 51

Reiteration: This end paragraph actually is restating the thesis. It is something like conclusive
paragraph from the previous arguments. The last paragraph of this example of analytical
exposition points again that smoking is not good for smokers and people around smokers.
However smoking is very good for Cigarette Companies


There was a man who liked money very much. He worked all of his life and wanted to save all
of his money for his own future. He was a real miser when it came to his money. He loved money
more than just about anything.

Even, just before he died, he said to his wife; “Now listen, when I die, I want you to take all my
money and place it in the casket with me. I wanna take my money to the afterlife.” So he asked
his wife to promise him with all her heart that when he died, she would put all the money in the
casket with him.

Well, one day, he really died. Then he was stretched out in the casket. The wife was sitting there
in black clothes next to her closest friend. When they finished the ceremony, just before the
undertakers got ready to close the casket, the wife said “Wait just a minute!”
She had a box in her hands. She came over with the box and placed it in the casket. After that
the undertakers locked the casket down and rolled it away. Not long after that, her friend said,
“I hope you were not crazy enough to put all that money in the casket.”

The wife turned to her friend and replied; “Yes, because I have promised.” Then she continued;
“I can’t lie. I promised him that I was going to put that money in that casket with him.” Feeling
shocked, her friend said; “You mean that you have put every cent of his money in the casket
with him?” Then the wife answered; “Surely I did. I got it all together, put all the money into my
account and I just wrote him a check.”

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Watch your Kids While Watching TV

Television becomes one of the most important devices which take place inj another house. It
can unite all members of the family as well as separate them. However, is it important to know
what your kids are watching? The answer is, of course, absolutely “Yes” and that should be
done by all parents. Television can expose things you have tried to protect the children from,
especially violence, pornography, consumerism and so on.

Recently, a study demonstrated that spending too much time on watching TV during the day or
at bedtime often causes bed-time disruption, stress, and short sleep duration.

Another research found that there is a significant relationship between the amount of time spent
for watching television during adolescence and early adulthood, and the possibility of being

Meanwhile, many studies have identified a relationship between kids who watch TV a lot and
being inactive and overweight.

Considering some facts mentioning above, protect your children with such tips as: (1) limit
television viewing to one-two hours each day, (2) do not allow your children to have a TV set in
their own bedrooms, (3) review the rating of TV shows which your children watch, and (4) watch
television with your children and discuss what is happening in the show.

Notes on the Generic Structure of this Hortatory Exposition example

The above text can be considered as a hortatory exposition text, as its purpose is to influence
and persuade the readers by presenting the supporting arguments. The following is the analysis
of its generic structure:

Thesis: The writer’s thought is presented as thesis which is proven with several arguments. In
the first paragraph, the writer points his thought about the importance of accompanying children
while they are watching TV show. It is important to protect the children from the bad influences
of TV show.

Arguments: The next paragraphs show the writer arguments in supporting his thesis. It is
supported by various researches that there are a great relationship between watching TV and
the watcher’s personality. One study describes that much time in watching TV can cause bed-
time disruption. The others show the possibility of becoming an aggressive character because
of watching television too much.

Recommendation: After stating the thesis and proving with various arguments, the text is
completed with the writer’s recommendation on how the parents should protect the children from
the bed effect of watching TV.
Intermediate English – Super Brain Course Module | 53

How Rainbow is Formed

Rainbow is one of optic phenomena that happens in the atmosphere of the earth naturally. We
can see it at mountin range, or when it is cloudy, or when it is raining and rising of sun. We
have to be the other side for looking. We just can see it a half of circle form, but acctually the
rainbow is a circle form. We can see it perfectly, if it is seen by standing in the high place. It is
real that rainbow is a circle form not like parabola form. On the ground, we can not see perfectly,
except if we are in the high place like in the air plane or standing on top of moutain. When we
are looking at rainbow’s colors, we will see them that ordered of red is on the highest order, and
purple is on the lowest order.

Red is more dominant than another color caused by having biggest wave between others.
Therefore the red one is in the highest order and purple one is in lowest order. How rainbow is
formed? Try to watch it when light of sun concerns a 90-degree angle mirror or a glass prism
side, or surface of soap foam. We can see colors on the light. The light is rayyed to be
some wave lenght of light that it is seen by our eyes as red, bright red, yellow, green, blue and
purple. These colors are compnents of light that they are called visible light. The other
component is invisible light such as infrared (red is in the right side), and ultraviolet (bright red
is in the left side).

So, we can see the beautiful rainbow because there are some processes to be beautiful rainbow
that it appears in the sky.

Internet Game for Students

Internet game or game online is popular for students. It can refresh our mind from the busy
school day. Do you know the impact of the game online?

In fact, game online has many positive sides. It can make students be spared from being stress.
They can also learn English through the game online because it has many vocabularies of
instruction. Game online can stimulate the creativity of students because to play the game, we
need to think desperately hard.

On the other hand, internet game can make students of being lazy to study because they spend
too much of their time to play than to study. They also spend money to play the game if at home
they are not provided with internet connection. On the game online often appears many sexy
model which not necessary to be seen by them, it can make poisoning student’s mind.

Intermediate English – Super Brain Course Module | 54

Indeed there are pros and cons about game online. It depends on how we manage our time,
money, and the game to benefit our life.

Romantic Rhapsody

Written by Theresia, Student of SMAN ! Welahan Jepara, Grade XII PIA 2, 2006/2007

Artist: ADA Band

Title : Romantic Rhapsody
Genre : Pop
Production : EMI Music Indonesia

ADA band is the most popular group band in Indonesia. They are Doni (vocal), Krishna
(keyboard), Marshall (guitar), Dika (bass), and additional player on drum, Rere. ADA Band has
produced 6 album since 1996.

After successed with their album Heaven of Love, this time, ADA Band again release the 7th
album. The title is Romantic Rhapsody. There are 12 songs in this album. This is special album
because all of player make several songs. Not only that, but also the color of music is more

If we hear Senandung Lagu Cinta, we will hear the sound of Marshall’s guitar influenced by
classical guitar from spain. On the song of Jalan Cahaya, ADA Band featuring Ubiet. This song
is about God.

From 12 songs, Karena Wanita become a hit because this song is dedicated to all woman in
the world. This album is deserved to be obtained and you should have this album.

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Conditional sentence is a sentence that contains a requirement. It’s always formed as compound
sentences that consist of main clause and subordinate clause. Conditional sentence usually linked
with if.

Main clause is a part of compound sentence which can stand independently and also has a complete
meaning even though it’s separated from another part of compound sentence. Meanwhile,
Subordinate clause is a part of compound sentence which can’t stand independently if it’s separated
from another part of compound sentence.

In English, there are three types of conditional sentences as follows:

• Future Possible or Future Conditional Sentence

• Present Unreal or Present Conditional Sentence
• Past Unreal or Past Conditional Sentence

1) Future Possible or Future Conditional Sentence

Future conditional is a sentence that contains requirement that will happen in the future if one of
the conditions is fulfilled. The tenses that used in this sentence are:
✓ Simple Future Tense in Main Clause
✓ Simple Present Tense in Subordinate Clause

▪ If it rains tonight, I will not attend the meeting

▪ If he passes all his exams, he will graduate in June
The word if that followed by negative subordinate clause not can be changed with unless.

▪ I will come if I’m not busy

▪ I will come unless I’m busy (= except if I’m hurry)

But if the main clause is used for expressing something that permanent, the main clause or
subordinate clause is simple present tense. Example:

▪ He can pass the exam if he study hard.

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2) Present Unreal or Present Conditional Sentence

This form is used if we want to imagine something that contrary with the condition in the present
time. In this case, the speaker is quite pessimist because the possibilities of this event is a little.

The tenses that used in this sentence are:

▪ Simple Past in If Clause

▪ Past Future Tense (would, could, might, + infinitive) in main clause


o I would buy a new house if I got much money

o He would marry you if you loved him

In this case, auxiliary BE in If Clause become WERE for all kinds of subject.


o If I were you, I would leave college

o They would understand things better, if they were given laboratory experience

3) Past Unreal or Past Conditional Sentence

This form is used if we want to imagine other possibilities from an event that have been
happened in the past. In other words, this form can be used for expressing some conditions or
events that contrary with the reality in the past.

The tenses that used in this sentence are:

▪ Past Perfect in If Clause

▪ Past Future Perfect (would, could, might, + infinitive) in main clause.


o She would have passed the exam if she had studied hard before
o If I had known it was going to rain, I would have taken my umbrella with me.

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Conditional sentence can also be used without using conjunction if. We can use these following

Unless (We often use unless in warning)

- We’ll be late unless we hurry (= except if we hurry)
- Unless you work harder, you’re not going to pass the examination (= except if you work
As long as , provided (that), providing (that)

These expressions mean but only if:

- You can use my car as long as you drive carefully (= but only if you drive carefully)
- Traveling by car is convenient provided (that) you have somewhere to park (= but only
if you have somewhere to park)
- Providing (that) she studies hard, she should pass the examination (= but only if she
studies hard)

When you’re talking about the future, don’t uses will with unless, as long as,
provided, providing. Use a present tense:

We will be late unless we hurry (not unless we will hurry)


It is used to express improbable or impossible desire. (Expressing regret) Example:

- I wish I knew her address (= I don’t know her address)

- I wish I had arrived at the station on time this morning (= I was late at the station this

If only

It is used to express improbable or impossible desire, or strong regret. Example:

- If only I had more money, I could buy some clothes (= I don’t have money so I don’t buy
- if only somebody had told us, we could have warned you. (= somebody didn’t tell us, we
couldn’t warn you)

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The differences of the form and use between conditional sentences Type I, II, and Type III can

be seen in the following table:

Type I Type II Type III

Simple present Simple past Past perfect
Basic Pattern - will + infinitive - would + infinitive - would have + PP
If he goes, we will give If he went, we would give If he had gone, we
would have given

The Future Present Past

reference If he goes there, we will If he went there, w would If he had gone there,
give a permit give a permit we would have given

Tomorrow Now Yesterday

The use Open condition, or a Unreal present Unreal past

real condition.
To express possibility To express a wish To express a regret
the event is possible to The event is not The event is
take place possible to take place not possible to
take place

Special Use of were for all Inversion of subject

characteristic subject and verb

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I. Choose the correct answer

1. My neighbors ...................... if we’d invited them

a. would come c. will have come
b. would have come d. would have came

2., I would study hard.

a. were I student c. was I student
b. Am I student d. had I student

3. If he......... he would have gone abroad.

a. has a rich man c. has been a rich man

b. was a rich man d. had been a rich man

4. I’d have bought a car if I................... much money

a. had c. had been
b. had had d. have had

5.You’d have passed the exam.

a. You had studied hard c. You have studied hard.
b. Had you studied hard d. If had you studied hard.

6. If it rains tonight, I will not attend the meeting

a. I would not attended c. I would not attend.
b. I will not attend d. I will not attended

7. I would buy a big car house if I got much money. It means that :
a. I didn’t buy a big car c. I bought a big car
b. I will by a big car later d. I will not buy a big car

8. If only I had much money, I could buy some clothes. It means that :
a. I had much money c. I don’t buy clothes
b. I will not have much money d. I will buy clothes

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9. I was late at the station this morning. I wish …….at the station on time.
a. I arrived c. I had arrived
b. I arrive d. I have arrived

10. Providing (that) she studies hard, she should pass the examination. It means that she will
not pass the examination if …….
a. she studies hard c. she did not study hard
b. she studied hard d. she does not study hard

II. Change the following conditional sentence to other types

He would marry you if you loved him

Type I………………………………………………………………..
Type III ………………………………………………………………..

III. What is the meaning or the real fact of the following sentences?

1. I wish I were a student


2. I could have attended the seminar if I had been invited


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In English grammar, a quantifier is a word (or phrase) which indicates the number or amount
being referred to. It generally comes before the noun (or noun phrase). The chart below shows
which type of noun goes with which quantifier.

However, note that some of the examples in the chart can take on several different roles within
a sentence. For example, ‘any’ can be used as a quantifier, a pronoun or an adverb:

• any as a quantifier: Have you got any tomatoes?

• any as a pronoun: I don’t want any of you making a noise.
• any as an adverb: Can’t this car go any faster?

In these notes, we are only considering these words/phrases as quantifiers.

Quantifier Singular Plural Uncountable

nouns (C) nouns (C) nouns (U)
all – Yes Yes
any No, but see note. Yes Yes
both * Yes *
each Yes – –
enough – Yes Yes
every Yes – –
few/a few/fewer – Yes –
little/a little/less – – Yes
lots of / a lot of – Yes Yes
many – Yes –
more – Yes Yes
no Yes Yes Yes
several – Yes –
some – Yes Yes

Quantifiers are used at the beginning of noun phrases:

• before a noun on its own: fewer answers

• before an adjective and noun: some useful phrases
• before an adverb, adjective and noun: every really pleasant experience

Normally two quantifiers cannot be used together before the same noun. However, the
quantifiers all and both are found immediately before the or a possessive pronoun: all my
relatives, both the ministers. You will also see the following combinations of quantifiers:

Intermediate English – Super Brain Course Module | 62

• a little less noise
• a few more questions
• every few minutes


These are all used to talk about a large quantity of something; many is used only with C ountable
nouns, much with Uncountable nouns and a lot of can be used with both.

Only many and much can be preceded by the words how, to form questions (how many / how
much …?).

The word too can be used to express a negative idea (too hot, too cold) and so, to show the
speaker’s attitude to the quantity (so many that … /so much he couldn’t …).

Many and much tend to be rather formal in use and are therefore often found in legal
documents, academic papers and so on; in speech we often use phrases like a lot of, loads
of, tons of, hundreds of.

Uncountable nouns Countable nouns

How much sugar do you have? How many people came to the concert?

There's not much sugar at the Not many people came to the concert.

I have too much sugar at home. There were too many people at the concert.

I don't know what to do with so It's a problem when there are so many people.
much sugar.

I wish there was not so much There were not so many people last year.
sugar here.

There is a lot of sugar in candy. There are many people who want to come. = There are a lot
of people who want to come.

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Again, the meaning of these two words is similar since they both refer to small quantities, except
that few is found with Countable nouns and little with Uncountable nouns.

If they are used without the indefinite article, a, they have the sense of not enough and are
negative in feeling (few events, little interest) but these are quite formal and we would normally
prefer not many events and not much interest.

When few and little are used witha they simply mean a small quantity with no extra negative
overtones: a few events (i.e. three or four) and a little interest (i.e. some interest, but not a lot).


Any can be used before countable and uncountable nouns usually in questions and negatives

• Are you bringing any friends with you?

• Do you have any coffee?
• I can’t remember any songs.
• He isn’t taking any chances.

If we stress the word any heavily when speaking, we are suggesting an unlimited choice from a
range of things or an unrestricted quantity; in this case its use is not confined to just questions
and negatives:

• Help yourself to any sandwiches. (the choice is yours)

• Don’t you like any Beatles song? (I can’t believe you dislike them all)
• I can’t see any difference. (nothing at all)


Some is usually thought of as the positive counterpart to any in many circumstances.

• I’m bringing some friends with me.

• I have some coffee.

Like any it is used before both Countable and Uncountable nouns, and means an indefinite
quantity but not a large amount. The general rule given above for the use of any in negative
sentences and questions does not always hold in requests and offers where we often
use some to mean a small amount of a known quantity:

• Would you like some cake? (here is the cake, do you want a piece of it?)
• Could I have some biscuits instead? (any would not be possible in this case)

If we stress the word some in positive and negative sentences and in questions, we are
suggesting a limited quantity or number of something:

Intermediate English – Super Brain Course Module | 64

• I like some Beatles songs. (But certainly not all!)
• I can see some difference. (But not a lot!)


a. Definition Active and Passive sentences

➢ Active sentence is the verb form used when the subject of a sentence does the action. Example:

She drove a car

➢ Passive sentence is the verb form used when the subject of a sentence is affected by the

action. Example: A car was driven by her

b. The Way to Form Active and Passive sentences

➢ Active sentences

If we want to form an active sentence, we do not need any special regulations, because there is

no special key. Just pay attention with the tenses. As we know that English has movement verb

that we have to know well.

Example: She goes to school, She went to school yesterday.

➢ Passive Sentences

The passive sentence has special ways to form it. Beside we have to pay attention with movement

of verbs, we have to give special attention with such thing. There are four ways to form passive

sentences. Put an object of active sentence in the beginning of passive sentence (object of active

sentence becomes subject in passive sentence). Example: He ate banana (active). Banana was

eaten by him (passive)

Intermediate English – Super Brain Course Module | 65


Simple (+) My brother eats lapa-lapa. (+) Lapa- lapa is eaten by my brother.
Present (-) My bother does not eat lapa- lapa. (-) Lapa- lapa is not eaten by my brother
(?) Does my brother eat lapa- lapa? (?) Is lapa- lapa eaten by my brother?

Present (+) Tono is writing a letter (+) A letter is being written by Tono
Continuous (-) Tono is not writing a letter (-) A letter is not being written by Tono
(?) Is Tono writing a letter? (?) Is a letter being written by Tono?

Present (+) She has closed the door (+) The door has been closed by her
Perfect (-) She has not closed the door (-) The door has not been closed by her
(?) Has she closed the door? (?) Has the door been closed by her?

Present (+) He has been waiting for you (+) You have been being waited for by him.
Perfect (-) He has not been waiting for you (-) You have not been being waited for by him
(?) Has he been waiting for you? (?) Have you been being waited for by him

Simple Past (+) He stole a present (+) A present was stolen by him
(-) He did not steal a present (-) A preset was not stolen by him
(?) Did he steal a present? (?) Was a present stolen by him?
Past ( + ) She was explaining lessons ( + ) Lessons were being explained by her
Continuous ( - ) She was not explaining lessons ( - ) Lessons were not being explained by her
( ? ) Was she r explaining lessons ( ? ) Were lessons being explained by her?

Past Perfect ( + ) Jono had helped me ( + ) I had been helped by Jono

( - ) Jono had not helped me ( - ) I had not been helped by Jono
( ? ) Had Jono helped me? ( ? ) Had I been helped by Jono?
Past Perfect ( + ) She had been driving a car ( + ) A car had been being driven by her
Continuous ( - ) She had not been driving a car ( - ) A car had not been being driven by her
( ? ) Had she been driving a car? ( ? ) Had a car been being driven by her?

Simple Future ( + ) He will open the door ( + ) The door will be opened by me
( - ) He will not open the door
66 | S B C - I n t e r m e d i a t e E n g l i s h
( ? ) Will he open the door? ( - ) The door will not be opened by me ( ? )
Will I be opened the door?
Future ( + ) I will be reading some books (+) Some books will be being read by me
Continuous ( - ) I will not be reading some books ( ( - ) Some books will not be being read by me.
? ) Will I be reading some book? ( ? ) Will some books be being read by me?

Future Perfect ( + ) I will have won your heart ( + ) Your heart will have been won by me
( - ) I will not have won your heart ( - ) Your heart will not have been won by me
( ? ) Will I have won your heart? ( ? ) Will your heart have been won by me?

Future Perfect ( + ) I will have been leaving you ( + ) You will have been being left by me
Continuous ( - ) I will not have been leaving you ( ? ( - ) You will not have been being left by me
) Will I have been leaving you? ( ? ) Will you have been being left by me?
Past Future ( + ) I would buy a house ( + ) A house would be bought by me
( - ) I would not buy a house ( - ) A house would not be bought by me
( ? ) Would I buy a house? ( ? ) Would a house be bought by me?
Past Future ( + ) She would be reading novel ( + ) Novel would be being read by her
Continuous ( - ) She would not be reading novel ( - ) Novel would not be being read by her
( ? ) Would she be reading novel? ( ? ) Would novel be being read by her?
Past Future ( + ) They would have eaten cake ( + ) Cake would have been eaten by them
Perfect ( - ) They would not have eaten cake ( (-) Cake would not have been eaten by
? ) Would they have eaten cake? them
( ? ) Would cake have been eaten by them?
Past Future ( + ) He would have been leaving her ( ( + ) She would have been being left by him
Perfect - ) He would have been leaving her ( ? ( - ) She would not have been being left by
Continuous ) Would he have been leaving her? him
( ? ) Would she have been being left by him?

Modals I can do it She must do it It can be done by me

Auxiliary You may do it It must be done by her It may be done by you
You might do it He could do it Etc. It might be done by you It could be done by
him Etc.

67 | S B C - I n t e r m e d i a t e E n g l i s h

Choose the correct answer

1. That novel has already……………by Mayangsari

a. read c. been read

b. been reading d. being read

2. Mathematics……………at semester V.

a. are taught c. was taught

b. were taught d. has taught

3. The door of the room is being……………by Ani right now.

a. lock c. been locked

b. being locked d. locked

4. Many of Gold medals……………by China’s Athletics in Olympiad.

a. were get c. were gotten

b. are gotten d. got

5. They were not……………to repair the chair that has been broken by Jojo yesterday.

a. asks c. asked

b. has asked d. have ask

68 | S B C - I n t e r m e d i a t e E n g l i s h

Error Recognition Tests were designed to help you practice English error recognition. You will read a
sentence with underlined words or phrases. Find the word or phrase that is incorrect. There are four
choices for you to choose. You should choose the most appropriate answer to complete the question.


There is two cars over there.

A. There
B. is
C. two
D. there

The correct answer is B. Directions: Select the error in one of the underlined parts in each sentence.

1. The people of Punjab will have a chance to vote for the first time in seven years this week;
they haven’t had many election meetings, campaign posters or political banners to help
guided their choice.

a. Will have
b. Vote
c. Election meetings
d. Guided

2. As medical costs soar, the idea of a complete physical checkup has come under fire as both
a waste of time or money.

a. As
b. Complete
c. Under
d. or

3. The major function of kidneys is the excretion of metabolic wastes and excess substances
through the formation of urine.

a. Major
b. Is
69 | S B C - I n t e r m e d i a t e E n g l i s h
c. Excess
d. Formation of urine

4. They requested that the superintendent of the building should be cleaned up the storage
room in the basement so that the children had enough space for their indoor activities.

a. Should be cleaned c. Had

b. Storage d. Enough space

5. Bangkok is so a very densely-populated city that there is no city comparable to it.

a. So a very c. No
b. Densely-populated d. Comparable

6. Industrial buyers are responsible for supplying the goods and services that an organization
requiring for its operations.

a. Buyers c. Supplying
b. Responsible d. Requiring

7. Reptiles were widely distributed all over the world, but are much abundant in warm regions
and are virtually absent beyond the tree line in the Arctic.

a. Widely distributed c. Virtually

b. Much d. Beyond

8. Oil prices continued to fall yesterday as concerns eased that a tropical storm blows through
the Caribbean could damage oil facilities in the Gulf of Mexico.

a. to fall c. blows
b. tropical d. facilities

9. A deadly fungus is threatening the survival of one of our best – loved and most healthiness
snacks----the banana.

a. Deadly c. Survival
b. Is threatening d. Most healthiness

10. Greater financial integration within Asia would help reducing mismatches and transaction
costs as a result of using the US dollars as the primary medium for settlement.

a. Reducing c. As a result of
b. Costs d. The primary medium
70 | S B C - I n t e r m e d i a t e E n g l i s h
11. Located in the popular Chaweng Beach, Amari Palm Reef Resort and Spa Samui offers a
deal that includes three-night accommodation in a deluxe family duplex room.

a. Located in c. three-night
b. Offers d. a deluxe family duplex room.

12. The Samsung Bordeaux LCDTV has designed not just to function as a state-of-the art
television but to beautifully blend in with modern interior design.

a. Has designed c. Beautifully

b. Function d. Modern interior design.

13. Chiang Mai University is the latest campus to adopt a wireless network strategy, with
students now able to assess the Internet from a notebook or mobile device more

a. Latest c. Assess
b. Adopt d. Conveniently

14. US President George W Bush praised German Chancellor Angela Merkel as someone
“Who I proud to call a friend” as the two leaders got a warm reception from town people in
the northern port of Stralsund, Merkel’s home district.

a. Praised c. proud
b. As d. Merkel’s home district.

15. Testing oral proficiency has become one of the most important issue in language testing
since the role of speaking ability has become more central in language testing.

a. Proficiency c. since
b. Important issue d. more central

71 | S B C - I n t e r m e d i a t e E n g l i s h

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