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National Higher School of Hydraulics

Made by: Dridi Rayane

Remmane Mohamed El Mehdi
Touil Madani
Water Pollution: Causes, Negative Effects and Prevention Methods

1. Introduction The issue of water quality has emerged as a significant concern in recent years for humanity. Distinguished
from other environmental elements, water is irreplaceable. The water cycle serves as a fundamental aspect
2. Sources of Water Pollutants
of the life and economic cycles. Unfortunately, water resources are finite and susceptible to various adverse
3. Negative Effects of Water Pollution effects caused by human activities. Only 2.5% of the Earth's water resources are comprised of fresh water.
Recognizing water as an essential resource, vital for all forms of life, underscores its undeniable importance.
4.Conclusion and Recommendations
Life itself cannot be contemplated without the presence of water.

Keywords: Adequate and high-quality water is a fundamental prerequisite for freshwater ecosystems, food security,
sustainable development, and ultimately, the future of humanity. The contamination of limited freshwater
resources intensifies the strain on these crucial water sources. It requires eight liters of clean water to purify
Hydrology one liter of wastewater, highlighting the resource-intensive nature of waste treatment. Access to safe
Water drinking water is an essential human need, as emphasized by the World Health Organization (WHO), which
reports that 80% of diseases, including bacterial, viral, and parasitic infections, are waterborne.
Water Pollution
Human activities significantly contribute to the degradation and pollution of this vital natural resource. To
address this issue, it is imperative to provide education and raise awareness about water pollution among
the global population. Such efforts can contribute to mitigating the problem to a certain extent.
This research aims to explore current scientific advancements in addressing water pollutants. The focus is
primarily on identifying the sources of various water pollutants and assessing their present status in the
environment and ecosystems. It is anticipated that this study will make a valuable contribution to the
existing literature on the subject and aid in reducing the pollution levels of water resource

water and groundwater face pollution, characterized by

contamination, desecration, and destruction, posing a threat to their
1. Introduction role in supporting life on Earth. Tackling this pollution issue demands
Environmental elements, such as water, play a crucial role in collective efforts, responsible practices, and heightened awareness to
sustaining all living organisms and securing the future of our planet. ensure the conservation and protection of these essential water
The intricate interconnectedness of life within ecosystems means that resources for present and future generations..
any degradation in one part of the system has far-reaching
consequences. Given its irreplaceable role as the primary source of Among the types of pollution, water pollution is of major significant
life, water holds a unique and indispensable position. Contemporary for the health of all living organisms; especially mankind.
challenges faced by humanity are closely linked to issues Unfortunately, water sources are used unconsciously and
surrounding both the quantity and quality of water (Unesco, 2009). contaminated by humans and they cause threaten their future
It is imperative to preserve and shield water from pollutants, generations. When water is polluted, it becomes unsafe for human
recognizing its fundamental importance in the essence of existence. consumption because the water contains dangerous or toxic
substances and disease-causing bacteria and organisms (Friedl,
Water scarcity and quality problems emerge due to contamination 2003).
from various hazardous industrial pollutants. This contamination
renders water unsafe for human consumption and irrigation, resulting While the economic activities that started with the industrialization
in a scarcity that impacts both humans and the ecosystem. Our planet process provided the growth and development of countries, they also
hosts two primary water sources: surface water found in oceans, caused environmental problems and especially negative effects on
rivers, lakes, and ponds, and groundwater stored in Earth's aquifers. water resources. Although a significant part of the earth is covered
Both sources are vital for sustaining life, and their quality is equally with water, the amount of water available is very low. Besides natural
crucial for the survival of diverse species. causes, the damages caused by human activities have caused pressure
on limited water resources and global water problems. Various
Surface water, housing numerous plant and animal species, requires researches and studies are carried out on the global water problem.
both quantity and quality to uphold life. Groundwater, nourishing Studies show that, in addition to climatic phenomena such as
rivers and oceans and serving as a significant drinking water source, drought, global warming and climate change, many reasons such as
is equally indispensable. Despite their significance, both surface the increase in the world population, increase in urbanization rate and
pollution of water resources will cause a global water crisis. “As the Runoff and infiltration from animal Septic tank leachate and runoff from
As the human population and technological advancements in modern feedlots failed septic systems
Runoff from construction sites >2 ha Runoff from pasture and range
society continue to grow, the risk of water pollution also escalates
Storm sewer outfalls from cities with a Atmospheric deposition over a water
(Ahmed, 2010). The primary driver behind the global water crisis is population >100,000 surface
identified as water pollution, posing a threat to the quality of water Runoff and leachate from waste Runoff from construction sites
on a worldwide scale. Industries, agricultural activities, urban disposal sites
centers, mining areas, and various other factors contribute to the Urban runoff unsewered and sewered
contamination of both surface and groundwater (Dwivedi, 2017). areas with a population <100,000
The pollution of surface water not only poses health and
environmental risks but also affects essential functions such as Detrimental chemicals can enter waterways with pointsource or a
washing, cleaning, fishing, fish farming, and recreation along nonpoint source. Pointsource pollution is due to discharges from a
waterways. Furthermore, toxic chemicals can leach from the soil or single source, such as an industrial site. Nonpoint-source pollution
rock layers into groundwater (U.S. EPA, 1999). includes many small sources (pesticides, fertilizers..). (U.S. EPA,
2000). “Pesticides are used to kill bacteria, pest and different germs.
The escalating demand for freshwater, fueled by rapid population Chemical containing pesticides are directly polluting the water and
growth and industrialization in recent years, has exacerbated the affect the quality of water. If pesticides are excess in amount or
strain on water resources (Ramakrishnaiah et al., 2009). Agricultural poorly managed then it would be hazardous for agriculture
development activities, particularly the excessive use of fertilizers ecosystem” (Yonglong et al., 2015). If water flowing out of dams has
and unsanitary conditions, pose a threat to living organisms, reduced suspended material as a large amount settles to the bottom
ecosystems, and human health (Okeke and Igboanua, 2003). of dams and it is depleted of nutrients and is often more saline with
Anthropogenic activities have contributed to the deterioration of detrimental effects on downstream agriculture and fisheries. The
water quality in various parts of the world (Wang et al., 2010). water pollution grade dependent to pollutant’s ecological impact,
Recognizing water pollution as a critical issue, governments and pollutant’s abundance and water use. Pollutants especially derive
scientists are increasingly prioritizing measures to protect water from biological, chemical, or physical actions, natural reasons; in
sources and maintain water quality. The urgency arises from the addition the major pollution is a consequent of human activities.
severe water pollution and the global scarcity of water resources. Sometimes rainfall runs across the land and through the ground for
collecting contaminants from agricultural fields and lawns such as
To counteract these negative effects, it is imperative to educate the
pesticides, and fertilizers; animal waste, oil, and urban road salt; and
public about the environment and the adverse impacts of water
toxic elements from abandoned mines (Tóth, 2009).
pollution. Additionally, highlighting the sensitivity and importance
Increasing population is also plays negative role in polluting the
of the issue through dedicated studies becomes crucial in fostering
water; increasing population causes increase in solid waste
awareness and prompting necessary actions.
generation (Jaben et al., 2011). Solid and liquid waste is discharged
2. Sources of Water Pollutants in to rivers; water is also contaminated by human excreta. In
contaminated water, a large number of bacteria are also found which
Water pollution is one of the major today's environmental problems. is detrimental for human health. As more and more people move into
Among the the natural resource water is the most vulnerable in terms cities and towns, these factors cause water pollution and water
of pollution. We can list the main causes of water pollution as consumption. Deforestation and urban growth often leads to water
follows: industrialization, plastics and polythene bags, pesticides and pollution.
fertilizers, sewage and other oxygen demanding wastes, domestic
Some pollutants (agrochemicals, pesticides, petrochemicals
sewage, population growth, urbanization, eutrophication, mining,
hydrocarbons, heavy metals, and radio nuclides…) can be formed
agro-chemical wastes, nutrient enrichment, thermal pollution, oil
during their domestic, agricultural or industrial use by concentration
spillage, disruption of sediments, acid rain pollution, radioactive
and transformation of naturally occurring compounds. Many of the
waste, climate change and others. It is recorded that 75 to 80% water
chemicals do not occur in the nature and these chemicals entirely
pollution is caused by the domestic sewage. Waste from the
manmade. For example, the synthesis of various pesticides,
industries electroplating, like, pesticides, sugar, textile, paper and
surfactants, plastics and petrochemicals have created serious
pulp are polluting the water (Kamble, 2014). Polluted water and
environmental and water quality problems (Tóth, 2009). Wetlands
water sources have intolerable smell and contains less flora and
are nature’s way of cleaning water as well as damming water;
fauna. 80% of the world’s population is facing threats to water
destruction of wetlands destroys the habitats and removes the natural
security (Owa, 2013). Large quantitiy of domestic sewage is drained
filters capable of storing and degrading many pollutants; so
in to river and most of the sewage is untreated. Domestic sewage
destroying wetlands is causes water pollution.
contains solid waste, toxicants, plastic litters, bacterial contaminants
and these toxic materials causes water pollution. Different industrial 3. Negative Effects of Water Pollution
waste that is drained in to river without treatment is also one of the
main cause of water pollution (Desai and Vanitaben, 2014). Water pollution; it is the name given to the pollution seen in water
basins such as lakes, rivers, oceans, sea and groundwater. It can be
Water pollution consist of point source and non-point source (Table
defined as the substances mixed with water, changing the physical,
chemical and biological properties of water, destroying their natural
structure and causing a change that will harm human and living
Table 1. Point and nonpoint sources (Carpenter et al., 1998). health. Water pollution has many negative effects on the entire
ecosystem, especially on humans and sea creatures. As a result of
Point Sources Nonpoint Sources increased water pollution, the growth of plants is adversely affected;
Runoff from mines, oil fields, Runoff from agriculture The minerals needed for photosynthesis cannot be obtained and
unsewered industrial sites forests cannot grow. Mixing wastes with sewage water that causes
Wastewater effluent Activities on land pollution causes serious pollution. Dirty water also causes bacterial,
that generate viral and parasitic diseases in human body. Growth of algae prevents
fish and other marine organisms from taking oxygen and negatively
Overflows of combined storm and Runoff from abandoned mines
sanitary sewers affects the ecosystem.
The free circulation of toxic waters in nature poisons the soil and ecosystems, disruption of food chains. Here, education on the
especially pollutes the groundwater. Damage to the soil threatens the dangers of water pollution is extremely important, as it helps people
lives of living things in the region. With the discharge of sewage to apply the right attitudes when dealing with the environment.
water into the seas, the lives of the creatures in the sea are adversely Education activities that get people informed and empowered to help
affected. As the most important symptoms of pollution, improper protect water should be encouraged and invested in. Environmental
housing, overfishing and improper use of technology, life in the seas education teaches individuals to weigh different sides of an
and inland waters decreases in number and species. Exposure to environmental issue to make informed and responsible decisions.
various chemicals causes illness and death as a result. The natural Awareness-raising activities is of great importance for people before
balance of living things that take these chemical substances into their they contaminate water sources. The causes of our undisciplined
bodies is disturbed. There is a big association between water actions and irresponsibility are water pollution. We all know that
pollution and health problems. Many waterborne illness and water is so important and we don’t want to pollute the water. Without
infections are spreading man to man (Halder and Islam, 2015). water, neither we nor any living thing can survive. So,people should
Health risk associated with polluted water includes different diseases protect, keep, save, and help prevent water pollution. Let’s be
such as respiratory disease, cancer, reproductive system diseases, disciplined and responsible enough to save, protect and preserve not
diarrheal disease, neurological disorder and cardiovascular disease only water sources but also other natural resourches because our
(Ullah et al., 2014). nature provides and helps us in our everyday lives.
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