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Human Wizard 7;
Chaotic Neutral Medium
Init: 4 Senses: Perception: +0


AC: 22 Touch: 14 Flat-Footed: 18

HP: 57*
Fort: 5 Ref: 7 Will: 6


Speed: 30 ft.
Melee: Canon 6-lb +7 (4d6 20/x3) When shooting broken = only nat 1,2,3 misfire and need 2 to explode
Ranged: none
Wizard spells prepared (CL 7; concentration +11)
4th (2/day)- Named Bullet (DC 18), Dimensional Door,
3rd (3/day)- Dispel Magic (DC 17, +9) x 3,
2nd (4/day)- Cat's Grace (DC 16), False Life (DC 16), Fog Cloud (DC 16), Web (DC 16),
1st (5/day)- Shield (DC 15), True Strike (DC 15) x 4,


Str 8 (-1) Dex 18 (+4) Con 14 (+2) Int 18 (+4) Wis 10 (+0) Cha 8 (-1)
Base Atk: +3 CMB 2 CMD 16

Skills: Craft (Siege Weapons) +16; Knowledge (arcana) +14; Knowledge (engineering) +14; Knowledge (geography) +14; Profession (Sailor)
+10; Spellcraft +14; Swim +6;


Feats: Cannon Master; Dispel Focus; Improved Counterspell; Point-Blank Shot; Precise Shot; Quicken Spell; Siege Engineer;

Specials: Empower Siege Engine; Siege Engine Bond; Siege Engineer; Siege School; Spellbooks; Opposition Schools: Enchantment; Illusion;

Equipment: 3x Potion of Mage armor; Arcane adept package; Cat's Grace Spell Bonus; Cloak of resistance +1; Extent Metamagic Rod, Lesser;
Kit, wizard's; Mage armor Spell bonus; Shield Spell Bonus;


Buff: Shield (extent), Mage Armor, False Life*(extent), Cat's Grace (extent), If time given, Named Bullet

1. Order Crew to reload
2. Standard action during his turn to shoot
3. Move Action to dispel if possible +9
4. Swift action to buff canon with True strike(+1/+3)/Fog Cloud Sacrifice(+2/+6)

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