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Name of Group- Group One

Name of Members- Anand Persaud (LEADER)

Milcah Victorine (ASSISTANT LEADER)
Claire Cole
Malachi Alicock
Maryanne King

Name of Subject- English B

Name of Teacher- Miss Henry

Name of Class- Grade 8D


1. What activities do the pupils engage in?

The students engage in typical classroom activities such as reading, writing, and
recitation. However, the focus of the poem is more on the teacher's internal
struggles and disillusionment rather than specific activities of the students.

2. How does the teacher regard these activities?

The teacher regards the activities with a sense of frustration and weariness. He sees
them as mundane tasks that offer little fulfillment or inspiration. The repetition of
these activities only serves to deepen his disillusionment with his profession.

3. Explain how the feeling of resignation descends on the teacher.

First it is the teacher's students refusal and un cooperation to learn their work and
the knowledge being taught to them the way the majority of the students present
their book is untidy, scrawly and is blotted with ink. All of this takes a huge toll on
the teacher causing him to lose hope in his students and question the point of
teaching them. All of the stress the students and the job is giving him would make
him contemplate resigning. And this is how the feeling of resignation
descends on the teacher.

3. State two metaphors used to describe the students and explain whether you think
they are appropriate given the overall tone of this poem.
"My pack of unruly hounds"
"A quarry of knowledge they hate to hunt" The comparison of "My pack of
hounds”, in the poem likens the students to a group of animals highlighting their
disobedient and troublesome nature. This reflects the challenges faced by the
speaker in maintaining order and discipline within the classroom adding to the tone
of frustration and exhaustion portrayed in the poem.
Similarly the metaphor "A quarry of knowledge they hate to hunt" draws a parallel
between seeking knowledge and hunting indicating that the students have a dislike
for learning. It suggests that they lack interest or are reluctant to engage with
content. This metaphor resonates with the overarching theme of student apathy and
challenges faced by educators in inspiring enthusiasm, for learning.

5. Do you think the feelings of the teacher are temporary or permanent? Explain
your answer fully.
The teacher in the poetry piece describes how she feels tired, angry, and
disappointed with her students, pupils, and the entire educational system. Her
tiredness is more fleeting in nature and be relevant to certain situations unlike the
enduring pain she carried before. Teachers' know high tides and moments of low
mood, sometimes under the influence of factors. The poem aims to point out a
more transient nature of the feelings, but no extra information is supplied in order
to confirm, whether it refers to temporal or lasting instances.

6. What use is made of rhetorical questions in the poem?

The use of rhetorical questions in this piece of writing is used make a point as we
see in the first line where the narrator, the teacher, wishes to express their feelings
of frustration and torment.

7. Why does the poet use so many exclamation marks in the poem?
The poet uses a lot of exclamation marks to express his extreme emotions of anger,
frustration and stress.

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