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Compare and Contrast the plays “Othello” and “The Tempest.

1. Setting and Genre:

Othello: A tragedy set in Venice, Italy, during the 16th century. It explores themes of jealousy, betrayal,
and racism.

The Tempest: A romantic comedy set on a remote island. It involves magic, shipwrecks, and themes
of power and forgiveness.

2. Characters:
Othello: The titular character is a Moorish general in the Venetian army. He faces discrimination due to
his race and ultimately succumbs to jealousy, leading to tragic consequences.

The Tempest: Prospero, a magician and rightful Duke of Milan, is the central character. Other notable
characters include Ariel (a spirit), Caliban (a deformed native), and Miranda (Prospero’s daughter).

3. Themes:
Othello: Racism, jealousy, manipulation, and betrayal.
The Tempest: Power, revenge, forgiveness, and the transformative nature of art and magic.

4. Language and Style:

Othello: Written in Shakespearean blank verse (unrhymed iambic pentameter). The language is intense
and emotional.

The Tempest: Also written in blank verse, but with a lighter tone. It includes both poetic and prose

5. Narratives and Storytelling:

Othello: The play incorporates stories within the main narrative. For instance, Iago uses stories to
manipulate Othello’s emotions and perceptions.

The Tempest: Prospero’s backstory and the island’s history are revealed through narratives. These
stories justify his revenge and provide motivation for his actions2.
6. Power Dynamics:
Othello: Power struggles are evident in the military hierarchy, as well as in personal relationships.
Iago’s manipulation exploits Othello’s vulnerability.

The Tempest: Power is explored through Prospero’s control over the island, Ariel, and Caliban. The
play questions the responsible use of power.

7. Otherness and Discrimination:

Othello: Othello faces racism and cultural superiority. He is referred to as a “Moor,” and derogatory
comments are made about his appearance.

The Tempest: Caliban, as an “other,” is treated as inferior due to his appearance and origin.
Prospero’s colonial mindset influences his treatment of Caliban.

In summary, while both plays delve into themes of power, betrayal, and transformation, they differ in
genre, setting, and character dynamics. “Othello” focuses on tragedy and racism, while “The Tempest”
combines magic, comedy, and exploration of human nature.

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