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Ventilation Design of Enclosed Underground Structures

Article in Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology · October 2000

DOI: 10.1016/S0886-7798(01)00017-7


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2 authors:

Jakob Likar Jurij Čadež

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© Strojni{ki vestnik 47(2001)5,192-198 © Journal of Mechanical Engineering 47(2001)5,192-198
ISSN 0039-2480 ISSN 0039-2480
UDK 628.83:614.824/.83:624.191 UDC 628.83:614.824/.83:624.191
J. Likar - J. objava
Alternativna metoda za dolo~evanje - Alternative Method Preliminary paper (1.03)
for Determine

Druga~na metoda dolo~evanja koncentracij

plinov zaprtih prostorov v odvisnosti od
Alternative Method for Determine Concentration of Gases in
Enclosed Structures as a Function of Time

Jakob Likar - Jure ^ade`

V prispevku je predlagan drugaèen postopek projektiranja prezraèevalnih sistemov v zaprtih in

deloma zaprtih podzemnih prostorih, kjer se pokaže potreba po bolj podrobnih analizah. Podane so teoretiène
osnove in podroèja uporabe. Za prikaz prednosti takšnega postopka je opravljen izraèun gibanja
onesnaženega zraka v zaprtem prostoru v odvisnosti od èasa.
© 2001 Strojniški vestnik. Vse pravice pridržane.
(Kljuène besede: prostori zaprti, zrak onesnažen, prezraèevanje, koncentracije plinov)

This paper proposes an alternative approach to the ventilation design of enclosed and half enclosed
underground structures, where more detailed analysis is required. Theoretical basics are represented and
the area of application is determined. To show the advantage of such approach a calculation of movement of
exhausted air through enclosed structure as function of time has been executed.
© 2001 Journal of Mechanical Engineering. All rights reserved.
(Keywords: enclosed structures, polluted air, ventilation, gas concentration)


Pri gradnji in obratovanju podzemnih In the construction of enclosed and half-

prostorov, npr. predorov, podzemnih garaž, enclosed structures, such as tunnels, underground
rudnikov itn., pomeni projektiranje prezraèevanja car-parks, mines etc., the design of the ventilation
podzemnih prostorov velik izziv. Prezraèevalni system presents a considerable challenge. In this kind
sistemi dovajajo svež zrak in odvajajo of structure mechanical ventilation systems are
onesnaženega. Pri izkopu predorov in pridobivanju installed to supply fresh air and to remove the polluted
rude v rudnikih je zrak onesnažen iz dveh virov. air. During the excavation of tunnels and the extraction
Prvi vir sta ogljikov dioksid in monoksid, ki of ore from mines the air is polluted for two reasons.
nastajata pri delovanju motorjev z notranjim The first is the carbon monoxide and dioxide that
zgorevanjem. Hribina ali zemljina, v kateri se izvaja comes from the exhausts of machines or vehicles with
izkop, vsebuje pline, kakršna sta metan ali ogljikov internal combustion engines. The second is that the
dioksid. Mešanica metana in zraka je pri rock or soil often contain gases such as methane and
koncentracijah med 4 in 15 % metana eksplozivna, carbon dioxide. When mixed with air in the
zato mora biti ta pravoèasno odveden s podroèja concentration range of 4 to 15 % methane is explosive
odkopavanja. and must be removed from the area of excavation.
V podzemnih garažah je zrak onesnažen In underground car parks, of course, the air
samo iz prvega vira. is polluted only for the first reason.
Prezraèevalni sistem ustvarja tok zraka, ki The ventilation system produces an airflow,
odvaja onesnažen zrak s podroèja izkopavanja, ali which removes the polluted air from the domain of
v drugem primeru, s podroèja prometa v podzemnih excavation or, in the other case, from the domain of
garažah. V kotih prostorov oziroma mestih, kjer the traffic. In the corners of underground structures

stran 192
J. Likar - J. ^ade`: Alternativna metoda za dolo~evanje - Alternative Method for Determine

prezraèevanje ni uèinkovito, lahko nastane or places where ventilation is ineffective, a high

obmoèje velike koncentracije onesnaženega zraka; concentration of polluted air can occur. This is
še posebej je nevaren metan, ki je, pomešan z especially dangerous in the case of methane, which
zrakom, eksploziven. is explosive when mixed with air.
Predpisi na podroèju prezraèevanja In general, a ventilation system is designed
upoštevajo najveèjo in povpreène vrednosti with the criteria of maximum and average
koncentracije plinov v zaprtih in polzaprtih prostorih, concentrations of gases in enclosed and half enclosed
na podlagi katerih so projektirani prezraèevalni sistemi. underground structures taken into consideration. The
Prav tako je navadno predpisana najmanjša potrebna minimum volume of fresh air is determined as well.
kolièina zraka. In the special cases mentioned above, basing
V prej navedenih primerih projektiranje the size of the ventilation system on those criteria
ventilacije po teh kriterijih ne obvaruje delavcev in does not prevent workers or passengers from being
uporabnikov podzemnih garaž pred škodljivimi vplivi. exposed to danger: the problem must be explored in
V teh primerih je treba izvesti dodatne analize. V tem greater detail. In this article we propose an alternative
prispevku predlagamo alternativno metodo method for determining the dimensions of a ventilation
projektiranja prezraèevanja, ki omogoèa bolj podrobno system, which allows a detailed analysis of the
analizo dogajanja in omogoèa spremljanje koncentracij problem and shows the change in the concentration
onesnaževalnikov v odvisnosti od èasa. of pollutants as a function of time.


Koncentracija plinov v nekem prostoru je odvisna Generally, the concentration of gases

od naslednjih parametrov: depends on the following parameters:
- lege vira plina, - position of the gas source
- izdatnosti vira plina, - emission rate of gas source
- lege vira svežega zraka, - position of the fresh-air intake
- kolièine svežega zraka, - volume of fresh air
- velikosti prostora. - volume of the structure
Èe razdelimo prostor na posamezne dele If we divide the underground space into a
ali cone (nadzorne prostornine, sl. 1), lahko za vsako number of zones (control volumes, see Figure 1), the
cono zapišemo masno bilanco, kakor je navedeno mass balance for each zone can be represented as
v enaèbi 1 ([1] in [5]): follows ([1] and [5]):
dCij ( t )
r .Vij . = Cijv ( t ) - Ciji ( t ) + S (t )ij (1),
Vij - prostrnina cone, Cij - koncentracija plina v Vij - volume of zone, Cij - concentration of gas in current
posamezni coni, C ijv - dotok zraka z doloèeno zone, Cijv - incoming air with concentration of gas from
koncentracijo plina iz sosednjih con, Ciji - odtok zraka connected zones, Ciji - outgoing air to the connected
z doloèeno koncentracijo plina v sosednje cone, S(t)ij zones, S(t)ij - emission rate of gas, Qijv - incoming

E ( i-1,j+1) E ( i,j+1) E ( i+1,j+1)

i v
Q ( i,j+1)Q ( i,j+1)

v i
Q ( i-1,j) Q ( i+1,j)
E ( i-1,j) i E ( i,j) v E ( i+1,j)
Q ( i-1,j) Q ( i+1,j)

v i
Q ( i,j-1) Q ( i,j-1)
E ( i-1,j-1) E ( i,j-1) E ( i+1,j-1)

Sl. 1. Masna bilanca za cono i, j

Fig. 1. Mass balance for zone i, j

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J. Likar - J. ^ade`: Alternativna metoda za dolo~evanje - Alternative Method for Determine

- emisija plina, Qijv - dotok zraka iz sosednjih con, Qiji volume of air from connected zones, Qiji - outgoing
- odtok zraka v sosednje cone, i,j - indeksi. volume of air to the connected zones, i,j - index.
Enaèbe koncentracij plinov, ki vstopajo ali The expression for the gas concentrations
izstopajo iz posamezne cone, so: that enters or leaves a zone:

C v ( t ) = Qv .C v ( t ) + Qiv+ 1, j .Civ+ 1, j ( t ) + Qiv, j - 1.Civ, j - 1 ( t ) + Qiv, j + 1.Civ, j + 1 ( t ) (2)

ij i - 1, j i - 1, j

Ciji ( t ) = Qii, j .Cii-1, j ( t ) + Qii, j .Cii+1, j ( t ) + Qii, j .Cii, j -1 ( t ) + Qii, j .Cii, j +1 ( t ) (3).

Sistem navadnih diferencialnih enaèb So, a set of ordinary differential equations

prvega reda je tako doloèen. Enaèbe je mogoèe rešiti is defined. These equations can be solved after
ob definiciji ustreznih robnih pogojev in poznavanju defining the boundary conditions and the airflow rate
pretoka zraka prek robov posamezne cone. for each zone.
Robni pogoji za posamezen element so The boundary condition for each element is
koncentracije plina v èasu niè (zaèetna koncentracija). simply the concentration of gas in each zone at time
Gibanje zraka skozi zaprt prostor je zero (initial concentration).
mogoèe doloèiti s programi, ki se uporabljajo za A numerical analysis of airflow movement
analize s podroèja dinamike tekoèin in slonijo na through enclosed underground structure was made
numeriènih metodah. V tem primeru je bil uporabljen calculated with the technique of computational fluid
program ANSYS (FLOTRAN), izraèun pa je bil dynamics or CDF (ANSYS, FLOTRAN). The simulation
napisan na Fakulteti za strojništvo v Ljubljani. was made at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in
Rezultat analize je polje hitrosti zraka, ki jih program Ljubljana. The result of the analysis is a field of air velocity,
izraèuna za ogljišèa vsakega elementa posebej. which can be calculated for the corners of each element.
Vektorji hitrosti so preneseni v program The velocity vectors for each corner were entered into
MATHEMATICA, v. 2.2, kjer je bila izraèunana the MATHEMATICA v. 2.2 program, where an average
povpreèna hitrost zraka prek robov vsakega velocity of airflow through the boundary lines of each
elementa. Pretok zraka prek robov elementov za zone was calculated. A volume of airflow for each zone
vsak element posebej je mogoèe doloèiti s can now be determined by knowing the average velocity
poznavanjem dolžine stranice vsakega elementa in and the length of the boundary line.
povpreène hitrosti zraka prek nje. The position and the volume of the fresh-
Lego vira svežega zraka je treba doloèiti v air source is determined by a numerical analysis of
numerièni analizi, pri izraèunu koncentracij pa je treba the air flow, while the position of the gas source and
doloèiti še lego vira plina in emisijo plina v posamezni the emission rate can be defined for each zone.
coni. The set of differential equations can only
Sistem diferencialnih enaèb ni analitièno be solved numerically and the result is the
rešljiv, ampak samo numerièno. Rezultat izraèuna je concentration of gas in each zone as a function of
koncentracija plina v vsaki coni v odvisnosti od èasa. time. However, solving a large set of equations
Za reševanje velikih sistemov diferencialnih enaèb requires special program equipment and for a long-
potrebujemo posebne programe in zmogljive term analysis a lot of time is needed. At present for a
raèunalnike. Za zdaj je za razumljivo manjše število reasonable number of zones, the concentration of
con mogoèe izraèunati koncentracijo plina za nekaj gas in each element can be calculated in a few minutes.
minut. Vsi izraèuni so bili opravljeni s programom All the calculations were executed with the
MATHEMATICA, v. 2.2. MATHEMATICA, v. 2.2 program.


Da bi lahko predstavili prednosti takšnega As an example a hypothetical calculation

postopka, je bil izveden hipotetièni izraèun, has been made to show the advantage of such an
Prostor smo razdelili na sto con approach to the problem.
(elementov) z enako površino, kakor je prikazano The space of the structure is divided into a
na sliki 2. Svež zrak prihaja v prostor v spodnjem hundred zones with equal shape (1 m2), which is
delu prostora, onesnažen zrak pa zapušèa prostor shown in Figure 2. Fresh air enters at the bottom left
v desnem zgornjem delu prostora. Hitrost zraka corner, and the exhausted air leaves the structure at
na vstopu in izstopu iz prostora je enaka in znaša the top right corner. The velocity of the incoming
1 m/s. Slika 3 prikazuje polje hitrosti kot rezultat fresh air and outgoing exhausted air is 1 m/s. Figure 3
izraèuna z raèunalniško dinamiko tekoèin. shows the air velocity field for such a model,
Predpostavili smo, da je zaèetna koncentracija calculated with CDF. The initial concentration of gas
plina v vseh conah enaka niè (robni pogoji). Vir is assumed to be zero. The source of the gas is placed

stran 194
J. Likar - J. ^ade`: Alternativna metoda za dolo~evanje - Alternative Method for Determine

Sl. 2. Prostor, razdeljen v 100 con z oznaèenimi Sl. 3. Polje hitrosti

legami dotoka svežega zraka in iztoka Fig. 3. Velocity field
onesnaženega zraka
Fig. 2. Shape of the space, divided into a hundred
of zones, with position of incoming fresh air and
outgoing exhaust

Sl. 4. Koncentracija plina po desetih sekundah Sl. 5. Koncentracija plina po tridesetih sekundah
Fig. 4. Concentration of gas after 10 seconds Fig. 5. Concentration of gas after 30 seconds

plina oz. onesnaženja se nahaja v spodnjem levem on the bottom left of the space, the emission rate is
prostoru in je oznaèen s križem, emisija pa znaša 0.4 l/s. A cross indicates the source of the pollution.
0,4 l/s. Koncentracija plina v odvisnosti od èasa je The concentration is measured in zones marked with
izraèunana v conah, ki so oznaèene s krogi na slikah circles in Figures 4,5 and 6. At this point the
4, 5 in 6. calculation can be executed.
Slike 4, 5 in 6 prikazujejo gibanje Figures 4,5 and 6 show the movement of the
onesnaženega zraka v èasu 10, 30 in 180 sekund po exhausted air through the space for 10, 30, and 180
zaèetku emisije plina. seconds after the gas source becomes active.
Koncentracije plina v conah v odvisnosti od The concentration in zones as a function of
èasa so prikazane na slikah od 7 do 11 in predstavljajo time is presented in Figures 7 to 11, which show an
poveèanje koncentracije plina za razliène dele prostora increasing gas concentration for different parts of
v odvisnosti od èasa. Koncentracije so prikazane v the space as a function of time. The concentration is
-6 -6
milijoninkah (ppm = 10 ). expressed in parts per million (ppm = 10 ).

stran 195
J. Likar - J. ^ade`: Alternativna metoda za dolo~evanje - Alternative Method for Determine

Sl. 6. Koncentracija plina po sto osemdesetih sekundah

Fig. 6. Concentration of gas after 180 seconds

Sl. 7. Koncentracija plina v coni (2,6) v Sl. 8. Koncentracija plina v coni (5,9) v
odvisnosti od èasa odvisnosti od èasa
Fig. 7. Concentration of gas in zone (2,6) as a Fig. 8. Concentration of gas in zone (5,9) as a
function of time function of time

Sl. 9. Koncentracija plina v coni (6,2) v Sl. 10. Koncentracija plina v coni (8,4) v
odvisnosti od èasa odvisnosti od èasa
Fig. 9. Concentration of gas in zone (6,2) as a Fig. 10. Concentration of gas in zone (8,4) as a
function of time function of time

Koncentracije v conah desno od vira The concentration in the zones close to the
plina in vira svežega zraka dosežejo velike source of the gas and the intake of fresh air indicates
vrednosti kmalu po zaèetku izraèuna. V drugih the high values of the concentration very soon after
conah, razen cone (9,8), se koncentracija zveèuje the calculation is started. In other zones, except zone
poèasneje. (9,8) concentrations increased slowly.
Cona (9,8) leži na “križišèu”, kjer je dotok Zone (9,8) lies at a “crossing“ where the rate
onesnaženega zraka v to cono veèji od iztoka. of the incoming polluted air is higher than the outgoing

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J. Likar - J. ^ade`: Alternativna metoda za dolo~evanje - Alternative Method for Determine

Sl. 11. Koncentracija plina v coni (9,8) v odvisnosti od èasa

Fig. 11. Concentration of gas in zone (9,8) as a function of time

Koncentracija v tem elementu je šest- ali sedemkrat from the present element. The concentration level in
veèja kakor v drugih conah. this zone is 6 or 7 times higher than in other zones.
Raven koncentracije plina oziroma It is clear that the increase in the
onesnaženja v posameznih delih prostora je zelo concentration depends strongly on the position of
odvisna od lege dovoda svežega zraka in lege the fresh-air intake and on the position of the gas
vira onesnaženja. Drugaèna ureditev, kakor je source. A different location of the incoming fresh air
prikazana v obravnavanem primeru, bi bistveno and outgoing polluted air would change the movement
spremenila gibanje zraka skozi prostor, kar lahko of air through space, which can decrease or increase
vpliva na uèinkovitost prezraèevanja. Lega vira the efficiency of the ventilation system. The position
onesnaženja in predel, kjer prezraèevanje ni of the source of the pollution in part of the space where
uèinkovito, bi povzroèila zelo velike lokalne the ventilation is not effective would lead to very high
koncentracije onesnaženja. local concentrations of polluted air or gas.


Tak postopek je mogoèe uporabiti v This approach can be used in special

posebnih primerih, pri katerih je potrebno boljše cases where more accurate results for the
poznavanje gibanja koncentracij v nekem prostoru. concentration of gases are required. It could be
Mogoèe ga je uporabiti pri gradnji prezraèevanja used in tunnels during the building phase to
predorov v fazi gradnje, ko je treba doloèiti mesta, determine zones with high concentrations of
kjer bi lahko nastajale velike koncentracije metana ali methane and other gases, and especially for
drugih plinov, še posebej pa za overitev uèinkovitosti verifying the effectiveness of the existing
sedanjega prezraèevalnega sistema. Poleg tega je ventilation system. In addition, this approach can
tak postopek mogoèe uporabiti tudi pri also be used during dimensioning and verification
dimenzioniranju in preverjanju uèinkovitosti of a ventilation system for enclosed structures
prezraèevalnega sistema v zaprtih prostorih, kjer where the source of the pollution exists.
obstajajo viri onesnaženja. The concentrations can be calculated as
Koncentracije v posameznih conah je a function of real time, so the time during which
mogoèe izraèunati v odvisnosti od èasa in tako doloèiti the concentration in the examined zone becomes
èas, v katerem bi v posameznih delih prostora prišlo critical can be determined, or alternatively, critical
do kritiènih koncentracij oziroma dele prostora, kjer zones in which sensors should be installed can be
bi bilo treba vgraditi zaznavala. specified.


[1] Chow, W.K. (1995) On ventilation design for underground car parks, Tunnelling and underground space
technology 10,225-245.
[2] Ross Clay, C. (1995) Differential equations, An introduction with Mathematica, Springer-Verlag, New York,
[3] Wolfram, S. (1995) Mathematica handbook, Second edition, Addison-Wesley publishing company, New
York, USA.

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J. Likar - J. ^ade`: Alternativna metoda za dolo~evanje - Alternative Method for Determine

[4] Bahder, T. B. (1995) Mathematica for scientists and engineers, Addison-Wesley publishing company, Reading,
[5] Crommelin,R.D. and F. Burings (1988) Validation of a multi-cell theoretical model for the prediction of air
temperatures and pollution concentrations by measurements in an industrial hall. Ventilation 1988;
Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Ventilation for Contaminant Control, London,

Naslov avtorjev: dr. Jakob Likar Authors’ Address: Dr. Jakob Likar
Jure Èadež Jure Èadež
Inštitut za rudarstvo, Institute for mining, environment
geotehnologijo in okolje and geotechnology
Slovenèeva 93 Slovenèeva 93
1000 Ljubljana 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia

Prejeto: Sprejeto:
Received: 30.11.2000 Accepted: 27.6.2001

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