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Journal of Chromatography, 624 (1992) 37-5 1

Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam

CHROM. 24 178


Gas chromatography of fatty acids

N. C. Shantha*
Department of Animal Sciences, Food Science Section, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 40546-0215 (USA)

Guillermo E. Napolitano
Environmental Sciences Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN 37831, and Centre for Environmental
Biotechnology, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN 37831 (USA)


Lipids in foods contain a wide variety of fatty acids differing in chain length, degree of unsaturation, position and configuration of
double bonds and the presence of special functional groups. Modern capillary gas chromatography offers excellent separation of fatty
acids. Fused-silica capillary columns with stationary phases of medium polarity and non-polar methylsilicone stationary phases suc-
cessfully separate most of the natural fatty acids. Special applications, such as the separation of complex cis-tram fatty acid mixtures
and cyclic fatty acids, require particular chromatographic conditions, including the use of very long capillary columns or more polar
stationary phases. The derivatization methods for the preparation of fatty acid esters also need to be optimized to obtain accurate
quantitative results. This paper reviews the derivatization techniques, capillary columns and stationary phases commonly used in the
gas chromatography of fatty acids in food.


I. Introduction .............. 38
2. Preparation of fatty acid methyl esters ... . 38
2.1. Base-catalyzed reagents ....... . 38
2.2. Acid-catalyzed reagents ....... 39
2.3. Diazomethane ........... 39
2.4. Other esterification reagents ..... 40
2.5. Preparation of esters other than methyl 41
3. GC columns and stationary phases .... 41
3.1. Polar versus non-polar stationary phases . 42
4. Applications in food analysis ....... 45
4.1. Microbiology ........... 45
4.2. Dairy products .......... 45
4.3. Vegetable oils ........... 45
4.4. Fish oils ............. 48
5. Quantification ............. 48
6. Conclusions .............. . 49
7. Acknowledgements ........... . . . 49
References . . 49

002 l-9673/92/$1 5.00 0 1992 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. All rights reserved

1. INTRODUCTION that convert free fatty acids to esters) and transes-

terification reagents (those which convert acylglyc-
The gas chromatography (GC) of fatty acid erols to fatty acid esters), generally fall into two
methyl esters with flame ionization detection (FID) categories: “acid-catalyzed” and “base-catalyzed”
is the most often used method for the analysis of reagents. An early excellent review by Sheppard
fatty acids. The advent of wall-coated open-tubular and Iverson [2] discussed in detail the various ester-
(WCOT or capillary) chromatographic columns, ification and transesterification reagents. After a
now available with different stationary phases, offer survey of the various reagents and methods, they
excellent resolution capabilities regardless of the concluded that “... there is no method of esterifica-
sample type. The differing nature of fatty acids tion that is ideal”. They agreed, however, that most
present in various food groups, such as vegetable of these methods are acceptable if used properly.
oils, including hydrogenated oils, dairy and meat Bannon et al. [3] reviewed in detail base methoxide-
fats and fish oils, requires different conditions in catalyzed transesterification, which they referred to
their GC analysis. as methanolysis. They pointed out the various pit-
In this review, the various aspects of the transes- falls and discrepancies associated with the publish-
terification of lipids, involving different reagents ed methods and proposed a suitable methodology
and derivatization techniques, are discussed. The taking into consideration the desirable features of
performance of the most commonly used packed the existing procedures.
and capillary GC columns in the analysis of fatty
acids in foods is evaluated. 2.1. Base-catalyzed reagents
The analysis of fatty acids involves mainly two Sodium methoxide in methanol is generally ac-
steps: the preparation of the fatty acid methyl esters cepted for the conversion of the acylglycerols to
(FAMES) and the analysis of the FAMES by GC. methyl esters. Nevertheless, this technique is not
very useful when large amounts of free fatty acids
2. PREPARATION OF FATTY ACID METHYL ESTERS (FFAs) are present in the sample [4]. This transes-
terification method is rapid and can be carried out
It is necessary to optimize the derivatization step at room temperature. Under such mild conditions
in order to obtain accurate quantitative results. In a the reagent does not cause any isomerization of
study of the myocardial metabolism of fatty acids, double bonds, nor does it liberate the aldehyde
by the GC analysis of FAMES using boron trifluo- from the plasmalogens, which could complicate the
ride (BF&methanol as esterification reagent, Al chromatogram. The sphingolipids and cholesterol
Makdessi et al. [I] concluded that the sample prep- esters need more vigorous conditions for transester-
aration procedure directly affected the quantitative ification with sodium methoxide [4]. A disadvan-
results. tage with this base-catalyzed transesterification re-
The common procedural deficiencies associated agent is that it does not convert the FFAs into
with ester preparation include (i) incomplete con- FAMES. The conditions need to be anhydrous as
version of the lipids to FAMES; (ii) alteration of the the presence of water causes saponification, thereby
original fatty acid composition during esterifica- resulting in a loss of fatty acids. Negligent and pro-
tion, including the formation of positional and/or longed use of this reagent may cause alterations in
geometric isomers; (iii) formation of artifacts which the fatty acid composition. Use of high concentra-
can be wrongly identified as fatty acids; and (iv) tions of base and high temperatures could result in
contamination and subsequent damage of the GC the formation of conjugated fatty acids.
column resulting from traces of the esterification Potassium hydroxide in methanol is another
reagent (if not washed properly) or an unclean sam- transesterification reagent [5] commonly employed
ple. Incomplete sample clean-up may result in the in the transesterification of oils. Bannon et al. [3]
build-up of refractory material in the column and discussed the superiority of the sodium methoxide
detector, which in turn will affect the resolution and over the potassium hydroxide in methanol method,
quantitation. taking into consideration that the latter could result
Esterification reagents (referred here to reagents in saponification. They found the methoxide-reflux

method (which takes only 2 min) to be suitable for ance in the American Oil Chemists’ Society (AOCS)
the determination of fatty acids in a wide variety of method [S]. The Association of Official Analytical
fats. However, this technique is not accurate for the Chemists (AOAC) procedure [13] involves the sa-
determination of short-chain fatty acid esters such ponification of the acylglycerols using sodium hy-
as methyl butyrate and caproate, which are present droxide in methanol followed by esterification with
in considerable amounts in dairy fat. The removal BF3-methanol to give the FAMES. This method
of the excess of sodium methoxide by washing with has been stated to be not useful for fatty acids con-
brine solution before GC analysis is strongly rec- taining unusual functional groups such as epoxy,
ommended, as the reagent tends to interfere in the cyclopropenyl, cyclopropyl, acetylenic or conjugat-
analysis [3]. Sodium methoxide is a popular meth- ed unsaturation. Although the first step is generally
ylating agent in the oil industry, especially for re- considered to be saponification, Ackman et al. [14]
fined oils, where the FFAs have already been re- clarified that the first step, which involves the use of
moved during the refining stage [6]. A series of pub- alcoholic sodium hydroxide, is a base-catalyzed
lications [3,6-91 from the Unilever group in Austra- transesterification and not saponification. Christie
lia are devoted to alkali-catalyzed transesterifica- [4] is of the opinion that BF3-methanol has been
tions and the accuracy of the GC analysis of fatty overrated as a transesterification reagent; it is
acids. known to form artifacts and is not particularly suit-
More recently, guanidine and its alkylated deriv- able for seed oils containing unusual fatty acids.
atives in methanol have been used to catalyze the The reagent reacts with the plasmalogens to liberate
esterification of oils and fats [lo]. This basic reagent the aldehyde, which is then converted into dimethyl
causes the complete methanolysis of oils, convert- acetals. The dimethyl acetals (depending on the
ing both the acylglycerols and the free fatty acids chain length) may interfere in the fatty acid analysis
into methyl esters. The FFAs are said to form the by GC [1.5]. The reagent reacts with cholesterol to
salt guanidinium carboxylate, which in the presence give cholesteryl methyl ether and cholestadiene,
of excess of methanol forms the methyl ester. which also interfere in the GC analysis of fatty
Again, the excess of reagent needs to be extracted acids. The reagent is expensive and has a limited
before the sample is injected into the GC column. shelf-life if not refrigerated. Use of old or concen-
Schuchardt and Lopes [lo] compared guanidine- trated reagents has been shown to result in loss of
catalyzed methanolysis with the Ce 2-66 (20% BF3- polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) [4]. In spite of
methanol) AOCS method [11] and the Hartman these various disadvantages, BF3-methanol is cur-
and Lago method (NH4Cl-HZS04 in methanol) rently accepted as being of great value for the rapid
[12] to study the fatty acid composition of several methylation of fatty acids.
seed oils. The results with the first method were Aluminum chloride in methanol has been used to
comparable to those obtained by the Ce 2-66 meth- transesterify a number of lipid samples [16]. With
od, the linoleic acid concentration being slightly milk and vegetable oils the transesterification re-
higher than that obtained by the Hartman and La- agent was added directly without prior extraction of
go method [12]. The reagent is inexpensive ,and lipids. This reagent was comparable to BF3-metha-
mild, causing no isomerization of double bonds. no1 for the transesterification of cholesteryl esters.
This derivatization reaction is rapid, requiring 2 The product of methylation obtained by using this
min of heating in a boiling water-bath. reagent showed no artifact when analyzed by TLC,
whereas the BF,-methanol reagent showed some
2.2. Acid-catalyzed reagents extra spots on the TLC plates. One of the disad-
Among the various acid-catalyzed reagents (such vantages with the aluminium chloride reagent is
as methanolic hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid in that it does not esterify the FFAs. Hence it appears
methanol and acetyl chloride in methanol), boron that in spite of being a Lewis acid, like boron triflu-
trifluoride in methanol has found wide application oride, it does not behave in a similar way.
as a good reagent to convert both the acylglycerols
and the FFAs into methyl esters. The popularity of 2.3. Diazomethane
this reagent may be due, in part, to its early accept- Diazomethane is a rapid esterification reagent

which esterifies FFAs to FAMES in the presence of able GC properties [23]. TMTFTAH on breakdown
methanol [4]. The reaction is almost instantaneous gives m-trifluorotolyldimethylamine, which has
at room temperature, the excess of reagent being been shown to interfere in the separation of medi-
easily eliminated by evaporation under nitrogen. um-chain fatty acids [23]. Trimethylsulfonium hy-
However, diazomethane is extremely toxic. More- droxide (TMSH) is another single-step transester-
over, diazomethane is known to form artifacts by ification reagent that requires no additional extrac-
reacting with double bonds or carbonyl groups [ 171. tion. The product of its pyrolysis, dimethyl sulfide,
The high reactivity of this reagent is said to work to elutes with the solvent peak during GC analysis
its own limitations [17]. It is recommended that di- ~31.
azomethane be used only if absolutely necessary [4]. Emphasis has also been placed on a one-step di-
gestion, extraction and esterification of lipid sam-
2.4. Other esterlfktion reagents ples, which has been referred to as “direct transes-
The past decade has witnessed the emergence of a terification” by most researchers [24,25]. This meth-
number of methods for the preparation of FAMES. od circumvents the extraction and isolation of lip-
Most of the methods involved modification of exist- ids, thus saving considerable amounts of time and
ing procedures or incorporation of new reagents, chemicals. The sample is taken in a solvent and
and were invariably accented towards the rapidity treated with acetyl chloride in methanol to give
of the method. With the large number of samples FAMES. This method has been modified in that dif-
that need to be analyzed, there was a general tend- ferent solvents have been used. The transesterifica-
ency to seek rapid methods for esterification and tion reagent, heating time and temperature have al-
analysis. so been modified. This direct method has been ap-
Strongly basic quaternary salts of ammonia such plied to determine the fatty acid composition of dif-
as m-trifluoromethylphenyltrimethylammonium ferent tissues, plasma, feeds, faeces, milk fat, etc.
hydroxide (TFMPTAH) in methanol [ 181, trimeth- [24-261. Sukhija and Palmquist [26] carried out the
ylphenylammonium hydroxide (TMPAH) [ 191 and experiment both in benzene and in chloroform.
tetramethylammonium hydroxide (TMAH) [20-221 However, when using chloroform one should be
have found applications as transesterification cata- careful because the ethanol present as a stabilizer in
lysts for acylglycerols. The FFAs which may be pre- chloroform could result in the formation of ethyl
sent in the sample are converted into quaternary esters, which would interfere in the GC of FAMES
ammonium salts, which under the pyrolytic condi- [27]. Chloroform, in the presence of base and heat,
tions of the gas chromatograph give the corre- forms dichlorocarbene, which reacts with the dou-
sponding methyl esters. The advantages of these ble bond of unsaturated fatty acids [4]. The hazard-
methods include a single-step transesterification, in- ous benzene can be replaced with toluene.
stead of the conventional saponification followed The direct method has been compared with the
by esterification. These reagents do not require an traditional extraction, Folch wash procedure [28]
extraction step, which is of particular concern when by Lepage and. Roy [24]. This method led to an
dealing with short-chain fatty acids. Metcalfe and increase in total fatty acids for plasma, faeces, bile
Wang [20] have shown that with the use of TMAH and rat liver as compared with the Folch wash.
as reagent, one can separately determine the fatty They concluded that the direct esterification meth-
acid composition of the glycerides and the FFAs. od was more efficient than the prevailing methods
With a slight modification the total fatty acid com- because of its simplicity, rapidity and higher accu-
position can be determined. However, the sample racy.
has to be neutralized before injection into the GC Bitman [25] applied the direct transesterification
system. The high alkalinity and the relatively high method using acetyl chloride in methanol to human
column temperature in the pyrolytic methylation and cow milk fat and compared it with the NaOH-
step often cause isomerization of the double bond, methanol, BF3-methanol and acetyl chloride-
resulting in the formation of conjugated acids. The methanol methods for the lipids extracted by the
excess of TMAH breaks down to give trimethyl- traditional Folch wash. The results compared well
amine, methanol and dimethyl ether with accept- for most fatty acids in cow milk. The only exception

was a significantly lower mass percentage of Cq acid mental effect of excess of transesterification reagent
by the direct transesterification as compared with on the GC column [3], even after predicting the ef-
the other methods. This derivatization technique fect, would be a misuse of resources. Hence it would
was comparable to the BF3-methanol method ap- be useful to receive information from different
plied to Folch extracts for the analysis of human workers using such new reagents. The accuracy of
milk fatty acids. Browse et al. [29] used hot metha- the method should be demonstrated on primary
nolic hydrochloric acid to digest the leaf tissue and standards, short- and long-chain and polyunsatu-
to convert the fatty acids directly to FAMES. The rated fatty acids. It should be carefully assessed
FAMES were then extracted into the organic layer whether the method results in a preferential loss of
and analyzed by GC. This procedure resulted in a certain fatty acids or causes the formation of conju-
lower (IO-20%) yield of fatty acids as compared gated or different geometric isomers. This point
with the conventional extraction, saponification cannot be more stressed, taking into consideration
and methylation steps to obtain FAMES. that the conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), especially
the 9-cis,l l-trans-isomer, has been shown to exhibit
2.5. Preparation of esters other than methyl anticarcinogenic activity [33-351. CLA, which oc-
Esters other than methyl can be prepared for a curs in a number of foodstuffs (cheeses, milk fat,
variety of reasons [4], e.g., butyl esters [30,31] for beef, etc.) has mostly been determined by the GC
the analysis of short-chain fatty acids present in analysis *of the FAMES [33-361. The differing
dairy fats. The wide range of fatty acids (C&&) amounts of CLA reported in the same foodstuffs
present in dairy fat and the volatility and solubility could be due to a number of factors [34,36]; a pos-
of the short-chain fatty acids require special atten- sible reason could be that CLA was either formed
tion in the preparation of FAMES and GC analysis. or destroyed during esterification. We are currently
The best methods for transesterification of such fats assessing various esterification methods to study
would be those in which no heating or solvent evap- their applicability to correctly determine the differ-
oration (which could result in the loss of volatile ent isomers of conjugated dienoic fatty acids pres-
fatty acids) or extraction with water (resulting in the ent in dairy and meat products. The preferred re-
loss of soluble short-chain fatty acids) is involved. agent is that which does not cause any positional or
The Christopherson and Glass method [32] using geometric isomerization of the double bonds and
sodium methoxide in methanol is generally recom- gives a total recovery of the short-chain fatty acids.
mended; however, the preparation of fatty acid bu-
tyl esters has been shown to give better recoveries of 3. GC COLUMNS AND STATIONARY PHASES
short-chain fatty acids. The method was discussed
in detail by Iverson and Sheppard [30,31]. The superior resolution capability of capillary
It is apparent that most of the reagents discussed columns allows the routine identification of fatty
above would serve the purpose depending on what acids on the basics of retention time alone, especial-
type of sample is to be analyzed. However, care ly if the analysis is performed with stationary phas-
must be taken to follow the method exactly as spec- es of different polarities. A wealth of data on the
ified because even a minor modification such as the retention times and related parameters of most
use of cold instead of tepid water for extraction of common fatty acids are available [37-391.
the reagent [8], shaking manually instead of vortex The use of packed columns for the analysis of
mixing the solution [8] or heating for an extra few fatty acids in food products and other samples is
minutes [14] could account for an inaccurate fatty well known. Packed GC columns are still accept-
acid composition. With the newer reagents, espe- able for preliminary analysis or screening proce-
cially where no extraction of the transesterification dures, but the increasing concern for the detection
reagent is involved, their long-term effect on the GC of specific fatty acid components in plant and ani-
column should be assessed. When introducing a mal tissues requires a much higher resolving power.
new reagent it is not always practical to test its pro- Problems in maintaining a steady flow and the de-
longed use on the GC column. To inject a sample 80 velopment of multiple flow paths of the carrier gas
times into the GC system just to show the detri- in packed columns limit the total column length to

about 6 m. On the other hand, the permeability of ary phase is a primary factor in determining the
capillary columns allows for columns up to 100 m retention of the sample components. Thick films
long, with ca. 4 . lo5 theoretical plates [40]. will produce longer retention times and better reso-
The development of fused-silica capillary col- lution. Thick films are recommended for volatile
umns was a breakthrough in GC. Capillary col- solutes such as short-chain (i.e., C2-Cs) fatty acids.
umns made of stainless steel or borosilicate glass Most analyses, however, can be accomplished with
exhibited similar polarities and elution properties to the standard film thickness of 0.25 mm and an i.d.
modern fused-silica supports [41]. Stainless-steel or of 0.32 mm.
glass supports, however, presented problems of
chemical reactivity or fragility, respectively [42]. 3.1. Polar versus non-polar stationary phases
Fused-silica columns provide a chemically inert While column selection in packed-column GC
support for the stationary phase. Modern fused-sil- was crucial to obtaining satisfactory results, the
ica capillary columns are treated with a polyamide greater resolution capacity of capillary columns
to decrease the possibility of damage due to an in- made column selection less important. Most of the
crease in flexibility. As this is essentially an external commercially available columns offer satisfactory
coating, the process does not modify the column separations of major fatty acids. In fact, capillary
polarity. columns coated with a few stationary phases have
Despite their long history and analytical superi- replaced dozens of different types of packed col-
ority, WCOT capillary columns have been widely umns [40]. Table 1 lists the frequently used station-
accepted only in the last decade. Difficulties were ary phases for capillary columns. Careful column
based on the fact that they can be easily overloaded, selection in capillary GC is still important for spe-
resulting in a considerable decrease in resolution cial applications, as will be described later. As a
and quantification capabilities. Capillary columns general rule, the use of the least polar phase which
demand more careful laboratory practices, a higher provides satisfactory results is recommended. Non-
detector response (for sharp and rapidly eluting polar phases exhibit superior lifetimes over polar
peaks) and a more sensitive detector for small sam- columns.
ple sizes. Ironically, capillary columns have been Capillary columns are commercially available
criticized for giving “too much information” [42]. with a variety of stationary phases of different
Resolution is a function of the square root of the chemical compositions. A convenient way of indi-
length of the column. Therefore, large increases in cating a GC column characteristic is the column
column length (and retention times) will be required polarity index (CP), which ranges between 0 and
in order to improve the resolution significantly if 100, from the extremely non-polar (squalene, CP =
other chromatographic conditions remain un- 0) to the most polar material available (cyanoethyl-
changed. Thus, most analyses are performed with silicone, CP = 100) [43]. Methylsilicones are among
an intermediate column length (e.g., 30 m). The use the most widely used non-polar stationary phases,
of longer columns would only be necessary for very and they were the first to be developed for capillary
complex mixtures (about 100 individual compo- GC [41]. Some of the advantages of methylsilicone
nents or more) and special applications (discussed columns are high thermal stability, a wide range of
later). operating temperatures and chemical inertness.
The inner diameter of the column also deter- Most FAME mixtures can be separated with meth-
mined the column efficiency, retention time and col- ylsilicone columns. In particular, very low polarity
umn capacity. For columns with identical station- phases such as purified methylsilicone are preferred.
ary phases, the smaller diameter would provide bet- On non-polar columns FAMES are eluted in order
ter peak resolution. In general, and when sample of their boiling points, and the unsaturated compo-
overloading is not a problem, the use of columns of nents elute ahead of the corresponding saturated
0.25 mm i.d. is recommended. component of the same chain length. This elution
In theory, the only part of the column that will order is the reverse of the elution order in columns
interact with the injected sample is the stationary with intermediate and highly polar stationary phas-
phase. Therefore, the film thickness of the station- es [41].



Chemical composition Brand names Polarity” Applications

100% Cyanopropylsilicone CP-Sil-88 (Silar-IOc) VP Soybean oil [61]

100% Cyanoethylsilicone oil SP-2340, OV-275 VP Milk fat [51], hydrogenated vegetable oils [62]

Methylsilicone polymer, 25% OV-225, DB-225, SP-2300 P Meat fat [67]

phenyl-50% methyl

Methylsilicone polymer, SE-54 NP Kernel oil [84]

1% vinyl-5% phenyl
Methylsilicone SPB- 1 NP Fish oils [79]
SPB-5 NP Seed oils [SS]

68% Biscyanopropyl- SP-2330 VP Butter oil, vegetable oils [62]

32% dimethylsiloxane
SP-2560 P Hydrogenated vegetable oils [62]

Polyethylene glycol DB-WAX, Supelcowax-IO, P Yeasts [48], butterfat [66], marine oils [73], [68],
Omegawax, Carbowax 20M blackcurrant seed oil [83], soybean oil [65] fu-
ran fatty acids [75], cottonseed oils [55]
95% Dimethyl- DB-5, SPB-5, CP-SIL 8CB NP Cottonseed oil [55]
5% diphenylpolysiloxane

100% Dimethylpolysiloxane DB-I, Rt-1, SPB-1, SP-2100, NP Yeasts [48]

OV-1, OV-101, CP-SIL 5CB

86% Dimethyl- DB-1701 P Yeasts [48]

14% cyanopropylphenylpolysiloxane

Acidified PEG Nukol, FFAP P Dairy products [51,53]

’ VP = Very polar; P = polar; NP = non-polar.

The major drawback with non-polar phases is the and it is being tested in an official method of the
co-elution of some unsaturated FAMES. For in- Association of Official Analytical Chemists for the
stance, linoleic acid (18206)” partially overlaps analysis of lipids of marine origin [41]. In polar col-
with 181 and 183 fatty acids (Fig. 1). CzO and Cz2 umns, each group of fatty acids, e.g., 180, 18:lwll,
fatty acids present similar overlapping problems 18:lw9, 18:107, 18:206, 18:3w6, 18:303 and
1411. Because many Cl8 and CzO fatty acids have 18:403, will elute in this order (Fig. 2) [44]. This
important nutritional roles, polar or intermediate sequence would expand with increasing column po-
stationary phases are more often the choice in the larity so that the more unsaturated FAMES will
analysis of food products. elute after the next highest even-carbon saturated
Stationary phases of intermediate polarity, such acid (in this example 18:4w3 will elute after 20:O). In
as polyethylene glycol (PEG, Carbowax 20M) are contrast to methylsilicone phases, PEG phases have
widely used in the GC of FAMES. Carbowax 20M lower temperature stability. A maximum of 250°C
is especially suitable for the separation of PUFA is the recommended temperature for isothermal GC
on recently developed high-molecular mass PEG
’ For the nomenclature used for fatty acids, consider the exam- phases.
ple 18:206. In this notation, 18 refers to the total number of
None of the polar or non-polar columns can
carbon atoms, 2 is the number of ethylenic bonds, and 06
corresponds to the number of carbons from the center of the
completely separate all fatty acids normally present
ethylenic bond furthest removed from the carboxyl group up in a complex mixture. Therefore, a laboratory can
to and including the terminal methyl group. benefit from the operation of two columns with dif-
ferent polarities.


16 22 24 26 26

Time (minutes)

Fig. I. Reconstructed chromatogram of FAMES from the unicellular alga TetraseKs sue&a, obtained by GC-mass spectrometry
using a 50-m methylsilicone fused-silica capillary column. From Volkman et al. [74].

5 10 15 20 25
time (min)

Fig. 2. Separation of FAMES from the mussel Mytilus galloprovinciulis on a GC capillary column coated with Silar 5CP. Peaks: 1 =
4,8,12-trimethyl-13:O; 2 = 14:O; 3 = 14:lw5; 4 = iso-15:O; 5 = 15:107; 6 = 16:lw7; 7 = isoL16:O; 8 = 16:105; 9 = 16:2w4; 10 =
16:3w4; 11 = 16:3; 12 = 16:401; 13 = 17:O; 14 = 17:lwS; 15 = 18:O; 16 = 18:lw9; 17 = 18:107; 18 = 18:2w6; 19 = 18:2w4; 20 =
18:3w6; 21 = 18:3w3; 22 = l&403; 23 = 18:4wl; 24 = 19:lwS; 25 = 2o:lw13; 26 = 2O:loll; 27 = 2O:lw9; 28 = 5,ll 20:2; 29 = 5,13
20:2; 30 = 20:2w6; 31 = 20:306; 32 = 20:3w3; 33 = 204~6; 34 = 20:403; 35 = 20:5w3; 36 = 21:503; 37 = 7,15 22:2; 38 = 22:31x6;
39 = 22:4w6; 40 = 22:51x3; 41 = 22:6u)3. After Christie et al. [44].

4. APPLICATIONS IN FOOD ANALYSIS for older references). More recently, FVFAs were
determined by GC in underivatized form using a
4.1. Microbiology relatively short (i.e., 15 m) capillary column coated
The GC of fatty acids is a useful technique in with an acidified PEG (Nukol) stationary phase us-
microbial chemotaxonomy [4547]. In some in- ing crotonic acid as an internal standard [51].
stances significant and consistent differences in fatty Even though packed columns give reduced infor-
acid compositions were used to identify genus, spe- mation [52], it is still suitable for the analysis of
cies and even strains of valuable microorganisms in dairy products such as when analyzing a fraction of
the food industry [48]. Most bacteria contain a rela- the total fatty acids, or to give an estimate of the
tively simple fatty acid composition. Bacterial fatty total content of acyl lipids. However, for a more
acids normally are no longer than 18 carbons and detailed study, the use of capillary columns is essen-
have no more than one double bond [49]. There- tial. De Jong and Badings [53] used a 25-m fused-
fore, the use of packed columns for the analysis of silica capillary column coated with the polar phase
fatty acids of microbial origin is still common. For FFAP-CB and a 15-m column coated with FFAP
example, a short GC column packed with SP-1200 for the complete separation of FFA in cheese and
and 1% H3P03 was used in a rapid and simple pro- milk (Fig. 3).
cedure to determine concentrations of short-chain A problem during the analysis of underivatized
volatile fatty acids [50]. The use of a short column in FFAs is their adsorption on the first part of the
this study significantly decreased the time of analy- capillary column. This problem is particularly seri-
sis of fermented products, and maintained an ac- ous with long-chain FFAs (16:0, 18:O and 18: I),
ceptable degree of resolution for underivatized leading to selectively low responses. The adsorption
short-chain (C,-C,) fatty acids. The screening or of these fatty acids can be prevented by the use of
identification of different stains of fungi and bacte- capillary columns with thicker (1.0 pm) stationary
ria requires a more refined separation and identifi- phases [53].
cation of fatty acids. Particular strains mainly differ
in the proportion of their minor (< 1%) fatty acids 4.3. Vegetable oils
[48]. In this comparative study thirteen strains of Seed oils may contain a large number of minor
Saccharomyces cerevisae were successfully classified monounsaturated fatty acids and positional iso-
by comparing their fatty acid profiles in a series of mers. Although many of these fatty acids can be
capillary columns of different polarities such as separated by conventional capillary GC, their struc-
PEG, dimethylpolysiloxane (DB-1) and dimethyl- tural elucidation requires a more complicated treat-
cyanopropylphenylpolysiloxane (DB- 170 1). ment or derivatization. For instance, GC-mass
spectrometry with capillary columns of medium po-
4.2. Dairy products larity (e.g., PEG) was used to separate and locate
Dairy products and especially butterfat are a the position of the double bonds of picolinyl ester
challenge for the chromatographer as they present a derivatives of fatty acids in borage (Borago ojici-
very complex mixture of acyl lipids. The fatty acid nalis) seed oil [54].
chain length spans from CZ to CZ6, including Seed oils are also a source of many uncommon
straight and branched structures, with zero to six fatty acids such as cyclopropenoid, epoxy or conju-
ethylenic bonds, and cis-trans geometric isomers. gated acids. Cyclopropenoid fatty acids such as
An additional complication is the presence of short- malvalic (2-octyl- 1-cyclopropene- 1-heptaenoic
chain free carboxylic acid which may be lost during acid) and sterculic (2-octyl-l-cyclopropene-l-octa-
sample preparation. Free volatile fatty acids noic acid) are common constituents of the plants of
(FVFAs) in dairy products are present at low con- the order Malvales [55,56]. Interest due to possible
centrations, but the level of these acids increases health hazards [57] prompted the need for identify-
during ripening and they are important organolep- ing and determining cyclic fatty acids in edible oils.
tic components. PEGS or stationary phases of higher polarity, such
FVFAs were determined in the past on packed as dimethyldiphenylpolysiloxane, were successfully
columns, using a variety of liquid phases (see ref. 51 used for the separation of dimethyloxazoline deriv-
atives of cyclopropenoid fatty acids [55].

9 25


i 6
13 31
c 1 L I,,

:, 40 Ink
Fig. 3. Gas chromatogram of FFAs from cheese spiked with an FFA reference mixture (2:0, 3:0, 2-CH,-3:0, .5:0, 3-CH,-40 and 7:O).
Peaks: 1 = C,; 2 = C,; 3 = 2-CH,-C,; 4 = C,; 5 = 3-CH,-C,; 6 = C,; 7 = C,; 8 = C,; 9 = C,; 10 = C,; 11 = C,,; 12 = ClO:l;
13 = C,,; 14 = C12:O; 15 = C12:l; 16 = C,,-iso; 17 = C13:O; 18 = C,,-iso; 19 = C14:O; 20 = C14:l + ClS-iso; 21 = C,,-anteiso;
22 = C15:O; 23 = C15:l; 24 = C,,-iso; 25 = 16:O; 26 = C16:l; 27 = C,,-iso; 28 = C,,-anteiso; 29 = C17:O; 30 = C17:l; 31 =
C,,-iso; 32 = C18:O; 33 = Cl&l: 34 = C18:2: 35 = C18:2: 36 = C19:O; 37 = 18:3; 38 = C18:2 conjugated; 39 = C2O:O; 40 = C2O:l.
After De Jong and Badings [53].

Epoxy fatty acids such as cis- 12,13-epoxy-c&9- coconut and olive oils) [59]. The column used to
octadecenoic acid, are present in high concentra- analyze the FAMES was a 2-m glass column packed
tions in a number of seed oils (e.g., Amaranthus with 10% diethyleneglycol succinate (DEGS) on
cruentus, a West African vegetable crop). These Chromosorb W.
acids are susceptible to suffer a loss of functional Tram fatty acids are minor components in nat-
groups and show poor recoveries when subjected to ural foods, but relatively large concentrations of
standard methylation procedures. A mild and rapid C18 trans fatty acids are formed by the industrial
preparation of FAMES with a methanolic solution hydrogenation of vegetable oils in the processing of
of sodium methoxide was developed for the GC of margarine [60]; %trans, 12-trans- 18:2 is a common
epoxy fatty acids, and the FAMES were separated product of the partial hydrogenation of vegetable
with a 30-m SPB-5 column of low polarity [58]. oils. The successful analysis of this type of sample
Special applications of capillary GC to vegetable could represent a chromatographic problem, espe-
oils include the determination of individual oils in a cially when the aim of the analysis is unequivocally
blend. This objective can be achieved by a statistical to identify and determine individual components.
analysis of GC data on fatty acids and other com- Polar capillary columns coated with cyanopropylsi-
ponents. This approach was tested with a blend loxane are recommended for this purpose [61,62].
containing two, three or six oils (i.e., corn, soybean, Complete fatty acid separations, however, can only
sunflower, palm, cottonseed, palm kernel, sesame, be achieved by complicated procedures involving

more than one analytical technique [63]. Such a The mixture could at the best be partially resolved
complex analysis is illustrated by the work of Rat- using 50-m long, low-polarity columns (e.g., SPB-1,
nayake et al. (Fig. 4) [62]. This work shows the in- methylsilicone) [64].
complete separation of several trans-octadecenoic The sensitivity of modern capillary GC-FID per-
acids even with the use of a very long (100-m) capil- mits the routine determination of the fatty acid
lary column coated with a polar SP-2560 stationary composition of a large number of small seed tissues.
phase. This information facilitates the genetic selection
Thermal oxidation of oils also produces a num- and further genetic manipulation of the lipid com-
ber of artifacts. Special attention has been paid to position of seed oils. To simplify the analysis and to
the production of fatty acid dimers and high poly- reduce the costs of column replacement, routine de-
mers with different degrees of polarity. The separa- terminations are usually done on packed columns
tion of these components requires the combined use [65]. Simplified one-step extractionderivatization
of gas, high-performance liquid and thin-layer and transesterification coupled with the rapid deter-
chromatography. A complex mixture of synthetic mination of FAMES permitted inexpensive screen-
dimers was analyzed by both packed and capillary ing procedures for up to 2000 samples per month
column GC [64]. The separation of non-polar fatty [651.
acid dimers and isomers presented a difficult task. The high resolving power and reproducibility of



28 33
36 36

30 45
35 TIME (MIN14’
Fig. 4. Partial gas chromatogram of the C,, region of soybean oil margarine FAMES on a 100-m SP-2560 capillary column. Peaks: 1 =
18:O; 2 = rruns-6-g-18:1; 3 = truns-9-18:l; 4 = truns-IO-18:l; 5 = rrans-ll-18:l; 6 = truns-12-18:l; 7 = 9-c&18:1 + 13-truns-18:l +
truns-14-18:l; 8 = IO-c&18:1; 9 = 11-cis-18:l; 10 = 12-c&18:1 + 15-trans-18:l; 11 = 13-c&18:1; 12 = trans-truns-18:2; 13 =
14-c&18:1; 14 = truns-tram-18:2; 15 = 15-c&18:1; 16 = trans-tram-l&2; 17 and 18 = mm/c&cis/truns-18:2; 19 = tram-9-tram-12-
18:2; 20 and 21 = truns/cis-cis/fruns-non-methylene-interrupted (NMI)-18:2; 22 = cis-9-truns-12-18:2; 23 = ?; 24 = tram-9-c&12-
18:2; 25 = ?; 26 = cis-9-cis-12-18:2; 27 = 9-cis-15-cis-18:2; 28 = ?; 29 = 20:O; 30 = unidentified 18:3 isomer; 31 = cis-9-c&-12-
truns-15-18:3; 32 = truns-9-cis-12-c&15-18:3; 33 = cis-9-rruns-12-&s-15-18:3; 34 = cis-9-cis-12-cis-15-18:3; 35 = 20~1; 3640 = 18:2
conjugated ?. After Ratnayake et al. [62].

capillary columns helps in the design of methods for problems, especially with the pairs 18:2w&18:303
efficiently monitoring the quality of fats and oils. and 20:40620:5w3. PEG columns, on the other
This approach is currently used to predict the adul- hand, have shown reasonably good thermal and
teration of animal fats in butter-margarine blends chemical stability [41]. They offer excellent resolu-
with a high degree of certainty [66]. This type of tion of all major fatty acids of marine lipids and of a
analysis demands a positive identification of a wide number of minor but ubiquitous components of fish
variety of fatty acids ranging from short to long oils. For example, capillary columns coated with
chain and cis-tram geometric isomers and also re- Carbowax 20M separated furan fatty acids of salm-
quires accurate determination. Modifications of on roe [75], EPA geometric isomer artifacts in heat-
this basic approach were recently developed in or- ed fish oils [76] and branched-chain fatty acids in
der to detect the presence of pork in processed fish oil concentrates [77].
meats [67] and to determine the content of clinically
important fatty acids in fish oils [68]. 5. QUANTIFICATION

4.4. Fish oils Quantification errors can be introduced in many

Fish oils and in general marine lipids have a di- different ways and each step in the analysis of fatty
verse fatty acid composition (typically an even-car- acids has the potential for sample loss. Sources of
bon chain length of Cr&& and with O-6 meth- problems for the determination of fatty acids by
ylene-interrupted double bonds). Marine lipids also GC-FID arise during sample preparation (extrac-
contain minor amounts of less common fatty acids tion and derivatization), on the injector, on the col-
with non-methylene-interrupted double bonds, umn, in the detector and during data collection.
branched hydrocarbon chains or chain lengths Quantification errors originating as a conse-
longer than 22 carbons. Clinical and epidemiolog- quence of column reactivity can be reduced by se-
ical studies in the last decade indicated that the con- lecting highly pure stationary phases and inert sup-
sumption of fish or fish oils can improve or prevent ports. In all instances it is recommended to perform
certain human cardiovascular conditions [69]. This routine checks on selective adsorption or losses of
potential therapeutic property of marine lipids re- FAMES in the column. Calibration of the GC sys-
newed interest in investigating the lipid contents tem should be performed by using FAME mixtures
and fatty acid compositions of fish and shellfish spe- similar in composition to the sample being ana-
cies around the world [70]. Studies were especially lyzed. Partial overlapping and co-elution of differ-
concentrated on the accurate determination of the ent components may generate other quantification
content and availability of marine fatty acids of problems [78].
medical interest (eicosapentaenoic acid, EPA, Quantification of PUFA presents the additional
20:5w3; and docosahexaenoic acid, DHA, 22:6w3). problems of losses due to oxidation during sample
The fatty acid compositions of many seafood prod- handling. Losses of PUFA can be easily determined
ucts and edible algae and encapsulated fish oil prod- by comparing the fatty acid composition of the
ucts have been reviewed [71-731. sample before and after total hydrogenation [39].
Typically, fatty acids of marine origin are ana- With capillary columns problems arise as a con-
lyzed with capillary columns of medium polarity, sequence of defective injection procedures. Christie
such as Carbowax 20M. Earlier work with packed [79] developed a series of simple and effective in-
columns presented serious problems of overlapping jection techniques, such as hot needle and cold trap-
between different even-carbon fatty acids [39]. Of ping injection. He indicated that an injection tem-
special interest is the coincidence of 22:l with perature of about 375°C improved the reproducibil-
20:5w3 on medium-polarity packed columns, and ity of the analysis without causing any adverse ef-
22:l with 20:406 on higher polarity packed col- fect on the recovery of PUFA. Regardless of the
umns [39]. There are a number of reports on the preferred injection technique, the use of automatic
capillary GC of marine lipids using non-polar sta- injection is highly desirable for minimizing the in-
tionary phases [74]. Low-polarity capillary col- troduction of random errors.
umns, however, present some partial overlapping When the determination of FAMES with FID re-

quires high accuracy, correction factors should be results. In general, most transesterification meth-
applied to compensate for the fact that the carboxyl ods, whether acid- or base-catalyzed, or direct
carbon is not ionized during combustion [SO]. In methods would meet the purpose depending on the
addition, the degree of unsaturation of a FAME nature of the sample to be esterified. New reagents
mixture also requires the use of small correction and procedures, especially where no removal of the
factors. The magnitudes of these factors are greater reagent is recommended, should be assessed for
for very short-chain or highly unsaturated fatty their long-term effect on the GC column.
acids [79]. Contemporary capillary GC offers excellent sep-
There are a few reports on quantitative aspects of arations of most naturally occurring fatty acids.
the capillary GC of fatty acids. Not unexpectedly, These capillary columns, especially those of medi-
the results of inter-laboratory studies have shown um polarity (e.g., Carbowax 20M), and the non-
very poor reproducibility for the analysis of fatty polar methylsilicone, successfully separate FAMES
acid mixtures containing a wide variety of mole- ranging from C2 to CZ4 and with O-6 ethylenic
cules [SO]. Inter-laboratory studies rely on the avail- bonds. Special applications, such as the separation
ability of reference samples and standards. of complex cis-trans fatty acid mixtures (character-
Standardized FAME mixtures are available from istic of partially hydrogenated oils), cyclopropene
the National Institute of Health and several com- or epoxy fatty acids (common in some seed lipids),
mercial suppliers, but unfortunately they do not require particular chromatographic conditions.
cover all areas of application. These include the use of very long capillary columns
A linear FID response is generally assumed for (e.g., 100 m) and/or more polar stationary phases
long-chain fatty acids. Therefore, absolute concen- composed of cyanoethyl- or cyanopropylsiloxanes.
trations are determined by adding odd-chain sat-
urated fatty acids as internal standards (e.g., 17:0, 7. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
19:0 and 23:O). Recently, 24: 109 (nervonic acid) has
been used as internal standard for the quantitative The authors thank Drs. E. A. Decker, B. Hen-
analysis of fish oils [81]. The addition of a single nigs, A. J. Stewart and D. C. White for their sup-
internal standard assumes no discrimination of the port and the University of Kentucky for the facil-
different fatty acids during the processes of isola- ities provided. G.E.N. acknowledges the support of
tion, derivatization and actual chromatography. the Y-12 Plant’s Biological Monitoring and Abate-
A more refined approach was recently developed, ment Program, sponsored by the Health, Safety,
consisting in the use of a series of odd-chain fatty Environment and Accountability Division. The
acid standards. The determination of a naturally Y-12 Plant and ORNL are managed by Martin Ma-
occurring even-carbon fatty acid was compared rietta Energy Systems for the US Department of
with the two adjacent odd-carbon fatty acids Energy, under contract DE-AC05-84021400. Pub-
(“bracketing” method) [82]. It has been demon- lication number 3893, Environmental Sciences Di-
strated that this bracketing method is superior to vision, ORNL.
the use of a single fatty acid as an internal standard

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