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ECE 11: Communications 3 - Transmission Media and Antenna System & Design

Quiz 1

I. Multiple Choice. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Made of two parallel conductors separated by a space of 1 ⁄2 in to several inches.
a. Parallel-Wire lines c. Twisted-pair cable
b. Coaxial cable d. UTP cable

2. The most widely used type of transmission line is coaxial cable, which consists of a solid
center conductor surrounded by a dielectric material.
a. Parallel-Wire lines c. Twisted-pair cable
b. Coaxial cable d. UTP cable

3. Uses two insulated solid copper wires covered with insulation and loosely twisted together.
a. Parallel-Wire lines c. Twisted-pair cable
b. Coaxial cable d. UTP cable

4. Type of transmission line where one in which neither wire is connected to ground.
a. Coaxial cable c. UTP cable
b. balanced line d. unbalanced line

5. Type of transmission line where one conductor is connected to ground.

a. Coaxial cable c. UTP cable
b. balanced line d. unbalanced line

II. Problem Solving. Show your solutions clearly. Emphasize your final answer.
1. For an operating frequency of 700-MHz, what length of a pair of conductors is considered to
be a transmission line?

2. Solve for the operating frequency of a pair of conductors with a length of 0.071135 meters.

3. Calculate the physical length of the transmission line with operating frequency of 350-MHz a
3/5 wavelengths long.

4. Solve for the operating frequency of a transmission line with a physical length of 0.30 meters
and a 3/7 wavelengths long.

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