9 The Dignity of Women English 1

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After lunch, it was already 1 p.m.

According to the rules, Wanting had to rest on

her own; I couldn't bother her, and of course I didn't really want to disturb her
attention. After all, she had just finished a fierce match, which was draining on
body and spirit. Taking advantage of this time to rest, Samson and I started to
chat about our next opponent.

"Bro, tell me the truth, what kind of opponent is that bitch in black? I feel like
Wanting's face changed while she was preparing for the fight."

"Mashima Ai, well, although I was unable to supervise for most of the time, there
is also a general understanding; it is said that my sister-in-law has never won
against her in the training period."

"Can't be, I saw that her body type is not so intimidating, not tall, shorter than
Wanting, her waist is considered thick, a little bit of meat, but also is not on
Kazuki or even Mizuki’s level, compared to my wife, there is little advantage; she
is skilled?"

"Not the skill. I heard…this woman is."

"What's up with her?"

"Just..." Samson blushed. "Well, I also heard from someone; um, it’s unreliable,
nevermind, forget I said anything."

My brain was in a bit of a rush. I clenched my fists and stared hard at Samson:
"Be honest; Did she let my wife do anything dark or encourage her to develop an

"No! Absolutely not!" Samson hastily waved his hand. "You know the kind of
person I am; if there really was a case, I will be the first to tell you; Just see and
you will know."

So weird. I muttered to my heart and went to doze off near the ring.

When I woke up, it was exactly two in the afternoon. Wanting seemed to take a
bath and changed back to the spirited look she had before the first match, clad in
a red robe. The others were also ready, and Miyuki was still pointing at Wanting
with her fan, "East Army, Su Wanting." Wanting responded by undoing her robe
to reveal her mawashi.
"Western Army, Mashima Ai." This time it was Mashima Ai who stood up,
removing her robe to reveal her black mawashi, with a very smug expression and
a confident stance.

"Confrontation." After the usual preparatory procedures, the pair walked to the
center and stared at each other. "I'm going to spoil you well, baby; you’re going to
enjoy it." Mashima Ai said. "Shut up." Wanting responded icily. The two walked
back to their positions.

"Hakkeyoi (ready)" The duo squatted down with their legs spreading, then
pressed their fists to the ground and looked at each other. I don't know why, but I
always felt that Mashima Ai looked at Wanting like a tigress looking at her prey,
while Wanting's eyes were obviously a bit uncertain. "Nokotta!(start)"

Just after saying that, Wanting rushed over, both hands reaching out to Ai's
mawashi, clearly wanting to attack head-on, but Ai just slowly stood up, not to
mention pouncing, not even a defensive action in her hands, just like this being
held by Wanting. Strange, is this woman's head confused, thinking this is a
practice round?

"Oh no, Ai really came to this." Kazuki sighed. "I thought she would be slightly
more decent during the actual battle, but it turns out that her nature still remains

"It can't be helped; you know why she has such a bad reputation among her
peers; it's because she always likes to use these unconventional moves." Eiko
shrugged. "That's why I always want to kick her ass."

Moves? What do you mean? I was pondering in my mind when I turned my head
to watch the match. What I saw in front of me made me wonder if I hadn't woken
up from my nap, only to see that Wanting, who has always been known for her
aggressiveness, stopped in her steps when her opponent barely made a move,
and her hands were just loosely grasping Ai's black mawashi, her face
reddening, and she was also letting out gasps from time to time.

"What's the matter, chick? You can't underestimate me because of my smaller

size." Ai unhurriedly hugged Wanting, grabbed the mawashi, and lifted it
upwards; her chest pushed upwards. Wanting, who had just fought against Giant
Girl Kazuki for hundreds of rounds, was now gently lifted up, and the expression
on her face was very painful, biting her lips tightly as if she were enduring some
great stimulation, but wait, this expression!

I was just about to open my mouth when Samson sighed, ''Paper can't hold fire,
brother. As you can see, Mashima Ai's quality that made her stand out among
other sumo wrestlers wasn't her strength or aggression, but her lust. She didn't
start out as a sumo wrestler. Instead, she is the niece of legendary mature
actress Kazama Yumi, who made her discover her lesbian tendencies, and later
became famous as the president of the Women's Association by defeating
another tough lesbian, Mizuki Nao, by using sexual skills. Then she entered the
area of sumo wrestling, where there are more opportunities of contacting naked
women intimately. My sister-in-law is at a great disadvantage to meet with her.
She knows she was married, so she stimulates and humiliates her on purpose. If
not tolerating and fighting back, in front of you she cannot take the actions. If she
bears it, perhaps her legs have been weakened before unleashing strength.
That’s why my sister-in-law, in the training, has never won against her."

I was relieved instead. "Sam, Sam, that’s why I say that you know little about
your sister-in-law? I assumed that it was a big deal; but she already told me
before marriage that she used to be a lesbian too." After saying that, I cheered
loudly at Wanting, who was already being slowly played out of the ring. "Wanting,
don't care what I think; just fuck her over! She can’t be as difficult as Shen Jingyi
isn't she?"

As soon as my words went out, Wanting made a soft, lustful cry. A slight bead of
sweat broke out on her forehead, but I knew very well that this wasn't an orgasm;
this was the start of her counterattack after she got rid of her restraints. Sure
enough, it was immediately followed by Ai’s screaming, as Wanting took
advantage of her bigger tits and pressed hard against Ai's breasts, a breath
coming right out of her lungs: "Mashima Ai, I've been putting up with you for a
long time now! Stabbing my breast flesh with your nipples, huh? Today my whole
tit will directly crush you; don't expect I will be lenient unless you call me

Ai was forced to bend back a little, but quickly adjusted her footing and stood
forward. "You're such a stinky chick who has two skills; after beating you, I must
sleep with you tonight!" She was self-conscious that her tits were slightly less
powerful, so she lowered her head slightly and bit right into Wanting's neck. "Holy
shit, this is too cruel; she started to bite?" I was so freaked out that I almost
jumped up to rush up and pull them back. Just as I was about to rush up,
Samson pulled me back and said, "Don't worry, brother, I know this woman's
personality; although she's an underfucked bitch, she won't lose rations or hurt

That’s true, Wanting didn't lose control and hit someone because of this, but her
face was flushed and her whole body couldn't help shivering. It turned out that Ai
didn't bite with her teeth; she just used her lips to squeeze Wanting's neck, softly
sucking back and forth, just biting on the most sensitive part of Wanting's neck,
and she didn't forget to leave behind a thin layer of saliva. "My little baby, I know
that you like my bodily fluids; don't be polite! It's not a shame to like me."

Wanting had already been agitated because of being kissed; this teasing was
adding more fuel to her anger: "Stop being an arrogant old woman, your mommy
will let you kiss till your death!" She said as a hand grabbed Ai's head back with a
pulling back, roughly stopping her from the kissing, followed by Wanting’s wide
open mouth, blocking Ai’s mouth, sucking every inch of Ai's skin in the mouth,
followed by kissing to her forehead, covering a mix of saliva of the two all coated
in the face, and even Ai's breasts were covered in saliva, looking all slippery.

This round of nasty attack had even made Ai confused and wide-eyed. "What are
you doing, stupid girl? Is your mouth flooding?" She grabbed Wanting's butt with
a snap and rubbed them vigorously. She even exposed her teeth and bit her
nose a bit, not too strongly, but let Wanting scream once again, seeming to be
driven by lust.

"Now Ai is really mad; I haven't really seen her angry like this." Kazuki said

"It's normal for anyone to be infuriated when being humiliated by someone else
using their best moves. You know she rarely uses pain to stimulate people during
sex fights; making this move means she's about to get serious too." Eiko replied,
"Su Wanting, Su Wanting, people usually go towards the tigers’ mountain while
knowing the mountain at most; you instead badly want to pull out the tiger and
beat it up; how arrogant." She unconsciously put her hand into the robe and
touched inside.

One wave comes after another. Wanting has been on the spur of the moment
because of Ai’s crossfire; she can only imitate to grab back and rub Ai’s butt;
however, she was followed by another gasp. Ai’s body appeared to bump forward
hard. The nipples top into the flesh of Wanting's breasts back and forth swaying;
thetits that have been largegot more inflated under the stimulation; Ai’s tip of the
tongue also licked Wanting's lips. Wanting,with a big and strong body, got so
awkward in front of the slightly shorter Ai. She was slowly pushed back two or
three steps.

I can't help but clench my fists, and get both anxious and angry. The wrestling
against Kazuki is merely a duel of strength. It’s enough to continue to work out if
losing.But the competition against this old woman has evolved into a pure
competition between women; failure means not only Wanting’s disqualification as
a rikishi, but also means that her pride as a woman was stepped on the ground.
Damn it, the more I think about it, the more irritated I become: ''Go Wanting! Fuck
that old bitch to death! Don't be kind before she calls your mom and begs for
mercy!" As soon as the words left my mouth, I felt as if someone near the ring
glared at me.

Wanting seemed to hear me, "Shut up! I'll deal with you altogether later!" After
saying that, she simply abandoned the defense of her breasts, forcibly enduring
the feeling of chest tightness and excitement. Her five fingers spread out to grab
Ai's butt and rub it badly, her lips even bite the tip of her opponent's tongue. "How
dare you to flirt with me, you old woman!"

"Ummmmm." Ai realized that Wanting offered to take a counterattack, and also

bite the bullet and confront. Her tip of tongue shoved it into Wanting's mouth to
stir back and forth. Wanting's tightly closed mouth made her under the constant
stimulation of the tip of tongue. Meanwhile, Ai pushed against Wanting's breasts
with more power, squeezing her tits. Each attack comes with enduring the
unbearable pain in her butts. They both almost gave up their defenses and
confronted each other under the stimulation of titillating desires.

Wanting was forced to bend back slightly, her eyebrows were twisted together
due to anger, and she stomped back hard on her feet, preventing Ai from making
a mad counterattack. With more stability in her lower body and core strength, she
pushed back a little bit. Her body twisted faster and faster, and her tits were a
little bit itchy, but she still retaliated fiercely. Ai had to bear the intense euphoria
madly surging into his consciousness while crushing Wanting's breast.

It is filled with an unspeakable atmosphere. Wanting and Ai stalemated together

in a fierce battle for half an hour. Their mouths were blocked and they could not
speak. From a distance, it looked like just two rikishis had been caught in a
stalemate of wrestling, but those of us sitting in the front rows knew that the
match had turned into a pure duel between women. Samson clutched his pants
leg. I bit my lip, feeling as if I had a bit of a reaction. I'm sure Wanting was similar,
or maybe she suffered more than I did.

Both of them squirmed and their faces showed abundant lust, and they loosened
their mouths. Wanting soon followed it up with a hot breath that squirted right in
Ai's face. "I know what you're thinking, granny. There's no need to hide because
I'm the same." As soon as the words fell, her mouth was gagged hard by Ai
again, her fat ass was madly split apart by Ai. Unexpectedly, the red mawashi
was unraveled in the process. Wanting's pussy was totally visible, and Ai took
advantage of the situation, twisting back and forth and rubbing ceaselessly
through the black mawashi.

If just now it was just flirty foreplay, now Wanting had been thoroughly stirred up,
her ass shivered, and her labia opened wide. "You bitch!" Wanting angrily cursed,
she grabbed Ai's black mawashi and yanked it without restriction; the whole cloth
was ripped off, and Ai's clitoris was slightly exposed. Wanting clamped it with her
open labia and twisted it with force. "Want to possess me? Dream on! I haven't
been fucked down by a woman since I came out of my mother's womb!"

"Ahhhhhhhh!" Ai let out the sharpest lewd cry in the entire room, and her labia
swelled up as she and Wanting began to tear into each other. "Yeah, I'll let you
experience it today." As expected, the atmosphere of the ring, which was silent
just now, was instantly changed by the two women's frantic screams. Lewd fluids
were flowing down all four legs. Wanting looked a little strained; although she
could still hit her tits hard, she can’t help closing her eyes and enjoying the thrill
of being forcefully attacked, while Ai got more and more courageous as the battle
went on, completely disregarding her already swollen and painful tits and
grimacing as she attacked constantly. "What's the matter, miss? Have you
already indulged in my despotism?"

Samson sighed. "Game over. My sister-in-law has touched the last bottom line.
Women in their forties may not be ideal candidates for physical combat, but
you're committing a suicide if you're sexually fighting them. What can I say.: Why
must you pick other's strengths to compete?"
Indeed, women in their thirties are like wolves, and in their forties are like tigers.
Mashima Ai also has excellent genetic inheritance. Although very unacceptable,
perhaps Wanting had to practice one more season. I also think so in my heart,
lowering my head and refusing to see the final result.

Just as I lowered my head and prepared to think about what to eat tonight,
Wanting's lewd screams suddenly disappeared, replaced by a thick panting. This
voice is definitely not Wanting. I hurriedly looked up and saw that Wanting's legs
do have more lewd fluid on them, but then fixed my eyes to see. She buried her
head into Ai's chest, and Ai began to raise her head and moan instead.

It turns out that Wanting was aware of her disadvantage of tribbing. So she
stopped confronting, and turned to fondle Ai's breasts, suddenly holding tits in
her mouth followed by crazy sucking, which made Ai tingling all over her body.
The breast fight at the beginning has already let her nipples harden, and now
they directly began to sink. Ai's face was directly red to the neck. She opened her
thighs widely, to grind against Wanting hard but still could not resist. "Stop it! No!!
Ah, ah, ah!"

"So there's another way out," Kazuki's eyes widened. "It's true that Ai's age
makes her libido better, but it also makes her breasts more sensitive. In this
case, she is the more vulnerable one after a breast fightinstead." Eiko didn't say
anything at the moment; she just clenched her fists tightly, and her eyes seemed
to want to eat someone.

Sure enough, Wanting had more fluid than Ai, but the non-stop sucking also gave
her a chance to regain some energy. Meanwhile, Ai had already been
disoriented. Her plump tits were lactating constantly, and her whole body was
tingling, making her lose her mind, wanting to suck back but there was no room
for it, and she unconsciously lowered her head and kissed Wanting's forehead. "I
can't accept it, but it's so comfortable, uh-huh!"

The situation slowly reversed from the original one-sidedness, back to the
situation that was neck and neck at the beginning, but not for long; both sides
could only use their feet to hold each other to keep their balance. Wanting's lower
body kept oozing out lewd fluid, as if she were incontinent; it flowed all over her
legs. Ai's fluid was a little bit less, but the upper half of her body and even her
belly were covered with her own milk.
"I fucking love you, granny. I love you so much, I want to eat you."

"I'm enjoying it too; I really want to completely conquer your stinking chick and
make you moan below me."

Wanting slightly retreated with a small step, only to hear a clattering sound. Both
of them collapsed. Ai was firmly pressed by Wanting. Wanting also finally couldn't
hold back either, spraying Ai all over with lewd fluids, holding her, and shivering.
The two slippery and sticky women were tangled together on the ground.

"Winner, Su Wanting" With Miyuki's announcement, this second bout has also
been to the end. I was back to my senses too. Phew, although she won, there is
still the third match.

Just as I was thinking, I saw the opponent for the third match, Eiko, rush up and
roughly grab Wanting's hair and throw her to the side. "It's time to stop, bitch! Ai
is at least your senior; show some respect!"

Wanting also came to her senses and jumped up, violently going over and
grabbing Eiko's yellow robe. "None of your business, you sow! I can beat you up
now if you have any issues!"

"Oh yeah? I'm afraid you won't be able to get out of bed tomorrow."

Seeing that the two were about to fight, Miyuki stepped forward and separated
them with force. "The time for the duel is seven pm; you two can do whatever you
want at that time."

The referee had spoken; it was natural to be smart. Eiko straightened her clothes
and pointed at Wanting. "If you dare to use tactics similar to this bout on me, I will
kill you." After saying this, she left the ring without looking back.

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